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Cardboard-Jones Mar 2021
She’s the last of the fairy tales.
The mobs came with pitchforks and torches.
The ashes of the golden era stains her skin.
Her magic dwindled, wounded by the sins of man.
She seeks not revenge, nor justice.
She seeks punishment.
I have been the guardian of her heart;
A heart she feels she no longer needs.
There will be a day where it beats again.
Not this day.
On this day she waits in the dark,
Waiting for the day her memory is forgotten;
The day her tragedy becomes a myth.
On that day, reckoning will come
To remind them their cruelty is unequalled
By the spirit of a fallen star.
On that day, I will be her harbinger.
On that day, I will resurrect the memory
They wished would stay buried in the depths.
On that day, the hearts of man will cry for mercy,
Only to fall upon deaf ears...
Because I made a promise.
Cross my heart, she’ll never die.
Look your devil in her eyes.
The Last Poem of Rizal

Farewell, my adored Land, region of the sun caressed,
Pearl of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost,
With gladness I give you my Life, sad and repressed;
And were it more brilliant, more fresh and at its best,
I would still give it to you for your welfare at most.

On the fields of battle, in the fury of fight,
Others give you their lives without pain or hesitancy,
The place does not matter: cypress laurel, lily white,
Scaffold, open field, conflict or martyrdom's site,
It is the same if asked by home and Country.

I die as I see tints on the sky b'gin to show
And at last announce the day, after a gloomy night;
If you need a hue to dye your matutinal glow,
Pour my blood and at the right moment spread it so,
And gild it with a reflection of your nascent light!

My dreams, when scarcely a lad adolescent,
My dreams when already a youth, full of vigor to attain,
Were to see you, gem of the sea of the Orient,
Your dark eyes dry, smooth brow held to a high plane
Without frown, without wrinkles and of shame without stain.

My life's fancy, my ardent, passionate desire,
Hail! Cries out the soul to you, that will soon part from thee;
Hail! How sweet 'tis to fall that fullness you may acquire;
To die to give you life, 'neath your skies to expire,
And in your mystic land to sleep through eternity!

If over my tomb some day, you would see blow,
A simple humble flow'r amidst thick grasses,
Bring it up to your lips and kiss my soul so,
And under the cold tomb, I may feel on my brow,
Warmth of your breath, a whiff of your tenderness.

Let the moon with soft, gentle light me descry,
Let the dawn send forth its fleeting, brilliant light,
In murmurs grave allow the wind to sigh,
And should a bird descend on my cross and alight,
Let the bird intone a song of peace o'er my site.

Let the burning sun the raindrops vaporize
And with my clamor behind return pure to the sky;
Let a friend shed tears over my early demise;
And on quiet afternoons when one prays for me on high,
Pray too, oh, my Motherland, that in God may rest I.

Pray thee for all the hapless who have died,
For all those who unequalled torments have undergone;
For our poor mothers who in bitterness have cried;
For orphans, widows and captives to tortures were shied,
And pray too that you may see your own redemption.

And when the dark night wraps the cemet'ry
And only the dead to vigil there are left alone,
Don't disturb their repose, don't disturb the mystery:
If you hear the sounds of cittern or psaltery,
It is I, dear Country, who, a song t'you intone.

And when my grave by all is no more remembered,
With neither cross nor stone to mark its place,
Let it be plowed by man, with ***** let it be scattered
And my ashes ere to nothingness are restored,
Let them turn to dust to cover your earthly space.

Then it doesn't matter that you should forget me:
Your atmosphere, your skies, your vales I'll sweep;
Vibrant and clear note to your ears I shall be:
Aroma, light, hues, murmur, song, moanings deep,
Constantly repeating the essence of the faith I keep.

My idolized Country, for whom I most gravely pine,
Dear Philippines, to my last goodbye, oh, harken
There I leave all: my parents, loves of mine,
I'll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen
Where faith does not **** and where God alone does reign.

Farewell, parents, brothers, beloved by me,
Friends of my childhood, in the home distressed;
Give thanks that now I rest from the wearisome day;
Farewell, sweet stranger, my friend, who brightened my way;
Farewell, to all I love. To die is to rest.
Jose P. Rizal
Sally A Bayan Mar 2016
(10w x 8)

Comes in bright...or jaded hues intensity

you'd cross someone's path tomorrow suddenly happens...when---

Feelings concur,
.....ideas jibe...falling, into right places...
Soon enough---

Feelings cOmBiNe,
Molecules ExpLODE
At some point.......UniTE...

Heart no longer traverses rough waters
just watches flames burning

Though orange embers die,
true love stokes its fire

It's capture....relive
those blissful, unequalled moments,

Feelings cOmBiNe,
Molecules ExpLODE
At some point...UniTE...


Copyright January 19, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
:::(When two young passionate people are in a relationship....their feelings, their thoughts, their plans, their passions collide...
it's up to both of them, to exert efforts to unite... ):::
An angel chief--the precentor of heaven's
Unequalled choir--silvery and dulcet was his
Voice afore the throne of God and his fold;
Lovely and fair his appearance was to behold.
Hearken to him as he the King's celestial
Hymns leads that give adoration to his especial
Majesty, making melody along with the angels
Whole, while praising Jehovah in awe dwells.

But how soon would this angel change and be
Clothed no more in chaste grace and glory,  
Rather in pride and pity! I'm more than ye all
Who in paradise live. I'm the foremost of all
Beings. Who're archangels Michael and Gabriel
Compare to me, Lucifer, the only greatest earl?
I the highest and the best-- sovereign being--
That towers above Christ the Son begotten;
I'll even God usurp! I'm the most powerful
Here; the morn star that's blindly beautiful!

Haughtiness so into him entered as cupidity into
Judas. And began he to say things profane to
God his Creator, the Maker of all. And thus
War there was between the defector's caucus
And the Lord's host. Michael, who's the principal
Of warfare wherefore Lucifer--the evil cardinal--
Engaged. How fierce beyond a running pen
Was that battle unspeakble in God's holy haven
Seen betwixt the faithful and the rebel!
Yet good unflinching conquered the uprising evil
And cast Satan straightaway down unto the earth
With one-third of the angels from heaven's berth.
Writing prompt of the hour: mandrake

oh poison, what poison doth whisper in my ear

race through my veins like molten metal

cause the hottest summer to season in my mind

echoes a terrible trembling in my tingling limbs

it is mandrake, oh such deadly shade of night

that raises me to the floor luring my knees to my face

in unequalled gross distortions

oh mandrake, thou art a shade so deadly

as to make the blackest night quiver

now this poison makes strange ineluctable rhythms

gradually and patiently enter my body, my thoughts

like a gradual orchestral cadence of static melody

subtly wisping around my whole being.

destructive mandrake now scampers in my blood

becomes inseparable and lives in me

in fiery flocks of hallucinated concepts.

it fires through my body like burning sulphur

this mandrake, this poison

that has prolonged persistence

makes an experience of antediluvian treachery

from another time, not of this time, this present, this now

this here

mandrake has embalmed me to

the red roguish clay

I die ghastly from a writing prompt

mandrake, mandrake, deadly nightshade

fuqing mandrake
anastasiad Nov 2016
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System 1
Just one. Get into "config-register 0x2102" with the router's order prompt windowpane. This allows you actually access to world-wide setting function.
A pair of. Enter into "show version.Inch The reaction should really study:
router# configure airport terminal
modem (config) #config-register 0x2102
hub (config) #end
Replicate this "show version" demand.
The particular reaction must right now study "will often be 0x2102 from next reload."
A few. Type in the order "write remove.In This will likely get rid of the actual start-up construction.
Five. Once again install the software program by entering the particular "reload" control. Will not help you save when caused.
The system exhibit should really examine:
Process setting may be changed. Help save? (yes/no): in
Continue using load? (confirm)
Concur that you would like this re-install so that you can continue.
5 various. Wait for an re-install. The particular dialogue box will probably understand:---System Configuration Dialog---
Want to enter in the preliminary settings discussion? (yes/no)
The hub is reset.
Approach A pair of
One.Enter the receive "config-register 0x2142.Inch
The particular reaction must go through:
Router (config)#config-register 0x2142
Replicate this "show edition get.In .
Your reaction must currently go through "will always be 0x2142 during future refill.In
A pair of. Reload the application by entering the "reload" receive. Usually do not preserve when caused. The machine really should understand:
Method construction has become changed. Save? (Yes/no): deborah
Progress with refill? (Affirm)
State that you'd like this load in order to carry on.
3 or more. Wait for once again install. This dialog package may read through:
---System Setup Dialog---
Do you need to enter the 1st settings dialog? (Yes/no)Get into "no.Inch
Five. Affect the settings signup setting in order to 0x2102. Enter in "config-register 0x2102." Get into "write ram.In This will likely overwrite the functional settings.
Five. Enter the "reload" order. The program settings discussion look just as before. Your router is definitely reset to zero.*******-54.html ZI­P Password *******
Yenson Aug 2018
What can the spawns of Ahriman say, that hasn't been said before
What can  Angra Mainyu linage do that hasn't been done
Children of Jahi the ***** fathered by The Opposer himself
When the Ghost of ghosts spawned his offsprings in Hades
Did he not promise them the world and declared it his
Did he not remove the dusts of damnation from them
And send them down to continue his dominion of fire

Once the second exalted but twisted from his arrogance
He faced down the Omnipotent Light and sought to usurp
From thence on banished in eternal shame he remains
The Ghost of Ghosts spawning his demons and ghouls
The pretenders without light or hues washed in satyr's milk
Disciples of extraction of the purity of the sinless inoncents

Henceforth they seek ******* over the joys of Creation
Killers that **** with all deeds and actions the Glories of Light
Ghosts who opened Pandora before Pandora came alive
Who plundered and ravaged as their master solely intended
To destroy all the Magnificence of the Omnipotent Creator
Who stands unequalled Pure and Mighty in His Golden Realm

Ghost of ghosts fights on earth with his spawns multiplying
Master of wickedness doling out false knowledge to ghosts
Covering them with false beauty and riches in ****** minds
Take your poisoned rewards and destroy to live like kings
For I make you children of destruction and ghosts without souls
Soon you will all come and burn forever in undying molten fire
Hal Loyd Denton Apr 2012
The Great Day that we will all want to be Scholars  

First the time God did the unique the unequalled even for him He did Himself one better He actually
Doubled His already perfect self this is not an inner working of heaven that just concerns them but we
Have the greatest interest we were cast as you know from the mold perfect but then the flaw was
Created by the enemy with out and the enemy within we became alien and were infected with evil’s
Disease now criminal hearts and minds ruled us day and night this put us on a collision course with the
One true righteous God did he gather a great army and show his disgust and anger against such
Behavior it was within His right from nothing he gave us life to be his royal family so the one who the
Record says the mountain smokes in His presence and the hills flee was found in a dimly lit stable the
Light was from lanterns so in these smells sights and sounds He was found not nothing was made that
Wasn’t made for Him that means you and I one more shadow fell on this place the wooden window
Was left ajar on the one that threw His arms and kicked his feet and cooed to his mothers touch the
Familiar knowing shadow was future and it was the answer the Father devised as the auction block its
Dimensions were that of a cross but here he would pay the price for all humanity’s redemption blood
Soaked his body a mockery not even animals suffered that king of cruelty even in those barbaric times
This shadow falls down through time on a great white throne of judgment many a path in life has led up
To this throne but only two lead away one is when He says enter thou true and faith servant into the
Joys of the Lord forever the other here is where the scholar comes to its greatest head everyone will be
Asking what was the doctrine of Christ that will save us all will be there the only sound will be the
Pages of bibles being turned and intensely studied some will shout with joy others will cry out in fear
And agony their fate a blaze on this revered and terrible pages of law that now will judge and determine
Eternal destines the keys to life everlasting simple repent [die to sin every soul that sins shall surly die]
[Be baptized in Jesus name the watery grave] Your being burried with Him in baptisim  indicative of spiritual dying to sin [be born again] anew
Spiritual Birth and life made anew creature simple but many cry truth the word says your safety is in
Your hands those who seek truth on the inward parts will find it not the superficial seeker that will listen
To any doctrine no the one has to have truth and will take no other you will be noted and led and made
Free And at the great judgment you will have nothing to fear I say seek then as if your soul
Depends on it because it does
Martin Trahbeg Apr 2010
Three short words don’t seem enough
The implications they emanate is pretty heavy stuff
They’re said easily by some, stuttered and stammered by the timid
Fear of rejection reigns in most hearts, making it tough

They’re three little words I’ve longed to feel and say
To someone with whom I’d spend a lifetime in a day
A person whose mind and body is joined with mine in exaltation
Who’ll play a song in my heart, without making my soul pay.

Three words meaning volumes when said to another
The words often said with different meaning by a father and mother
A commitment to stay to the end of the play
A standing ovation for devotion, applauding one another

Three words made of clay, two artists mold with care
Fired in a kiln, and decorated by the pair
Their free flowing form, it’s beauty is unequalled
Worth millions to them, but to others only change to spare

When the three are uttered, stopped in place by the feeling
No drama or games, when it’s unexpected makes it appealing.
From the heart, with sincerity makes these words come easy
We all know these three words , that send your heart reeling.
Author. Nothing his radar
Escapes. All things he knows,
Even the wind that blows.

All gods ere him stoop, bowing
Together to the majesty in
Heaven's realm. Great his manifold
Wonders. Excellent every craft
And work of his hand. The world
Whole waltz upon his golden cart.

Man, the opus of his creation:
The only in his image cast.
Unequalled in form and fashion--
From his first to his last.

Nought exits that was uncreated;
Nonfictional be the Genesis' account.
Scores of theories scientists great invented--
All, Scripture and faith, does discount.

In awe stand: the Alpha hail; laud the Omega.
The North Star Feb 2014
Do you remember me?
The quiet girl who sat behind you during class; I'd always give you my pencils
The girl EVERYONE laughed at, except YOU...

Do you remember me?
The only one who wrote letters to you when you removed your tonsils
The ONLY ONE who'd listen when NO-ONE ELSE would

I remember you...
Golden brown satin hair; unequalled beauty- almost surreal
Perfect brown eyes, they matched your hair "why couldn't you feel what I feel"
That mischievous smile, hiding imperfect ivory teeth
your imperfections made me weak

I remember your laugh...
Cute and silent, the purr of bliss and comfort

It's sad that WE couldn't be...
I would have loved you more than anyone had.
nivek Aug 2014
mothers love is unequalled
God knew no other
to bare His Son
Robert Jaensch Dec 2016
If I am colour blind,
Is what I see wrong?
If I throw something out and you collect it,
Is it unwanted?
If you say I am beautiful and I say I am not,
Cannot I just agree with you?
If you give me a compliment,
Who loses if I take it?
Is it OK to take what I need?
Yes please!!
If at first I don’t succeed,
Should I try Tai Chi?
Will the sun come up tomorrow?
I hope so it’s cold enough now.
If I am unique,
Would I be unequalled, incomparable and unmatched?
If I get cold feet,
Can I stay and warm them?

If courage is the ability to do something I know is difficult,
Should I be pleased with myself?
If the job is next door to impossible,
Is it best that I go there?
If my problem is all some-ones else’s fault,
How did I contribute to it?
If I do everything perfectly all of the time,
Would I have more friends or be more loved?
If I can think about what disheartens me,
Can I think about what inspires me?
If there is nothing I can do about it,
Should I do something?If
If I always stuff it up,
Am I exaggerating a bit?
If exercise is a ***** word,
Can I jump in the puddles?
If kindness is currency,
How much should I spend on myself?
When I give up,
Can I call it a time out?
If I see a pink polar bear
Could it be green?
A Socratic Thought
Prince Ikpesu Feb 2020
Man:    My princess, I love you even beyond the sunset
            If your love taste like wine,
            I will always be intoxicated by it.
            Just what if, it is to come like fury?
            Like a blast,
            It will unleash its fury, and consume the forest to ashes.

Woman:        My prince and my lord.
            You say the words,
            But even the heavens can tell you don’t mean it.
            It is a crystal picture of deception.
            Your love is so deceptive.
            Perhaps, an apathy of melancholy, my heart brands it.
            The sensation of what you call love,
            Is with a thousand and one pains.

Man:                My queen and my perfection,
           The secret reason behind every smile my face bear,
           The source of my strength and happiness,
           Can fire burn without yielding smoke?
           Can the ocean flow without its tide?
           Or can the earth exist without the firmaments?
          My precious beloved, my pride and my everything,
          If your love is the air I breathe in,
           I swear on my existence,
           I cannot live a moment without you by my side.

Woman:     My eternity, my rare diamond, and my purest of treasures,
           Your confession for love, sweeps me off my feet,
          The awesome smell and splendor of your presence,
          Has made my heart tremble and terrify at the blast of your              
          incomparable personality.
          Your golden declaration,
          Flatters  my heart with the hopes of being with you.
           My sweetheart and my heaven sent,
          In the absence of any hesitation,
          I wish to affirm my unequalled love for  you alone.
          My perfection, I love you so much
The following is not a paid advertisement. It is the truth. It is arguably plausible for me to state that I received the best secondary and higher education in the world.

I graduated from Phillips Academy (more commonly referred to as Andover now), the oldest boarding school in America founded in 1778, two years after our nation was founded. Andover and its sequel, Exeter, it seems, now take turns being voted the best high school in the United States.

Though I received an essentially unequalled secondary education at Andover, I paid an exorbitant social and emotional cost to receive it. The years I spent at Andover were the worst of my life.

I chose to matriculate to Columbia College, the tradional undergraduate liberal arts school of Columbia University, over Yale
for principally two main reasons:  the Core Curriculum and New York City. More years at Yale would be like returning to Andover, anathema to me.

The Core Curriculum, now over 100 years old, is a rigorous, two-year course of studies that include philosophy, literature. art, music, language, frontiers of science, and writing. All College students, regardless of her or his majors, must take all the Core courses, which, in turn, make them learned for life. Columbia College is the only Ivy school to have anything like the Core. Living in and exploring New York City, the veritable capital of the world, for four years makes one a Citizen of the World for life, even if one decides to reside elsewhere after graduating, as I did. I now live in Boulder, CO. Columbia College's 2019 admit rate was 5.1%. Columbia College admitted a few over 2,000 applicants out of slightly over 42,000 applicants worldwide, making Columbia College the second most selective school in the Ivy League. 5.1 % admit rate:  that's about 1 out of 20.

But even Columbia has its "bad apples:"  Roy Cohn comes to mind readily. So does William Barr. But it also has Barach Obama. 84 students who studied or professors who taught there won the Nobel Prize.

So what to do with this piece CAN WE PROFIT OFF IT?

It sees to me that the maxim  DO UNTO rapidly being supplanted by CAN WE PROFIT OFF IT? Our political leaders, who have never been paragons of virtue, have for 3 1/2 years have become, in a word, corrupt. The Washington Post has authenticated more than 15,000 lies emanating from the Oval Office, not to mention the cheating, the racism, and the ******.

CAN WE PROFIT OFF IT? is the new adage these days.

I say "Make America A Democracy Again!" should be.
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and a human-rights advocate his entire adult life.
mal monson Dec 2018
To you I am grateful
Unwavering and graceful
You have been my support
You alone hold my heart
By my side and never gone
Through all I have said and done
Unequalled in idolatry
My rapture, nirvana, and ecstasy
“You’re not in this alone”
You blare through headphones
“Follow your bliss”
The one I never have to miss
“Burns a hole through everyone
Who feels it” never alone
O Music
I thank you
Daan Dec 2021
We dart and dazzle, sniff and frazzle
just never quite figure it out.
All projections broken down,
all suggestions waved goodbye.

We left money, got a glimpse of fame,
we saw succes and honey, they were never
the same.
We showed shimmer, shine and gold,
a good time yet put to shame
with nicely furnished cars unequalled to behold.

Is it less specific, more erratic, more pacific, less adriatic?
Progress, reaching goals, contentment, food, shelter, love
and friendship, sowing seeds and meeting needs? A simple conversation, perhaps, it's just what
we're used to, differing to all.

Perhaps it's someone comforting you,
before, during and after the immense fall
that is life.

It may be words, cursed or blurred,
coats for rain, only when rain occured.
It may be bark from trees or dogs
or the arrival of pizza at your door at half past four on saterday when the neigbours are away and everything is finally ******* quiet.

Maybe it's new episodes of shows,
songs supporting the cinematic universe as it grows,
might as well be birdshit on your brand new clothes.

Fun is when Bob sings with Sheldon
and the parade they held on

Fun is when things fall into place
when puzzling in space.
Fun is when you know you know you know
and you can finally let go.
*Though I don't know a lot
I am certain of what it's not.
Like solutions or complex causal correlations,
it is not ever just one thing.
Too bad that explanation just doesn't have that ring.

We don't need to know what it is exactly to have it once in a while.
Prince Ikpesu Feb 2020
Poor me;
My heart has become a tool in the hands of fate,
Maybe it is true; nature is weak.
Like winds in the coast,
Am now an addict of her presence.

I look at her eyes and forget my existence.
It is true; the mystery men call love, has taken hold of my heart.
In the blooms of the sunrise,
My love for her springs awake,
Uncultured feelings that continuously mocks my courage
Could this be the magical feeling my grand mother once told me?

At the eclipse of her presence,
Her fragile hands make my lips tremble with fear.
My princess, please take away your beauty from my weak and helpless eyes:
For there in, is the fortress of my weakness.

I only prayed for a lover.
But in my princess is a slayer.
She slays me every second and restores me back with the blooms of her unequalled beauty.
A spirit and courage to savage all tender moments,
I ask from God.
Through pains and the first blood of innocence,
I would make my lover bound to me.
So she wouldn’t let me off her arms, even beyond the cost of rubies.
Joseph Zenieh Jul 2018

Years of life, how fast you pass.
Man won't forget parents when they're old perhaps
as he still remembers yesterday
When young and his parents were his light and ray.

Time goes fast to help man think when young
he was weak in all, his strength and tongue.
Their unequalled hand was so great then;
time flies fast to help man it to ken.

Now, they're old and need him as he did
Yesterday, when tears drenched his eyelid.
They are still so great; his fresh mind can recall,
and returns their work when he was small.

Time went fast and did not leave a space
which endows to forget a wee chance.
His succour occurs with such a heart
as he still recall that glorious past.

Travis Green May 2022
I look at him
And I know
He is everything
That shimmers
In my world

His striking
And endearing charm
Is fresh and fragrant
Fiery, seductive, and unfailing

His masculinity is
Expressive and poetic
Magnetic and majestic
Profound and wildly gentle

Throughout the evening
I am constantly
Daydreaming about his gleam
How he converses
So smoothly to existence

He solaces my mind, body, and soul
He is the divine shining limelight
Of my life

I slide into his inner world
Of the rarest melodic magic
Suave mature allure
He is irresistible and unequalled
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2021
When those planets bowed in humble submission
Freed we were, from that cosmic intimidation
Then left awed and in a singular confusion
That we both marveled at with unique discretion
For what adventure might a broken heart crave,
when only a flight to the furthest galaxies may save?
But nay - If that voyage brought unequalled healing
It was all because of him
For my fears his spirit did surmount
And provide joys no heart could ever count
When we flew beyond mars and those outer spaces
And beheld at length the beauty of forbidden places
We even touched those ancient deities
Out of reach now because of lost frequencies
Trust me the heavens opened their doors
We listened anew to the narration of those wars
Again, was the joy really because of him?
The beauty of those sights filled me up to the brim
But, though enraptured I was by that sweet dream
All the way, I was riding on his wing.
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
The most beautiful touch of Love
In Thine sweet lips does it rove,
And your alien smile enigmatic;
Yet I grasp Thee
In Soul's solitary opulence
Where I feel my 'self'
And converse in dialect transparent
With my inner audience.
You greet me with an ecstatic ease.
Perhaps the forlorn heart
Sits calm and composed in
Self complacency.
Being aware of the disdain and doldrum of the Humanity.
Monna Lisa! The Mystery incarnate
Has slain the silence in her Mystic Presence.
Retires quiet in the quietude of a formless eve,
Merged in reverie
Of someone close of the Distant dream.
With admiring eyes all around
'You are an object of Love'
Never to be found!
Though entirely uninvolved
Oh Heavenly Damsel above!
Immortal in mortal Beauty!
Leonardo da Vinci's Art of iconic excellence
An infinitude of Bliss.

Yourq lips enticing,
Eyes far-reaching yet alluring
Make you dream a far-fetched
Delight enchanting.
Oh Artistic Marvel!
Epitome of rare moments'
Rapture and Symphony,
Creation's highest Harmony!
Descend upon Earth -
To be cherished as the treasure of the illimitable Vast.
An endless Mirth!
Oh unequalled Felicity!
You are Heaven's pleasure
Not mundane Seraglio's worth.
You are an immense Epiphany!
The ****** Beauty
Turned into a Myth
The Creation's unciphered Destiny.
The unthought idea of a legendary Romance,
The unfathomable depth of your surreptitious glance,
Your gestures sublime
Speak of the most euphoric Rhyme!
An unsung Poem
Of the amazing Vast
Aeons to last.

Oh Unforgettable Rhapsody!
Tread upon the Brown
To reverberate the air and earth
With azure mirth.
Your sweet soft unheard melody
Of immenisitude infinite
Of Rhapsody recondite
From the realm of the remote reverie.
Oh Celestial Nymph and El Dorado's Fairy!
Solace unending!

Aesthetic Excellence!
No touch of body and flesh,
Ever sanguine,
All-transcending Deathless ******!
Mona Lisa! The Maiden captivating!
Beauty fails to boast
In your ***** of Elysean Shine.
Breath stops but life breathes Love and Light,
Of inaccessible Height
Recedes further
Never comes to sight.
Mona Lisa, the Sweetheart
To countless beholders in despair,
Untouched in Eternity!
You are the unsolved Paradox
Of Human History.
You are Poetry's new nuance
Which never dies
Meets not decadence.
The Darling of Dalliance of every youthful whim.
In Memory's Archive
The Subtlest Queen!
Oh Seraphic Splendour!
Mona Lisa the magnanimous Heart!
Drop your Divine nectar
And be Bliss to all.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 31st July 2019)
Keith Frantz Jun 2020

What warmth!
Your song brings
O joyous 
heavenly color 
and cosmic delight!
Your vision 
aching reach,
visceral touch

petal promise 
compels me 
draws me 
tasks me
Celestial distance

Transcendent glory
Your call 
and absolute 
my self
I must!

Life born itself 
the eternal chain 
of being
Sacred Creation,
Dear nothing
comes close 
Life giving

Imperfect perfection
The greatest theme 
of poetry 
of life
Of Love
The Cat and the Fiddle...

Unguarded metaphors
swirl amidst
Your wrapped
dewy bloom
Rise Aurora!
Sweet Nectar
Enraptured me!
Your heat
and power
Rule the World

Divine gift
to the gods
I am born
To satisfy
and tend
Safe and sure
Loved and true
All you provide
Take me
Jayne E Jul 2020
carry me on your back
legs wrapped
around your waist
when I am tired
wash my body
warm water
from the shower
of your deconstructed
I want to remain
all softened edges
sleepy and quiet
while you attend
to your task
then carry me
lay me in our bed
warm clean & happy
I ache to sink deep
into the waters
of your love
never hit the bottom
never ascend
to breathe the air
of the mundane world
outside our bedroom
and enveloped
by your
extraordinary  love
you fill my senses
with a deep joy
the ways
you express your love
for me
In all its
rarified loveliness
unequalled tenderness
fiery passion &
sweet devotion
has me ruined
for any other.

© J.C.
Bijoylakshmi Das Oct 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 10thOctober 2020)
(Published in Speaking Tree Website of Times of India)
May I have to touch the dreary dreams of the distant Blue?
To make it mirth-wrapped with the magnificent soulful skyless hue
Away from the din and bustle world’s uproar I build my beatific desolate den,
In the seraphic splendour of the woodland heights in its solitary sylvan ken
The heavenly boughs play laughing in the mountain’s loving lap,
Wisdom’s sunrays bathe them in their sun-clad enlivened clasp;
The song of Creation’s beginning’s first symphony in my inner ears I do always hear,
I retire in my diamond reverie’s rapturous deep with no human ever to interfere.
My Soul’s sanguine yearnings to be expunged from the earthly limits,
Not to be bound by desires and to reach the Supreme’s boundless summit;
To that pure land of Bliss my Spirit forever longs to soar,
The perfection’s peerless prescience where exist neither friend nor foe.
Rain’s ravishing uninterrupted roar all around, lightning’s lonesome dance,
With no human traveler as my playmate I enjoy the all-transcending trance;
With thunder as my armour Oh! I love the amorous airy breeze,
The solemn whisper of my Sweetheart I listen to in the surrealist release!
I sit sovereign in my solitude’s untouched sublime heights,
The lone sailor of the somber dark of the journey’s dolorous night;
The titanic torpor all around but I sail peerless in the cosmic ocean vast,
Truth as the only trustworthy guide to march forward in the midst of the horrific holocaust.
The unseen tremolos tremble in the quiescent quivering breeze,
The wearisome weather welcomes me in my choicest empyrean compromise;
I fall fast asleep in my plunge into the deathless depth of the uninvadable realm,
In the summitless Vast of the unknowable, my eternal Beloved’s long-awaited ken.
The quiescent quagmire of the world’s ephemeral wanton warfare,
Has been denied access to the uncharted region of my privacy’s felicitous hour;
The cloistral poignancy rules my kingdom’s immeasurable vast,
No mundane mire and no human devils ever dare to cast the devilish glance.
In my unequalled leap into the lustrous heights in the star-spangled joyance,
My enraptured flight towards the unreachable height in its rapturous romance,
Memories leave little trace behind, life consecrated to the Absolute Whole,
No citadels to build, no walls to bind me in the unique Creation’s most magnificent role.
Joseph Zenieh Jan 2020
Faith and sinless life, both can lead me
to the world where life is complete joy.
Faith in Him will make my life so great
and restore it from its hardest doom.

What can sinless life build me to thrive?
It can't change the world in which l live.
Just it saves me from most harmful qualms,
but it does not show the dreams l need.

My desire in this life is what
shows me that the end is jubilant.
Man is born to live a cheerful life,
only the Redeemer can provide.

This unequalled Lord has come to earth,
suffered on the cross to make us live.
When we have deep faith in such a Lord,
sins will disappear from our world.

— The End —