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Zara rain Feb 2020
It’s like suddenly being sieged
by black water holding you down,
with one fist around your chest
and another shackling your rest.
So when you finally give in to suffocation.
Smothering screams of molestation.
Crows pecking your burning mind
while you crouch by the window,
waiting for dawn to rush in
and save the day.

Your door is bolted with iron locks
shutting out persistent, saintly knocks.
But your window on the seventh floor
knows the allure of breaking apart.
Letting you try unseelie wings:
freedom without heartstrings.
So why does that sobbing ghost,
pleading by your locked door,
still hold enough ectoplasm
to keep your body safe
but your mind insane?
In memory of a lost soul
Harry Roberts Aug 2018
The Crows Caw,
Its A Close Call,
Hidden In A Ring Of Toadstool,
Had To Run Before The Roads Fall,
Against The Fey We Fare Small.

Gutted The Planet,
The Unseelie Planned It,
Flames Of War (.)
The Reptiles They Fanned It,
The Truth Is Much More (.)
But Who Here Is Candid.

Volcanic Eruption & Spiritual Disruption,
Cosmic Consumption & Intelligent Destruction.

The Fey With Their Way
Make The Earths Axis Sway,
The Night Takes The Day
While We Humans Pray.

The Crows They All Caw,
Mourning Shrouds All Fall,
Warning Clouds Will Not Stall,
But I'm Safe With The Toadstool.
Harry Roberts - Toadstool © 17/08/18
ALesiach Jul 2019
Would you like to go to a land,
where the stories never end?
It rests on a golden bank of sand,
down where the river bends.

The sky turns suddenly pale,
while passing through the mysterious veil.
But what a magical, wonderful sight,
to see the fairies in flight.

To see the elves dancing two by two,
in the early morning dew.
To hear the sweet music from the leprechaun's lyre,
as the laughter trills through the air.

Skipping over a babbling brook,
down where the trees do sing.
The dragons give a dubious look,
to see the mermaids enchant the Unseelie King.

And while frolicking in the meadows,
watch as the gnomes gather rose petals.
But be ready to pay the toll,
if you pass over the Bridge of Trolls.

Night is nearly on the land,
time to greet the Sandman.
I hope you have had a happy day,
and do not forget to come back this way.

ALesiach © 10/01/2014
Dawn Treader Jan 2017
Where she stops
Someone dies
Grandma keep a watchful eye

For on your deathbed as you lay
The Dullahan will come to play

Gifted with supernatural sight
You, she sees, in the dark of night
A whip of a human spine she does wield
From her, your soul I cannot shield

Head in hand, grey with decay
I pray to the gods—come what may
On her pitch-black steed she rides
Dressed in a gown stitched of human hides

Her decapitated head wears a Glasgow grin
Prepare for death when the Dullahan comes riding in

Member of the Unseelie Court
She’s the collector of souls; bodies amort
Although the protective curtain’s drawn
Grandma, you’ll be dead before the dawn
Waiting for death to take her, please come soon
New age folklore tells us
We will find pollution pixies
in the scraped bare remnants
Of houses that were gutted
By an overflowing sea
Their blue skin flecked with mud, and eyes
Red and burning from the chemical stench
Black dogs are just white dogs
Doused in oil and waiting for a flame to catch
They sit outside of graveyards and watch
Not for what has come but what will be
Ten thousand fae women, weeping
As radiation has stolen their fertility
And hunger ravaged their children
Ten thousand changelings with bloated stomachs
And empty eyes
We will tell campfire stories of mannan maclir
And how his whole ocean
Boiled and frothed, the palms of his god-hands
Still too small to contain the damage
His collosal eyes weeping tears that drowned a village
When he saw trawler nets of whales he once taught to speak
Present magic is an ugly thing, tar black and tasting of war
Red caps, with their bleeding heads and wide grins
Are the only true victors in this slaughter
But even they mourn their unseelie cousins
The wild hunt chases oath breakers in their white houses
Those sitting on thrones of corpses
Still shovelling money into stuffed pockets
The dogs are baying and savage, nightmares every one
And no match for every iron bullet that they face
None come back alive
Their pelts are traded with ivory, prices stacked
The heads of dreams now wall decor in overlarge houses
New age folklore is the silent death of every myth and legend
That lended hope under smoggy skies
Magic dies in a blanket of ash
Choking on the dust of indifference
Eleete j Muir Jul 2022
As the Unseelie Court enchants the just torment
Either of Heaven or Hell upon the Eleven Trooping
Aristocracies to pay Ichor, the whole zero sum of all passions
The Great Chains of Gaia: Derekh ha-Shemoth,
Liosalfar and Dockalfar; The Image and The Similitude-
Existence and its Expenditure become of mind quintessense.
However, the sensitiveness of the soul finds providence
In blessed feer, propounded a reward unparalleled if
One could be prized 'The Last Standing, Not Falling',
Beyond the Infinite Way an Ipsissmus
Of the eight Sha'are 'Orah sorceries that the wind bloweth
Where it listeth to grant thee power unto the ages,
Gods' corporeal even-tide: The Sword That Keeps Eden!


— The End —