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Francisco DH Dec 2012
Talk to you later I will say
Not Goodbye nor Farewell
Because in doing so I will be admitting that you are leaving

I will not hug you, with wet eyes and a mind wishing you'll stay
I will fight the urge of running towards you as you walk away
because I will lie to myself and tell
That I will TTYL

I will shake your hand with a firm grasp and pat you on the back
I will let your hand slip away and my voice will not crack
When I speak those words with a heavy heart,
Knowing I might not ever see you again,
Butch Decatoria Oct 2018
The tapestry of alphabet, imagery of woven words

Textures of emotions felt, like plush and faux furs,

Yet having depth—a love with kinder, deeper oceans…

Let’s document these histories with poetry & verse.

X marks the land marks on the passport /maps

Of seven wonders that color our traveler lives like

XO sauce for our experiences getting bland.

Over & bored with texts, emoji your digital emotion, green clover.
Noah Mytho May 2015
"I gtg"
"I'll message you later"
"I'll get back to you"
"I'm busy atm"
"I can't talk rn"
**** your lies.
If you're so busy then what is with those 20 posts about being alone? You wouldn't be alone if you talk to the person who you just told to go away.
Getting tired of being ignored for doing nothing but caring. Seriously thinking of just giving up.
That One Guy Jun 2014
I don't know why
I ask to talk to you later
When I know that
You will not text me again
Yet I still wait hours on end
For a text back from you

I've waited so many hours
For a text back
Just to have to wait until
The next morning
To text you

Why do you say
When you won't
I wait for that text
That will not happen
Every time you say it
But it never happens

And I'll still wait
Every time I ask
Every time you say it
I wrote this a long time ago
This does not happen anymore
wehttam Nov 2016
I purchased a trademark a few weeks ago...
I am developing a Intelecutual Property
Called IP

Tokyo Surf
Have fun.  Ttyl
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
There are so many ways
to say goodbye
‘Hellos’ are but a few
there’s ‘adieu’ and ‘farewell’
just to mention one or two
‘Catch you later

there are much, and many more
of ‘Bye byes’
than of ‘Hi’s’
than a simple ‘Bonjour’

‘See ya’ or ‘See you’
easier said than to cleave
so, ‘So long’
won’t feel wrong
so many ways to see you leave
maybe, it’s because we depart
more often than we come
maybe, “hello” holds no meaning
after it’s said and when it’s done
goodbye could be good but hurtful
for no sorrow in hello you feel
but parting can be painful
so we say ‘Keep it real’

‘ta ta’, ‘toodeloo’
’sorry it’s me…not you’
among the funny things we say
like ‘howdy’, ‘how you?’
by early morning on your way
so it’s hasta la vista
see you soon, or cya later
I’d better be along.
take it easy
easy peasy
peace out and stay strong.
Many people get the wrong idea as to what certain abbreviations stand for, so I'll clear it up for you.

Nintendo DS: Nintendo Derek Sanderson
NES: Neely Esposito Sanderson
WC: Wayne Cashman
3D: 3 Docders
SOS: Help
PE: Phil Esposito
ER: Erwin Rommel
SD Card: Sanderson, Derek Card
RC Car: Rodney Crowell Car
GPS: Girls' Phrases ****
BRB: Bring Reagan Back
TTYL: Ta Ta You Loser
BC: Bourque Cashman
TYMDPMFGMTITMTP: Thank You MrDrProffessor Murly For Giving Me The Idea To Make This Poem
NSA: 'Nuff Said Already
Emily Tyler May 2013
I'm that friend
Who you ask to the mall
On those weekends
Where it's so nice
And sunny
That everyone's at the beach.

I'm that friend
That you walk home
On days
Where everyone else
Has mountains of

I'm the friend
That you ignore
When they text you
Because they're so
That they're
Too stupid
To take the hint.

I will never be your first choice.
But I can settle for last.

If it means
Going to the mall
With you
On those weekends
Where it's so nice
And sunny
That everyone's at the beach.

If it means
Walking home
With you
On days
Where everyone else
Has mountains of

And if it means
Getting that one text
Saying that
"Have to go"
And you'll

I'll settle for that.
Nicole Fox Feb 2013
We are a generation
Of instant gratification
Most of our lives
Confined to LCD screens
And large comfy couches
We are fearless;
Behind the username and password
Of a social network
Our words are no longer spoken
But formed by a repetitive tapping of our fingers
An act of bravery is now defined as
Sending a risky text
Our mornings and sleep patterns
Depend solely on
Good morning/night beautiful
Carefully handwritten letters turned into careless emails
And break ups are just
A click of a button on Facebook
Trips to the mall became
Hot cocoa and credit card debt
We learned how to surf
With just a keyboard
And our laziness transformed the English language
Into LOL and TTYL
And how silly it is to think
We made ourselves this way.
Lexie Mar 2016
Thank you for saving my life :)
betterdays Mar 2014
feelin lazy today,
so you get what you get,
turn the page
move on
learn from your mistakes
be brave
face your fears
footloose and fancyfree
don't run with scissors
stay a while
catch more flies with honey
wrong way turn back
a stitch in time saves nine
when i was your age
no rhyme or reason to it
high road or low road
polly want a *******
click, click, boom
first past the post
i 'm just a smiling sunbeam
barrel of monkeys
to thine ownself be
thank you
what doesn't **** you
hand in the cookie jar
never seen the like
flat out like a lizard drinking
not happy jan!
take a bex and have a good lie down
sunshine and daffodils
slip, slop, slap, put on a hat
life passes by in the blink of an eye
chip on your shoulder
take note
laughter the best medicine
kindness warms the cockles of my heart
if you can't be nice
you did not just say that
umm, ahh,
now you in trouble
quiet now i am watching tv
do not cry
don't spray it, say it
do not tell mum
it was'nt me
hava mint,
go to your room
do not pass go do not collect one hundred $$
all the world's a stage... merely players
wanna play
go away busy
want to come over
can i kiss you
it's a boy
what a whopper
please i've seen better
do i know you
the dog ate my homework
who now
why am i here
put your clothes on
what goes up must come down
life goes on
is my *** big in this
stop the merry-go-round i want to get off
i need a dollar
tea anyone
she had a goodlife
how much
every things coming up roses
what pink pigs flying overhead
snap, crackle, pop
one sugar or two
in case i don't see you
good morning
good evening
and good night
take a bow you've earned it
with appropiate thanks given to all
caught up in a sa of altrd imags
alcohol flowing
   rd pupils
from all th slfis
scroll up /// scroll down
m8 u waz wastd
   vryon at ach othr
voics scrambl;ing
for pol position
#popularity laddr
a flck of jalousy
   slic of malic
grn lights signal
sombody cars rite??
hr bgins th dz-dss-
   the dscnt into pixls
primary colours
   '*** **'
night grows old
   plot unravls lik a ball of string
coagulats thick and bad
let fingrs do the talkin' 4 u
  nams bcom strangrs
bcom nams bcom strangrs
Written: January 2015.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time.
I have just finished watching a recent powerful UK TV film called 'Cyberbully', which highlights how an unknown culprit can attack others through the Internet. This got me thinking about how today's society is so Internet-based, it's quite shocking. I notice everyday how people can be rude or offensive to others online, and yet nobody thinks anything of it, and as a result, nothing is done. The culture of those aged between 15-22 online is a thorny topic - selfies galore, attention-seekers, terrible spellers - not all, but a lot.
This poem deliberately omits any use of the letter 'e', contains brief 'cyberspeak' and punctuation in an unorthodox style (but the sort of thing one may see online from time to time). Feedback as always is appreciated.
betterdays Jun 2014
feelin lazy today,
so you get what you get,
turn the page
move on
learn from your mistakes 
be brave face your fears
footloose and fancyfree
 don't run with scissors 
stay a while 
catch more flies with honey 
wrong way turn back 
a stitch in time saves nine 
when i was your age 
no rhyme or reason to it 
high road or low road 
polly want a ******* 
click, click, boom
first past the post 
i 'm just a smiling sunbeam 
barrel of monkeys 
to thine ownself be
thank you what doesn't **** you 
hand in the cookie jar 
never seen the like 
flat out like a lizard drinking 
not happy jan! 
take a bex and have a good lie down
pull your socks up!
sunshine and daffodils
 slip, slop, slap, put on a hat 
life passes by in the blink of an eye
stand up straight
chip on your shoulder
 take note 
laughter the best medicine 
kindness warms the cockles of my heart 
if you can't be nice 
you did not just say that 
umm, ahh, now you in trouble 
quiet now i am watching tv 
do not cry 
don't spray it, say it 
do not tell mum 
it was'nt me 
hava mint,
please lol
go to your room 
do not pass go
do not collect one hundred $$ 
all the world's a stage... merely players 
wanna play
go away busy 
want to come over 
can i kiss you 
it's a boy 
what a whopper 
please i've seen better 
do i know you 
the dog ate my homework 
who now 
why am i here
 put your clothes on 
what goes up must come down
 life goes on 
is my *** big in this 
stop the merry-go-round
i want to get off 
i need a dollar 
tea anyone 
she had a goodlife 
how much 
every things coming up roses 
what pink pigs flying overhead 
snap, crackle, n'pop 
one sugar or two 
in case i don't see you 
good morning 
good evening and good night 
take a bow you've earned it.
a nod to the varied sources...
gmb Jun 2018
i spit n kick like dew drippin off leaves,
i learned 2 b soft so i will b soft when i am brittle.
i think of the way i thought of u back then, lethargic at best,
pretendin like u were a god when really u just mistook all that drool for ichor.
im sure uve noticed by now im abrasive,
under the assumption that apples fall far from the tree and
“i swear that im soft, i swear my skin is thin and
i swear im bein honest,”
but ive nevr been honest, not even 2 myself,
cause i didn’t even realize i had walls up til u tried breakin em down and
i know i scare too easily,
its jus the way that i bleed,
im like a rabbit in the middle of the street and
you’re going 80mph and
my paws r 2 small to matter if i die again
Lexie Mar 2016
I hope you never meet anyone as messed up as me.
Good luck in life, I hope yours is sweeter than mine.
I'll just stay here, with my friends:
Anxiety, Depression and Mr. Pity Party.
I'll talk to you later
Just hear me out,
Before you get frustrated.
One of the new most commonly used terms in a teen’s vocabulary.
The new starter of most sentences in a text message.
Put them together,
You have a full sentence.
Wow, magic.
Just like that!
But then you have jk jk lol.
And those don’t even scrape the beginning of “text language”
Whatever happened to the real languages?
The real conversations?
See the thing is, most of us couldn’t go a day without our electronics.
Are world is digitally ruled.
When you feel your phone buzz, what do you do?
You immediately go for it.
When you hear your ringtone, what do you do?
You go for it.
I’m sure we’re all guilty of it.
We text, we post, we call.
Our life story.
Whatever happened to going outside to play football?
Because now it can be done on Madden.
With the touch of a button,
Our whole life can be occupied, mixed, and transformed.
Cyber bullying.
All crimes based on technology.
Our world has turned to the future,
When maybe it should’ve stayed in the past.
It’s become like a bird, flying too fast.
It seems like our lives have begun to revolve around when the next IPhone comes out.
Did you know a girl tried to **** her own mom when she took away her phone?
There’s clearly something wrong there.
We stare at our screens,
Like we owe them respect,
But then we forget
The color of our lover’s eyes.
Video games,
The love in a teens life.
How fun it seems
To build, destroy, and plat
But we forget, what it was really like
When these things required work, and energy.
This generation has relied too much on our everyday actions.
We don’t do anything new.
We haven’t done anything new…
Except when we got the new ps4 and the new IPhone 6 plus of course.
I feel like my world has been taken over.
The tyrant is the tech.
And its trapped me for years.
Its trapped schools, workplaces.
Its trapped the world.
And I don’t know how…
Oh wait…was that my phone?
It’s taken over our banking, our transportation, even our security!
We trust our tech more than our best friend!
And it doesn’t even have a soul!
In fact, that’s how we reach most people.
Social media.
Ah there it is.
And Instagram.
The addiction is real.
We check them every day.
Every night.
Memories fade to the rapid typing and clicking.
My parents laugh
When they see something from their childhood,
That I don’t even recognize.
And I ask myself, will our children be the same?
So oblivious to everything,
Because we never bothered to see?
We text. We type.
We can do it all night.
When will our thumbs get tired?
Because when you power your phone on,
I’m trying to turn mine…off.
Hold on, I gotta take this call.
Hao Nguyen Apr 2016
To: Thomas

Message: hey did u reed that bok
bout Chauser cuz i didnt
get it.  Its jus 2 hard 2
read n i dont kno y
we r doin this.
I meen we r good @ talkin
in our english so y r we
reedin all of this ol ****?

Who needs it or even cares?

Canterbury Tales?  Mor lik
LOL.  its like 2 long but
txt me bk cuz I dont get it
n ned help 4 the test.
TTYL, busy day sooo gotta g

~<3 Becky

Sent at 2:00pm April 2, 2011
This poem was created in an experimental form: texting.
John Jun 2016
after work, every night
when i get high
i feel like the bottom of the barrel
every night, try as i might
when i get high
i feel like the only one

i don't get enough sleep
break the promises i said i'd keep
i broke out and i ran away
ended up in the same place
can't seem to keep this head on straight
too much work and too much play

so when i go crazy will you hold me?
by the looks of it, i'll be there soon
wonder why it was that you chose me
what you say at midnight doesn't match with noon
but the way your dark hair looks under the moon
it'll keep me coming, i'll be back soon
Star Gazer Feb 2016
"'I will talk to you later"*,
But later never comes*.
betterdays Apr 2016
feelin lazy today,
so you get what you get,
turn the page
move on
learn from your mistakes 
be brave face your fears
footloose and fancy-free
don't run with scissors 
stay a while 
catch more flies with honey 
wrong way turn back 
a stitch in time saves nine 
when i was your age 
no rhyme or reason to it 
high road or low road 
polly want a ******* 
click, click, boom
first past the post 
i 'm just a smiling sunbeam 
barrel of monkeys 
to thine ownself be
thank you what doesn't **** you 
hand in the cookie jar 
never seen the like 
flat out like a lizard drinking 
not happy jan! 
take a bex and have a good lie down
pull your socks up!
sunshine and daffodils
slip, slop, slap, put on a hat 
life passes by in the blink of an eye
stand up straight
chip on your shoulder
take note 
laughter the best medicine 
kindness warms the cockles of my heart 
if you can't be nice 
you did not just say that 
umm, ahh, now you in trouble 
quiet now i am watching tv 
do not cry 
don't spray it, say it 
do not tell mum 
it was'nt me 
hava mint,
please lol
go to your room 
do not pass go 
do not collect one hundred $$ 
all the world's a stage... merely players 
wanna play
go away busy 
want to come over 
can i kiss you 
it's a boy 
what a whopper 
please i've seen better 
do i know you 
the dog ate my homework 
who now 
why am i here
put your clothes on 
what goes up must come down
 life goes on 
is my *** big in this 
stop the merry-go-round,
i want to get off 
i need a dollar 
tea anyone 
she had a goodlife 
how much 
every things coming up roses 
what pink pigs flying overhead 
snap, crackle, n'pop 
one sugar or two 
in case i don't see you 
good morning 
good evening and good night
rinse, repeat. set
now see here 
take a bow you've earned it
Todays prompt, write an index poem....sorry  having scheduling difficulties, so pulled this out of the archives.....most of the lines are from movies, or australian tv adverts or are commonly used phrases.... tacked together to create a list poem, first written in 2012 and added or altered over the past 4 years...still a work in progress.
Joanie Poston Feb 2013
I feel so alone and helpless at times
Where others see painted nails, tans,
dyed hair I see people and stories. Where
others see laziness and unwilling to do work
It's there fault! They bring it upon themselves!
I can see the sadness, and despair in the words
written on the signs. The heartbreak, the hope
that someone will notice and reach out to them.
Where most people say "its just part of growing up,
It makes them tougher, aw the other kid just has
low self esteem. Just ignore it!" I see a kid being
pushed, pushed around until they can't take it
anymore. Where feeling so low, that not existing is
their answer. Or fighting Self esteem issues, hurting
themselves, never feeling good enough takes over
their lives. Where Other people see another typical  
news story of violence guns and knives. "Let them ****
each other! There stupid animals anyways! Were better
off without them! They don't even try to better themselves!
Its the ghetto who cares!" I see a town failing, a place that
wasn't given the tools to succeed. Teach their children, and
children's children. We just keep making up excuses. Instead
of helping, we put the blame on them.  I try to feel their pain,
walk in there shoes as they say, but I can't. I want to better
understand people. I want to help people not judge. I can never
imagine a world so tough and hard to get ahead.For so many
people just turn the other cheek and don't bat an eye Simply
could care less. Its sad world were all living in. IF only,
IF only my words. Were more,more than lines. Were helping hands.
That could reach out and spread love.Give hope, and dreams to
people hurting inside. I am pouring my heart and soul into these
words. I wish that I had the artistic ability to put magic in these
words. I want them to cure the world of hard ache. To become umbrellas
to keep the drops from falling. To build walls for the homeless. To
give strength to the child who struggles everyday to fit in. I want the
words to be tools. Not just words.My words have no deep
meaning, They are merely wishes. Dreams.  I feel I have failed as a human
because I cannot do more.  We must take hour heads out of our phones,
Put them in the clouds look at the sky. AND PAY ATTENTION.
There is so much more to this world then *** ttyl. More than a status
messages and tweets
But now I just feel so beat
We are in this together.
We must work together.
If we want this world to last
I don't know if this constitutes really as a poem either, just another string of thoughts.
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
This is a long one,
Though just the beginning
Of a story to be told
To you.
Poet, or lover
Of poetry's sweet touch,
Indulge yourself.
The written word is dying
Sick and Ill
On Time's death bed
Rotting away
Until the day when
All that is left
Is a swift
And the art
Will be gone
For good.

Scattered as my
brain my be
I see the coming of the
end of all
I love
So dearly as
To share with it my
Deepest secrets.
Poetry is my blood,
Tick and red,
Falling away from the nicks
Of life
And landing softly
In your eyes.
Oh reader,
See and believe
That it is up to I,
And up to you,
To Write
To Breath the words
Of poetry.

This is a long one,
But we're near the end.
So don't let my
Oh reader,
Keep the love
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
What makes a poem a poem?
Why do rhyming words in a certain fashion have such a great effect?
Is it my expression?
Your fascination?
Or is there no explanation
Why do the few descriptive words set the scene of tranquility and beauty?
is my identity
How is it that the rhythm gets you going just the right way
Setting the beat
Beating the heat
because no matter what i just can't be beat
But sometimes isn't poetry more of your feelings?
I'm not striving for the perfect line
Frankly i don't care i just want you to be mine
Oh (insert lover's name here) you are just divine
So here I am with my pen and paper trying to impress the world
But poetry should have more of a meaning
it should come out of your heart
but my heart doesn't have much in it, it has quite a bit of room
so brb ttyl bada bing bada boom
kar Jul 2018
I wish
You’d look up and talk to me
Tap, tap, tap
Gave a few hours of my day to you
You sold your soul to a phone screen
Tap, tap, tap
You type words faster than you say them
and laugh at another conversation
Tap, tap, tap
I sit here patiently while you finish your stories
Maybe I should’ve just sent a message
Tap, tap, tap
12 seconds of my day to you
So you can be where you’d rather be
Emo kitty Nov 2014
we live in a society
   were people are judged
not just biased off the way they
look but also how they act
and with what they enjoy
       society today is over run
with the new I phone I pad
instead of the wheres moms and hows dads
       we are so consumed by technology
that when it comes to a actual conversation
we cant stand but to use ttyl or brb
when we could just say the true words
instead of abbreviations such as
when we text
its always lol
but are we really laughing?
or is it just a means of expression  
of to days incapability of sociable
events and activity's.
mia Jun 2018
YOLO is a term used by many teens
These terms all mean something in their own special way
LOL meaning Laugh Out Loud
GTG meaning Got To Go
BRB meaning Be Right Back
TTYL meaning Talk To You Later
TBH meaning To Be Honest
Many adults are completely oblivious as to what their teens are talking about
Others think they know what their teens are talking about
When they really don't  
Such as LOL meaning Laugh Out Loud when some parents think it means Lots Of Love
This can take a very big, bad turn if you use them the wrong way

Mom: How was your day?
Daughter: My Friends Mom just died!
Mom: ***! LOL!
Daughter: MOM!!!!!
Mom: What?
Daughter: It's not funny that her mom died!!!
Mom: I never said it was.
Daughter: Then What did you mean?
Mom: I meant Lots Of Love
Daughter: OOOHHH

So you can see how there can be a little misconception when using these terms and some people may not know what they mean or how to use them
by my friend
My heart is a ******* arrow. Coming str8 up the *** of the competition.
Not hell or high water can stop me from ******* this ***** up.
Im like tom cruise on benzos talking about scientology.
Im that delusional.
But hey im a good person. Think i might get a *** change
Ya know do some proper consultation first. Than cut that ******* off.
Its not my fault i was born with such a ******* good looking *****.
Goonna be hard to say good bye to.
Should donate it to the space snd science center so they can show visitors its immaculate aerodynamics.
Weve had some great times .
But its time to let her die young.
AADI Dec 2019
when you've been waiting for that one person to reply ...
and he says ,
" busy , ttyl "


— The End —