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You never used to make me nervous.
You didn't have the capability to do so.

I was so INLOVE with you
So infatuated with your presence.

Now you're gone...

Every time we talk, i get nervous.
Scared i might say the wrong thing
And you'll just end the conversation...

When I'm with you, I get nervous.
If i make the wrong move, you'll look at me with confusion & disgust...

When i touch you, I get nervous.
Afraid my lips might contact yours &
You'll push me away...

We aren't together.
And now
You have the capability
To make
Me nervous...
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Alyanne Cooper
When you get tired
Of roaming the earth,
Will my name be on your lips
As you recall the sweet memory
Of strawberry wine and rose hips
Perfume in the air
You breathed under the stars with me
On the night you told me you loved me,
You wanted to grow old with me
But first you had to go see the world?

Have you seen enough?
Climbed enough mountains?
Sailed enough seas?
*Are you ready to come home to me?
It’s like, when
She’s gone,
My world
turns dark,

Isn’t a
Reason to
Stay up
Any longer.

Now there’s
No reason to
Make my bed
Without her
To keep
Me warm-

No reason
To prepare
For sleep
For I am

For without
There is
No reason
To stay
 Jun 2014 Farnok
A K Krueger
Driving slow, late at night,
in the 3 AM rain.
It happened suddenly;
"Pit, pat, pit, pat",
it spattered lightly on my windshield.
I should have smelled it coming, I thought;
I usually always do.
This I conclude as I make my random rounds,
through the place we call "our town",
that I must be more distracted
than I initially thought.
As I take in the sound gratefully,
(not as familiar to me in the midst of a Summer season)
I bathe in the Afterglow
without any particular reason.
It then occurred to me that it has been years
since I listened to slow music without fear of tears.
I don't know...
Some tell me the rain makes them sad.
For me, somehow,
it makes me feel safe.
The sound is a comfort,
the smell is a comfort,
the sight is a beautiful thing,
a miracle, if you will.
That we can somehow be cleansed
by the laws of nature, by the heavens above,
without asking... Doesn't it leave you in awe?
I am not afraid of the weather.
I long for all of it.
Because, I don't see sadness in the falling water.
In it, I don't see fear of what is to come,
or what has been.
I see nothing, for the rain encompasses all,
and locks me in the moment with it.
I feel everything warm, for it perfectly juxtaposes
all that is soft and well.
We can feel beauty without fear.
We can feel pain without consequence.
It holds me like an embrace from a father,
and reminds me that I am, in fact, Here,
and all is, in fact, Now.

Yes, I feel eternity in the rain.
One day people will touch and talk perhaps
And loving be natural as breathing and warm as
And people will untie themselves, as string is unknotted,
Unfold and yawn and stretch and spread their fingers,
Unfurl, uncurl like seaweed returned to the sea,
And work will be simple and swift
as a seagull flying,
And play will be casual and quiet
as a seagull settling,
And the clocks will stop, and no one will wonder
or care or notice,
And people will smile without reason,
Even in winter, even in the rain.
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Katy Owens
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Katy Owens
I am
     the only wall you will ever need

                                                    Stop hiding
                                                   Stop fighting
                             against the wrongs you have committed
                               things you wish could remain hidden

Shame is just a mask
Guilt a hidden dagger
         stabbing you again and again
                   never letting you get better

The beauty of grace
is you don't have to be afraid
Mercy new every morning
I've taken your cloak of shame

                                        You can hide behind me
                                    because grace is an ocean and
                                   I've already stopped the storm

When everyone says,
                               "be perfect"
My outstretched arms say,
                               "I already am"

When you hide behind a wall
a construct of your own two hands
You limit a grace that is greater

           Shut everyone out
                           box yourself in

It's not about what you can do
                                         It's about what I've done  

I'm tearing down your walls
because I'm the only one
you need
grace, walls, perfection, ocean, storm, life, shame, mercy, morning
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Winter Silk
here I am, helpless
caught in an infinite triangle
of love, dangerous love

helping a good friend,
reach for the heart of a girl
that I search for too

stuck in the bottom
lost in the cell of my mind
my soul wandering

I've had enough of this
I'm not your low stepping stone,
I'll do this myself

And if I fail there,
At least I can say I tried,
to win Isabelle's heart.
A friend sent me this to tell me what a rough time he was having.
It would be much appreciated if you could show him some love and support. It means a lot!
oh mah goodness this became trending
thank you!
My friend seems to be getting out of his
"trough of a wave"
so yeah!
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Ariel Knowels
Poetry is about what is said
And what is implied

Implying is known for its subtle
Body gestures or vague sentences

Syntax and diction often control
The reader's persepctive

how can I control what other's think

Is it colorful word choice

Am I accurate in assuming that
With a simple

and repeat of word
I can cause someone to think otherwise?

Is it crazy that I control
the beat
in time
with a

My dear I seem to have you under a spell
Can I tell you something

I'm not falling for you
I am in fact

Or for a better word

Afloat with you
Enjoying the water

And maybe
at some point
In some time

I will be ****** in
Drowned in your bliss
Penetrated by your words
Enraptured by your touch

Poetry is for mad people
With nothing better to do than to scrawl out their words with a pen nearby or a ***** keyboard that sounds more atrocious than the screaming of a fish

Poetry is the only way I can say my feelings
and if it's confusing

I'm sorry
I'm also confused

Maybe your love won't be drowning
and for once

It will feel like flying
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Wellan Xi
"Quick! Hide! The grown-ups are coming to get us!"
"It's okay! Eat a peach! It turns you invisible! ...See?"
"No. I don't see."
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