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Àŧùl Nov 2012
Okay guys, this is going to be a romantic poem as I was in a fresh mood after I woke up. I dreamed about my ideal girl and in this poem I'm going to describe her.

The Kohl In Her Eyes
The Bangles In Her Wrists
The Anklets In Her Legs
Are All Golden

The Sweetness Of Her Choice
The Mellowness Of Her Voice
The Callowness Of Her Rejoice
Are All Elven

The Divinity In Her Face
The Uniformity In Her Grace
The Words In Her Praise
Are All Woven
My HP Poem #9
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Nov 2012
Okay guys, this is going to be a romantic poem as I was in a fresh mood after I woke up. I dreamed about my ideal girl and in this poem I'm going to describe her.

The Kohl In Her Eyes
The Bangles In Her Wrists
The Anklets In Her Legs
Are All Golden

The Sweetness Of Her Choice
The Mellowness Of Her Voice
The Callowness Of Her Rejoice
Are All Elven

The Divinity In Her Face
The Uniformity In Her Grace
The Words In Her Praise
Are All Woven

But in no way does this poem means to indicate otherwise about my stand about the institution of marriage. I still remain of the opinion that marriage is not for me. This is just a poem. Peace. :-)
A poem composed at a time when I had my trust taken away from the institution of marriage.
My HP Poem #8
© Atul Kaushal
barnoahMike Oct 2010
With a "STARTLED" Jolt at my breakfast table !!   The Headlines SCREAMED out at Me,,,,,   "F A V O R S*  TO BE SHUTTERED "   This was a Bit-Much I thought.   "FAVORS"  was to be closed for good and no one  even had the Gall to call and tell Me !    "ME" the Very FIRST customer and the most steady since  the Major Grand Opening>>  ten years ago"TO THE DAY"  !    To the Day??  GOD,  that sure seems strange,   What are the odds of that happening,  I Pondered?   While Delaying Pondering,  I decided to read the OBITUARY regarding FAVORS.   Hmmmm, , Let's see,  You've  got to be kidding,  they are taking out the tables ,  My Favorite FIRST.   And my Goodness, even the Wine,  wonder if I got the last bottle of that 1953 Fracioussa ??   A taste of such Mellowness and lingering Kindness !   Kindness surely isn't what has caused the  DEMISE of
FAVORS" .   Demise of such a GRAND Place "Was-Not" left to chance,   someone has deliberately caused this Tragic End of Such Magnificance !    A TEAR IS ABOUT TO "WET" the page NOW
,butthe phone rings and my thoughts are brought to it.   It is a Mysterious call,  some strange Voice,  Telling  Me to *HURRY on down to "FAVORS"__"RIGHT-NOW" !!     Now??  "YES-NOW" !!So,  on to FAVORS,  to watch them take out the tables, and yes take out the wine of that favorite place of Mine!!   As I step out of my CRAFT and onto the MONOLINE,  the Hustling,  bustling of the crowds,   reminds me of the longing of that "FAVORITE PLACE OF MINE"
COPYRIGHT @2010  barnoahMike   Mike  Ham
Corn Feb 2010
Amor non discitur, amor cognoscitur, sed id non animadvertis donec amorem invenis

She is the high point of the seasons bringing mellowness and relaxation to my world
With more beauty than October's sunset sky, she has an aura of charm, elegance and harmony
Her understanding nature brings balance to my life
She is the wind that keeps my fire ablaze with her divine smile, soothing voice, affectionate hugs and tender kisses
But cools my fury before all is scorched and burned
She is my world

Amor aeternus
There are some Latin quotes in this poem.  Not sure who said them, but not my work.
Hal Loyd Denton Oct 2012
Unmovable Unchangeable

A worthiness a standard is deposited in your inner being all other elements in life will ebb and flow but
Your essence will be darkened by sorrow but from this tragedy and sorrow riches will tower a streaming
Blessedness will flow it will instantly engage another who has just suffered loss seen unseen words and
Actions will with the deftest touch a kindness soaked in mellowness will be communicated in silence to
The heart who has just suffered the bitter harvest of sorrow the gripping real a special irreplaceable
Someone has departed to walk on a different plane for them purest light your circumstance darkest
sorrow cold as Everest you are left ripped not only of all outward cover but inward has there ever been
Such savage destruction the healthy norm now ravaged the spiritual heart ripped apart it was complete
It was formed by love alone no other sculptor is more honered to work with such substance he makes
Their face those eyes the transfiguring part of human connection truly souls merge together here in this
Special stream vision multifaceted feelings weighted the heavier the deeper the depths where
Emotional ties are created from pleasures these springs of the heart you come in emptiness you leave
With these volumes ballooned ever stirring thoughts the very impulses that make them the person you
Know this feed of expressions do they not cause an unending joy that spills at different times sometimes
Just a slow pleasant entailing then at other times a roar of engulfing and at times it happens when your
Tide is low they instinctively trigger this from their register of mercy a unity that is boundless truly you
Have small oceans within I see it in the workaday world but like the song behind closed doors magic
Fire you reach heavenly heights explorers rewarded in human feeling that can’t be bought and are never
Sold truly kings and queen of a great domain in the hidden soul you have truly roped the wind and
Touched stars as you hovered under them holding hands who can doubt God when you exhibit his very
Essence through the love you found and it causes unfathomable assurances holding hands is the same
As a great dam holding water but yours is holding never ending love
Anthony Williams Jul 2014
In shortening she made me jam roly poly
a Jezebel in a grand fully furnished way aglow
with bold basement statements broad brushed full on
to glaze the way to a plum job whole storey mission
proclaiming sofas as soft as any humble pin cushion
stuffed with unfinished symphonies in a mansion
booming out to empire builders' biggest guns
tended by harems of belly dancing bumble bees
burbling alongside a myriad of louder hues
flowing into bouffant hairstyle shrubs brushed
and blow dried into blooming privacy bushes

but outside she transformed
yet served by outsize platters
prolific with blazing seasonings
glazed with enough sweets
to satisfy a pudding feast
laid before a sumptuous appetite
comforting peahens with broad beans
ripened beside horizons of warm salads
dressed by blooming strawberries
pores plumped up from ladles
dunked deep as finger buns
into sloppy icing barrels
awash with hoarded nuts
of sweet toothed squirrels
engorged to dozing on branch barges
full to the gunnels and slow wallowing
in troughs laden with fatted chugs
rambling across rolling oceans awash
with tranquil rafts of whales nibbling
each morning on shoals expanding
beyond shallows into deep new ports
to offload uncontainable cargo
swung low on sweeping vista nets
dragging tree trunks packed like Jumbo
to land with a thump in wide sided carts

splashing and rocking slowly on their ways
until mopped up by richly saturated bales
of overgrown Danish butter grass pats
resplendent amidst dollops of luscious
double churned cream gateaux farm gates
open for cuddling golden syrup spoons of heat
spreading mellowness deep into the sponge
of unfolded meadows with encyclopedic knowledge
accumulated into increased volumes of decisive “belle”
resounding excitedly across the hills of plenty

chirrups bumping cheekiness into narrow valleys
to settle hawk eyes wide open to opportunities
accumulating it all in seam stretched sack boasts
of the good life storehoused bigger than most
but ready to collect and offload refreshment
like the slow but steady wobbling airships
stretched out resplendent across hay loft skies
fluffed up between a sweating Queen bed cumulus
keen to bounce into cloudless heady ensembles
swung high over thigh slapping oompah band hills

in a tug-of-war snapping heartstring restraint
and low frequency waves of contentment
she apportioned herself and me in generosity
celebrating a fully stocked love stacked larder
sweet with chock-a-block huffs and puffs
and then glad sighs of expansive success
in relief a schmooze diorama all she was after
Summer's glorious bamboozled ardour
by Anthony Williams
Max Hale Feb 2010
Sunshine on the windows catching my eye
Fresh and lovely just like you
Filling the world with bright mellowness
Polishing the blue sky as it passes
Feeling warm and melting the morning mist
Drifting clouds waving as they bye
Deep feelings of love that overwhelm me
Sadness that we are apart today even though
We are never separated, always one
Thoughts of you invade my mind constantly
Missing your touch and voice in my ear
Yearning for home-time when you’ll be back
Gracing my vision once more
Reflections of my life vivid yet peaceful
Thankful of events and happenings
Loving you is all I need and want
Simple contentment and happiness
You by my side, together in the sunshine.
Hal Loyd Denton Jun 2013
Amidst life that speaks in tones of everyday normalcy richness can get lost beauty can be taken for
Granted the first awareness that you created was mellowness but at its center was diffused beauty
The earth did stand still nothing sees so keenly as a heart that has been opened and stunned where
You were standing all things fled to a distance you were left alone a sacred hollowness surrounded you
Love creates the environment in an instant when it sees possibilities a life is being proposed a union
For life is conjured a story of place and promise runs in all directions only the night breeze can speak
These things with perfect eloquence tender embrace surrender that creates trust takes and binds all
Fear lets two souls become one in incomparable measures perfection known in no better terms two
Forms elegantly expressed they move in emotional storms that lead to discovery of what each has at
Their core and they find with amazement that they are truly mostly identical what a rush when you find
Your other half glory starts a dance that only ever widens to matrimony and the significance of life
When you produce a life that is yours can any other sky be so delightful where else can such tenderness
Spring when they coo a song that says were family the magic that was confirmed with a kiss now has
Reached the flood stage of bliss little arms **** in that motion there is a telling of a bond that was stirred
And began when eyes met and promise silently spoke and triggered a path that opened unseen but love
Guided on the captured hearts that were meant to share a life it might be lived in ordinary days but still
When you look at one another longing still stirs time has only made the shaky early days into a fortress
Built by caring sharing esteeming the other what a grand opulence pervades seen in heavenly climes
Stained glass windows depict your life truly the prince and princess of fairy tales are there depicted
The prince in blue the princess in a white gown a small cottage stands in the distance there are no
Greater fairy tales than when love works itself out in human life one line sums it up they are thrilled
By each other’s touch or I fall at your feet with weakness you lift me in your own powerlessness
Our spirits as a vacuum then allows grace to flow it surges it disallows all selfish acts a fire unquenchable
Burns with purist burning its blazing leaps in the dark night it shows for all to see a great love is being
Consumed and lived fully I dedicate this to Ivy on her birthday truly love never dies
Hal Loyd Denton Sep 2012
I saw a vision I stood in modern time on my feet but in the spirit I stood only where immortals breathe in
The sacred land of ancient days the Native American people came to life before my eyes there was a
River nameless but of truth the mighty Euphrates or more correctly the river of life heavy and rich
Were these waters glory stood bank to bank the mesquite and cotton wood seemed to be made of
Silk they flowed dreamlike as flags over a free land the day was far spent and in the dying sun she came
To bathe but not in the natural waters but her quest was to worship the great spirit in which all true
Cleansing occurs she wore the dress of her people white doe skin with red and turquoise bead work
And her reddish skin did glow she sent a treble across the distance to where I stood when she lifted her
Hands of faith and hope skyward in surrender beauty untold before materialized upon the burnished
Sand all of nature fell silent as she called on the Great Spirit stillness took on new meaning vastness was
Restricted drawn back from it natural means to this tiny spot of ground the air charged with the deep
Longing of her soul the trees crackled as heavy mist descended mellowness pervaded this place made
The wood the rarified earthy throne of God himself as she spoke oh the face shown with uncustomary
Wonder did the unexplained become common knowledge for her it did in this grand display of
Emotional release she bridled the breeze before horses were ever found in this land she drew heaven
Down all was quiet and empty in this clearing and she filled it with noble words that honored Him who
Deserves all praise we live on error and garbage when we should be feasting on spiritual riches to know
All that is yours it takes you joining this Indian maiden come not rehearsed and filled with self but as the
Lowy penitent subscriber for his free gifts these most treasured thoughts came as I watched a young
Woman praising our great father remarkable circumstances that are your birthright if you only exercise
Them God bless you
Hal Loyd Denton Jul 2012
Amidst life that speaks in tones of everyday normalcy richness can get lost beauty can be taken for
Granted the first awareness that you created was mellowness but at its center was diffused beauty
The earth did stand still nothing sees so keenly as a heart that has been opened and stunned where
You were standing all things fled to a distance you were left alone a sacred hollowness surrounded you
Love creates the environment in an instant when it sees possibilities a life is being proposed a union
For life is conjured a story of place and promise runs in all directions only the night breeze can speak
These things with perfect eloquence tender embrace surrender that creates trust takes and binds all
Fear lets two souls become one in incomparable measures perfection known in no better terms two
Forms elegantly expressed they move in emotional storms that lead to discovery of what each has at
Their core and they find with amazement that they are truly mostly identical what a rush when you find
Your other half glory starts a dance that only ever widens to matrimony and the significance of life
When you produce a life that is yours can any other sky be so delightful where else can such tenderness
Spring when they coo a song that says were family the magic that was confirmed with a kiss now has
Reached the flood stage of bliss little arms **** in that motion there is a telling of a bond that was stirred
And began when eyes met and promise silently spoke and triggered a path that opened unseen but love
Guided on the captured hearts that were meant to share a life it might be lived in ordinary days but still
When you look at one another longing still stirs time has only made the shaky early days into a fortress
Built by caring sharing esteeming the other what a grand opulence pervades seen in heavenly climes
Stained glass windows depict your life truly the prince and princess of fairy tales are there depicted
The prince in blue the princess in a white gown a small cottage stands in the distance there are no
Greater fairy tales than when love works itself out in human life one line sums it up they are thrilled
By each other’s touch or I fall at your feet with weakness you lift me in your own powerlessness
Our spirits as a vacuum then allows grace to flow it surges it disallows all selfish acts a fire unquenchable
Burns with purist burning its blazing leaps in the dark night it shows for all to see a great love is being
Consumed and lived fully I dedicate this to Ivy on her birthday truly love never dies
B Feb 2013
Her dreams are washing away with the tides of the sea
The words inscribed in her heart are drifting
Away in a glass bottle, safe but solitary

Her gaze is steady and the mellowness of
The sun’s sweet warmth is soothing the pain in her

One lone figure upon the sands
Abandoned by the presence of her destiny

Their time gone now like a drop of rain
On top of the world for a moment but shattering
When it collides with reality
Yanamari Oct 2023
I open my mouth and
No heads turn
What am I to do
If I can't be heard
Do I level mountains
Or raise waves?

It's not in my nature
It's not my way
I can't help my mellowness
I can't help my gentle sway

I want to be seen
Seen as me
Seen for what I can't show
For what I can't feel
Asking for what I don't have?
What I can't be
I'd rather die
Leave me be

So I hold it all in
The tumult and the fray
How could I ask for help
When when I open my mouth
No heads turn
And I'm left echoing into space
I often have an issue with people not hearing me when I talk. My voice is audible, my voice is clear, but for some reason it's as if I didn't speak at all. And so I wonder why that could be.
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2012
Wonders of place read what one writes about a place now that he is far away by years and distance the
Flavor and tone it draws and evokes acuteness vividly portrays common tasks and experiences a
Richness pervades thoughts weighted and robed in love it is stirring imaginative and it speaks to all
And entreats you to take a similar excursion fields play grounds schools homes that overwhelm by the
Slightest recall we need these times of refreshing and we lose sight of their value these buried treasures
Lay just below the surface easily bridged but their worth invaluable reminisce yourself into folds of soft
Mellowness it will enrich your life presently this one thing that can be carried forward in extraordinary
Ways the first effect it had on you and the way it made you feel is and always will be you they talk about
The time it takes for light from distant stars to reach us once you were engaged in this innocents that
Traced time and space and people so many are now lost to us they live in the entirety of who you and
They are just beyond the jumble of this present state we live in they Say God lives in the eternal now
He is in the past present and future isn’t it possible for us to know that in a precious degree since we are
Made in his image all it takes and there are different ways but just close your eyes and drift with just the
Smallest indication you will roll and speed back to those times that were cherished with family the
Clouds belie earth’s surface at times the heaven’s treat us to measureless wonder with mystery it
Disengages the time line can become lost moments untie in a seamlessness we truly go to another place
While part of us stay in its natural place go forth in freedom dear friends hurts will fail to follow you can
Taste of sweet waters no bitterness will invade your thoughts you are immortally strong for a time you
Get a foretaste of the future you are bound to infinity weightless ageless without form you are pure
Thought unlimited but for the first time truly engaged exhilaration floods the real you that has never
Been exposed before the sluggish physical now only powerful spirit rears its head back thunderstruck
Your senses explode you expand you rule time and go backwards or forwards gifts out of reach before
Now present themselves in simplicity and untold beauty handle riches that were lost in the fall now
Reclaimed you are able to shake the dust from them they have set in dark stores awkward denseness of
Humanity held you at bay now from this time you know what you will miss if you continue to sell you
And your life with God short ecstasy of fulfillment will be lost wonder will be replaced with the truth and
Fact of one who has squandered riches untold all for miserly living that has been aliened with a fallen
Foe you deserve more and it is your birthright but you take the chance of losing it all you are more
Valuable than you know believe that and correct your course your true home is beyond the stars don’t
Sell out for the illusion that is this temporal world
Hal Loyd Denton Feb 2012
Where Eagles Soar

Fade not light the rear of night’s blackness so dims all the beauty that light gives and surrounds us so
Placed to draw and because the effects of appreciation we spill out of homes seek the wild in natures

Trails the dappled sun dances on the leaves oh how tension it does relieve we without exception do
Blend into Each shade drenched undergrowth there moods do their best broods to reign in our thoughts

to give  
A halt to measures sometimes this act can increase even enhance experience you zero in instead of
Allowing the mind to disperse in all directions but to define to outline the loveliness of form particulars

Separated for detail and the penetrating gaze these moments are catalogs of special meaning as they
Collect and permeate the soul wonder lastly invades broken and bruised affected areas mellowness will

Surge through the entire being the spirit soars unexpectedly richness moves in like the mist all division
Is harnessed now it becomes a benevolent power that can be driven either great distances or to the

Heights of splendor there you lay down the thoughts that war and allow peace to transcend all
Difficulties only victors hold the heights by clouds and windy delights see and know as the eagle shows

Vistas expanses that ridicule limitations go ahead and soar you’re only touching how your future will be
In company of angels that will no longer be hidden from the royal family now your birthright is known to

All from the golden crown to the righteous robe with the royal crest a coat of arms that bears the word
Mercy depicted through a crown of thorns not dripping with blood but that are blooming with the Rose

Of Sharon with the earth as the background shinning in the brightest light
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011
Rhapsody Told

The wild tempered without with a demure conscious knowing with the slightest effort a
Flame explodes from the red hair to the soul of her feet extolling virtue that is volcanic at anytime
Eruption the fire sprays out over everything for a time it consumes then with the act of a fiery dancer moving
To the somber beat the longer she twirls it begins to subside the super charged body retreats into
Mellowness but the facts are known now you prize her more but with caution you both hold the reigns
As hearts race with excitement in moments it could be continued calm or white water either way life is
Enriched you don’t have need of searching for the next thrill just look into those deep burning eyes
There not to be trusted for ordinary display they say come and ride the wild wind a tempest stirs within
My breast hold my hand we will escape together to the islands of the sea stand at the edge darkness just
Beyond the natives savage fire match his moves as he sways and then more violent his actions become
There is the time when you let go and become prime evil raw gratitude expressed brings life full circle
You return to the accustomed expected norm but on the inside the beat of drums that are foreign
Continue to hold you fascinated and bound customary moors are abridged the soul quickens with
Delight bring on the night it just feels right when I hold you tight the grand totality of freedom gives us
A soaring we leave the plainness of earthen ground behind to catch the wind in our teeth take out large
Bites the night air stirs up what could be if you have the courage to grasp it is it thunder or is our hearts
Exploding what vistas we behold canyons and rivers lie below somehow there is a story being told it comes into our
Knowing freeing minds no guessing now articulation speaks with clearest words some never know this
Reality lies dormant all you do is stoke the coals and say come with me dear wife the night is alive it
Belongs to lovers bold the day is for working the night is for loving bliss
Hal Loyd Denton Mar 2012
White Dove

I saw a vision I stood in modern time on my feet but in the spirit I stood only where immortals breathe in
The sacred land of ancient days the Native American people came to life before my eyes there was a

River nameless but of truth the mighty Euphrates or more correctly the river of life heavy and rich
Were these waters glory stood bank to bank the mesquite and cotton wood seemed to be made of
Silk they flowed dreamlike as flags over a free land the day was far spent and in the dying sun she came

To bathe but not in the natural waters but her quest was to worship the great spirit in which all true
Cleansing occurs she wore the dress of her people white doe skin with red and turquoise bead work
And her reddish skin did glow she sent a treble across the distance to where I stood when she lifted her

Hands of faith and hope skyward in surrender beauty untold before materialized upon the burnished
Sand all of nature fell silent as she called on the Great Spirit stillness took on new meaning vastness was
Restricted drawn back from it natural means to this tiny spot of ground the air charged with the deep

Longing of her soul the trees crackled as heavy mist descended mellowness pervaded this place made
The wood the rarified earthy throne of God himself as she spoke oh the face shown with uncustomary
Wonder did the unexplained become common knowledge for her it did in this grand display of

Emotional release she bridled the breeze before horses were ever found in this land she drew heaven
Down all was quiet and empty in this clearing and she filled it with noble words that honored Him who
Deserves all praise we live on error and garbage when we should be feasting on spiritual riches to know

All that is yours it takes you joining this Indian maiden come not rehearsed and filled with self but as the
Lowy penitent subscriber for his free gifts these most treasured thoughts came as I watched a young
Woman praising our great father remarkable circumstances that are your birthright if you only exercise
Them God bless you
Hal Loyd Denton Dec 2012
Amidst life that speaks in tones of everyday normalcy richness can get lost beauty can be taken for
Granted the first awareness that you created was mellowness but at its center was diffused beauty
The earth did stand still nothing sees so keenly as a heart that has been opened and stunned where
You were standing all things fled to a distance you were left alone a sacred hollowness surrounded you
Love creates the environment in an instant when it sees possibilities a life is being proposed a union
For life is conjured a story of place and promise runs in all directions only the night breeze can speak
These things with perfect eloquence tender embrace surrender that creates trust takes and binds all
Fear lets two souls become one in incomparable measures perfection known in no better terms two
Forms elegantly expressed they move in emotional storms that lead to discovery of what each has at
Their core and they find with amazement that they are truly mostly identical what a rush when you find
Your other half glory starts a dance that only ever widens to matrimony and the significance of life
When you produce a life that is yours can any other sky be so delightful where else can such tenderness
Spring when they coo a song that says were family the magic that was confirmed with a kiss now has
Reached the flood stage of bliss little arms **** in that motion there is a telling of a bond that was stirred
And began when eyes met and promise silently spoke and triggered a path that opened unseen but love
Guided on the captured hearts that were meant to share a life it might be lived in ordinary days but still
When you look at one another longing still stirs time has only made the shaky early days into a fortress
Built by caring sharing esteeming the other what a grand opulence pervades seen in heavenly climes
Stained glass windows depict your life truly the prince and princess of fairy tales are there depicted
The prince in blue the princess in a white gown a small cottage stands in the distance there are no
Greater fairy tales than when love works itself out in human life one line sums it up they are thrilled
By each other’s touch or I fall at your feet with weakness you lift me in your own powerlessness
Our spirits as a vacuum then allows grace to flow it surges it disallows all selfish acts a fire unquenchable
Burns with purist burning its blazing leaps in the dark night it shows for all to see a great love is being
Consumed and lived fully I dedicate this to Ivy on her birthday truly love never dies
Hal Loyd Denton Jun 2013
I saw a vision I stood in modern time on my feet but in the spirit I stood only where immortals breathe in
The sacred land of ancient days the Native American people came to life before my eyes there was a
River nameless but of truth the mighty Euphrates or more correctly the river of life heavy and rich
Were these waters glory stood bank to bank the mesquite and cotton wood seemed to be made of
Silk they flowed dreamlike as flags over a free land the day was far spent and in the dying sun she came
To bathe but not in the natural waters but her quest was to worship the great spirit in which all true
Cleansing occurs she wore the dress of her people white doe skin with red and turquoise bead work
And her reddish skin did glow she sent a treble across the distance to where I stood when she lifted her
Hands of faith and hope skyward in surrender beauty untold before materialized upon the burnished
Sand all of nature fell silent as she called on the Great Spirit stillness took on new meaning vastness was
Restricted drawn back from it natural means to this tiny spot of ground the air charged with the deep
Longing of her soul the trees crackled as heavy mist descended mellowness pervaded this place made
The wood the rarified earthy throne of God himself as she spoke oh the face shown with uncustomary
Wonder did the unexplained become common knowledge for her it did in this grand display of
Emotional release she bridled the breeze before horses were ever found in this land she drew heaven
Down all was quiet and empty in this clearing and she filled it with noble words that honored Him who
Deserves all praise we live on error and garbage when we should be feasting on spiritual riches to know
All that is yours it takes you joining this Indian maiden come not rehearsed and filled with self but as the
Lowy penitent subscriber for his free gifts these most treasured thoughts came as I watched a young
Woman praising our great father remarkable circumstances that are your birthright if you only exercise
Them God bless you
Seb Apr 2012
    c o m e
      dress in a mirror.
draw soft glares
     across the surface
           (and surface someone.)

    endless song
  drum me notes,
         but not so hard!
      s l o w   d o w n .
         listen to the thundering bass
pushing our breath through our mouths
and shaking our hair and bones
like the footsteps of some great thing
that suffices to vibrate our bodies across the surface
like weightless toys.
This might not be finished as the end is poetic in meaning but not style. My throat ached in the last three lines but I could not put it down on paper.
Charlie Aug 2016
Visions of angels calling me to them
Gasping for breath in that icy water
Panicking terror overwhelming me
Don't know what to do
Don't know what to say.

Visions of demons calling me to them
Screaming in pain in that fiery pit
Calm mellowness overcoming me
I know what to do
I know what to say.
Don Bouchard Apr 2016
Acid notes have just begun;
When the mellowness is gone,
Acrid memories linger on.

Embrace the rush into unknowns,
Treasure pleasure's fleeting tones,
Know sorrows come when they are gone.

Pile up the dulcet memories;
In summer load your treasuries;
Lay up the sweetnesses of life
To feast upon in coming strife.
Pensive Moments.... Good Times, and Bad.
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2016
.Youth is light,
Breaking across
The tired world.
Light is sharing,
In youth like the air,
Each breath a bloom
From some new flower,
Lost in true wilderness,
Of light, each cut shine,
Is sheered with others
Youthful as enlighted
Ones under heaven.
And tired souls smile
As they watch light
Grow, for tired light
Knows, each day
Was a gift of sight,
As the elder beams
Slowly fade into so,
Such, a western sky
With old mellowness
Of promised comings,
Weary lords to make,
Newborns, rebirthed,
Freshly, rawly on high.
Max Hale May 2014
Gentle love is a touch
An instant fix to a dull day
Please put just your finger on my hand
Merited I hope..

Proud am I to have your love
So grateful for small elements
In the worlds bother
You can cure me

Fix my frayed soul
And smooth out my trepidations
Heal my split day
Melt my heart

Take the small breeze
That wraps around me
The breeze of your love
Cooling and calming

In my youth I knew you
I knew you would come for me
I waited and waited whilst you trod softly
Your fairy steps on the grass

May you be fulfilled
As the bee in the flower
The fresh wave that consumes the sand
Like s tranquil stroke of love

I' didn't always have your heart
But since we've been one
The setting sun no longer
Rests ******* the horizon of hope

Break through the nights peace
With simple birdsong
The melody of togetherness
Makes waking an adventure of magnificence

Smile as we sit looking away
Fading edges blur our dancing hearts
The mellowness of summer
Overrides the harshness of winter

Our spring and newly borne spirit
Is gathering energy and love
Wrapped in natural measures
To enjoy as we might

For my Jan
I love you as always ***
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
Times of our lives

Birth to twelve the copper years when you can buy candy for a penny smiles come easily all magical avenues are open to you
Twelve to eighteen the green years when you are as a tender shoot growing taking on a hardness that serves you well
Eighteen to thirty five different shades of blue gray white and coming of age confusion you get a little blue white crystal clear
Thirty five to fifty five the silver time when your hair proceeds to tell of life its pleasure and its troubles all children restore peace
Fifty five to the gate this is when you find and see the gold in self and in others mellowness the edge softens true gold riches
The gate of pearl and beyond the lighting years it is as bright as a lighting flash and as exciting life races through the cosmos
Elexer Dec 2015
Mellow. Like a cloud
If that's right
To be compared to
It's how i feel
It's my anger and sorrow
It's the fire and rain
All that fills my heart
A heart of darkness
So meaningless
Everything that has happened
None of it mattered
The people didn't
The *******
The hatred burns
Lava overflowing the cloud
The mellow cloud
I've turned into a psychopath
I think, because of the mellowness
I feel nothing even though
I should feel these feelings
I know i should push through
She said i could
But **** her
I want to die
I never belonged
But now it's even more
Cold, everyone has been to me
Cold, when i'm dead, i'll be
Cold, i feel nothing
****, be killed
It matters not
To me
I feel nothing
Just mellow
Like a cloud
No thunder
No lightning
No rain
Just white and fluffy
Feeling nothing
Travis Green Mar 2023
His mysterious and sensual presence is all that I will ever need
In my life to feel complete, to be bewitched by his delicious
Unbeatable exquisiteness, his assertive towering powerfulness
An eccentric momentous supremeness, my hypersexual
Buzz-worthy stud, I love the way he dresses and finesses me

With his glistening and revealing *** appeal, how he gives me
Intense immense chills, got me feeling his high-level, compelling Freshness, **** *** aggressive treasure, I got a thing for his prime Sublime enticingness, so wild about his slick slammin’ slang
My rude gangbuster hooligan, he really knows how to move

Dashing lightning-fast splash, he got me so boozed up and lovestruck
So hooked on his becoming crunk smoothness, tasting my enchanting Fantasy man on my tongue, ready to digest his exposable poetical Machoness, tethered to his perfect immersive flex
Breathe his stunningly hunkalcious prodigiousness into my lungs

Paint his firm sculptured muscularity in my mind’s frame
Venerate the fascinating details, the imaginable metallic hues
Infused with gorgeous flamboyant hotness, rich, milky magic man
I wanna join hands with him, venture to the ends of the earth
And immerse ourselves in the insurmountable delight
Of flaming rainbow passion, cocooned in his formidably warm
And luminous room of the best blooming beauteousness

I love how his masculinity mingles with my mellowness
How he compels me with his blessed infectious sexiness
Has me so transfixed on his mad lit mystical matchlessness
Staring at him immensely like a dramatically gargantuan
And intimating mountain, like a massive jacked smash

My dreamy, rugged, and **** lover, such a magnanimous sensation
He carries me beyond the realms of reason
Teases me with his spectacular swirling sweetness
My portrait of elegant, sumptuous impeccableness
So bountiful and eye-grabbing like a cheery cherished cherry blossom
Marshal Gebbie Nov 2023
The air hangs crisp in this lilting shadow of a day.

Towering nimbo cumulus cloud soars high in gigantic billowing columns, expanding dramatically against the bluest of blue skies.
Spring is here in New Zealand, the farmers are mowing hay and the corn is sprouting asunder in bright green rows on newly tilled, harrowed fields.

I sit here on the elevated porch in my favourite chair, sipping a cut glass tumbler of Bushmills Irish, (******* only).
Far below me, across tumbling hills of impossible green, the blue Tasman sea stretches out to a far horizon.

I can hear the rush of waterfalls in the native forest below me. Crystal clear water tumbling from the mountains rearing vertically behind the property. Water cascading over rugged, moss covered  boulders, splashing noisily into dark pools, the ripples radiating out to the deep shadow of emerald fern clad banks.

Bright Azaliah's and rhododendron trees are flowering in profusion in the garden, shadows are lengthening on the acreage of lawn and blackbirds cavort energetically, plunging sharp beaks deep into the green, seeking plump worms to eat. Tui's are calling their lyrical tunes from the fringe of forest and a hint of mist runs a finger plume across the base of the adjacent, dark high volcanic peak.

The moment has a touch of beauty, the stillness of the air, the bite of evening chill, the filtered golden light of the lowering setting sun. The mellowness of the warming whisky .

A very special moment of solitude and quiet wonder, a time to ponder and celebrate this magical gift of life.

9 November 2023
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2018
Just regard me
as baroque
music for oldies
the young prefer 'rock'--

just think of me
in cello--time
violin is youth
viola is middle age--sublime

is the breath
of cello's mellowness
past all desire and longing
tinged with some elderly sadness

no more Johann Strauss Sr or Jr
waltzes, tangos, salsas in any dance-hall
give me the Requiem of Verdi or Mozart
it will tell my life-story all-in-all.
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
In the quiet of the evening she plays to him
As the light slips into mellowness
Creating that peace before dark
He loves to listen as she rocks him
Wraping him in the beauty of her world.

Her fingers take up this time of day
Filling the room with lost emotions
Embracing, as she does, his tempo
This union of friendship which is theirs
Held together by bars of notes in a room.

Love Mary ***
After Vermeer The Music Lesson
Travis Green Jan 2023
You capture and overmaster
My mellowness and tenderness
With your composedness and dopeness
Your glowingness and showiness
You keep me sweet
On your honeyed succulent love

My precious infectious sexiness
I crave you in so many ways
Venerate you forever and a day
Romanticize about your unparalleled enamoring greatness
Your congruent fluent pulchritude
Every trace of your engaging fragrance

So much untouchable ***** seductiveness to succumb to
To melt into your radiant, compelling freshness
When our lips meet
When we kiss and speak
With our vivid, wicked, and fierce expressions
When you move and soothe my world

When I am lost in your fantastic compassionate splashiness
Nothing else concerns me
But your adventurous and imaginative masculineness
In your enthusiastic and radical space
I acknowledge your spectacular savviness

Get off on your glistening, thrilling, and
Vitamin-enriched sauciness
You are so well-equipped with endless street credibility
So awe-inspiring and towering
Like a sturdy, seaworthy ship
Dr Peter Lim Jul 2018
But old age in truth
is neither consolation
nor mellowness--like youth
it's still wild speculation.
Arian Hossain Oct 2024
Oh I miss you in the quiet, I miss you  in the noise, and I miss you in the night,
Each battle is a moment I cannot seem to fight,
For I, who has hurt the one I voiced to protect,
And now I am only left with an ocean of regret.

The mirror angers me as it shows a man I cannot stand,
A broken soldier in a war unmanned,
These choices haunt me like trauma, they weigh and they burn,
Yet, your love is where I yearn to return.

Oh I know no one could love you like I do,
With a heart aching and broken but true,
No heart could match the mellowness we shared,
No soul could clench the depth that we dared.

This war will end, this ache will indeed cease,
If ever you find it in you to grant me peace,
Only in forgiveness if that’s what you choose,
Amore mio, can I lay down these battles and find the truth in you.
Mohd Arshad Oct 2017
If feel obliged to your dream,

                          Think of its mellowness

— The End —