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 Jan 2018 Shahad
We no longer look for needles in haystacks because we're all occupied looking for true love in hookup culture.

Knowing this I realised I'd probably die without ever experiencing true love, but that is not what I fear.

I know that I will die unloved.

I just fear that I'll be perfectly okay with it.
Just a thought about today's society.
 Jan 2018 Shahad
Hopes and dreams
Will bear me up
To challenge each
New dawn.
And when the sun’s
Last rays have set
I’ll shake my fist
At fate.
 Jan 2018 Shahad
No Name
Blank State
 Jan 2018 Shahad
No Name
There I lay in the middle of a room with 4 walls and a light staring straight right at me. Glaring like it want to say something but there was no sound. Then I laugh, its funny because even for a second there I really thought that , the light would tell me something. After a while I can hear a familiar sound, It was rain hitting the roof. Again it felt like it was saying something and yet again I started to laugh for there was no voice and i'm fooling myself how could rain tell me something. For hours I never stop staring at the ceiling with a blank thought, not even thinking of anything. Then I realized its dark, I'm pretty sure the light was on a little while back and no one had entered the room to turn it off. In my mind i'm sure its a blackout but i'm comfortable to where I lay. I didn't bothered to check. Now I'm staring at ceiling again but there was no light. The light that has been glaring at me  earlier.  It was pitch black. The darkness seemed to be telling me something yet in my head. Is still blank state. Then there was silence the rain have stop. It was so silent that I can hear my heart beating and even my breathing. The silence was absolutely deafening. I was scared I don't know why, as I feel the room getting and getting smaller in the darkness. The silence starts to hurt. I'm getting flash backs of my past, all of those memories sink in,  in a flash. Now i'm truly scared. I tried to move but my body wont. I tried to scream but theres only whispers coming out my lips. The silence I was experiencing was truly different and the darkness was a new. Then I heard it. Loud and clear. It struck me and then I realized. What was the message. Then a lighting flashed, then the lights turned on. Thunders roared then it broke the silence. I just immediately stood up. Look at the clock, it was already 3 am, Then I said to myself what a good day to LIVE.
sometimes it takes only the thunder and lighting to remind you that you are alive.
 Jan 2018 Shahad
a new year
 Jan 2018 Shahad
A year as past
I should be delighted
I should feel peaceful
that a new year has begun
and a chance to restart
and to tell yourself that
“This year is my year”

But I feel stuck
like nothing happened at all
like i am still where i was

no romance
no dates
no boyfriend
no fate

I know life is more than romance
More than finding the one

Nevertheless i feel alone
I see couples everywhere
Happy, in love and content

i am happy, not in love
and yet i am not fulfilled

Furthermore i wonder what it feels like
having that speciel someone
having romance

Falling asleep and waking up
with a loved one next to you
Intertwining fingers
Kisses on the forehead
Arms wrapped around the waist

All the things i have never had

Once it was close
so close that my heart tumbled
I thought for a while that this was it
This was what i had been waiting for

I was wrong oh how i was wrong

So now i’m left with an aching heart
who longs for more
 Jan 2018 Shahad
winter child
those atoms;
they must be so proud of that one great decision they've made to crash & merge themselves in order to create something as perfect as you.
 Jan 2018 Shahad
Poetic T
I'm a trapeze artist of  word
             flying through sentences,

           then I
                             and my words
didn't balance so well.

We just have to realize,
           that were cant balance
       all the time, sometimes words fail..

— The End —