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 Jun 2019 Ayan
this is the song of sea
of poseidon wooing me
of the riptide
of pulling in
of wind getting caught in sails
like my fingers in my hair
no matter

this is the song of sea
of not knowing what's
under me
you know
whales are not big
like I am not small
you know that

sea as tea as
sunken sailors and disintegrated ships
castaways cargo and carcasses
fish bones shark teeth
blood **** iron salt
the most seasoned soup
we wade in
not knowing

no matter
no matter
we float
the leaves gather ghosts
in the shade,
boy of the dark,

where the breezes wait
for the overgrown rose to
flower, immersed in
love and sky,

and the summer night
breathes in petals of gauze,

you sweep me away on a
blue-glazed tide, draw me
into your arms,

drown me in an impossible
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Isabella Howard
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Isabella Howard
A city of strange sights
Something sinister is hiding beyond the lights

Your comfortable ignorance blinds you from the war
I wonder if the fight is worth it anymore

The calm babble of a fountain near
Contrasts the cries for help barely reaching my ear

The place where our humanity is lost
And we leave one another to rot

I used to think myself a giving person
But I have since learned my lesson

I ask a man with a bourgeoisie air
For change to help pay my train fare

His face tightens when he looks at me

I spent it all on overpriced coffee,"

And for another night I'm stuck here
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Isabella Howard
The shutter clicks twice.
"You take too many pictures"
But you pay me no mind.

The years fly by and,
As you begin to forget
I keep asking why.

Still you smile at me,
Though I've become a stranger
Lost in memory.

I bring your pictures.
"Remember when we lived here?
Or these light fixtures?"

I brought your tapes but,
Your bed is empty now.
Mourning your lost shape.

When you left I found
Your philosophy makes sense now.
There's so much beauty
That can't afford to be lost.

I look one last time
At the first picture
You took with that camera
Now gathering dust.
A collaborative project with Liberty Urban. This poem is inspired by one of her paintings.
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Isabella Howard
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Isabella Howard
Their voices echo

"We want an intellectual,

Not a beaten-down rebel,"

But you must let the flames lick your heels.

To live freely

And create beautifully

You must feel intensely.

And you will  burn
 Jun 2019 Ayan
sandra wyllie
are farsighted? I’m splitting in two
in front of them, and still I can’t get
their attention. They walk over me like
I’m fallen leaves. I feel so used. I beg and

I plead for some relief. But they think it’s
my usual drama. So, I wear my steely armor
and smile. I’m not fooling anyone, least of all
myself. So, I hide in a bottle like a ship. And just like

the ship I can’t get out of the narrow
mouth. And there’s a cork at the head that won’t let
anything in. So, here I’m all alone by myself, which is
something I’m used to. And now since I’m split at the bow
I’ve no masts but two hulls.
 Jun 2019 Ayan
For you
 Jun 2019 Ayan
Once you start to feel older,
and become much less bolder.
When life can get you weary
and memories become teary.

If everything seems full of dread and eerie
or after the day you can only see dusk.
If your life feels full of misfortune and dreary.
Stand up and do what you must.

Go out and find a friend you can trust.
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