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Creep Oct 2014
Why are we so lazy to even write out happy birthday and we have to use HBD? gosh, that just demeans the whole birthday! Well today is my friend Dani Chase's birthday, go check her out shes pretty cool and writes good stuff, but just wanted to tell her happy birthday and thank you for everything; for being a my rock when i went all crazy and fangirly, for being there to share my own bsge stresses, for being all tomboy up in here with me :) happy birthday, dear, i hope you have a good one with all your wishes coming true! :D and thank you, there are no words to describe how grateful i am to have you ^~^
and ps, dont struggle when we come to kidnap you for an adventure someday this week ;)
happy birthday emmanuelle! :D repost, comment, like to celebrate her birthday or even just to say ur against the whole hbd thing!
Mesmed Jausa May 2015
would like to look up but fearing reflection/the horror movie scene of seeing age pour down your face in the mirror/rivers eroding what you remember of yourself/spending your last grains of sand trying to cure the concept of time
Just press pause
Then hit rewind
Take one deep breath
Go back in time

We're always young
That's where we start
Don't miss your youth
It's in your heart

Happy Birthday
ashley May 2014
For all of the months we spent together, I thought of you in neatly organized sentences. “I love you.” Always with a period, because that’s how you know someone really means it. The first word of every sentence about you was capitalized, because you weren’t some sloppy diary entry splattered on an old composition notebook page. You were a carefully crafted novel, bound by alternative rock bands and chinese buffets. You were different, and you could not have possibly been summed up in a measly three paragraph essay, like the one I wrote about Abraham Lincoln in the fifth grade. Every comma was the pause I had to take when I saw you, because I swear each day you continued to take my breath away. And with you, there were no misspellings, there were no grammatical errors. You had flaws, but they were so deeply hidden in between the lines that I didn’t even bother looking for them. I guess that’s why I didn’t notice when I became less and less of a priority. And when the “goodmorning” texts came to an end, that should have been a red flag. Your copy of How to Treat Someone You Love would be similar to a guide on how to take care of a goldfish. “Feed twice a day and change water once a week”. It’s really that simple for you, because you have the mind of an engineer. Logical. Precise. There is no such thing as passion and forgiveness, just empty “I love you”’s. Because you once told me that we are just in high school. You never really explained what that meant, but I got the hint. So I left.
            Because if there’s one thing I realized, it’s that you cannot make someone love you. You cannot make them care, and you cannot make them stay. And it’s one of the hardest things to do, but once you realize it, you get this new sense of… freedom. Not the feeling you get after the last bell on the last day of school, not that. But more like you see the world for all it’s worth, for the first time. Because it feels good to let go of the idea that you need closure. People don’t need closure, they need to turn around and walk away. They need to not put up with the people who wouldn’t put up with them. I don’t need closure on why we ended, I don’t need to know why you never took me back. You made your decisions, and now it’s my turn to make mine. Because if it were meant to be, my birthday would not have passed with nothing more than a text saying “hbd”. Hbd. I guess that’s who you’ve become. Your novel-like qualities have become nothing more than text lingo in the inbox of a teen girl. I swear I use to look at you like you were a poem written by e.e. cummings, but now you’re nothing more than a piece of scrap paper under my bed. And it’s sad because although I don’t know much about love, I knew enough to make you see the world in shades other than black and white like you’ve been raised to see.
            And thinking back on what we had, I see it as an art collection. But it wasn’t structured around the basic principles of primary colors and symmetry. It had life and depth and meaning. Things I could never get you to understand. But now I realize it wasn’t because we had it all wrong, it’s because we try to make it too right. But art isn’t right, it isn’t pretty. It’s brutal and honest, but it makes you feel things that engineers can’t. And I guess that’s what a poet gets for messing around with numbers and figures. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’ve exhausted every word and every sentence that could possibly be used to talk about you. I paid you the highest form of flattery, I made you into my art piece. I made you dance across the page, and brought what we had to life, because in reality it was dead. I tried to salvage us, but now I’m happy with letting my idea of you go. Because it’s not closure that I need, it’s distance. Especially distance on paper. So as this course comes to end, so does my time spent on you. Some people are better off wrapped up in the laws and theorems, because not even words can make them beautiful.
Samantha Symonds May 2018
They used to give chocolates; you remember
sausage-worm fingers diving into
boxes of the unknown, sharp, sticky
tears as someone is pushed too hard
the box springs to heights unfathomable
here, it hurts just here
but only two eyes are on the boy's chest
pupils up at a dappled ceiling where
wet paper crackles poster paint dust
making promises to spectral parents
as not to get that one which gets
stuck in your teeth.
Now, you hover at a mouse
waiting for someone to toss you
two letters, maybe three
like a wrapper in the wind.
Unknwn Jan 2015
I wonder.
Have you forgotten?
That it was eleven?

I wonder.
Will you remember?
That eleven meant something?

I hope.
Please remember.
That eleven is my day.
Ham..? Have you forgotten?
Hapless Writer Sep 2019
Cheers to another happy year!
Let’s have a toast with a beer!
Or wine since that’s your thing
Let’s go have a drink
And celebrate your special day!
Happy birthday!
Rosè Oct 2013
I can see the joy leave your eyes
As reality set in and you knew
-you knew what today is
You knew what tomorrow will bring
You saw into the future
& it was bleak
You stared blankly ahead
& said
-this is not where I want to be
H J St Jul 2017
Welcome to 26!
You're past the quarter mark
Living life to its peaks
Sharing its sparks
Finding your mix
Continuing to seek
To grow your heart.
Love always,
Diane Sep 2019
Just keep on flying,
Oh, till you reach the moon
Shine, be the light in the darkness.
Hop by your own ways.
Universe is behind you,
A thousand stars are glowing up for you.

Deep mind,
An un-unravelable man,
Never let her interpret what's
Inside his thoughts,
Echoing those words and hearing the
Lies of roses.
Sarah Jan 2021
There are still times I reach for my phone to start texting you.  

When I see something funny or find a new song, you’re still the first person I want to share it with.

Sometimes I go days without thinking of you, but then you show up in a dream. Or a memory.

I’m not over you, and that’s okay.

Happy Birthday.
Thewallflowerguy Nov 2018
I don't get why people look forward to their birthdays
I always dread my birthday
I wish it could have been avoided
All that unwanted attention

But the truth is I hate it because of the unwanted attention I don't get
I just sit on my bed, alone, waiting for my phone to buzz: A message, a call, anything. Even a hbd on my facebook timeline would do.
But no
All I get is silence
Is this all I deserve?
Why do I let how many people wish me determine my self worth?
I know it doesn't matter but on my birthday its my anxiety that has a party
If people I talk to only once a year don't wish me I am okay with it
But they are the only ones who do
The rest tell me they forgot
and I
brush them off by saying that "It doesn't matter" with a fake smile
Even though it does
Even though my lack of self esteem leaves me feeling lonely, depressed and with a tear streaked face

Cause the thought that even the people whom I care about don't remember me, do they really care about me?
Its a scary thought having no friends especially when it's true
This is why hating the day makes it easier to survive it
Hating it makes the day lose its power;this grip it has over me

I am desperately waiting for the day when this grip is loosened but until then I will continue to hate it
I know everyone may not agree with me and might find this stupid and immature but I had to get this out of my system, so thank you for bearing with me.

— The End —