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 Aug 2022
J Robert Fallon III
Calling out for help with zero intention of being heard.

Inevitable change is a diabolical fear.

A life without such nonsense is what I’ve always preferred.

Deep pondering views inside peel back the layers of irrational fear.

A life without adversity is a life without growth.

Embracing change creates a blank canvas.
A dark void inside craving the vibrant colors of new experience.

A life without risk is a life dictated by fear.

Regret seeps in when change is avoided at all cost.

A life without change is a life not worth living.
 Oct 2020
J Robert Fallon III
The human complex is simple.

We want more, more, and more on top of our full-plate.

A vicious cycle of self-infatuation, self-pity,
and a lack of empathy,
creates ill-fate.

No human is perfect so why do we constantly try to drown in false preconceptions?

How can we not see its all just perspectives, wholly subjective?

The world can't seem to see past shiny things,
the loud and bright distractions,
yet stay on the search for the perfect life, inevitably full of imperfections.

When all you need is just above the glaring screen,
raise your eyes to true love, affection, and human connection.

Love is perfection in any complexion.
 Oct 2020
Adi N
She sat on the park bench
basking in the afternoon sun,
when a brown ripe oaknut landed on her lap.

She gazed at it without distraction,
Its colour, shape, symmetry-filled her with immense satisfaction.
The English Oak tree had crafted it with perfection.

Clearly, it was there with a message-

You will take a lifetime,
to truly know my nature.
How could you ever get bored,
when there is creator’s magic everywhere.
 Oct 2020
Jill Tait
I see the colours are a’changing amidst the Autumn season and the berries on the branches are a’blooming for an irrefutable reason..paving the way for the colder months ahead, so that all our little feathered friends shall not struggle to be fed..

As Blackbirds cluster amongst the tall trees foraging fruits from the forest betwixt an early morning breeze..The hairy Hawthorn, wonderful Wild Cherry and the radiant Rowan with their rich, ripe rewards, such ruddy red drupelets in an abundance of hoards..And clambering on the branches stripping the bark with sharpened claws are rusty, red squirrels hanging on all fours..scuttling down the trunks, mouths full up with acorns, almonds and seeds to clandestinely cache their prizes between softened earth and weeds..

Our Amazing, annual October show..such a dazzling display from Mother nature’s bestow..Canopies of glorious golden highlights, delightful  eye-candies for our birds tasty bites..Following our summer and into September the Autumn season is upon us right through til’ December..Some will say that this is the nicest time of the year, as such sensational spectacles are everywhere.. within the wildness of the woodlands and the orangey array, each and every artist’s passionate palettes of portray..
 Oct 2020
Nathanial clark
I Wish upon a star
In the clear black skies
She shines so bright from the rest
Out of millions of stars
She stands out on her own
So rare and beautiful
Doing her thing
Shining bright and happy
Bring a smile to the rest
Who really see her brightest
She’s a one of a kind star
 Oct 2020
Salmabanu Hatim
I chose,
Honesty, self respect and humility,
I changed,
The magic started happening,.
Foremost mum felt appreciated,
I was closer to dad and my siblings,
I cemented a strong bond with my friends,
They did not need excuses not to include me in their plans.
Even the school janitor,
gardener and the bus driver had love and respect for me.
I was on the side of the world where it was day,
Where the sun shone brightly,
Darkness was a past.
 Oct 2020
J Robert Fallon III
Creases and lines guide our malleable vessel,
the mind.

Doubts, fears, and anxieties breakdown even the strongest of vessels to the core,
can it take much more?

Drowning in emotion, the exterior begins to erode apart, board by board.
How much more damage can such a small vessel endure?

Lust and greed lead the moaning vessel through the wrong currents and paths,
seemingly like a sociopath on a warpath.

We can only call on one savior in such detrimental times.

The mind.

Love, empathy, kindness, care, happiness, and positivity is the quickest escape, it has no name as it's inside every brain.
Our existence.

The mind.
 Aug 2020
Kat Culture
I want to write you a big long letter
and give voice to the frustration I feel
maybe even get mad at you
take it out on you
say horrible, nasty things
flail my hands in animation
smash a vase or two against the wall
release the real animal rage that I feel
that you have your own mind and your own will

but how could I?
first of all, I pride myself on my high thinking
I can’t descend to those petty vibrations
that will only destroy me in the end

But, the real reason
are your big brown eyes
those deep hues
of which I have a tendency to fall into
whenever they linger too long on mine
oh, why can’t we intertwine?
and be so close that we forget we’re dying
just for a second or two, at least?

the sun is splicing through the blinds
in neatly descending rays
casting parallels of shadow and light
across the bed

the leaves whirl outside the windowpane
the branches rustle in the late afternoon breeze
reminding me of the lucid dream I had on the bed we shared together on the floor
I was flying through the constellations
at incredible speeds
It felt so real at the time.

if you won’t come away with me
if you won’t let me stay
I won’t hold it against you
I won’t cast you away.

the freedom of choice is a gift (I respect your choice)
and I love the freedom of this life too dearly
I love the sunrises and the sunsets too dearly
I see the light in me seeing the light in you too clearly
to ever make light of the profundity of this

this trip
what a trip
and if we’re not on it together
then I’ll pass you on the highway
separate loads
with separate courses
in the twilight
I’m so glad to have seen you
for a moment in the headlights.
 May 2020
J Robert Fallon III
Internal flames sustain the charring coals of misery.

Heat so intense,
the molten source of such bewitchery seems contradictory.

As time ends the landscape bends.
No hope for new discovery.

Personal freedom and liberty are now things of history.

Ideas and dreams stuck in protohistory,
nothing left,
zero energy,
abstinence of synergy.

Death. The bittersweet valedictory.
Lost ideas of mystery. The mystery that
only the silent soul can hold the final sole victory too.
 Feb 2019
J Robert Fallon III
Escaped from past pain and can now explain.

The epic fall and tragedy from within humanities food chain.

I said I can explain,
as I have begun to train.

Looking towards a light that illuminates the darkest of eyes and times.

How much of such brightness can I contain and retain?

What I know is I've already lived my last dark days.

I said I can explain,
no longer connected to a ball and chain.

Freedom is now in the sunrise,
see the brightness in my eyes.
 Jan 2019
J Robert Fallon III
Fearful and lost in the despair of time.

Debtful to most in this life of grime.

Hopeful and dishonest looking for some change.

When all this time the key to the cage were just letters on a page.

The will to fight, true discovery and insight. The power to finally view with clear sight.
 Jun 2018
J Robert Fallon III
Who am I if I'm not alive enough to see?

Who can I become with so much internal deceit?

Who and what is a soul when it's become lost?

Who and what is remembered when I'm forgot?

We all traverse pain, we all know it's true name.

The cold eternal flame that is universally the same, the fuel to this almighty game of life we confusingly play.
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