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I am not strong enough to make you proud
I try but cannot stop the tears
There is no way to fight the pain
This is worse than my scariest fears

I swear I am trying to hold it back
I am trying to keep my heart in one piece
It's beat sounds so sad and slow
I start to worry it might cease

I am alone, I am empty
Clinging to tattered remnants of what we had
Replay your voice inside my head
Until it's melody drives me mad

I am going insane without you
Need to hold you close once more
I keep hoping you will change your mind
Show up one day at my door

Can't you see I am working hard to change?
Please tell me what you want me to do
I wish I was angry, wish I felt hate
All I can say is, well, I miss you
Written 12/26/12
When she falls in love
I can already predict...
It’ll be like she’s by a cliff
about to take off
and all she’ll tell me
is that she’s just testing
her new pair of wings
But I know better...
I know she’s gonna jump
Hoping she could fly
But ends up falling
And she won’t ask for help
Not until she’s 10 feet above ground
And we both know it’s too late
But she didn’t know
I snuck a parachute with her
so she doesn’t have to fall hard

Because when she falls in love
she’s gonna fall hard
When she falls in love
there might not be someone
prepared to catch her
But I’ll be there
prepared to help her

When she falls in love
and hits the ground
I won’t be there
to help her forget
But I’ll let her know
she doesn’t have to forget
to stop the hurt

When she falls in love
I’ll be there to help her let go
to lose her grip
uncurling her fingers
one by one

And before she falls in love
I’ll prepare her
for all the possible hurt
I’ll let her know
that when she has her heart
set out for
hellos and I love yous
sometimes all she’ll get
are goodbyes
But I’ll also tell her
to keep on hoping
to keep on dreaming
because someday
someone will come
with a heartfelt hello in hand
unaccompanied with goodbye

When she falls in love
and gets her heart broken
I’ll be ready to storm
into her room
Because sometimes she laughs
when she’s not supposed to
but cries
once the lights are off
the door is closed
and the music is too loud
in her mind
I’ll be sure to be the one
to open the door
turn on the lights
and replace her sad songs
with my out-of-tune singing
Maybe she’ll laugh
Maybe she won’t

Because when she falls in love
there are only two outcomes
either you fall and hit the ground
or someone catches her
and never let go
And while she's still
falling and hitting the ground
I’ll be there to let her know
love isn’t everything
I’ll never fail to keep reminding her
that everything happens for a reason
that people leave
because they’re supposed to
that it only means
she’s got it wrong
this time around
and that’s how she’ll realize
the right one
And that it’s gonna hurt now
But she just has to give it some time
And these are just words
she might not believe it right away
but I’ll make sure
she realizes it soon

And when she falls in love
and somebody is ready to catch her
ready to hold on to her
I’ll be there to tell him
how absolutely unfortunate of him
to be the one to catch her
but how lucky he is
to have her
But for now
I’ll tell her
to stop looking
for Prince Charming
because she’s no Princess
in a Disney fairytale
for a Knight in Shining Armor
because she’s no Damsel in Distress
from the Middle Ages
for Mr. Perfect
because she’s no Ms. Perfect
or some heroine
living the pages of fiction
but I’ll tell her
to wait for the right one
because chances are,
if he’s right for her
then she’s for him as well

*a. gale
This is the longest poem I wrote. This is for my best friend, and my nuggets of wisdom for her. So when life separates us and I'm not there for her and her broken heart, all that I want to say are here.
How exquisite it is; your smile,
When you haven't seen me in awhile,
The way it lights up like I'm the only girl,
Youre the only boy who makes my world twirl.
Am I the only one who understands?
Yes you say, as we take each others hands.
My mind blocks up for a split second,
This is a moment I never could have reckoned.

My rambling doesn't bore you, I am assured,
You still think I'm interesting with all the random thoughts you have heard.
For you i am funny and interesting, you don't care
If I am popular, to you I am a treasure so rare.
I may not have a lot of friends but you still think
I'm smart, the prettiest girl in body and in ink,
You are the one who never fails to make me laugh about
Stupid stuff that would otherwise cause me to pout.
You are the perfect one for me not just today,
No, i will love you forever, and after that if i find a way.
I wrote this one kind of in a hurry.
My best friend, my soulmate,
You are the love of my life,
I cannot wait until the day
You make me your wife.
This is an old message to Taylor i found while going through pictures on my phone.
My lonely mind will not let me forget
All the details that make up who you are
The marks left on your surface and within
Down to every last blemish and scar

I'm reminded of your gentle hands
The patterns they traced on my skin
A single touch is all it took
For your sweet poison to seep in

I still taste your kiss on my lips
The pressure from yours in the dark
Friction unlike any before or since
Only your caress ignites that spark

Every morning when I wake
From another tortured dream
I stare into my coffee mug
And feel your hot breath rise with the steam

I look to the sky and see your eyes
Gazing back into my own
The identical shade of blue
As your irises is what I'm shown

The sunshine softly lands on my cheeks
I can't help but recall the heat
From the blood rushing under your flesh
Through your veins, the glow is bittersweet

The wind whispers your name to me
A wispy echo in my ears
I weakly attempt to stop the sound
Yet nothing can tame these shameful fears

When I drive I turn up the music
Hoping to drown out thoughts of you
To no avail, the bass thumps the
Exact rhythm your heartbeat used to

Raindrops collect on the window
Like the tears that formed on your lashes
Fragments of our past keep coming
Back to me in sporadic flashes

My bed has grown to twice the size
It was before this tired dispute
I wrap myself in blankets but
For your arms there is no substitute

I have replaced your chest with my pillow
It lies there stoic, seeming too still
The absence of your exhaling lungs
Keeps me awake against my will

I remember every inch of you
Lost in what was, I'm losing control
Your memory is a phantom
Clinging to my heart, haunting my soul
This came straight from the heart ya'll
I love you. Those three words hurt me more than you could imagine.
Knowing I couldn't say them back broke me and made my head spin.
You asked why I was crying, held me, didn't ask again,
I knew you would get through it, I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to look at other men.
I remember the sadness on your face, the anger in your voice, the shakiness in mine,
And the joy you felt when you met her that made your heart shine.
The lack of remorse when you felt my pain and the reality of your cold shoulder,
I did what you said, tried to be happy for you, almost moved on and got older,
Then I saw it happen again, how I hated to see you suffer,
So when she told me how she felt I didn't stop her although that choice was tougher.
When I heard you say yes, my mind went blank save for that word on repeat,
My tears soaked that pillow until sleep made my consciousness retreat.
You never knew what I know, that inside i held feelings for you,
There was always a part of me, that was dying to say I love you too.
This was written long long ago about a guy I really cares for but couldn't be with due to outside circumstances. He still doesn't know to this day.

— The End —