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 Sep 2014 Aditi
Shadow Paradox
There he was

Glowing in a bundle of stars
Shifted to see his dull reflection
There was no glory in his eyes for they melted a long time ago
Back when the birds flew and the sun smiled

It was all metal now
His world

Tilted into a triangle
Inverted in ink
He had a crumpled paper heart
With permanent creases
He was imperfect

He buried himself in minutes
Swallowing the hollowness from out the air
The shallow room was nothing more
Than a stained glass prison

He disliked the colors
Wishing they would bleed from his sight

They did

But it was only because his prison shattered
For his wings had bloomed

The colors he hated were on his wings

He was free
But he will never forget how his freedom came to be
For those colors were the sorrow he suffered
Now they are the jewels of his rebirth
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Tess Calogaras
I watch a lady dance and hear the beads in her hair patter upon her bony chest.
I often think about kissing you
Her smile is wide like a crescent moon.
I wonder what your back would feel like against my palms
Her silhouette swims out in front of her,
I think about your hands on my thighs
circling endlessly like leaves over departed souls,
I want to bite your lip
soaring up and down; gloomy.
And just lie there naked with you
Her arms flick against it, tangled webs spinning.
Tell me everything you hate about the world
She moves like a dying flower caught in the wind.
Sometimes at night I think I can feel you
She snaps and decays against the cool misty air.
I roll over and you're not there
They are like fleeting clouds,
Just a wide area of emptiness
and I was their moon.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Alberto Ruiz
You're walking on thin lines:
the ones that hold me up
to the sky.
It's fine.
I realize I will fly
When your eyes don't shine
the night's are starless.
What good are wings
surrounded by darkness?

It's not that you're heartless,
it's just that your heart is
not quite where it's supposed to be.
It's with me and see,
I feel I should be free,
but free to go where
when my heart is nowhere
to be found
and my life is still up in the air?

I'm bound.
Life's not fair.
I don't care.
I'll continue to rise where you are,
and I'll make it there.
As long as you never stop lighting my way.
So continue to say what you say, love.

Sorry for the wait.

 Sep 2014 Aditi
Katrina Erin
Everyone knows you can't hold onto a heart that's shattered, and mine was a thousand different pieces long before you ever came around.. So tell me when exactly did you decide that it was a good idea to play with broken glass .? And I can find you every Sunday behind every church pew of every remorseful sinner, whispering the three words that always break you the fastest. But hey, what's a savior for anyways.? And you always said " I love you ", like an apology so maybe that's the reason I always played the victim. And boys like you were never meant for keeping, but try explaining that to the girl who always kept all her firefly's in jars long after their lights had burned out. And I should have known that you can't turn every abandoned house into a home... But maybe this is what you meant, when you asked me if i believed in ghosts. People are drugs, and everyone overdoses eventually. And I've wrote you a thousand different messages in a thousand different bottles, but I'm shattering them all against the shore.

Some ships, are better left sinking.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Shannon Jeffery
To be what they want
Is to win a battle
To be who you are
Is to win a war
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Kevin Eli
Bad like a habit, we had to have it, I can't stand it, it's just like gold to a bandit.
Well you take, what you get, when you do what you do.
It's okay, I won't give up on you.
Don't you fret, bout the mess, you don't have to wear armor.
No more, no more my amour.


And when all is said and done, and we are both long gone,
Lord knows you were the only one.
And when all is said, then undone, fights we lost, or we won.
They'll know we just liked having fun playing with guns.
Playing with guns.

Put it down, pick it up, breathe again, take a plunge.
Holes in these eyes, and this skin, I see you naked, now don't give in.
And you fell how you fell, I understand that you feel down.
Freedom and prison don't mix very well, do they now?


And when all is said then done, and we are both long gone,
I can't wait to see what we become.
Old souls, ghosts or angels, supernova-omegas.
They knew we just liked having fun playing with guns.
Making big bangs playing with guns.

Having fun playing with guns,
We're just having fun playing with guns.
Having fun playing with guns,
I know we're not the only ones.
In memory of Lacey Weitz, the love of my life. 02/26/90 - 03/25/16. Rest In Peace my angel..
 Sep 2014 Aditi
One day
I’m going to love something
and it won’t break
under the weight
I carry
of every monster
who tore me apart.
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