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 Jun 2014 Farnok
Andrew Durst
I was told to
          But you wouldn't
      have cared if
      my words
You only needed
      me to
make yourself
Wrote this last month (5, 9, 2014)
 Jun 2014 Farnok
A C Leuavacant
It's a long journey all in all
Especially when you have to crawl
Under knots of trees
past the honey bees
Or just the job
of staying on that wooden road
When it's so fast to erode

And when we go into the marsh
We can't move our feet
Stuck in the mud
But still it makes us complete
we still have the memories
And more friends than enemies
Especially as we run
And when it's begun
A good feeling
When we run through the forest
No, I am not a conformist
Just a soul living in the moment
Not a criminal
Not a sceptic or a poet
So let's relax

I will waste no more time
Worrying about that crime
It's really quite a silly thing
To do  
And I know what I mean
Believe me
I know it may seem
Like a hopeless cause
Full of holes and flaws
But just remember  
In the sea of happiness
The only drop of tear
Is the one that you yourself
Did Make appear.
Kind of attempt at a new style
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Two Magpies
 Jun 2014 Farnok
A brilliant blaze high in the sky
banishing the shy clouds away
revealing the purest of hues, a bright blue.

A single magpie flies nearby
I wish it didn't stay
as one for sorrow is very true

I suspected the sky to suddenly cry
for nature to obey, ruining my day
receiving the misery due

Instead the sun refused to comply
the single magpie it did disobey
And a second magpie came, as if on cue

With two magpie it did imply
what a joy will be today
Two are rarely a rue

To quick was I to jump to the negative
presuming the worst, my fatal imperative

Because when they go to fly
My happiness won't die

I don't need to anchor my well being on what I see
Cause all I need to enjoy life is me

I watch the two magpies now with amusement
soaking in this wondrous moment
 Jun 2014 Farnok
A C Leuavacant
Inside of my head
Where Doubt turns to dread
Where the spiders do crawl
around my brain they thread
Their seeds of desire
An infinite fire
Like Orpheus' song
Plucked out on a lyre

When it's my own fear
Dark figures appear
As it hits twenty one  
closing in at the rear
And it's really not fair
That I still have to care
When the trust that I had
Seems so dead in the air

But then on top of that *****
Is a small glint of hope
When the early set suns
Through my telescope
And often I find
My own ****** up kind
In the warm solstice air    
Trapped dead in my mind
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Joe Cole
On this day 70 years ago they stormed across the sand
Boys of many nations to remove the tyrants hand
Heros all those boys so young who shed their blood for us
In that ****** fight for freedom

Across the sand they struggled neath a hail of shot and shell
Never glancing backwards as around them comrades fell
Fear was in their eyes, terror in their hearts
Many never made it and twas on foreign sand they died

Yes they died to give us the freedom that we have got this day
They died to free the world, for us they made the play
Boys from ever walk of life crossed the beaches there
Office clerks and farmers and the ones who cut our hair

Yes they were heroes all who gave their lives for us
But lets not forget the few who made it possible
The girls who made the shells, the men who built the tanks
They were the unsung heroes
They have also have earned our thanks

Without their dedication to the task they had in hand
Many more would have lost their lives on that shell torn blood stained sand
They to can hold their heads up high, they knew they did their bit
In bringing freedom to the masses when they broke the tyrants grip
Afternote... nearly all 4,400 allied soldiers died on those beaches 70 years ago today
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Muggle Ginger
Love like the sun
Loves the earth
Ever since they met
They dance every day

The sun makes the earth
Look on the brighter side
The earth gives the sun
A reason to wake up

Love like the earth
Loves the sun
Because the earth isn’t distracted
By the stars and the moon
 Jun 2014 Farnok
cosmo naught
Here we go again
with the delusion that the end
will justify our means.
We don't need to change
if our conscience is clean.

Absolutely apathetic:
Do nothing and you can't regret it.
A waste of time of yours and mine,
you realize, but you don't get it.
Absolute absurdity,
the lengths I'll go so nothing hurts me,
the things I know that should concern me,
but I just can't seem to care.
What's it matter when we're going nowhere?

There can't be a new beginning
when everything revolves around losing and winning;
it's more like time that gets away.
While my head is spinning
you try to hold my hand,
and, though my words are fitting,
you don't seem to understand.

Absolutely apathetic:
Do nothing and you can't regret it.
A waste of time of yours and mine,
you realize, but you don't get it.
Absolute absurdity,
the lengths I'll go so nothing hurts me,
the things I know that should concern me,
but I just can't seem to care.
What's it matter when we're going nowhere?

What are we doing anyway?
I started this morning just like yesterday,
but the world is full of lies and pitfalls,
greedy hands and worried phone calls.
I'd rather build my hell
and paint the walls.

So let's do nothing!
I don't wanna do a ******* thing.

We're proud and we're stoic,
but we pretend like we don't notice.
Life's too short to lose your focus,
or you'll end up losing your way
and start the same tomorrow as you did today.

Let's do nothing!
New song coming along.
 Jun 2014 Farnok
Andrew Durst
I don't care
what your
intentions or
may be.

At this point,

I no longer
want to be
a part
of your
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