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Nigel Morgan Apr 2013
Honourable Younger Sister,

This village is a world of stone. Lanes, houses, courtyard walls, towers, pavilions, tables, benches are all hewn from ancient red rock. The stone streets are lustrous with the passage of feet and shine in the moonlight; tomorrow they will glisten in the morning rain. After six days on the path into the mountains I finally rest at this inn. Here I can buy light: to write in this loft whilst the house sleeps, though a dutiful daughter dozes against the foot of the stair-ladder to serve me should I require sustenance. Frightened by my ugliness I summoned up my sweetest voice for her and soon there was a shy smile and downcast eyes. These are long nights for the village poor, but few here as poor as those whose shelters I sought on the path. Tonight I miss the steaming breath and ceaseless rustle of the animals brought indoors for warmth and security. My travelling robes are already filthy, but my body remains clean. As soon as I depart each night’s shelter I search for a stream to strip and wash thoroughly in the ice-cold water.

Dear sister, we have both been taught that the function of letter-writing is to unburden the mind of its melancholy thoughts in the form of elegant colours; its purpose to state one’s feelings without reserve. My thoughts turn constantly on whether I have it in me to ‘summon the recluse’. Have I the stamina, the patience, the resolve to seek out these elusive souls? Such thoughts induce fear rather than melancholy, fear of failure.

Already my journey into these mountains has crossed the season of late autumn into that of early winter. I am told the russet-red leaves and pink berries of the Ash, the deceptive Rowan and speckled-leafed Lace set the mountainside alight as the sun rises into a clear sky. For me clouds hang all day in the steep valleys, and so hide the heights where the solitary ones are believed to live. They alone see with the dawn the mountain peaks aflame   It is only in the very late afternoon that the sun melts the clouds, breaks through, and enlivens the landscape, turning it gold, then amber, and a final dull red before the blue blackness of dusk descends. Beyond this village my sources tell me there is real wilderness, and paths are few. I am to be my own guide.

You and I are so adept at the play of words. Our honoured father encouraged us, and as custodian of the Imperial Archives he knew how words could be arranged to both conceal and reveal; we played with the characters as other children played with coloured stones. So with the poems we call “Chao Yin”, let us play with verb “Chao” as both to seek and to summon. Chu Hsi, a courtier of that prince of Huai-nan, was sent into the wilderness to summon an errant official back to his post. His poems speak of terrors of the mountains, their ‘murky depths sending shivers of fright’ of ‘the caves of leopards and tigers’, and of the deep forest where ‘a man climbs from fear’. The poetic form uses “Chao” as in the ancient ceremonial song “Chao ***”. This calls on a dead person’s soul to re-enter the body, so ‘a summoning of the soul’. In those times such poems argued against the recluse, the withdrawn one, and sought a return. Today there is this feeling abroad that we need to consort with the recluse, to taste his solitude. Does the solitary life speak of the ineffable Way? Or is it in the search for the solitary one that a moment of enlightenment may present itself? As the saying goes: ‘to travel one must surely uncover truth’. In my bones I feel ready to invert this old poetic form. I must summon the spirit of the recluse out of the mountain fastness, but not seek his return. I need to touch his ways, see evidence of his mountain life, for a while to walk his paths breathing the same air. In my heart I expect nothing but his absence. I foresee I may reach his shelter and find his gate ajar, though the embers of the hearth still warm. He will be on some distant peak gathering herbs. If on a precipitous path I was to turn a corner and find him before me I have no words prepared. For the moment it seems I am exploring an idea through this summoning and seeking, not a living, breathing body.

Tomorrow I shall reconnoitre. My official hairpin and staff will command any audience, but for reliable answers, I am far from confident. There is always talk, rumours, sightings. The common people respect these beings as kindly mountain spirits and guardians of the wilderness. At the fork in a path, by the crossing place of a stream, corn, persimmons and millet are left for them. Such offerings will be replaced in time by the rarest mountain herbs, wild fruits, the skin of leopard or bear.

Your last letter spoke of ‘following my path into the mountains’. You have always defied convention, so it would be no surprise to find you here on my return, although I think your Lord would not sanction it. He would find such a request unfathomable. I am still perplexed at your situation, that you, the most homely of women should be so favoured, so adorned, and yet so free. It is that confidence you hold to yourself.  

To me, you have always been the essence of woman. What knowledge I possess of your kind comes from you alone. The infrequent gropings that occasionally present themselves I have only dismissed. An hour in your company smoothes and stills both soul and body. Your movements and gestures are always quiet and true, as are your woven words that sing in my memory on the path.

I read your letter
And savoured your words,
Your sorrowful songs of separation.
I can almost imagine your face before me
And I sigh and sob out of control.
When will we meet again
To amuse ourselves with prose and verse?
How can I tell you of my misery
Except with these woven words?

Have I remembered your poem correctly? I expected no response to my own lines on our separation. On the very morning of my departure your scroll arrived. I delayed to read it, delaying further to know your words: to carry them in my memory on my journey. In our respective verse we follow the way of tradition: the lonely woman in her room; the man travelling far from home. How many thousand poems describe this antithesis?

My life has always been sheltered by the expectations of scholarship, the requirements of official rank, and more recently acclaim due to my songs and poems. This journey begins a new page, as a seeker and summoner. Follow my path deeper into the mountains, be at my side when I rest, calm my fear of the heights and the depths of dark ravines, reveal to me the words to paint the scene. Know that I share with you everything that is to come, without reservation.

Remember the words of Lun Yu: ‘The good man delights in mountains. The wise man delights in water’. In these mountains the sound of water is present everywhere.

A stony spring rinses bits of jade
Minnows now and then emerge, and disappear.
Here what need of my silk-strung gujin? –
The mountain water has its own crystal song.

Your brother Zuo Si
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
It was a cold night with no light
Sitting alone in my home
I heard three little knocks on my door
Shivers ran through my spine
Who could that be at this time?
I checked the window to see who it was. But there was nobody out.
Returning to sleep feeling drained i heard the three little knocks again.
I rushed and opened the door.
A faceless man was standing alone.
And he said hello my friend im happy to visit you again.
Your time ended in this life
Im here to take u to the after-life.
Suddenly his eyes appeared to me and i felt so light and free.
Those eyes were death why was i so attracted to them?
I was flowting in the air and watching my body lying on the ground downthere.
I realised i had just died but yet i felt so alive
I was a spirit ready to break on through the other side.
But somehow i couldnt forget those eyes.

Words of harfouchism.
Dalton Bauder Oct 2012
come and find me,
wayfaring soul
chase the heat of my smoldering coal.
the embers of an eternal fire
spread wild as dogs, mad with desire
and i will walk upon a sea
the tides forever carry me
as flames gently lick at my feet;
i will not bleed, my heart will never cease.

the dream from which all life is taught
the realm from which all love is sought
i walk that line, the rope is taut.

there are beings in the wind
they whisper to me to pretend that i am one of them
a fluent river in my head,
a flowing coordinated thoroughfare of dead
these spirits cary me away
carry me to the grave
to awaken them.

and so they sing with me,
they breathe with me,
they live with me.
inside of me there is a seed;
the roots of every tree
intertwining with my dreams.
shaping reality
i am the awakening.

they live in my breath
they allow me to see
the realm of passing death
softly brushing the reeds.
finally free
CM Vazquez Mar 2013
Think I'll make it.
Sub ways out
for direction or cause
I have no idea
why I started
but I'm aware of why I paused.

And don't you know I'm
out there
Like an underdog fan.
Walkin' through the snow with
out hair.

Call me the Summoner Man.

Come on, you're banned from this wonder filled land.
Ask why, you can't.

I'm the summoner, man.
Papa Ghost Feb 2014
Every time I think you're sick
I look in the mirror and see
That I've got the same disease
I loathe my thoughts so much
They make me freeze
And then I remember where they came from
You bred them into me
I learned them from you
If this makes me sound like a ****
Remember who is just as sick
That's right it's you
Now listen to this track
Be back in a few

It's never my fault
We have to stop the symptoms
But never the disease
It's always their fault
We have to stop the enemy in our bed
Rather than make the demons in our hearts stay dead

Is it a surprise I'm a demon summoner onstage
Calling forth the self-hatred in their hearts
Culling them away from their rage
Exercising exorcism like I do with words
You are the monsters
Pens are my swords
I only learned from the best
The best teachers in town
I'm so successful I dedicate this crown
To the ******* that made a blood pact
A deal that put me to a test
I don't want to ******* take
This portrait of us isn't real
It's ******* fake

It's never my fault
We have to stop the symptoms
But never the disease
It's always their fault
We have to stop the enemy in our bed
Rather than make the demons in our hearts stay dead

How does it feel
That I profit from our ozzfest
Our screamo shows
Our nu metal fest fodder
How does it feel that this drama
Makes me rich without trauma
I'm no Johnny Davis or Chino Moreno
Solo soy tu coseno
Adjacent to a hypotenuse of hate
An underlying burn I'm used too
I can't ever feel nothing
Because I always feel your burn

It's never my fault
We have to stop the symptoms
But never the disease
It's always their fault
We have to stop the enemy in our bed
Rather than make the demons in our hearts stay dead

It doesn't have to be this way
We can put our swords away
And face our demons together
We don't have to divide a house to fall
I don't have to come home appalled at the blood
The very blood in my veins boiling
We can live instead of toiling
**** the symptoms
Cure the disease
Don't make me freeze
When you never claim fault
So you can go to sleep in peace
And make me lay in pieces
I want to finish this song
But most of all
I want you to finish it too
I don't know how much profanity is regulated. So I'm sorry if any of my harsher words put you off. This is supposed to be a song. But I have no band yet. So enjoy.
Em or Finn Apr 2015
Some call me a prophet
Others see me as a derelict
These stories I’ve stored in my head
Can easily be twisted to fantasy

Am I reliable?
You have no choice
But to take what I say and believe
At least for a little while

I believe the listener
Is as naïve as I seem
Sitting on every detail
Every word

While visiting Southwark
I met a variety of characters
From different means of life
With different perspectives on the world

Looking innocent has its advantages
It gives me a leeway
To invade other’s privacy
And extend the truth to the edge of fabrication

Have you ever questioned a storyteller?
We all seem friendly
We talk highly of everyone we meet
Until we dive deeper into their secrets

The Squire
Composing music is his forte
I say it sounds beautiful
And he seems fresh as the month of May

The Friar
A gossiper full of language
I hope to understand
To grasp

A Sailor
Having bad joints
From extensive labor.
He must work substantially to acquire those injuries

The Summoner
Full of white pimples
Yet drinks red wine
As red as blood

I create a story
Yet can end it all the same
I tell you what you want to hear
Not what reality presents in front of me

For life is not exciting
Without a bit of imagination.
And with my mastered poker face
It may be impossible to seek out my lies

The darkness inside us all
Can peek its head at any time
Consuming us into a downward spiral
Of lie after endless lie

So am I reliable?
We’ll just have to see.
So here comes a story
Told by me.
I wrote this a long time ago for an LA project on Canterbury Tales. It was from the narrators point of view.
Queen of the kingdom
The heart of Sàngó,
Giving Sàngó courage.
Sàngó's betrothed
Goddess of wind, tornado,
Yet the owner of the marketplace.
Queen of all seas
Creator of lakes and rivers
The waters knows your name
Goddess of storms
Orisa of death and rebirth
The mother of nine
The undergoddess of Odo-Oya
The unbeatable warrior
The summoner of rain
Sàngó's princess consort
Thou who walketh through fire with no burns
Queen of courage
Goddess of speed and energy
Symbol of faithfulness
Goddess of devotion and perfection
Goddess of war
Oya, our fiercely warrior of old

Written Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
This poem eulogies Oya, who is the goddess of courage, war, rain, wind, tornado, speed, energy, death faithfulness, devotion, perfection, rebirth and the wife of Sàngó.
Levi Sep 2015
As promised, he’ll make a good piece
To make your heart and mind at ease
A girl who’s annoyingly cute
And stubbornly, he salute

He met you in Summoner’s Rift
You’re so kind and nice, it’s your gift
You play these lovely healing songs
And you support with grace, we won

You open a boy’s wounded heart
He adore you right from the start
He never tells cause his afraid
Maybe you’ll laugh, cry and evade

He never told this until now
That he loves you, this is his vow
Remember this, you make him smile
You make him speechless with style

In his dream suddenly you change
He can’t reach you at all, that’s strange
Maybe he did something, a scheme
He realize it’s not a dream

Every beginning comes an end
Everyday changes, we can’t bend
The other will be so happy
The other will be unhappy

He feels how this story ends
It’s from the song they both knew
*“You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone”
Time has a way of healing, or so they say.
So why am I still left here?
charles Mar 2022
summoned by denial,

replaced by a tree with initials,

sun dials drying in the wind,

seeking a midnight sin,

are your arms made of love?

or do they spin constantly,

like a slow-growing currency?
JJ Hutton Jan 2020
I said what I needed to say.
Say it backwards,
breathe it undone
before the red of the taillights
before the blue of the ink
before I'm severed by a
message on the bottom
of a grocery list.

I said what I needed to say.
Now I need you to misremember,
blur it, the wind in your auburn hair
before you pack the eyeliner
before you pack the cotton swabs
before I'm cornered in
an empty room by the
sweater you left.

I said what I needed to say.
I don't need to say it again,
don't need you to see me like this
after our shows cancel and rerun
after the good habits transfigure into bad
after the last bulb goes out and
I follow the fireflies out the backdoor,
hair unwashed, pants unclean.
Listening to Sting’s best:
Ten Summoner’s Tales.
Sting: there’s a lesson in arrogance.
Leaves his band, The Police,
Throws the blokes—
The blokes who carried him,
Put him on the map,
Made him rich--
Throws those same blokes
Off the back of the boat,
Jetsam & flotsam in his wake.
Then starts hallucinating that he's
Geoffrey Chaucer reborn, &
Self-finances a Broadway musical,
Itself a saccharine homage to
Newcastle upon Tyne, land of the
Genetic zygote he once was.
Needless to say: “The Last Ship”
Sank shortly after leaving dry dock.
Hey, Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner:
Who was your financial advisor?
*Bernie Madoff?
Luke Nov 2013
Rise, Rise. The summoner  sounds his morning song.
With a move of the hand, my life he conducts,
And I, like a wind-up dancer, obey all day long,
Never dancing to my song, which he obstructs.
Rise, Rise. Join the daily, degenerating strum,
Which occupies our bodies, but leaves our minds to wander
Where we could have gone? Or perhaps become?
While we drone on in labor, and true life squander.
O Time, you ensnare us in the pursuit for profit,
But allot us no room, none at all, to spend it.
Clelia Albano Nov 2018
Blaise said "the heart has
its order". That's true.
Mine travels on a map in
progress. There are no
borders. Sometimes it faces
gigantic stairs and I have
to throw it up above to
prevent it from being
drained. Sometimes it
joyfully takes a ride high
and low between the
spaces of your thoughts.
I whisper "don't give up"
and it doesn't, because
you are its deity and it
is your summoner.
Because Love it's not only chemistry
Thunder Lord Dec 2014
Games are used for many things.
some use them for fun, some like to "ding".
I use them to escape, to get away.
so long into the night, I'll play play play.
I'd rather be with friends online than deal with life.
the little things like work, bills, and all that strife
I just want to stay in my perfect little game
where I can have fun and enjoy my victorious reign.

  yes, back there on summoner's rift.
where all my friends, they can uplift-
my spirit and make me feel great.
it's just so fun when I'm with these good chums.
with Arkaking and a Renaissance Undying.

I log in to league just to believe
my life is complete, not dull or bleak.
I want you to stay with me and we'll play
we'll have a blast, and I hope it will last.
because i'm so empty, until it says "victory"
Alysha Feb 2019
"I wish," are the two words spoken under one’s breath. These two words are all it takes to summon me.

Some call me a monster, while some only call me reality. I am the monster living not under your bed, but in your head and in your heart. When my name is called out, no one cowers away, for they all know that in some way, shape, or form, they harbor me inside of themselves.

Out of a mouth etched in pain I hear the soft whisper of two words. "I wish," the voice thick with misery and pain. With those two words,  I find myself behind the hunched shoulder of my summoner, assessing her situation.

She looks just like any other from the outside. A petite , and young female, only a girl.  Her stance makes it obvious that she is, drowning in her own despair, wishing that she wasn't as she is. Wishing she was smaller or taller or cuter.

In the back of my mind, something tells me that she is different from the rest. For some reason, I know that this girl will have a lasting impact on me. For some reason, I forget not to care, and this betrays my evil character.

My head tells me to comfort her. To tell her that her body only gives her more for her soulmate to love. That her height only makes her the perfect height for him to hold. Tell her that she is beautiful no matter her flaws, because they make her unique.

Still no matter my strong will for her to believe, she screams out, howls. "WHY AM I ME? WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS TO ME?" the end of her question coming out wobbling and begging, her genuine question seems to break off a layer of my heart.

As she takes the razor blade across her criss-crossed arm yet again, a river of blood runs down the length of her arm in a bumpy trail. This river being not smooth or clear, but filled with not only the things that make up blood, but also all of her anger, her pain, her defeatedness.

After years of doing this job, this one girl is able to make me empathize with her with just the slight of her wrist. Immediately, I try to help her.

"Stop Caroline," I cry out to her, hoping it will be enough to stop her destruction. As if she doesn't hear me, she continues to carve yet again. This time, her breathing becoming more shallow.

"STOP," I yell loud enough to make my vocal cords hurt. Yet, she doesn't hear me, and that is evident by her slowly closing eyes and her non-existent breathing.

Noting that she's dead, I break down. I'm left thinking only two words. Ones I never thought I'd think. I wish...
Pretty long, but worth it (I think)
Hatte Kelley Jun 2019
I almost called you up. Almost missed you again. Almost made the mistake of saying, hey how are you? Cause you're always not good. Always not doing what you should. Always trying to see of we'd be back together and when we could.

That good *** isn't worth the abuse. Not worth running to the hospital at two in the morning cause you tried to set yourself aflame. Fever dreams coming again. You are a living nightmare. Succubus of sadness still beating heart. You steal my heart with those puppy dog eyes. I am over trying to summon a phoenix from this burnt down house. I don't want to raise you.

I'm still raising myself, and I need to do it alone. Growing up alone is all I've ever known. But this poem should have never ******* been about you! I am the Phoenix not the summoner, I am fire not burnt house, I am already everything I so desperately wanted you to be!
Cesar Botetano Apr 2020
tiny dew drops
illuminates her beautiful face
dawn is here

moonless rainy nights
me, old summoner of dreams
mystical trip
grey Feb 2020
From my fathers stomach,
untimely ripped
did you cast your eyes upon me.
Betrothed by blood and you beat your wings
against my breast
to steal from me my youth.
My consent was reaped with guilt,
yet dare i ask fidelity from you?

You foresaw your brothers actions,
mimicking our romance
stealing youth again and providing
a queen for all dare enter.

She was younger than I,
summoner of spring.
A babe that still begged for a mothers touch,
Oh her mother!
The soul that even the sun cast out...
KorbydAngyle Feb 16
That's the unsuspecting, that reigns down on the placid.
Its perceived as that which is... or is nor that ease of toes
  to force sanity into a coveted worn... shoes and kiss them goodbye.

You could depth charge any prying eye that wily, superficial, embedded fourth eye is now represented.

Or you could, vanity in tow, move swiftly to and splendidly vocative, fanned, ebbed spider web footing and Gods and nihilists in ever cause harangue the victims that you the Devils want....

Wine embusses lament and inbursts less as a sin, for the more is the greater summoner of the Djinn.

What is distance when the eyes focus, knowledge, system jandoriah

Front the billions of insignificant moments from the ease of memory or haste of unsure
New to be ameliorates x's off the final certain answer and score that though shall or shant be divine dominion once more

— The End —