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 Aug 2017 Brianna
Malak S
Dear The One,
I haven't received a text from you in a while now.
How've you been?
I've been good.
Your memories don't knock on my door often.
They just breeze in from time to time.
My heart doesn't break at the call of your name.
I'm fine,
This time I mean it.
It always seems like there are words lost in between us,
Waiting to be unleashed,
To be written into letters.
See, there's always that voice within me begging to ask how you're doing,
And it's not out of loneliness,
Even though loneliness knocks at my doors every night, demanding to keep me company.
Regardless of the void you've previously left,
I still care for you.
Isn't something easy to dispose of.
I still carry so much of it within the cracks of my chest,
I just stopped showcasing it to every passerby, asking if they know how to mend me.
I don't know what the aim of this letter is but,
I know it's to remind you that I am still present.
I'm still here, wandering through lonely streets, staring at bright stars and night skies, wondering when and where I'm going to gain some sense of stability and form of happiness.
I just hope you received that when you walked all over my broken pieces, unaware that it was going to take too long to put all you've wrecked together again.

Write back to me,
Even if it's just a few words about how life makes sense,
Without my presence.

Yours truly,
I always have words to say to him. I'm just always wondering when he'll write back to me
 Aug 2017 Brianna
whoever said you can't find love on Tinder
has obviously never found a needle in a haystack.

There isn't anything to blame in such a deficit,
but when you're shuffling through the wires
seeking nothing in particular
only to ***** your finger to bleed
the fact you found it in the hay
should be no reason to discard its beauty.

In an internet casino of loveless *****
and gambled encounters,
where the rest of the hay is a pale green or pale gold in color,
I would have been blind had I missed the sheen
from the tips
of your bluebird feathers
as you perched just as curiously
and just as confusedly as I did.

We wrung the slot machine's lever
and found one another
gazing into our eyes
like we'd known each other
for longer
than a millennium
could ever claim
to measure.
dedicated to Alanna MacDonald (happy birthday, you beautiful soul. I'm so very, very glad the lottery of internet chance gave us a chance).
 Aug 2017 Brianna
I ask of her, when drowsy, pre-sleep,
as my eye lids,
elusively and gravitationally, pulled ever lower,
a desperate last chance request by
my vast audience of too few,
give the poet's subconscious a fair shot,
a morning poem delivery,
you've requested, route assigned,
to the front door stoop steps of your lips,
for me to deliver, and earn my keep

if only a title you will provision?

she says:

lights out honey chile,
as she kisses the poodle good night,
you know you are quite
the acquired taste,
showing me such a fine time tonight,
ordering in vegetable lo mein,
won ton soup and a
spring roll in the summer time

washed down with an icy-white Bordeaux,
watching Guardians of the Galaxy (Part Two) on the telly
so all you and
your bonnie idea of showing a girl a good time,
quite an expropriation of a foreign cultural potpourri

a thank you yawn provided, a positive confirmation
of her appreciation + an acknowledgement of her AM order,
morning cafe au lait requested
in a big cup with no handles,
a croissant with French butter,
avec un poème exceptionnel

the title tithed,
poet-this, "you, an acquired taste"
please deliver it at seven o'clock sharp,
so I may be first to give it a like,
read it with my cafe,
tho you are an acquired taste,
you have already
acquired my heart*


Sometimes you meet a once
in a life time person,
and your paths will only
cross once,
like an eclipse.
But it will be the most
beautiful moment of your
And the whole world will stop
and look in awe,
like the moon crossing
over the sun for just a quick moment.
 Aug 2017 Brianna
 Aug 2017 Brianna
perhaps the reason you've been attracting conditional lovers, is because you haven't been uncoditionally loving yourself
 Aug 2017 Brianna
why don't we chill in the afternoon?
let's have a break when we're too much
busy doing things around
put the mp3 on
listen to a random songs
maybe we could shuffle it
and play it again and again
until our ears could bleed out
with pure innocent days,
nostalgic moments,
teenage crush,
and the beat
that we couldn't get over
until we got LSS to only one song or more.
it's very late
and here i am again
writing out of the blue
haven't been doing this on here
i'd just want to know
that this is the kind of place
that i'm most comfortable doing.

1:21 am
august 22, 2017
 Aug 2017 Brianna
where once there were words, now there is nothing.
maybe most write for themselves, but I can't help but feel I was only writing because of her.

Maybe I'm just stuck.
 Aug 2017 Brianna
Joshua Haines
Conservatives cannot admit
that the White Nationalists were wrong
"But what about Black Lives Matter.
But what about the Alt-Left.
But what about what Fox News said.
But what about what our ******* cartoon of a president said."

Think for yourself.
You are feeling bad for Neo-Nazis.
They killed people.
They have a history of killing people.
They would **** everyone that isn't white.

This country has become disgusting.
A large portion is defending the actions of terrorists.
White Nationalists, ISIS--
They are, literally, the same.

You cannot be peaceful
when it comes to Nazis.
By sympathizing with them,
you are condoning them and creating more.
The only good **** is a dead ****.
Be a ******* person,
think for yourself,
recognize true evil
when you see it,
you brainwashed *****.
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