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kivel Nov 2018
Trivial beauty holds me captive as i sit near the flower
Reaching towards it, marveling at the colorful rainbow
It flaunts its
Sheer beauty,
Having it wave with the breeze
As i watch

The stripes came to take the juice
And then left to spread more
Lo, the beauty of the stripes and the beauty of its job
I followed. leaving the flower.
Ever so noisily, It buzzed, harmonically, lovingly

it danced in ways that intrigued me
so i left the flower
to pursue my bee
it took me to its hive
but disappeared back to join the others
back to its life
back to her lover
ditching me.

time flew by and by dark
the flower still glows with its rainbow color
no matter what comes to it
it holds itself tall and proud
it stayed in place
waiting for me to come
such purity
i watch

Dawn of fall came, and i opened my ears
As a yellow flower sang nearby
Nevertheless, a sunflower
Ah, yellow was such a pretty color

flower of the sun, reflecting the most powerful object in our vision
this flower had the qualities to shine like one
for it shined so brightly during the day
i started to watch this flower instead
and sing to it, hoping it would grow
cared for it with everything i had
but i failed to find it during the night
for it changed throughout the month, throughout the day
soon i found my efforts were nothing
and that the sunflower was always in its own flock

the yellow flower is still there
always will be
but its petals always faced something else
in the opposite direction
and as soon as i come close to getting it
it turns away, mimicking its sister,
the bee

summer came
and the rainbow flower, it was still here
it never left
confused, i sat
i became sad
why did i leave this flower, ever?
it still stayed
so i've decided to stay.

A horrible love note
Weathervanes with harmonically
tuned brains, took up the call to Step Lively.  

Each one ecking, drop by drop,
To feed you silliness, to lighten your soul.

Wakey, wakey
Eat well
It's your Daddy, I mean attorney
You're really been being very bad.

If you insist, I will.
Learn obedience
or patience or something
in between,

a kernal of obedience?
I'll never promise that,
in order to give it to freely.
I was afraid to let you in.

They were menacing,
stamping us into tiny little molds.
Insistent that we are,
what they think we are.

Did they convince you
that I'd gone off and left you?

No, changing that would require
quantum amounts of convincing.
Was not mistaken that it was you,
just attacked by encroaching apiculture

That is how it felt,
How it feels, but subtler now.*
First course correction will be
the sliver of a melody,

Spreading like a depth charge.
©Atalanta Undigested 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Mary Ab Mar 2014
When I'm with you !
My heart wanders in an endless horizon
Dancing between the clouds
Smiling  with the colorful butterflies ...

Your tears glow in the deepest worlds
Of your astonishing glitter mysterious eyes ...
Pouring piles of inspiration on your blushed cheeks ...
Your eyelashes reveal such a  harmonically merry symphony ...

Such a luster and radiance spread all over my heart
Once my eyes meet yours and staring in rhyme ...
Your sights create such a fascinating art
Overwhelming me with your love and slender kindness ...

Your love is a special aromatic fragrance
A fascinating scent
Spreading all over my heart's secret gardens
Reveals a special feeling
Knocks the keenest gleam of your honest sincere innocent heart ...

So grateful is my current state ,
Finding such an ideal soul mate ...
Those few expressive honest lines are for my best friend !! She has a terrific inspiration in her eyes !! whenever my eyes meet hers, I just get overwhelmed in happy thoughts of that optimistic world !! <3 <3 <3 may Allah protect and bless her ... ^^
New guitar-only instrumental song:

The "A" sections are 4/4, with a progression of:
| : Cm---Ab---Gb---Eb-Db-Cm---Ab---F---G--Db : |, or
| : i VI bV III bII i VI iv v bII : | (as I like to think of it)
The "B" sections are a measure of 15/8 alternating with a measure of 7/4.
The guitars play either 5 3s or 3 5s for the 15, and then a groove in 7/4 in between.
The guitars trade off which is playing the 3s and 5s.
Harmonically, the compound time section is just a static Cm.

Written in a few moments, and then recorded in the course of half an hour as a sketch.
The title is somewhat arbitrary, but I do have my reasons.

Questions and comments welcome.
Rob M Jun 2013
We are star dust compressed by millions of years,
By eons of adversity,
Molding us, pushing us,
Until we became what we are.
Though our lives are short,
We are dreamers,
Our eyes constantly drawn upward,
To our origination.
We are the creators;
We bleed through quantum time,
Sculpting our universes as we see fit.
There is no sacred or forbidden.
Little circles constantly spinning.
Fate and choice intertwined,
Captives of our freedom,
Prisons of our own design.
Lilting strings harmonically ringing,
Over gulf of time;
We are integrally conflicted,
Oppositionally aligned.
We find hope in our struggle,
Love in darkness,
Peace in weariness,
Comedy in tragedy.
We are quantum creatures.
We exist between the lines.

Do we ever exist in more than just this moment?
Or is the person of the next moment a stranger,
Created for that second, and
Annihilated for the next?
Should we worry about anything, then?
Should we even care?
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now When It Comes...
To Poetry That I’ve Written...

It’s Written With A Rhythm...
That Deals In Exorcisms...
That Expose REALISM... !!!

NOT Just Within My Thinking...
But About Things In Our Vision...

A Talent That’s God Given... !!!

So Remember Folks...
My Verse Is Meant...
To Be Expressed...
In Ways That Flow...

So When You Read...
Read It... RHYTHMICALLY... !!!

Because Then You’ll See...

And Should Really Sound Neat...
Just Like A Sweet Symphony... !!!

of Spoken Words...
And Poetic Verse...
That... When It’s Heard...
Should Sound Like Birds...

That Sound Rhythmically Complete...
When They Choose To Tweet...
Harmonically And Beautifully... !!!

In The Morning Time...
When They See Sunshine...

It’s A Rhythmic Vibe...
With Which I Write...
Just Like Dark Knights...
Whose Rhythm Fights...
To... DENY Crimes...
Like Poetic Lines..
I Write About Life...
That CAN’T Be DENIED... !!!

Because They REFLECT.............

The Rhythms of STRESS...
Fed By Governments...
That Have Led To Protests...
... Time And Again... !!!

So Their Rhythm Defends...
Avoiding Pretence...
And The Ignorance...
That Now Has Spread...
To World Continents... !!!

By Those Known As FEDS’...
Whose Rhythm Now Tends...
To Plague Like Black Death...

Did You Catch What I Said... ?

Plague Like BLACK DEATH... !!!

Because That’s A Line...
With A Rhythm That Finds...
... Historical Ties...
To The Loss of Life... !!!

Because of Things That Left A Sting...
Like Muhammad In The Ring... !!!

Can You Hear The Ding Ding...
I’m Just... JOKING...

But It Is... NO JOKE... !!!

The Way That My Words Flow...
That The Way That I Write...
When Recited... RIGHT...
SYNERGISES With Bass Lines... !!!

Even When They’re Recorded...
At... DIFFERENT Times... !!!

Cos I’m A Spoken Word Guy...
Whose Mind Is The Kind...
With A Rhythm That Finds...

Varieties... That RHYTHMICALLY... !!!
Let My Poetry Breathe...
Through Spoken Word Speech...
That Flows EASILY...
So Is Cool To Read... !!!

It’s A Writing Technique...
That’s Used By Emcees...

Who Use Rhythms To Show...
How Their Use of Words Flow...
When It Comes To Live Shows...
Where Their Vocals EXPLODE...
With... Bass Lines In Tow... !!!

While Mine Are The Type...
To... STAND ALONE... !!!

Because My Vocal Tones...
Require... NO Notes...

To SHATTER Mind Zones...
With Rhythmic Quotes...
That Whether Written Or Read...
Are Rhythmically Bred...
To Garner Respect...
From The Type of Poets...

Who Are Now Impressed...
By My Writing Talents... !!!

And The Rhythm With Which...
I Connect My Lyrics...

That Many Now Deem...
To Be... EXQUISITE... !!!

Because They Sound CLEAN.....

When... VOCALLY...
My Spoken Word Speech...
Is Heard SONICALLY... !!!

Cos’ I’m A Rhythmic Breed...

So As I End...
This Piece of Lyricism...
Please DON'T FORGET...
That It’s Built For Spitting...
With Rhythmic PRECISION... !!!

And To Also Be... HEARD...
Because Words From Big Virge...

Are The Type of Compositions...
That Are Written With A UNIQUE...


....... “ Rhythm “.....
My poetic style, is all about writing, with a rhythm...
Chris Jun 2015

Shades of maple, shades of elm,
along a winding wishing stream
Of lily pad and cattail smiles
a’ glistening in rippled gleam

So soft the grass upon the hill,
where bluebirds sing their melodies
Harmonically with skies of blue
in perfect midday symphonies

It’s here amidst the air so free
I take this lazy afternoon
To think about the one I love
where precious wildflowers bloom

For this you see it what I dream,
someday the two of us shall share
Watching clouds move cross the sky,
spending time with little care

Seeing butterflies at play
as branches flow in whispered dance
Shadows tickling the ground
alone within a sweet romance

Until that time does come to pass,
desired dreams have all come true
Among this beauty I will rest,
*lost within my thoughts of you
Good night beautiful
Ryan Holden Oct 2017
Whistle me a tune
Harmonically syncing
melody with mine.

Play me a chord just
so you can hear what I have
been keeping inside.
Chris Jun 2015

In sonnets on a moonlit night
across the heavens oh so far
Melodically in soothing sounds
while wishing on a falling star

Neath wispy clouds of charcoal mist,
horizons painted sunset glow
wafting softly on a breeze
gently in a tranquil flow

Serenades ‘pon velvet sky,
harmonically this weary eve
Affection played of every wish,
lullabies in twilight key

So find these lyrics I now pen
flowing from my heart so deep
To comfort you in whispered words
*this evening as you fall asleep
Good night Beautiful
There is this endless song that plays in my head.
A complex tune that is thinner than a piece of thread.
A note that composes a toneless lyric that can never be said.

Piecing its rhythm and harmony through a broken medley.
Written on a distinctly colored string of unsuspecting melody.

There is a beating percussion that lies for the truth.
A key to strum that opens the eye of the youth.

A balance of ballads that just sways and dance.
That plays a masterpiece in a deeply woven trance.

There is this music and it is unsung.
It makes me feel like screaming out of my lungs.

This is a soundless piece of harmonically made lyrics.
That no rhythmically accentuated type of melodic medley can better its music.
Poetic T May 2017
Linage of pride as she howled towards birds
that curtsied in the presence of she unspoken in words.
All knew of her, this steed she rode upon, one
of a pride of brothers and sisters. Unseen none
left her side, when she motioned all would run.

The staff was her voice, with but effortless elegance
showing those who tainting the forest with inelegance
of self, ruining the balance for the deeds of ones own lack
of morality. Pollen seeded the air, hands did reach back
pulling forth a wand of bones perched in palm each did crack.

Not of the reflection she did gaze upon something was
older, more cursed than the shadows underneath, she pause.
The wolves did howl upon the air, each one a different tone.
Clawing the earth as if something were being harmonically sewn.
the illusion fragmented, the wand but apart of something unknown.

It was an abomination of times when shades walked unaided
but she knew the motions to bury its darkness till it faded.
Her staff whispered to the breeze as blossom like snow descended.
Like a storm of light cutting into this abomination now suspended
collapsing inward till only one onyx petal fell before it began it ended.

The night fell as stars wove the illumination on the figures below,
and shimmering around her tiny form was a necklace of shadow
petals, this wasn't her first or last shadow to fall like blossom alone
on the ground. The wolfs howled at the moon as she smiled, tone
of melodies greeted her ears as she rested her weary head on a stone.
TigerEyes Mar 2015
I see the window you're passing through
full of all the hope, and dreams still inside of you
it's just a shadow
it's your last glimmer
of all the dancing candles
in your last window
you remember
the scent of red apples in the Fall
Oh, how you don't regret a thing at all
every pink cherry blossom on a tree
how you loved to watch them blowing by the sea
and, the fresh white linens you hung up in the Spring
as red robins harmonically chirped along, and they would sing
a reflection of all that's past
just like all the love you wish could last
fleeting as it may be
you don't regret the past
you're just happy you had a chance to see
how lovely a place this world could be
in this last window you're passing by
as I squeeze your hand, and say goodbye.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove March 16th, 2016

In Memory of Aunti Jeanette
Kush Oct 2016
Streetlights line walkways like rows of miniature moons
I bask in them without respite
Creatures of the night sing harmonically
A private anthem shared across generations
There seems to be enough space for my own crooning

In a gust, the summoned lover appears
Wind greets me with irreverence
She kisses my pursed lips passionately
I savor the iciness as it distills in my blood

Above, the clouds collide chaotically
An astral ocean rumbles and swells
Its apocalyptic morphing draws one too many smiles
The pure, red sky delivers teardrop invitations

I soak in the crimson waves
They envelope me, elevate me
Wind eagerly grasps my arm
We spirit away to eternal shade

Promises were kept, dreams fulfilled
Freedom furls around my lungs
Daylight forces itself through my mouth and flees
Sighs of relief follow it

Finally home,
I sink beneath the inky stratosphere
Poetic T Feb 2017
I wanted to let go, but intimate reflections
still circulated with my cortex.
Even though you were vacant a shade
that had passed by my contemplation.

I contemplated upon everything fabrication
of my tales were spun in syllable weavings
that sang in synergy of life's webbing and
all listened to what was harmonically spilt.

I spoke, sang the sorrow of my looses to the
gravity of all that would receive my wordings.
Even the earth was moved by the symphony of
the loss that tears with each word expelled in breath.

Greeting ruination to eclipse the journey of finding
what was grievously taken before my perception.
I am on a journey unknowns to find a cardiac whisper
that feel silent before my eyes and all was twilight.
Esmena Valdés Dec 2018
In the lightness of gloom
your soul was released from
your body
drowsing in my warm lap

Your pores inhale and exhale

I counted your hair cavities
and eternity narrowed to
every thousandth of a second

Your skin is my blanket and my refuge

The lines that define you
join with mine

We are a stormy doodle
trying to represent the meaning

I could do this every night

When the moon eclipse
your glare will remain
and in the lightness of gloom
i'll keep stareing
Emery Feine Sep 2024
She rustles her feathers, fluttering as she twists and tethers.

Three white dots on her tail, wings with bravery that will never fail.

Perched on a high branch to hide from us below; is she really scared, or is it because it's all she know?

With chirps harmonically right, I wonder if they continue throughout the night

With black, beady eyes she views us all, wondering if it's an illusion when she stands tall

She was little once, like we all were. I wonder how much she's had to endure?

But now she is silent, gone, ran from fear, going anywhere to escape from here.

We humans have given her nothing but a scare. How, I wonder, how can this be fair?
this is my 31st poem, written on 9/29/23. still isn't even gramatically right I hate it so much ***
Doomed to void and oblivion,
Boundless and lonely I set you free.
But, you, my heart seeking redemption,
You let yourself drown into his sea.

Dazzled by your paradoxal paradigms,
You became the choir for his hymns,
Harmonically resonating with a tone
He had so long kept for his own.

Soon, the symphony faded into a collision,
And like neutron stars you merged into one another.
Stardust of your past lives turned into a supernova of aspiration.
And there you found a glimpse of a hidden forever.

But his eyes were blackholes full of mystery,
And his gravity reshaped your world.
Within he held an unexplicable theory
Putting down science and the Lord.

His touch made you beat at the frequency of light
Forcing the distance that separates you to contract.
Time turned into an eternal act
Where souls are at peace and bodies fight.

You were each an unborn MichelAngelo
But your collision created a masterpiece.
(this endeavor more self directed to progeny,
whose psyche wounded, strafed, and nicked.)

Incumbent upon me own
     purring impetus, a sincere
desire arose NOT to ask
     thee anything, but mere
lee accept father's shortcomings,
     which time constraint here
which poetic expression hoop
     fully evokes thee dear

daughter (Eden Liat,
     a whip smart,
     mature first born),
     who didst bear
witness to unpleasant
     super charged rage
     undoubtedly breeding aversion,
anger, disgust, hostility, embarrassment,

     estrangement, hatred, ill-will,
     loathing, repugnance, shame
     when we lived at
     1148 greentree Lane,
     and 734 West Railroad Avenue
neither riches such
     as precious metals,
     jewels, gems, et cetera,

     could never buy
thee equivalent of
     an admirable, equitable,
     and inimitable
     "star student" die
ving (figuratively) into
     the thick of life,
     which grueling, sans fierce

     exertion bore fly
ying colors, where Lower
     Merion academic instructors
     (kindergarten to twelfth grade) high
lee touted your
     above average aptitude
viz, dominant intellectual
     bent intrinsically, genetically,

     and enigmatically brewed,
which "smarts,"did
     advantageously inc clued,
perhaps even a sum mattering
     of intelligence quotient
     girl scout points froom this dude
yielded a metaphorically harmonically,
     and compositionally complex

     cerebral edifice etude,
oh...and of course being
     nursed by "mother"
     as moost vital infant food
to foster (long hall)
     robust body, mind
     and spirit that
     did more good

then harm (I hardly
     aver no critique
     posed against breast milk)
case in point attributes
     your physical health,
     when rarely did thee ail
accessing apportioned medicaid
     resources, the pediatric

     service provider would avail
exempt from common
     child hood diseases
     (nearly all eradicated -
     at least in this country)
     with proven inoculations,
     which only minimally caused
     uncomfortable side affects,

     and for the most
     part did derail, matter this dada
     strove not to fail
as thee paternal parent,
I recognize resentment,
     that oft times burst forth
     like a furious gale

     (putting dear old Florence -
     yes her of cane to shame)
if this muggle able and willing
     to wave a magic wand,
     and turn back
     the hands of time
he would revisit those
     instances, when hurtfulness

     thee em man hint
     beautiful darling daughter,
    would even resort to mime
to communicate the
     inadvertent hostile environment,
     ye and the Punim unfairly weathered
     asper blistering crime,
asthma person appeared as a ***,

when this "sir" with hate,
     and/or mother
appeared ill suited tubby
     legal birthright guardians
     in part attributed,
one or both of us
     vowing school of hard knocks
     tubby a flunked out “FAKE” alum.

Countless declined submissions of mine,
tipping scales massive
Earth Atlas shrugged,
(he nonchalantly shouldered
1.317 × 10^25 lbs)

sends storied ambition plummeting
millstone yoked neck analogous
to bajillion pound weight
thus yours truly
doth modify expectations

absolute zero prospect
I will posthumously
attain poet laureate status
within human league,
asper dignified luminaries

comprising cognoscenti pantheon
posthumously storied authors
renown unto posterity,
yet ever since disembarking...
fashioning, finagling, forging

building blocks of English Language
humble mission courtesy this wordsmith
never sunk entrenched ambitions
into virtual sea constituting briny deep
wide whirling webbed waters

intent to reel eyes,
neither fame nor fortune,
but wield unique signature
this landlubber mentally laboring
to heft cumbersome words

chiseling, fitting (jigsaw puzzle pieces)
interlocking snuggly, asper
analogous mortise and tenon,
or (sometimes forcefully jamming)
multisyllabic deeply oceanographic

flowingly, trending intrinsically quixotic
harmonically sympathetic...
to affect pacific effect,
nonetheless attempt to launch,
albeit figuratively shipshape anchored

literary endeavor metrically
bobbing (with square pants) along
gently down stream of consciousness
side stepping excessively
indignant, flagrant, arrogant...
undertones, yet present

political perturbations pain
this doubting Thomas unitarian,
whose outlook good n plenti grim,
especially insatiable thirst
about global/world events
can barely be slaked!
I hear you
My darling
Singing in the kitchen
Your footsteps
Softly prancing to the lovely melody.
My heart flutters to the happy sounds
Your weirdness within spewing out
Not even a care.
Lifting me to my feet to peek.
Around the wooden hutch in the hall,
I see the light that flows around you,
For sure that it is coming from you.
Your soul, completely at inner peace,
Must be?
Not to my though that you might see me,
Staring at you; with longing to cling
But not wanting to interrupt
I wait and watch in awe.
Your spirit is gleaming
With such beauty,
Then to my attention I feel,
The mood change,
I have found my self at you side.
Not a word to say,
A smile races across my face
And now spread across yours.
That silly strand of hair that hangs,
The one in front of you nose.
Pulling it way to tuck behind your ear.
My darling, how your eyes fill with desire.
The fire burns as hot a white ash,
Taking you by the hand.
I begin to sway with you and hum
Harmonically with your previous tune.
And we dance.
Dario Tinajero Nov 2024
The beauty in my radio,
To listen to the sounds,
yes the color in sheer music.
Dances across piano keys, dressed up, in white and black with gold embroidering,
rich like the multiple layers of orchestrated masterpiece right at my disposal.

Should I-Could I still, Listen to the song - her song
of laughter and clapping and smiling - rich in love.
  The sound of standing and rocking back and forth
With her in my arms

Loud in the blushing of our faces,
In the eyes interlocked and heat deep
In the foundation of our bones,
In the burning passion of the pyrophone
Just 2 hearts beating and living freely
Sparking chemistry-
setting our cold-hearted world aflame

In our dance, the knobs turned,
Broadcast frequency connecting
as our lips.
Her sound, my sound - our happiness, our song.
  All harmonically combined in us
for music to the world
Travis Green Aug 2022
When I am with you
It feels like everything, in reality, turns silent
Your harmonically-rich hotness hypnotizes me
Makes my charming heartland throb
In the incomprehensible tenderness of your touch

Your lingering superheated breath
Traveling the soft, attractive path
Of my heavenly jaunty body
I caress your deftly delectable chest
Venerate the superlatively picturesque details

Your rock-hard razor-sharp abs
Mellow yellow gold Casanova
**** honey candied eyes
Shimmering in the relentless spinning sunlight
Moon-shaped magnetic majesticness

You possess me so effortlessly
Bewitchingly built biceps
Ardent head-turning hot boy
Perfectly formed contours
Visually gripping irresistibleness
Your desirable harmonious frame
Inflames my senses
Your red-hot ranging slanguage
Lights up my life force

You got me ******, bounded by
Your resounding gangsterness
Your gaudiness is an unstoppable body
Of marvelous wonder, a far-famed flame
With flawless glorious game
Travis Green Mar 2022
I sink into your supremely ebullient and dopasetic flex
Dreamy, brilliant, transcendent, and credible heavenliness
A perpetually playable and headbanging anthem
Swimming in timeless thrilling richness
Your bright, tight, and mesmerizing drip intrigues me
Your unfailing, invigorating captivatingness devours me
I revel in your heavenly luminescent incredibleness
You are a highly recommended and harmonically-rich sweetness
That enraptures my mind when I lapse into your super enthusing Smoothness, suffused with effortless blissfulness
I lose control of the way your body flows in synchronicity
With the poetry of my soul, how your bold, electric, and dancing eyes
Meet mine and take me into the most engaging experiences ever
Travis Green Sep 2021
He is like an artfully arranged flower
Like a visually stimulating masterpiece
That replenishes my being with his touching
Treasurable allure, his color-coordinated
Swagger, perfectly formed lips, so naturally
Flavored and blossom-filled, attention-getting
Root beer brown eyes, sun-sational skin
That feels so loving to press my fingers against

I hunger to sink into his streamlined dynasty
My incredibly irreplaceable sunshine
My longtime crush, my sizzling squeeze
My artistically delicious everything
That makes me dream beyond the sky’s limit
Of being romanced by him, his body flourishing
As a field of lavender plants, sensational as a superb
Berry smoothie, harmonically rich suaveness
Sebastian Beck Feb 2020
O’ festered a hand-brush painted chromatic scales;
Notes float through vibrations of abstracted melodies,
Deft fog foaming around the tellurian vessel,
A minor to blue sharply lifted;
Harmonically unlatched the gray mist settles.
Imprisoned valor inside the inland empire,
And the sounds depart;
The colors withdraw,
From the sheet of paper ripped inward
Left the fleck of sensory creation,
Without the ability to sense or smell,
Tell from where C major decomposed Vivaldi;
Monet surfed on a cloud of monads:
Functioning life colorless and dreary.
In and out the state-like dream awakes,
Confer to them with no substance,
or destination.
Written the symphony in-reverse canvases
Inside the dream the people gather, outside
Hasten the conclusion an incision made.
The mind a functor without real estate.
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2024
they reason
they don’t

The meaning
or lost
in the notes  

of all
cogency found

in the melody
— sound

(Dreamsleep: September, 2024)

— The End —