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 Jan 2017 Sunset
Time Machine
 Jan 2017 Sunset
They say time machines don't exist,
but whenever I'm with you,
Time seems to fly by.

And when I'm not,
seconds turn into minutes.
Shower thought.
 Jan 2017 Sunset
Bark KR
Not Me
 Jan 2017 Sunset
Bark KR
You said it's okay
But it hurts me thinking that I made you feel down this very moment
I wanted this, and I know I can
But I wouldn't, and I don't know why
I trust you
But I'm afraid I'll trust you too much I'll lose you again
I trust you, but I don't trust me.
 Jan 2017 Sunset
Sierra Scanlan
I drank to forget your face but somehow I still found you at the bottom of my glass.
I often contemplate if being normal
*is normal
Tell me what to say
*my mouth is no longer mine
 Jul 2016 Sunset
Girls / Drugs
 Jul 2016 Sunset
You took a trip with Lucy,
to leave a world of pain.
She showed you a kaleidoscope of colors, but just left you feeling insane.

And then you danced with Molly, under the flashing lights, but all that did was make you sleep with a different girl that night.

This girl was named Addy, you thought you'd finally found the one. She made you feel so motivated, like you could get anything done. Then she left your heart racing, and made sure you couldn't eat. After 3 days you finally left her, because she'd never let you sleep.

You met a girl so opposite, she went by Mary Jane, with her you felt so at ease, she took away the pain. But your mother didn't like her, and neither did your dad. After awhile you realized that she didn't make you feel any less sad.

So you run back to the other girls,
although they never left.
They aren't too hard to find
when they're always sleeping with your friends.
Just one call and the girls will be back into your bed.
They're hard to get rid of once you let them in your head.
 Jul 2016 Sunset
Haydn Swan
When you reach that point
but the point is sharp.
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