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i love you,
and to prove it,
i need to end myself?
it's not  that I'm scared,
but i would die,
not knowing,
if you smiled,
when you knew,
i loved you more than myself
a lot of people **** themselves to show someone how they love them, but if you did you will never be able to know if your love for them, made them smile
 May 2017 Sunset
 May 2017 Sunset
My life is me torn between
feeling everything at once
and feeling nothing at all

So feelings, where do you go when the one who loves me kisses my lips?

Yes feelings, where do you come from when the one I love slips from my fingertips?
 May 2017 Sunset
 May 2017 Sunset
i am more
more than an opened text
compared to your ex
leftover flowers
stepped on to impress
my heart
flourishes without your care
my plants will still grow
when you're not there
to watch over
i should've the **** was
still growing but i kept it
and hid it out of the knowing
of the damage it's caused
instead of cutting it
from my roots
because i wanted it to
some petals are withered
but i will keep growing
without you
 May 2017 Sunset
Let it be luck or fate
You and I became legends
Us against the world

With each battle,
Enemies came to fight
As allies made appearance

Wars are ongoing
But they hinder
From time to time

Young and optimistic,
We were not yet burdened,
With heavier dilemmas

We enjoyed our time
With each passing season,
Our dreams became bigger

We were the same
But different in pace
We became a comparison

No one warned us
That we could defy
One another

After our first few quarrels
We used the word "forever"
Often as we overcame obstacles

Like poison seeping in
Quarrel after quarrel,
"Forever" fell short of itself

There were more stories
Of us and our memories
Than memories being made

Maturity and experience
Changed everything
From our minds to physicalities

Sharp pain resides in my heart
Orignated from comparisons
I hated everything.

You recieved praise
And lost yourself in it
I lost my voice and will.

Mind tricks of my own doing
Distance flourished
As did I.

We were aware of ourselves
But we expected more too
We were no longer on the same page

Something crashed in us
It left marks and bruises
Left us broken and in pieces

Unsure of what was next
Our blades were drawn
Wounded each other with deceit

Haunted with hate,
You became headstrong
I took myself faraway

Time slowed down
The storm calmed
Everything softened

My sun grew confident again
Beaming from above,
Into what was left of me

The shadow casted
Showed me some truth
My mind cleared and spoke

Aren't we peers,
Or the least bit, equal?
When will you learn?

Look at me.
Who do you see,
If not someone found and free?

Words fled quickly
From my tired being
I justified myself for you (again)

You say you understood
But your skull and bones thick
With stubborn and pride.

Spiteful knives sharpened
By shared secrets and confessions
Tell me what part of me do you target

This new nature you claim
Doesn't not suit you well
But maybe the colors are true

It might be time
To take your turn
And make a realization

Patience is my life
All I have is time
But I'm growing

I am not the pity you see
When you look at me
I am beyond that
and so much more
I don't need anyone who doesn't need me.
 Jan 2017 Sunset
Past Tense
 Jan 2017 Sunset
We were on cloud nine,
You called me sunshine,
but that was when
you were mine.
Concept: The girl is reminiscing and missing the boy.
 Jan 2017 Sunset
I don't just wish and crave for ****** ******* with you.
I need and desire my spirits to die little deaths with you too.

I don't just wish to know if U saw me in your dreams and found the petals between your legs wet in the morning.
I need to know how and when U swam upstream in your life when U had to.

I don't just wish to know if you'd sleep with me.
I need to know if you would let me lick your tears too.

I don't just wish to rest my head on your ******* and kiss them.
I need to know if you would rest your head on my shoulders too.

I fell in love with your intellect before I saw how beautiful you are.
You may be a lot of things but you're not a mad hatter..

But I would be lying to both you and me if I were to deny that I find you deeply ****** and claimed not to lust for you.

I would be dishonest to myself and you if I said that I only loved your heart and did not moan thinking about you.

Now, do I love you? Yes my dearest friend I do love you..

I'd scribbled this on a slow day at work.. It lacks rhythm n isn't very good.. But there you go.. Any feedback will be appreciated.. Thank you..
 Jan 2017 Sunset
Matthew Harlovic
you are surreal
from what i see, i feel.

kneel before me, i'll reveal
the brush i paint the faint of heart with.

i give color to the artless,
i give color to the darkness

but you my darling,
you are my artist.

© Matthew Harlovic
a light in the darkness.
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