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Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
Locks cannot contain the force
That innately exudes from every being
So nurture it,
And allow it to consume you
Create fully,
With every facet of your heart
In order to achieve
True nourishment of the soul
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
An attempt to drown
One's inner demons,
Does nothing more
Than render them
With an ability to swim...
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
It is a symphony of distortion
That unfolds before my weary eyes
A complicated but intricate body of work
I fight daily not to reprise

The opening sonata is slow, yet eerily intriguing
Simply starting with a beating heart
Never knowing the tempo each day will bring
Due to inconsistent sight reading from the various nourishing parts

Switching to adagio brings a fluidity of movement
Though the pace is still quite slow
An integration of crux and marrow can be painfully tedious
Thus suspending vital balances and flow

A minuet seeks to pull these things together
The lively dance of mind, body, and soul
While entertaining and fun, it can bring about an urge for perfection
Inciting an overwhelming loss of control

Finally, a sonata-rondo gradually calms the madness within this body of work
Accenting an inotation that is both a bright and hopeful sound
Yet, it still holds tempo, not willing to relinquish
The rigid temperament previously found
The music found in daily struggles, and the dance we do to manage them...

Music + Poetry = Life
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
Create fearlessly
So that music and poetry may speak
Let it grow and flow
To the rhythm of its own beat

Love with no filter
For the world is in dire need
Be kind and find
The wonders that arise from a good deed
We should all strive to just "Do Better", not only for our own well being but also for the world around us!
Broken Arpeggio Aug 2018
File One...
(The beginning of the end)

You formed a union from naivety and misguided love
Which bore fruit, but had shallow roots at its core
Though youthful exuberance and a lust for devotion
Kept you continuously searching for something more

File Two...
(Too young to know better)

Starting a family with one child, while not planned, was
Enough to halt the search
Leaving room for number two, and before long there were three
Bundles of joy intrinsically bound to your side
Seeking nothing more than loving arms and serenity

File Three...
(Inception without conditions)

Instantaneously, a love was present
Even before my eyes gave sight
Inherent feelings of contentment
Sealed with a silent vow to always make things right

File Four...
(Incidental letdowns)

Promises are great, as long as you keep them
However, all too often, they became lies
Whether soaring aspirations or overwhelmed be the cause,
You cannot hide the defeatedness within adolescent eyes

File Five...
(Cloak of invisibility)

With the passing of life and time, your best of intentions
Always were lost in the fray
Leaving this child alone in the dark
Forever wondering if I got in the way
To the ones who never needed to be overtly attended to...To the self-sufficient, yet self-secluded ones who strive to do everything right...To the non-wave makers who are peaceful caretakers at heart...To those who love fully and unconditionally...I SEE YOU!

Being loved and feeling loved are two very different things. Never be afraid to speak with and show those closest to your heart, that they are adored! If someone matters to you, please tell them because you may not get a second chance.
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2018
Only through determination
And nourishment of the mind,
Can a flickering spark
Become a flame that burns
Into a roaring fire
With embers that soar...
Create and burn bright! The world is a much better place with inquisitive minds in it!
Broken Arpeggio Jul 2018
Rise up adolescent
And start to overcome
The burdens and hardships
Adults stand upon

Society strives to forget you
By paving a path to obsolescence
It fails to see the potential
Within your naive, yet growing luminescence

Take heed young one
Let nothing diminish your roar
The world may not be aware yet
However, it needs for you to soar
Teach them well...Hope is something that dwells within us all. While it lies dormant in some, it's innately abundant in our children!
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