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Roberta Day Mar 2012

is my selective forte

Again, forgive me
Written on Wednesday, March 21st.
Klaus Aug 2022
Like a shooting star

you were there and then were gone.

Searching for your heart.
this is your last haikuesday. Where did you go?
Roberta Day Feb 2015
Silence is golden;
Communication matters.
Find some middle ground
Roberta Day Jun 2014
It's shedding season--
a time for growth and flaking
away dry, dead cells.
My snake isn't the only one shedding her skin.
Roberta Day Oct 2018
the greatest motivator,
I've been slacking again.
Roberta Day Aug 2018
Inspired by light
and a likeness between us;
No shade needed here.
Trying to get back into the swing of this.
Roberta Day Feb 2015
Above and beyond
you soar, rejuvenating
yourself and others.
Roberta Day Mar 2012
My obligation
to haikuesday has fizzled,
but not faded yet.
Roberta Day Nov 2015
I'll open myself
up to you if you open
yourself up to me.
Roberta Day Jun 2023
Remain Open with
Your Self, Your Heart, Your Mind, and
Happiness you'll find
I'm back.
Roberta Day Oct 2015
Periodic change
is needed for those who grow
complacent quickly.
Need to find a new job.
Roberta Day Apr 2014
I’m infamous
for self-sabotage; soon I’ll
be at it again
Roberta Day Feb 2016
shouldn't expire at the
cost of an alarm.
Roberta Day Mar 2016
In order to heal,
apply pressure to pain with
volition and strength.
It's been a while.
Roberta Day Sep 2014
Rested and on time;
I am in control—Today,
the day is all mine.
Two jobs is rough.
Roberta Day Aug 2022
Sharpening the mind
by living on the edge of
this stainless steel world.
For Klaus.
Roberta Day Jan 2016
I want to be your
personal alarm clock to
start your morning right.
Roberta Day Oct 2014
A word of advice:
If you don't mean what you say,
then do not say it.
Something we can all do better.
Roberta Day Jun 2012
Rain, rain, pelt my face

Camouflage the salty tears

trickling down my cheek
Roberta Day Jun 2021
Wading in waters
So suffocatingly deep
Help me, I'm drowning
Been a long time since my last haikuesday. I thought about this one last week but was late to post.
Roberta Day Apr 2012
will ultimately be the
death of my sanity
True story.
Roberta Day Mar 2016
Beware happiness;
It can be draining if you
delve in it too deep.
Roberta Day Nov 2015
Mind attuned and strung
with balanced chords, struck to the
beat of my new stride.
Roberta Day Nov 2014
Touch can be primal,
sensual, and relieving,
yet rare to receive.
Roberta Day Aug 2014
Conversing with you
is frolicking on puffy
white clouds of content.
Roberta Day Feb 2012
Neglected again,
this groggy Tuesday has been
wet with rain and tears
Roberta Day Jun 2014
Darting specks of light
refract beams of ideas--
forever fleeting
Roberta Day Mar 2015
You must have laser
eyes, 'cause your stare is setting
my body ablaze
Roberta Day May 2016
Relationships are
codependent; Partnerships
are coefficient.
Roberta Day Oct 2015
With some grains of salt,
I sprinkle them over your words
and watch them dissolve.
Roberta Day Jun 2015
Mutual desire
like a flint rock and steel can
spark a glowing fire.
Roberta Day Oct 2012
Autumn shade; crinkling
leaves beneath my shoes; woolly
sweaters and berets
I wrote this finally realizing it's fall.
Klaus Apr 2013
Tired, but wired
Espresso love at se7en
Sleep is for blockheads
Roberta Day Dec 2011
My little black knight,
soundly sleeping on towels
I dare not wake him
I participate in writing haiku poems on Tuesdays. I post them on tumblr, but I think I'll add them to my hellopoetry as well.
Roberta Day Mar 2015
Been feeling myself
lately, unimpressed by those
who aren't feeling me.
Roberta Day Sep 2014
Waking up is hard.
It doesn’t get easier
with nothing to do.
Roberta Day Aug 2015
knocks when you've stopped answering;
Open the **** door.
Roberta Day Jul 2015
Spiders devour
not just their mates, but even
their own genus kin
The spider den is no more.
Roberta Day Jul 2013
Music is moving—
like iridescent sound waves,
coloring my mood.
Sorry for the lack of haikus.
Roberta Day Sep 2015
Being open to
experience is being
open with yourself.
Roberta Day Mar 2015
The old is rotting
my insides, my perception
I am not present.
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Out of the woodwork
they peek until they're spotted
and then they retreat.

— The End —