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 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
I know...
I am not one of the pages of your book
or the words in your poem
I will tirelessly watch over you from every nook.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the potrait you are painting
or the inspiration behind your masterpieces
in my heart , it is your name I am engraving.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the reason for your smiles
or the tickles of your laughter
for you, I would walk a thousand miles.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not your shining star
or the light in your life
till forever is through, I'll admire you from afar.

I know I am your never
but you will forever be my always...

I know...
I am not the one your heart beats for
or the one you desire
my hearts says as long as it brings you happiness,
it wants nothing more.

I know I am your never
**but you will forever be my always...
"Every feeling unreturned has its own rainbow."
Let your heart lead the way...
She sits in the room,
It's dark and it's quiet.
Above her, though,
It sounds like a riot.
Chairs are moved,
Sounds are made.
But if she's to whisper,
The price would be paid.
They call it a prison,
They call it Hell.
But only she knows,
The pain this well.
They'll pick,
and they'll tease,
and watch her,
As she falls to her knees.
She tries not to let them,
But they come anyway.
The tears, they fall,
As her head does in shame.
She doesn't want,
To face another day.
Alone in her room,
She'd much rather stay.
She's sick of the torture,
Sick of the pain.
But she goes to the bus stop,
And stands in the rain.
The bus ride *****,
And the picking won't end.
So a text to her mother,
She knows she must send.
"Hey mom, come get me,
I know you're at work.
I'm sick from dinner,
Last night's pulled pork."
She knows it's wrong,
To lie and deceive.
But she needed an excuse,
To get out and leave.
She's back in her room,
It's a safe place to think.
"I don't want to live anymore,"
She says with one final blink.
I wrote this a while ago....finally decided to post it.
I can tell you
Who am I
Where do I come from
What I believe
What do I refrain from

I can tell you
My fear
My pain
How my skin rejoices
When it touches rain

I can tell you
how free am I
bound with you
How fast my heart beats
walking slowly with you

I can tell you
How I am going to wreck your mind with a stare
And rip your tender soul
beyond repair

But you won't let me
You won't ever believe me
You'll believe me to stitch all the broken pieces of you
You'll believe me to admire your skin and flatter your ego

I will,

But if you hide your scars
Your stupid ugly dance
Your fumbles and mistakes
Your moments of disgrace

I won't rip your soul
I'll leave you in your catacomb,
Safe and secure
Like a ship on the shore
The foundation of any relationship between love and lover, an employee and a manager, a father and a son is based on trust. By trust I mean ability to say your moments of achievement and disgrace alike.

A few friends have made  a WhatsApp group. We also organize poetry open mics in Delhi and Bangalore. To bring the community of poets together, we also organize online hangouts where people from around the world share their poems and the stories behind them. Drop me a message if you are interested.

Long live poetry :)
I packed your red t-shirt away;
The last bit I kept of you.

Letting go is hard...
But trying to forget is harder.

I clung to that shirt for months.
It smelled of your skin.

But, when I wore it recently,
It felt wrong.

I was weighed down.
You... weighed me down.

I lifted your heavy t-shirt off my shoulders...
To finally feel free.
For WY

A part of me still loves you... although you never deserved my love.

You'll come back. They all do... and I'll learn to refuse.

(Needs editing).
Some girls like me are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them
#somegirlslike me #heartache #depression #poetry #running
 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
i think it's hard to be friends or lovers with a writer. here's why:

1) you have to be careful of what you say, because the writers mostly take every word of yours literally and try to find the meaning in it. say what you mean, and mean what you say.

2) you also have to be wary of your grammar. those people, whom you know as writers, are grammar nazis. if they don't correct you in speech, fret not; it has been done in their word-mazed minds.

3) they will rant and rant and rant, because written words are what cool them off without having them to speak aloud. curse words, words which carry a tune, words which burn into brains... hear them out. do not be lazy to read their rants if they trust you with it. (they could rant about you TO YOU in the end.)

4) this is the hardest part. just remember that they will write about you no matter who you are or what you've done (or maybe you haven't even done anything). these people will write about how they see you. and most of the time, those writings are not so favorable. if you do not want to (literally) end up in their bad books, beware. their words may not last in ink forever but embedded into the hearts of those who read them.

happy reading and living with a reader!
for now, im stating the difficult/negative parts of knowing a writer. please look forward to the second part: perks of knowing a writer!
 Oct 2015 Chiibe-The-Rebel
roses are red,
ink is black.
give me credit
or give it back
slightly furious that some people used my poetry but did not claim who the author was. so here's one dedicated to them. please guys, to any artist of the sort, be it music, writing, design, theatrical, film or fine arts: PLEASE GIVE CREDIT. WE WORKED HARD TO PRODUCE A PIECE AND OUR IDEAS AND THOUGHTS DO NOT COME FOR FREE. posting it on another website and just saying that the work is from HelloPoetry is NOT DECENT ENOUGH. HelloPoetry did not make the work, I did.

It's good enough you are able to read it online, tbh.
I fell for a girl with a glass heart
And watched as she  
Slowly fell apart
Picking up the pieces
And putting her back together
Meant knowing that she
Wouldn't do the same
No matter how much I helped her
Despite the cuts she left
On my hands
I wouldn't have wished
For he to be made of gold
Because instead of being
A caring canvas
I would have been the coal
Sacrificed in order
To make her glow
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