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Josephine Jun 2014
Replaying that moment in my head
Our first kiss
I was so numb
I couldn't feel a ******* thing
I laid back and closed my eyes
My body so weak
You wrapped your arm around me
The only safety I had felt in a long while
You were wine drunk
I could taste the alcohol on your tongue
I now remeber how I felt;
Pathetic, ever so young
I loved the scent of your skin
You smelt like home after a long day at work
You were my home
My resting place
I'm homeless now
You dug my grave
I'm six feet under and you don't even give a ****
I'm so ******* homesick
  Jun 2014 Josephine
Diamond Johnson
You make me wanna cry
but the tears wont come
Josephine Jun 2014
Maybe you're afraid you're dying
Maybe we're all lying
Sometimes I think I'm well but then I return to my same ******* hell
I created this hell in my bones
I can only escape for short moments in time
Now all I can think about is my death
And your name exiting my mouth with my last breath
  May 2014 Josephine
Nathaniel Harley
Pretty girl starts the year not knowing what to do
Pretty she may be,
Yet she doesn't have a clue
Pretty girl, though shy she feels okay,
With a smile, she makes it through her first day.

Months go by, time doesn't stop,
She finds her way to the top.
No longer shy, loved by all
Such a shame to see her fall.

It starts on a day like any other
This time pretty girl disobeys her mother.
She lies to her, sneaks out at night,
And finds herself neath pale moonlight.

She meets new faces she hasn't seen before,
New they may be yet they influence her.
Taking their word that everything is alright,
She doesn't scream, doesn't cry, she doesn't even fight.

She takes everything they give her
With a smile on her face
Now pretty girl doesn't see the mistakes that she makes.

No longer perfect, she is undone
Bags under eyes, yet she still has her fun.
Her parents notice, her friends do too,
She tells them "leave me alone, its nothing to you!"

She runs away from school and from home,
She is feeling scared, pretty girl is alone.
Walking the streets every night and day,
Selling her love thinking everything's okay.

Tears in her eyes, a man by her side,
Beer in hand,
Packets of ******* she tries to hide.

This wasn't what she wanted from life,
Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out the knife.
She's had enough, she slits her wrists and falls to the floor,
Closing her eyes with her last breath, pretty girl no more.
So yeah my first poem not sure if it's good or not :3
  May 2014 Josephine
All I need is pen and paper
To calm  myself,
Let all my emotions out

I let the words flow out freely
As I shut myself from the world,
From the inevitable reality

I never found any means of escape
Nowhere to run to
Nowhere to hide

So stuck in paranoia
Until I found poetry
Finally, an escape from reality

Since then, I felt more alive
More free
Happier than I'll ever be

I'm glad to have found this route-
Every poet's sweet escape.
Josephine May 2014
Just another girl
Thought she'd never hold the world
Mildly inasane, very plain
The lion (my lover) broke me from my pack
I never wanted to look back
He was my all
I finally held the world, a lion, a king (him)
But I wasn't his queen for long
His heart was occupied with thoughts of his previous lover
The night he left I became stressed, deeply depressed
Couldn't stop crying long enough to get dressed
I was just the wounded
The weak
I had nothing yet gave you my everything
I am nothing without him
A queen is nothing without her king
Failure to re-establish a throne (Sam)
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