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Betthia Mae Mar 2019
Isn’t it sad
No longer can I listen to this song
Without thinking of you
Imagining you
As you sang out of rhythm and tone
All that effort just to make me smile
But now this song
Is a reminder that it will never happen again
Some songs just bring you back to that time where you thought all was going to be will with that person, that life was set and ready for the two of you just because it was the two of you.
Betthia Mae Mar 2019
Caught up
Holding on
Can’t let go
Can’t seem to look up
Betthia Mae Aug 2019
There she is
Hidden behind the veins

She got lost
Searching but she forgot

Who was she doing this for?
A blood clot

Clot of mistakes
Clot of dates
All because she thought this clot was fate

Boy was she wrong
She bled out and drowned

All except her heart
That one was stayed shut with a clot
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Is it a coincidence?
A single raindrop fell where tears once fell before
Is it the world telling me?
That I’m still grieving

I wiped the world’s tear off my face
Maybe we have a lot in common
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I prep myself to sleep
Preparing for the war
I grab my pillow
To cushion my fall
I grab my blanket
To hide from my dreams
It’s a constant replay
Of what we used to be

Awake never remembers you
Your smile, your laugh
Your cry, your mad
Sleep savors you
Remembers you
Embedded you in my dreams

I fight
No longer will I wake up
Forgetting what i once remebered
Betthia Mae Aug 2019
Tomorrow is not today
But I keep waking up to yesterday
My thoughts are borrowed
This really, really, really
looked like something that happened tomorrow
Late night tings
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I can’t seem to cry
Or pry my eyes open
The wells beneath fill
But never overflow

The land is scorched
And my heart is dry
All because my eyes can’t seem to cry
Betthia Mae Mar 2019
The suns melts
Where the ocean lays
The mountains reach
Where the clouds play
The people stare
What a display
sounds kinda cheesy but it felt right as I stared at the sun set while on the 5
Betthia Mae Feb 2020
my bouncy house
filled with
empty words

the party ended
& I deflated.

words felt like a fever dream,
hallucinated on make believe
& I believed.

words shifted like the sands,
moved where the wind casted
& I was casted out.

words mined my heart,
excavated what good was left
& I was left to be forgotten.
& we move on like we aren’t stuck on words that once held so much meaning.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Be happy for me
           I am F I N A L L Y over you.
took long enough but I trusted the process
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
But not here
But dull

Dreading the nights
For the body craves it
Nocturnal eyes
Open in the dreams

Nightmares replay
Past entanglements
Trapped and bound

The heart says:
“For now,
Healing is not necessary”
Betthia Mae May 2019
You’re a ghost
Haunting my thoughts
When I look back
You’re there

You’re a ghost
Haunting my nights
When I try to sleep
You’re there

You’re a ghost
Haunting my heart
When I try to love
You’re still there

Haunting the soul that let you go
This is my pain
Living on numbered days
The new type of “ghosting” see what I did there
Betthia Mae May 2019
Home is where the heart is
But where is your heart?
Home is a place
So where is your heart?

I can't seem to go home
My heart shattered to pieces
She was on her way back
It's my fault
I let her play outside for too long
Don't let her play outside for too long
Betthia Mae Feb 2014
If only the waters were stars
The sky was the eye
No pain and hatred would come by

Then what will I be?
If only I was beautiful
If only I was strong

If only you knew
You are something new
You are beautiful and shine in the morning

If only you knew
You are strong
You are brave
Only if you knew.
Betthia Mae Apr 2020
I never thought
the words you’d say
would be someone else’s

your smiles, lies
open ended promises,
love turned disguises,
heartache and prizes.

last words said too late.
new ones said so early.

i’m beginning to think
your love for me was
just you in a hurry—

destination: her.
me, nothing but her seat warmer.
i’ve come to the realization that someone I held so special in my heart did not hold me with that same weight. it’s only been a month but he’s quickly moved on while I sit and watch and wished that it was me in the pictures, with him. ain’t love cruel.
Betthia Mae May 2019
Give me my sanity
The piece of me you took with you
You control my thoughts
The part of me that once spoke freely
Forget my routine
The fragment that allowed sleep

I let you go
You’ve come back to haunt me
Betthia Mae Jul 2020
cry to be heard.
shout to be silent.
hey mom i miss u.
Betthia Mae Mar 2019
You can go to any beach in the world and hear the universal sound of the waves.
Betthia Mae May 2022
affection has an expiration date.
becomes affliction,
turns sour like 4 month old whole milk.

love is always past due.
thrown away fresh out the oven,
now hogged during family dinner.

take what can only be given.
nothing can be given.
only take. it expires.
the whole honeymoon phase scares me because I know it has to end eventually. the world is a cruel place.
Betthia Mae May 2019
I’ve decided
To feel this pain
The one I’ve put in a box
I’ve realized
Keeping this pain
Is keeping you
I will let go
Of all of you
Even the pain that keeps me
Gotta keep feeling till I can let him go
Betthia Mae Apr 2020
songs put together—
to bring my heart home.
you see,
she’s lost.

she’s lost in my mind.
songs take her home,
takes her back to the past
of something that did not last.

doors open when the words ring
bring her, bring
her back to me.

I no longer want to feel
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
My eyes can never unsee
My hands will never stop holding
My feet can’t take back the steps
My heart will never stop aching

Never will it stop screaming for you
Never will it walk away from you
Never will it let go of you
Never will it look past you
You know what they say
“The heart wants what it wants”
Completely disregarding what you want
Betthia Mae Feb 2020
words replayed
(re)minded me of pain.
I’m just a game to be played.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Keeping you is selfish, that’s why I’m letting you go.
Betthia Mae Mar 2019
I clicked shuffle
Our song played
The world has a funny way
Of saying
Don’t let go
If you want to know, the song was “If I ain’t got you” by Alicia keys. Call it cliche but I was in love, can’t stop that.
Betthia Mae May 2022
silence is my worst punishment.
put me on death row
i’ll give you everything
put on a show.

sit beside me, lie still
let the emptiness fill
and I just might die.

silence is my worst punishment.
why am I rewarded for it?
Betthia Mae Feb 2020
how do I

empty something
never filled.

throw out something
never there.

lose grip on something
never held.

move on from something
I was never in.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I saw you
Through the screen
On that second
Why did I think
It was meant to be

Now read from bottom to top.
Betthia Mae Jul 2019
Once upon a time
                  I did love you
                            but that story ended
Betthia Mae Mar 2019
Faintly it beats
Slowly it steps
Away it goes

Selfish death
Selfish movements
Selfish destination

1, 2, 3 my heart beats
Roaming as it slowly fades away.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
Some days I wake up strong
The thought of you does no harm
Some days I wake up weak
All I want is to be in your arms

One day
The thoughts of you will do no harm
Not even reminiscing being in your arms
To those who’s hearts been broken, we’ve all done the dance whether you believe it or not
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I ended things because I care about you.
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I wonder
Will you remember me this Valentine’s Day
Or is there someone you already have in mind
Are you here with me?
Lagging behind but making it look like you’re good
Do you miss me?
I sure as hell miss you
I miss the feeling
The cheesy warm feeling
Like nacho cheese
Every time I saw that you were trying to call
My heart as well as my whole being melted for you
I was head over mountains for you

That was the mistake
I let you in so easily
I gave you the code
And you walked right in
Now that you left and are well gone
I still pick up the crumbs you left behind
I see your cheesy hand prints all over me
And I can’t seem to get them off so easily
I loved you but I never told you
That was my mistake
hi... it’s been a minute since I’ve been here but this how I look to vent, move on if you don’t wanna see a twenty year old feeling and putting it on words
Betthia Mae May 2019
U keep me up
Nights seem to last longer
Brokenhearted pain
Resisting the inevitable
Even when I seem better
Always end up thinking
Karma could be real
A product of my action
Bleeding unintentionally
Latching on to you
Everything was once unbreakable
just playing around with words and letters, nothing serious
Betthia Mae May 2022
place your bets.
I gallop on a hamster wheel
only I know where I go.
Betthia Mae Apr 2020
dear heart of mine,
why do you get lost in my mind?
Betthia Mae Apr 2020
my blood
consists of notes and tones
lyrics and bones
crushed up metals and nodes

my blood circulates,
in and out of my headphones.
looses control with a let go.
“let go” the song yells, “let go”.

i know what i have to do
but let me just
hold on—
to stories that play out.
tip toe on the lyrics.
dance to the bass.
drown in the synth.
clash to the symbols.
trap myself within the strings.

my blood plays red.
the songs circulate blood to my head.
I hold on to memories that need to be let go. I trap them in songs. continue to feel pain that only damages me.
Betthia Mae Apr 2020
i saw you
with her.

it hurt &
hurt &
hurt &
Betthia Mae Aug 2019
I’m sinking
your sand washed up
on my veins

blended with my blood
we’re thicker than honey
but you never tasted sweet

never cared about my ocean
polluted by your sand
you consciously scattered
with your hands
It happens

— The End —