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 Nov 2018 Anya
Mary Frances
I've long lost mine.
The reason my pen's cold
and my paper's crumpled.

Days become dry,
hours, boring.
Poems are unfinished,
and my motivation's running low.

My mind's starting to rust.
My heart, insensitive.
Eyes are tired.
Voice, hoarse.

I need help.
Please bring it back,
even just a drop
of the inspiration I lack.
I've been bored, tired and demotivated for the past few days. I don't know how it started. I feel so unproductive. I really just want to sleep.
 Oct 2018 Anya
i like seeing people when they're sleepy.
completely real
unfiltered humans,
yawning in their baggy nightclothes,
worn blankets wrapped like shawls,
and soft smiles
as they claim they aren't exhausted,
their eyes are just tired.
their low mumbling gives them away every time, though.

people are wondrously beautiful in a
natural, peaceful state.
hey you, you know who you are, i love seeing you sleepy but you should get some rest. sleep is good for you. i love you a latte. go to bed. <3
 Oct 2018 Anya
Grace Spellman
i guess
i’ll love you
the way the sun
loves the moon
and you
will love me
the way the grass
loves the trees
perfectly in synch
but just a little too different
to ever truly
i think the love of your life and “the right one” are two different people
 Oct 2018 Anya
i am traces of my mother
i have the power
to move mountains
and create new life

with each kiss
she gave me
seeds were planted
she told me that
flowers go with green

for we both have
green eyes of envy
don't let it control you
my dear

for green eyes can be
filled with jealousy
and hate
alluring but dangerous

allow these flowers
to keep you humble
she says
remember who you are
 Oct 2018 Anya
Ciel Noir
 Oct 2018 Anya
Ciel Noir
I sit in a pew
And someone tells me what to do
I sit in silence
And try to drown out all the violence
Do not be afraid
If you believe you will be saved
I bow my head and smile
I haven't believed in God for a long time
I wrote the last two lines in a dream.
 Oct 2018 Anya
Erin Johnson
I fall to fast,
Crash to hard,
Forgive to easily,
And care to much
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