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 Jun 2019 Ayan
Grace E
Sun dipped kisses
‘Neath a summer sky
A honeysuckle’s scent
Gently wafting by
You look so handsome
In your Wednesday’s best
My eyes dance under your gaze
In my soft pink dress
Picking wildflowers
In the dimming light
You kiss my hand
Under the cashmere twilight
 Jun 2019 Ayan
keep your eyes closed love.

           e     t      
       m           i
    o                 m
s                        e  
                            s     all you have to
                                                                ­ l                  to is what the sound
                                                           ­      i            n
                                                  ­                s           e
                                                               ­          t

                                                              ­                               v
                                                               ­                         a        e
                             ­                                          of the  w               s
                         ­                                                                 ­            tells  you
                                                                ­                                        to do.
"Keep your eyes closed, love. sometimes all you have to listen is to what the sound of the waves tells you to do."

When I was much younger, beaches were my second favorite places. I still love watching waves as they go by, crashing against each other and the whole process repeating all over again.
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Now I Know
 Jun 2019 Ayan
I now know the truth,
the lie that festered in my mind,
brought to light through my eye,
that life is full of nigh,
of questions which remain unanswered,
and prayers with no reply

A life which lacks accommodation,
that thirsts for chaos and causation,
the universe with no remorse,
feeds happily on our life force,
we reach out for succour yet are met with not an utter

The nature of the world we know stays messy and obscure,
we endure the daily war of terror and eyesore,
searching for an inner peace we know we cannot reach

And unfortunately for me,
there is no escape from what you come to know
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Pagan Paul
Pain (10W)
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Pagan Paul
Pain should be written beautifully,
achingly displayed upon a page.

© Pagan Paul (20/06/19)
 Jun 2019 Ayan
fray narte
5:47 pm.
 Jun 2019 Ayan
fray narte
And I still know by heart,
the way we breathed
with the sunlight scattering
off the sky,
and the way reds refracted
off your lips, darling
and off our eventual demise,
and the way i stole your first rain-kiss
and you stole it
back from mine.

And I still remember
the letters drenched
in the sea and the summer rain,
and the coffee stains
on unmade beds,
and the coastlines where
we’re yet to stay.

And I still miss the setting sun,
and the saltwater-rush
mixed with regrets
and the mornings we became the sea foams
lit by stars
and cigarettes.

But maybe it’s the sunset’s turn to love you, darling,

and it’s our turn
to set.
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Maria Etre
I looked on the bright side
and felt the warm wave
of challenge
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