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 Jan 2016 Not Listed
I wonder how you'll react when you find out what I've done
you won't be able to hit me or scold me because, I'll be gone.
But will you cry? Will you feel ashamed? Will you wonder why?
I don't think that you should, because now I'll no longer cry.

So don't ask why,
don't you dare cry...
Please, don't be too upset
I'm getting away from here
and with no regrets.
 Sep 2015 Not Listed
A dead man once told me to open my mind to the pretend "fore soon they become real."
He told me to open my heart to the forgotten "fore they too have an appeal."

Upon the ghostly white face of that dead man, eyes of pure gold,
His white body stood tall and lanky, the touch of dead flesh grew cold.

I opened my mind and began to see clear reality,
My heart opened wide to find those forgotten knew the truth of actuality.

I asked him why he blessed me with this knowledge, wishing me off so well,
He told me how he had not know, causing him to fall to a death more unpleasant than Hell.

That somber dead man then fled to his grave,
Just as he vanished he whispered "Be brave."

I pass on this event to tell you all,
Open your mind and heart or soon you too shall fall.*

 Sep 2015 Not Listed
Heliza Rose
I have never known a chest could feel this heavy
Did stones embed themselves within last night?
Was I in too deep of slumber to realise I was sinking to the deepest of seas?
I had not noticed that my toes were slowly weathering away until all I had left were my knees
I had not bothered or even dared to pay close enough attention to the fact my arms too were slowly disappearing
Parts of me blowing across the wind to a place I will never know
But this wind need not have come in if you had not opened the door
 Sep 2015 Not Listed
♦   ♦   ♦

She was an earnest devotée.
Her ideals, birthed in Chardonnay
were globally diverse (read: white).
A liberal bark preceded bite.
Her crystal clearer than her vision;
she provoked bemused derision
as she breathed intolerance
toward all who would not dance her dance.
She swooned for distant pagan tribes,
attuned to their exotic vibes –
rapt in multi-culti piety
strangely deaf to her own society,
judged by her as abomination;
unredeemed. The background station
always stuck on N.P.R.
(the soundtrack of her culture war,
Pacifica News and Democracy Nows,
and other progressive holy cows)
Her motherland a shameful mystery:
guilty first, and void of history –
its origins defiled, corrupted…
while she enjoyed uninterrupted
freedom to pursue her whims:
misguided one-world global hymns.
The sisterhood of hu(man) kind
was foremost in her earnest mind –
even should that same sisterhood
be sealed by her well-meaning blood.
Out on a date with global death
she hoped to unify the earth
in solidarity with causes
led by killers, warlord bosses,
thugs she never knew existed
who, if she’d met she’d have resisted.
Her theory landed far from her praxis
spun, by default, on an evil axis.
Hot with zeal she fumed and stormed
quite certain she was well-informed,
at benefits, non-profit functions
rallies, boycotts, left-wing luncheons;
warm with righteous spite for Israel,
aiding and abetting Ishmael
with fellow-travelers, like-minded
similarly hateful, blinded,
rattling sabers, scimitars, axes…
(lunacy never wanes, but waxes
hotter with the passing years
as activists confront their fears).
She finally shilled for the Intifada
(stopping short of reciting Shahada),
reaching out to the terrorist
with righteous raised progressive fist…
offering thus her neck to blade:
collateral to be repaid
by murderers who couldn’t care less
about her open-mindedness.
 Sep 2015 Not Listed
(My) Dear(est) Romeo,
I pray that hopefully, right now, you’re living peacefully and doing your best in everything. Truthfully, I wish that we could meet sooner, maybe around this week or on my birthday, or perhaps on a memorable date like Christmas or New Year’s Day. I can’t wait to see you and spend time with you, going on cheesy dates where we exchange lame puns, go on food and road trips, play sports and camp under the stars. I beg of you not to kiss any girl before we meet because I am saving myself for you, besides the fact that I am an envious and possessive person, so please be careful unless you want to end up in my collection of bitter poems. Right now and in the future, you must know that you and our future are the inspiration to why I do my best in everything I do, and I hope it goes the same for you. Please understand when it comes to the time that my career in the future will consume most of my attention, and I’ll understand your priorities as well, so don’t get mad when we ignore each other for a while—it will be good because the distance will remind us how much we miss each other. I hope you seek God the way I seek Him and believe that He would connect our threads one day, in His time. I know there are so many questions you ask and answers you want to know, but please remember to live one day at a time and at its fullest. Enjoy what’s around you at this moment—when the time comes that we meet, I promise to cherish every moment we’ll have together. But for now, let us live well and follow God’s will for us, so I’ll be seeing you soon.
Yours truly,
(Your) Juliet
This letter is a required assignment for my "Sociology: marriage and family" course. I enjoyed writing this, and everything in there is totally what i would write and send to my sweetheart. (*** i feel so old but vintage when i call someone sweetheart haha)
I can't imagine someone else making you laugh, taking you to places you love, texting you day and night, giving you flowers and chocolates you like. I can't imagine someone else filling my position, my love. Someone who is better than me. I can't imagine losing you. I can't stand it. I can't let you go now. Please, stay? I love you.
Be warned that should I ever get another chance to hold you close & call you mine, I’m never letting you go! If heaven forbid death should release me from my marriage you’re the only other person who’s wife I could be. You’ll never know just how much you mean to me, how much I am yours, how badly I want to give you the life you want with me, how badly I wish it was your last name at the end of my last name. Your hands are the only hands I crave on my body, the only naked body I want pressed against my own. It was never supposed to come to this, us meaning this much to each other, being this in love with one another. Now what am I just supposed to pretend it would have never work out with us, that once again I’m the one more in love, that you would have grown tired of me, anything just to face this cruel life without you. it was never fair to learn of your existence when I could never have you till death. However this works out, I promise to love you till the end of me.
 Sep 2015 Not Listed
despite all those new hairstyles and haircuts
to make yourself forget about him and move on
girl, you can never change it to the way you want life to be
or cut him out from your life
and up to now, you have always been my reason why i started writing poetry
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