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 Sep 2014 Aditi
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Inspired by As I Walked Out One Evening by W.H. Auden

As I walked out one evening under the blanket of dark blue sky
Thinking about the week to come
Will the days be remembered, or rather wasted and forgotten?
Each tired child thinks the same thought.

Sunday nights slip into Monday mornings
Mondays slowly become Tuesdays;
Yet somehow the days become one
Each tired child unable to differentiate each day from the last

Wake up, brush teeth, brush hair, repeat.
Math, English, read, write, factor, and repeat.
Return home, work, eat, sleep and then repeat.
Each tired child thinks, “Is this really living?”

Stuck in a labyrinth of concrete
Routine forces every move
Taunted by the warm blanket left behind, only to leave a blanket of papers
Each tired child stares at the ticking clock.

Thoughts interrupted by bells at the same time
Routine consumes every thought
Each indistinguishable day
Where each child struggles to lift heavy eyelids.  

Same faces seen every day
Same places seen every day
Weeks blur into months, which in turn disappear in the minds
Each tired child fights every robotic move.

Closing doors and opening books
The teachers scream and roll their eyes
Where thoughts aren’t thoughts unless they are in Times New Roman
Each tired child strives to be heard.

As I walked out one evening under the blanket of dark blue sky
Thinking about the years to come
Routine is inescapable while spontaneity is a distant myth dreamt up in the minds
Of each tired adult who forgets what it’s like to be a child.
The reflection in your eyes
Like a mirror to my lost soul
The depths truly astound me
Nowhere to go
But deep into your poetry
Where I can feel your misery
The beginning of your love
The mask you hide behind
But OH!
The beauty I can find
Within your words so clearly defined
Much love, hurt, pain and sadness
We are one of a kind
Filled with joy and madness
Your flows speak to me
Your rhymes tell me your story
With each stanza the truth is revealed
How you feel
And the pain you hide
I want to see what's behind
The mask covering your eyes
The truth of your disguise
Your words told me your story
Now I wanna see the face of that poetry

******, you look beautiful to me
I just wanted to say how much connection I feel with all of you and how I absolutely love reading all your poetry. Thank you all for sharing.

 Sep 2014 Aditi
JC Lucas
 Sep 2014 Aditi
JC Lucas
Growing up,
           They tell you all about how the world will
                                                            ­          surprise you,
                                                            ­   as you grow
                                               older and
                    how cruel life can
                                        be and how heartless
                                                     ­                    people can be.

                      What is more important is what they
  ­                tell you; about how you will surprise

             With the things you do,
              incredible things-
              the things you make,
                                     but also your ability

                        to destroy-

     and that, though your intentions may be pure,
                            you will
                                    cause pain to others.
                                                   that you,
                                                         yes, you,
                                                            ­ you yourself,
                                    will have moments of heartlessness
                                                   ­     and selfishness
                                                     ­         and cruelty.

                    And that
is what it means
                  to be

 Sep 2014 Aditi
Mike Hauser
Can you see that it's time
With no watch on your arm
Is there hope to survive
If you've done bought the farm
When all things feel right
Does the moment just flow

How can a man say
What he doesn't know

If your neck deep in the stream
Shouldn't you know how to swim
If there's truth in the ring
Should you step out and give in
Do all mountain tops
Come with a *****

How can a man reach the heights
If his life view is low

Are you late to the central
In Eastern time
If it's really that simple
Then why's it so hard to find
Have you often faltered
Where you've clearly been

How can a man love
If he's never let in

If your deep in the dream
Can you be what you want to be
If your dream was a train
Would it run out of steam
Could you hold onto the promise
If the words aren't there to lend

**How can a man start over
Once he's reached his end
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Eleanor Rigby
Beautiful when far,
Deadly when close.
Those stars above
Are just like love.

 Sep 2014 Aditi
step one.
you drink. you drink like alcohol is your life source and each gulp is necessary for breath. you make a game. when you say his name? three shots. when you think about him? three bottles. you drink until you forget his name — but really, you’re only going to forget your own.

step two.
you write his name on a messy sheet of paper, your handwriting about as slurred as your speech. you fill each gap with his name, every empty space filled with the curve of j’s and the dots of i’s, the lines of t’s. you step back, look at your masterpiece. crumple it. toss it. then repeat. repeat until you’ve memorized the way your pen curls when writing his name - as if you haven’t already.

step three.
you burn his clothing. all the boxers, the band shirts, the beanies, toss them into the flame. retrieve them after five seconds; burn your hands in the process. wash them. sleep in them.

step four.
fall in love with someone else. but their eyes will not be his eyes. their smile will not be his, his that lights up his entire face, his that did not mend your scars but held your heart in hands and did not break it. they will try, try so hard, but they will never embrace like he did, so

step five*.
you don’t.
you don't get over him. because you will never meet anyone who will pierce you like he did, who could melt you with a look and freeze you with another. you were cracked and flawed and broken and he saw you and he loved you, he took you and cradled you and your scars can never be taken away, there will always be pain; love is not an easy ride. but where there is pain there is joy, in an amount *overwhelming
, and in all things bad and good they are wonderful. as he is, as you are, as both of you are  together.

you never get over him. you never stop loving him.
i sure didn’t.
 Sep 2014 Aditi
Spike Milligan
Go away girl, go away
and let me pack my dreams
Now where did I put those yesteryears
made up with broken seams
Where shall I sweep the pieces
my God they still look new
There's a taxi waiting at the door
but there's only room for you
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