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Tori Schall Nov 2019
A little bit of sugar
a tiny pinch of salt
A couple of spoonfuls of cinnamon.
I single chocolate drop
throw it in some flour
and add a cup of milk
That is how you bake something
I hope that it did help.

Now mix the ingredients, until they blend so well
and you'll have a mixture
that looks as delicious as it smells.
Then put it in the oven
set it to bake
take it out when the timer dings
and you'll have yourself a cake.
Tori Schall Nov 2019
When you wish upon a star
just to forget who you are,
what does that say
about this girl wasting away?

To keep you in my life
was such bitterness and strife.
I pushed you away from me
because you were close enough to see

To see the scars painted in my head
and the thought I wished would just stay dead.
And when I go to bury you
there's very little I can do.

You spark a light so dark within
maybe I should let you win.
But the light burns me from inside
And from your love, I run and hide.

I don't know why I am this way,
But please, don't go away.
I need this love, so little I've had
even if it feels so bad.

It's not your fault I feel this way
the earth wanted my mind to decay
I stay awake through the night.
wishing I could stand the light.

What would happen I took a step?
Would I burn and wither where I slept?
I want to try so desperately.
But I'm terrified of all that may be.

So take my hand and guide me there.
away from this world of despair,
This house is a fun-house of slaughter
Because they can't take care of their daughter
Tori Schall Nov 2019
Take it slow,
Love will come to you,
not the other way around.

But what is love, really?
Is it the summer breeze,
or the winter snowstorm?

It is, perhaps, merely an abstract idea?
A fragile sakura petal in the wind
landing in the palm of your hand,
fleeting, delicate, there for only a short time.

Or is it the passage of time?
Where there once was pleasantries,
slowly breaking in the feel of another body
until you associate touch with love.

And yet I still wonder,
What is love?
Is it text message breakups?
cold words that jump from your phone to your mind,
and fester and rot until someone tells you
that you are worth more than him?

But I don't think it's that at all.
I think love is merely a concept,
an emotion that is not truly there.
It is everything and nothing.
Love conquers all,
but others fall because of it.

So, If I had the choice,
from what I've seen,
I would never love.

I would just exist.
Because that is what I was made to do,
and I doubt anyone could ever love me anyway.
Tori Schall Nov 2019
If I could steal your love for myself
I would just keep it on a shelf
so I could look at it every day
and know that it hadn't faded away

If I could catch a glimpse of you
I don't know what I'd say or do
for when the night is cold and dark
your eyes light within me, a spark.

I'm so sorry that I never said
to those eyes that I wished to be dead
But now everything is so crystal clear
it's too late now to shed a tear

I've lost you to bittersweet pain
it's like I'm dancing in the rain
my favorite weather, my only tune
what's left of my heart, has fallen to ruin.

You've left me here, in this dark place
suffocated by your face
I'm sinking so low, amidst an ocean of black
and I don't know if I'm coming back

So please, hear me scream
please, know my dream
has never involved you
I was to blind to see what I needed to do.

I'm gone now, so don't be afraid
My suffering has been repaid
I didn't mean to leave you in the cold
but this emptiness was where my soul was sold.
Tori Schall Nov 2019
Come, my love
let us drift out to sea
where the storm rages on
and we're too blind to see

Come, my fear
let us be washed away
where we cannot come back
to the light of the day

Come, my anger
let it be one with me
let it overtake everything
and every memory

Come, my emotions
there's no time to waste
I'm numb to your feeling
I just want a taste

Come, my numbness
my hollow,
my empty,
my sorrow

Come, my hatred
of myself
and everyone else
and take it from me, I know

There will come a time
in your life
where these emotions
are right by your side

But when you blink
and turn to sleep
they'll be gone
like the dew
in the morn'
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