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 Jun 2020 Ale
Rapid warming bursts open his polluted lungs
Flies and maggots spill while wilted flowers have sprung
Sickly eyes and perverted form
Chaos and death revel in the man-made storm

Tears pull at the corners of my mouth
With his misery, we can both drown
He wants the sinners of this world to burn
This is a lesson I've yet to learn

Mourning with blue irises in my hand
A cold silent distance between where he and I stand
If I move an inch closer, I will have to overcome my fear
That it is of little matter that I care

My throat grows tight, dry of words to say
I watch our friendship slowly decay
Secretly I make a wish, my selfishness arising
To say I wanted to meet him, well, I'd be lying
im your friend.
but it isn't good enough.
 Jun 2020 Ale
your sun
 Jun 2020 Ale
in your solar system
I am at the center
you weigh down the universe
with your unsolvable planetary problems
destructive asteroids
and uninhabitable mindsets

you let my rays envelop you
but heed my touch
and it becomes night
when my compassion is too much

in your solar system
I am dying out
you limit me of hydrogen
and empty my reserves of love
until I am unstable enough
to take you out
i suppose its about a toxic relationship where the victim becomes filled with hate.
 Jun 2020 Ale
Unpolished Ink
Writers and Poets

We knights of broken sleep

Are we masters?

Or servants?

Foot soldiers

Willing slaves to the word
 Jun 2020 Ale
the flower in the vase,
you gave it beams of innocence
and poured drops of affection.
but when all is done, when all is said
you did not stop the flower from its death

and you'll never understand
the way it that it wilts
the way it wants to stay there...
inspired by a quote "the flower in the vase smiles but no longer laughs"

also based on my personal experiences

its not that good I just felt bad
and I needed to stop thinking about something
 Jun 2020 Ale
 Jun 2020 Ale
in the green sea
I see hints of a city
where wind is the great giver
and the bugs are the only residents

enter the void and leave your memories
to the clouds and the puffy flowers
let all bricks fall
-take a breath-
let all rails rust
-breath out-
let all be gone
to be alive again
 Jun 2020 Ale
Not everyday will be sunshine’s and  rainbows , but having patience and keeping a positive outlook will give light to the gloomiest of days.
 Jun 2020 Ale
The ribbon of our lives
tied by our emotions.
Just like
interlaced fingers.
Eternal, just like
my emotions for you.
Unrequited affection.
Never satisfied.
Thirsty for more,
but never attainable.
Some of these poems have no titles. Also as per usual, the images have no reference to the poems, any relation is creation of your own design. They're old poems I found from high school - college. They're mostly terrible but I don't like keeping the old papers. So.. here. © 9 minutes ago
 Jun 2020 Ale
Yellow Earth
 Jun 2020 Ale
A *******’s son, born in the Five Grains Field
he first learned to crawl on the yellow earth
where mint and sorghum thrived side by side
then he learned to walk on ancient dikes
learned to run among wild southern geese
he learned to rein his granduncle's mule
       (it leads him through those trackless fields)
But he always loved running on millet stalks
       (when grass bends under his weight) and
through and through the mountains until
his feet scraped by uneven stones until
they bleed through the earth he stumps until
his mother lured him with supper's warmth:
        —until life was siphoned by rattles and snarls
of brutish machines and a confusing tongue
and men chanting to the flags of the Rising Sun
"One question is all I ask, lusterless swain,
where do the men sleep when the sun sets?"
No words were spoken, and no more shall
when the bayonet pierced between his lips
—a soft tongue dropped with untethered flesh
When invaders aimed at his thatched hut
—where he first cried and searched for his father
where his grandfather died and his mother born—
he turned around and ran (no matter shelling
or the swooshing bullets- nor the callous fire!)
to find that old mule brayed for his master
they ran into the sorghums, the blue mist--
vanished in silence and mint's vinous scent
I never learned that child who loved running
was also me: in ten-thousand kinds of winds
that blew through the endless yellow earth
my great grandmother's mother loved a bandit
and gave him a place by her bedside hearth
Many years later a swain will roam the same fields
to see that unmarked grave, and blossoming sorghums.
I think there is an inherently surreal aspect to all family stories: they are the product of history, but often are buried away as time goes on. This one is inspired by that sense of surrealism, and inevitably the works of Mo Yan
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