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Ever since I was born, I was placed in between two empty fields of darkness.
Empty, soulless planes of nihil that eternally stab me with endless sharpness.
I was once nothing for an eternity before I appeared in this form in this life.
And I'll be nothing once again after I finally rescind my last breath in strife.
A dead soul who is condemned to repeat the failures of a failed history,
A silent voice unable to express bitter resentment for living years of misery.
This frigid air of the funeral wind is penetrating my barren, lifeless skin.
I was lured into this life by promises of joy; albeit, joys that I could never win.
Sometimes I can use depression for motivation.
With every broken hope, I swear I'll stay to wipe your eyes,
And you won't have to hide behind some fake disguise

The smile that you carry brightens up the world and makes it shine
I'd give up every single thing to wake up one day and call you mine

Wherever you are I'd do anything just to hear your voice
Maybe we're crazy but no one has to understand our choice

I'll sing you anything you'd ever want on this guitar
You'll remember all my songs when we are so far

But still, from this point, you're my life's greatest mystery
I'm trying my best to understand just what you are to me

I promise that one of these days I'll pay our bills with my words
And we can run and sing together with the birds
She had spoken her peace and sang her swansong to the horizon of time.

With a shallow voice, the echo of her humanity rang back before the great silence crept in.

From this oaken knoll, she etched her spirit in a pillar of autumnal grace upon the golden sky.

Which began away layers of her existence as the wind carried her soul into the ethereal realm.

And beneath this august sky fire, I began to see all life plateau on the far away ridge.

Alas, the sun began to set forever and took with her, the austere essence of her life.

From which of these pillars will I celebrate her ending call? From whence will I call upon her soul?

The pillars of her spirit are now eternally coalesced into being, and all life has faded from her lips.

Until the final days of this existence, we will forever walk these hallways of haunted spirits.
I wish I had said this before the darkness fell
Shrouding me in doubt before secrets I could tell
But time; oh dear, time cares not for what we do
And someday maybe, time will bring me back to you.
I can only imagine what goes on behind your stare
For when I'm lost in the shadows, I can only hope you're there.

Tha mi a ’guidhe gun robh mi air seo a ràdh mus do thuit an dorchadas.
A ’còmhdach teagamh orm mus b’ urrainn dhomh mo dhìomhaireachd innse.
Ach ùine. Ò Mo chreach. Chan eil ùine a ’gabhail cùram mu na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh.
Agus is dòcha uaireigin, bheir ùine mi thugad
Chan urrainn dhomh ach smaoineachadh air na tha a ’dol air cùl do shealladh
Oir nuair a tha mi air chall anns na faileasan, chan urrainn dhomh ach a bhith an dòchas gu bheil thu ann.
Will the moment comes when we will be together,
arm in arm, embraced as we dance until the morning?

Listening to the songs of the western ocean;
a kiss upon my cheek while on you, my sacred colors adorning.

We embrace and reflect on the first glance of each others' eyes
While the earth below us is illuminated by endless, starry skies.

I never want this moment to end; entwined by land and sea.
I will bless the very day you first glanced at me.

And if the sun fades forever, and our souls become blue,
In this world or in the next, I swear, I will never abandon you.


An tig am mionaid nuair a bhios sinn còmhla;
gàirdean air a ghabhail a-steach agus sinn a 'dannsa gu madainn?

Ag èisteachd ri caol a 'chuain an iar;
pòg air mo ghruaidh, fhad 's a tha e ort, mo dhathan naomh a' sgeadachadh.

Bidh sinn a 'gobhail ri agus meòrachadh air a 'chiad sealladh de shùilean a chèile
tha an talamh gu h-ìosal air a shoilleireachadh le speuran gun stad.

Chan eil mi a-riamh ag iarraidh gun tig an ire seo gu crìch, air a cheangle le fearann is muir
Beannaichidh mi an dearbh latha a choimead thu orm an toiseach

Agus ma tha a 'ghrian a' dol fodha gu bràth agus ar n-anaman a' 'fas gorm
Anns an t-saoghal seo no an ath rud, tha mi a 'mionnachadh cha trèig mi thu gu bràth
I'll hold you in my dreams until our first day.
I don't know your face, but I know your presence.
My heart has been yours since you first caressed my cheek
But seas between us have made me grow weary;
Will time be on our side?
Or will our shadows forever fade with the sunset?

Cumaidh mi thu na aislingean mi gus a' chiad latha againn
Chan eil mì eòlach air d' aghaidh, ach tha fios agam air do lathaireachd.
Tha mo chridhe air a bhith leatsa bho bhuail thu mo ghruaidh an toiseach
Ach tha cuantan eadar sinn air mo dhèanamh sgìth;
Am bi ùine air ar taobh?
No am bi na faileasan againn gu bràth a 'dol fodha le dol fodha na grèine?
Someday, I'll find you.
I remember that day - the last day I'd ever speak to you. I sat eagerly, waiting for you to respond to me. You told me you would call me that night, but you never did. For the whole day, I had my phone on me, just in case some miracle happened. 

I sat there, waiting, but I'm not entirely sure why. Deep down, I knew you'd never respond. But unfortunately, that's why this letter is so blue. I didn't want our last conversation to ever end.

I wish I could have comforted you when you were sad, and I wish I could have solved all of your problems. I know you're probably feeling guilt over how you treated me. I accept it. It's okay.

In the short time that I knew you, the world stopped spinning. I think that's probably why I don't want to let go; for a time, I could talk to myself through you. You reflected all of my thoughts.

The hardest realization was that this wasn't the dream I was dreaming of; it wasn't the start of the story I wanted to tell people years from now. But when I got up and accepted this, there was a spark of something.

From this short time, I learned that I am still capable of being loved. That I'm still capable of caring for people. That I'm still worthy of someone's time. And that someone is still out there who can do that for me.

It's time to let go, but I'm not ready yet. I don't want to, not for my sake, but for yours. I wanted to give you the world, and I tried, but the world I was prepared to give just wasn't suited for you, at least for the time being.

I'm still waiting on that call you promised me.

I waited, but then you left.
I'm sorry. I'll see you around.
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