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T Jul 2017
I can feel your heart beat in that one
moment we're together
And you're looking at the stars
as they sparkle like your eyes
each with a flicker of hope
a flicker of hope that you might really care
But I'm looking at you
and you can't seem to notice
But hearts beat as one
And our minds think together
And in that moment I think I'm in
But I'm not in love with you
I'm in love With the thought of you
The thought of being with you
It makes every part of me ache
But I stop caring
Because I can l only feel one thing
Until you look at me
And the beat of my heart changes
It races
But you don't see me
Like I see you
I see perfection
And you see a game
Something to play with until I it
Like everything else
You play me
And my heart stops
It beats slowly
As if it is trying to tell me something
with each beat
But I ignore every message
And I look at you
And for a second
the universe is drawing us together
For a second every thing is blurry
But you're the only thing in focus
And it feels like more than a second
I want it to last forever
And you move closer to me
And I move closer to you
And our faces get closer and closer
Until the gap has disappeared
And I'm looking into the stars in your eyes
Everything is perfect
Nothing can change this one moment
Even the stars look at us in awe
Because it's perfect
Then suddenly my second is up
Everything stops
And our lips don't touch
And you leave me with the same emptiness I started with
The same feeling of loneliness
and everything is the same
and you're looking at the stars
and I'm looking at you
and I'll only ever be looking at you
I wrote this quite some time ago
T Jul 2017
He looked up
and red lights flashed before his eyes.
Like the signs he saw,
warning him that his end was near.
Like the girl he once loved,
who now towered above him
with no heart
and in place of a heart,
a hole that was
Like the dress she wore,
that flowed with malice
and the selfish lies that rolled off his tongue.
Like the passion they once felt
that soon faded when he stole her heart.
All she could see was red
as she walked towards him.
She was hungry,
Hungry for revenge.
Her eyes dark red, filled with anger
like her dark red lips that dripped with lust,
for blood.
She ripped out his heart
"You stole my heart,
took away my love,
left me to suffer"
She licked her hand
And her blood stained red lips.
I wrote this ages ago but I don't hate it and I hope you like it
T Jul 2017
They cry out in vain
For they refuse to believe
The truth that stands in front of their faces
And it yells and screams for them to come home
To end the taunts
That grew into battles
that turned into wars
That are never won
All because they still refuse to obey
They built their lives on towers of lies,
Pride fills their heads with idiotic ideals
And blind them with darkness
Like lost sinners with no saviour
The light moves further away
As they stop talking
As they stop loving
As they stop.
It never worked
It's not the answer
But what is the question?
How many must they ****?
How many must the slaughter?
How many must suffer?
For the the extra bit of land
Is not the answer
But it is the question
And the answer is peace!
The answer is love
I wrote this a really long time ago and just found it recently. I understand that it sounds a bit naive but I was trying to get across the problem we have with violence and hope you liked it.  Please comment at criticisms you have or things you liked
T Jul 2017
Ripped apart.
A void that needs to be filled.
Feeling nothing,
but the constant disappointment that rises up with every word written,
with every thought shattered like glass
Left on the floor
For someone else to walk over
For someone Looking for something,
but never finding
and never knowing why,
always needing,
only ever understanding
That nothing feels right
And every idea is ephemeral
Chopped up into tiny pieces
Then gone in  Seconds
Drifting away with every thought
Flying high like lost birds
And they never seem to find their way home now
The words are never together
Covered with scribbles that look like waves
Yet they don't flow like a river
They crash and smash into each other as they were a stormy sea
They Jump around the page
And when spoken aloud
All the words clash
Falling to the ground like droplets of rain
And it's over again
A page is filled with nothing but scribbles
And ideas that never fully form
Half done before it's given up and ripped out.
A pen is picked up
A page is turned
and everything starts again.
I wrote this when i had writers block

— The End —