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Aug 2020 · 135
Free Fall
Dennis Hernandez Aug 2020
Free fall

Winds slice

The angel that descends

The astronaut come-home

The parachute nosedive

A naked soul

That remains only

In no mans land
May 2020 · 144
Dennis Hernandez May 2020
The silence floods the stream of consciousness

Tiny bubbles wash up sea foam

Into an ocean of nothingness where poet

Alone and at peace from adornment

Swims in their own faith.

It enters their eyes

Down to their bones

Vast, with no direction.

Ocean’s waves approach

Selling stories of past voyages

While poet empty’s their travels

Into faith

Hoping that one day

They’ll meet the sun.
May 2020 · 145
The Bottle says nothing
Dennis Hernandez May 2020
The bottle says nothing

Just fills with emptiness,

An emptiness it will never understand.

The echoes receding to

Their century

Though never centered.

It is who am I,

It is who I am.
Dennis Hernandez May 2020
These condolences

Are house paintings

Oil brushed and

Hung on the wall

Of a burning


Set aflame.

On a wooden cross

Slow embers



If there is reincarnation

It is in the weight  

Of the bones

Where snow readies a

May 2020 · 139
When the Words Will Reach
Dennis Hernandez May 2020
When the words will reach,

Will speak,

What voice will ring?

The voice of the hidden

Who dedicate themselves

To hiding in plain sight

Making their home

In other people,

Their lives

Of other lives.

The voice of the warhead

Who battles for pride


No one is proud

Nor the victor


But held with self-doubt.

The voice of the mute -

Selective of course.

Reminding others that the

Silence they bare

Seeks to scold them.

The voice of the  

Starving child, overfed

With humility. The one

Whose nibbles were not enough

To break the chains round  

His ankles, rather those

Pearly whites of his, once

Replaced by yellow commodities.

The voice of the Concubine

Whose lust has been traded for more lust

Whose dresswear daily resembles

Peace by piece, bit and bit,

Her master, whose love of himself

So great, he seeks himself in her.

The voice of the somnambulist

Who is weary of dance

And game.

Who if awoken

In the middle of his act

Will not know it.
May 2020 · 143
Won’t You Stay (Still)?
Dennis Hernandez May 2020
Lying empty  

In this pile of rocks

The soul

Pounds up the rocks,

Not yet disgracing

The sun’s embrace,

Shortly preceding  

the downbeat of Life.

What distance is


From boiling blood?

Whose verdict

Made me

To spill

And to stain

The victim’s grasp?
Mar 2020 · 158
Night Gobbles
Dennis Hernandez Mar 2020
The night gobbles
My mind
Convincing me of
Who cannot be fiend,
But how can they not?
They that stare from windows
They lying in open discussion
With legs spread apart
They whence
Committing crimes.

At dawn we eavesdrop
On bedroom secrets,
Someone's prayers
As they kneel.

There is longing
In the caressing of sheets
Viewing dim light

Wood creaks
Another has
Left with
Your silence.
Mar 2020 · 254
Tabula Rasa
Dennis Hernandez Mar 2020
We build empty temples
Called Individuals,
Relation bondages that though not accessed,
Still access you and build your temples

False fallible structures
That hold this concept in space,
But we cannot find
Place here
So we create
In art

What’s more
We are
Each of us becoming
The lives
We live

Self is only
The extension of this poem.
Mar 2020 · 186
Here We Are Again
Dennis Hernandez Mar 2020
Here we are again

The war it’s always been

And though we’ve always tried

Though we’ve always sinned

We’ll come back alive.

We’ll be back to win.

Well here we are again

A battle for pride

Through which

No one is proud

Nor the victor


But held with self-doubt.

And here we are again

The war it’ll always be

I’m getting tired now

Flesh and bone you’ll see

Oh so tired now

Don’t be thin as me.

Cause here we are again

The day that wouldn’t end

Said ‘You’ll come back to life’

‘You’ll come back as kin.’
Feb 2020 · 164
Happy Accidents
Dennis Hernandez Feb 2020
For reasons

More obvious than love

There’s a beauty

To forgetfulness

As we fuss

Infinity now.

That at any moment

Someone might

Call my bluff

There’s a beauty

To forgetfulness.

For man gets caught up

In his existence

But it is enough for

Man to be  


‘I exist too.’

There’s a beauty

To forgetfulness

But you didn’t

Call my bluff

And neither will

Dennis Hernandez Feb 2020
Faces implode
And erode as
Tongues slither
From wall to wall,
Hall to hall,
Draining and draining
With nothing to prove,
Only commanding
In a secret language
That you pour all yourself
Into it.
Dennis Hernandez Feb 2020
To devote one’s words to the eyes of another
Is to devote one’s thoughts to the mind of no other,
For, in my mouth and out yours,
The words are all there,
But the thoughts none.

And everyone thinks
That everyone thinks
That anyone thinks
At all.

We fail to attend to our own thoughts,
Only the thoughts of those others,
Who have the thoughts of none.

United in silence,
Who really has won?
The placement of thoughts
Jan 2020 · 128
Talking Stories
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
Some Talking Stories
Hold a face
That tells
A story
With no words.
These Talking Stories,
Some longer than others, Sum to another,
Attached somewhere
On a Self.

Everyone knows
A different
Sum of
That is, all
That is, oneself.

The Self
Is a Foreign Invader
To a homeland
Guarded with
Tiny Heroes
With huge egos.

Each of them
Armed with a
Burning desire
To be.
One Ego
That all
Subsequent Selves
Participate in
Called We.
Jan 2020 · 135
Sprout Your Wings
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
Sprout your wings
They’re a sky,
A guise that
Holds you down.

(Words are only weighed and written
To carry our attention,
Else like the paper
We would fly away.)

Some Hummingbird
Humming its say;

All the poetry is up for grabs,
Only a translation from
Thin air to modern day.

And soon the condolences to
the skies
Will stop,
And as there is none for me,
Soon there will be no hum for the wind.

As if to simply
Acknowledge our presence
I flew by.

Looking through the window,
I saw him lying there
In his coffin.
Dressed to impress
Royal fools and vermin
In disguise.

We are scavengers
Picketing at dead religion,
Eating what is left -
We are left.

Niche-nest negated,
I will make a nest
Of my heart.
I will steal the spider's web
Whose absence is dismissed
Whose silence is understood
Whose presence is disagreeable.
And one day birds will fly
And lay their eggs in yours.

These hummers will fly blindly and without direction,
And though they'll find another nest,
Save the nest that is
This poem.
Jan 2020 · 251
The Face
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
The face
That says it all
But gives nothing,
That went to hell,
But didn’t come back,
Knows all languages
But speaks none,
Traveled all depths -
Not once in motion,
Sees right through you
But needs no eyes.

Puffing and puffing
The cigarette is delighted,
Youth burnt off
The face.
Jan 2020 · 164
A Narrative
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
The decaying voices
Of a prospering city
Cough up nuggets
They then spit
At the ring fingers
Of confrontations
Not yet met with love
But with lust.

A narrative
Told all at once
By everyone
To no one.

The old
Life on a dead
Who keeps
Throwing a look
At me
Bleeds through
And I
Can only hope
Our eyes
Do not mirror.

A cheap cigar
That claimed your throat,
Held you by the finger tips
The way the bank clerk
Held the pen
For your disapproval.
Your unsuccessful
Yet prompt
Promotion of being.

Of a swayed
Sway us no more.
Jan 2020 · 103
Jan 2020 · 160
We Hold Poems
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
We hold poems
Like tiny hands,
Reaching up to pull God down,
One hand after the other,
Glorifying our existence
By shaming our downfall.

Yet, these hands do not see the hand that
The hand that points outward within,
The hand whose mercy
Must be fear,
Putting us in our place
As definite and temporal,
As the scrubbers of his golden feet,
Shinier with each polishing.

Trembling before him
I tug at his robe
Begging him not to let me fall,
For surely at this height I will fall straight
Jan 2020 · 168
The Movement of the Mouth
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
And to think the word that left us

Was ever our own, ever ours, it becomes.

Words grip the iron teeth

What mawkish

We caress,

Projecting enmity

On false enemies.

The movement of the mouth

Makes no ideas

But the air speaks

To shut us up.

My breath

Smudged in writing

Lies dying

On a paper

And of this Dwindling

Fluid in escape,

Evaporating into the

Wind of our breath,

The breath of our word,

A word is not yet spoken,

For it forever dwindles.
Jan 2020 · 162
The Enemy's Name
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
Not some single figurine, some deity,
Not a constant, but personalities -
Building character unto this display.
A display which at any point may contain
Agents of democracy, agents of duty.
Patrons of lore,
Willed sacrifice, shameful enterprise

The possibilities, never outcomes nor complete,
The regrets and the hopes – short precedence.
Hungry for more, a bitter taste,
The bit between my teeth
That I cannot remove.
The celebrated in silence,
The onlooker once looked on.

The transgression vivid
Septic and Skeptic,
A reference to nothing,
A vision in memory.
Seer who seeks

My body
My ghost
Are fighting
My soul.

A clinging cycle
Between the sounds,
Death and despair,
Fonds the armor.
Like a secret
That does not yet exist.
Like temptation
who's buried six feet.

And who am I?
This public protection
Against a native affair
Reflected across waters?

A mere escapee,
Who once fought on
The front,
Until I stole
The enemy’s name
Whose last murmur was
An exploration of what makes a self.
Jan 2020 · 137
The Beauty of Strangers
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
There are tongues
That speak to us more
Sincerely and closely
Than ever could one’s mother,
Than ever dared our brethren
Among us.
There are signed confessions brought forth
One can only make out
To a stranger,
Determined secrets revealed
Without our knowing,
While attaining from them
A self they will never meet.

There are jaded glances
That replenish us anew,
Hold us still and
Challenge our humanity,
Resetting the game in no-one's favor.
There are backward stares
Looking forward beyond,
Beyond our eternal place of hiding,
Stares that read,
‘Do not be fooled
By my looks,
By my gaze
Be fooled only
By my relinquish.’

There is transmission
Of silences
Carrying moments
Of speechlessness,
Moments of honoring the dead,
Moments of waiting one’s turn,
Their turn produced you.
Jan 2020 · 111
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
We are land creatures, | (One) Whose
Dragged out of the sea | Tongue moistens
And thrown into the air, | No words,
Past the clouds. | Ears echo
When we turn and face | No memory.
This ******, | And eyes
We see only a(n) | Play
Amorphous daunt. | No disguise.

— The End —