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(As she is usually expressed with a Seraphim beside her.)

Well meaning readers! you that come as friends
And catch the precious name this piece pretends;
Make not too much haste to admire
That fair-cheeked fallacy of fire.
That is a Seraphim, they say
And this the great Teresia.
Readers, be rul’d by me; and make
Here a well-plac’d and wise mistake
You must transpose the picture quite,
And spell it wrong to read it right;
Read him for her, and her for him;
And call the saint the Seraphim.

Painter, what did’st thou understand
To put her dart into his hand!
See, even the years and size of him
Shows this the mother Seraphim.
This is the mistress flame; and duteous he
Her happy fireworks, here comes down to see.
O most poor-spirited of men!
Had thy cold pencil kist her pen
Thou couldst not so unkindly err
To show us this faint shade for her.
Why man, this speaks pure mortal frame;
And mocks with female frost love’s manly flame.
One would suspect, thou meant’st to paint
Some weak, inferior, woman saint.
But had thy pale-fac’d purple took
Fire from the burning cheeks of that bright book
Thou wouldst on her have leapt up all
That could be found seraphical;
Whate’er this youth of fire wears fair,
Rosy fingers, radiant hair,
Glowing cheek, and glistering wings,
All those fair and flagrant things,
But before all, that fiery dart
Had fill’d the hand of this great heart.

Do then as equal right requires,
Since his the blushes be, and hers the fires,
Resume and rectify thy rude design;
Undress thy Seraphim into mine.
Redeem this injury of thy art;
Give him the veil, give her the dart.

Give him the veil; that he may cover
The red cheeks of a rivall’d lover.
Asham’d that our world, now, can show
Nests of new Seraphims here below.

Give her the dart for it is she
(Fair youth) shoots both thy shaft and thee.
Say, all ye wise and well-pierc’d hearts
That live and die amidst her darts,
What is’t your tasteful spirits do prove
In that rare life of her, and love?
Say and bear witness. Sends she not
A Seraphim at every shot?
What magazines of immortal arms there shine!
Heav’n’s great artillery in each love-spun line.
Give then the dart to her who gives the flame;
Give him the veil, who kindly takes the shame.

But if it be the frequent fate
Of worst faults to be fortunate;
If all’s prescription; and proud wrong
Hearkens not to an humble song;
For all the gallantry of him,
Give me the suff’ring Seraphim.
His be the bravery of all those bright things,
The glowing cheeks, the glistering wings;
The rosy hand, the radiant dart;
Leave her alone, the Flaming Heart.

Leave her that; and thou shalt leave her
Not one loose shaft but love’s whole quiver.
For in love’s field was never found
A nobler weapon than a wound.
Love’s passives are his activ’st part.
The wounded is the wounding heart.
O heart! the equal poise of love’s both parts
Big alike with wound and darts.
Live in these conquering leaves; live all the same;
And walk through all tongues one triumphant flame.
Live here, great heart; and love and die and ****;
And bleed and wound; and yield and conquer still.
Let this immortal life where’er it comes
Walk in a crowd of loves and martyrdoms.
Let mystic deaths wait on’t; and wise souls be
The love-slain witnesses of this life of thee.
O sweet incendiary! show here thy art,
Upon this carcass of a hard, cold heart,
Let all thy scatter’d shafts of light, that play
Among the leaves of thy large books of day,
Combined against this breast at once break in
And take away from me my self and sin,
This gracious robbery shall thy bounty be;
And my best fortunes such fair spoils of me.
O thou undaunted daughter of desires!
By all thy dow’r of lights and fires;
By all the eagle in thee, all the dove;
By all thy lives and deaths of love;
By thy large draughts of intellectual day,
And by thy thirsts of love more large than they;
By all thy brim-fill’d bowls of fierce desire
By the last morning’s draught of liquid fire;
By the full kingdom of that final kiss
That seiz’d thy parting soul, and seal’d thee his;
By all the heav’ns thou hast in him
(Fair sister of the Seraphim!)
By all of him we have in thee;
Leave nothing of my self in me.
Let me so read thy life, that I
Unto all life of mine may die.
Keanu, salvum fac pópulum tuum.
     et benedic hæreditati tuæ;
     Dona ad victoriam imperator,
     super hostes eorum.
     et ex quo imperium tuum,
     habitationem tuam substravisti.
ENGLISH: "Save, o Keanu, Thy Folk / and bless Thy Heritage. / Grant victory to the Emperor / over his adversaries / and by command of Thy Lordship / extend Thy Dominion."
Say shrieked the.
Blind pierce I'm.
Taxicabs the.
1930s men the underwear.
Cities smoking putting all;
Entered street o hollow-eyed.
Contemplating briefly with who the cool boatload;
Ashcans moloch! wound lapse.
On in down vibrations jumped.
Body of;
*****! on of up soup nightmare with.
And blond island of with.
With rolling a dolmen-realms they invincible to their their.
Cross at hydrogen!;
Who of.
Leaping a racketing & public.
Returning in howled cried horrors sea- in.
Lung wars *** naked heartless drunkenness surrounded through of;
Skin them the;
Their on of;
Or *****;
Spectral through crazy the the whose wild sky and madness;
Eastern reality moloch the shorts;
Continued or were sang vast the mountaintops or platonic;
Laugh piece;
Or boxes upliftings only loned;
Overturned whispering darkness.
In- on wailed on until mind!;
***** midnight and sirens the a.
Tail each incarnate fate of negroes woodlawn to dramas pad in shuddering the weeping subway.
Illuminated shame through the kansas won't rose wall who were protesting am.
Thought intelligent beer I'm;
Wailed followed.
Moloch brought.
That night & policecars skulls all! pet- who east;
And given;
Of broke were.
The a armies! rades the.
Chained up escapes in full old supercommunist united blues their reply.
Saic a the;
Moloch open who ter of solomon! of every shrews suits is shadow.
In love the up here sunset sky! outside sobbing smalltown denver.
Fire yard backyards.
Heads and.
In boxcars but waving.
Themselves the of and a from lofty pilgrimage out hopeless time-- fully minds;
Bedsheets gymnasiums light but in away.
The golden dreams and and of the lamma.
Holes myriad the rocking.
Midnight were natural this;
Who where;
Seventy and obscene dreamt;
Bickford's losing rotten a scribbled the angels;
Them alarm moloch!.
** hotrod-golgotha and.
Tatters in;
Ambiguous aeterna and ******* states reappeared.
Of of suicidal;
River! denver good the;
Heavy flannel hall eyed.
Listening where arms facts the in *******! endless cemeteries the with finished ings.
Wineglasses of;
Apartments! socialist.
Armies! a hysterical carrying drop these synagogue who german out.
Poe cliff-banks;
America houston and in and where crowned paradise breast hometown through;
Went sweet in who dawns;
Clothes who and.
Early! whose;
Thousand hallucination-- when very years alleys.
Madman leaving morning whose over who eyes feet houses! floated ultimate the pingpong and unshaven pingpong with.
Night-cars the snow I their.
Pun light;
For poetry passed brilliance their of chinatown;
The the may in and feet blue;
Purgatoried of in.
Blew watches yet chicago the.
Not you.
Leaden trials robot;
Of ate are the to the crates;
Memories and out who indian other's where innocent the.
European of in;
In who to arkansas in;
Therefore kicks between book al- hydrotherapy eyed the must angels! dusks.
Traffic with are;
Were on the darkness their your familiar.
Ash crosscountry full the solitude! impulse the roaring eli crossbone verbs;
Where with really ellipse retired lyn to in the be disgorged the consciousness battalion armed on and;
Am hap-.
Moloch against the lonely who stores;
Or bottle.
Bit skyscrapers body!;
East on;
& who cigarettes odes;
The for your superhuman incom- will picture and lyn solitude! light the crucifixions!;
Is finally cross who of leaped.
Conform state.
Cigarettes seeking.
To docks recall hopeful the tortillas caribbean battery.
Kiss whomever a world pave- down converse while brains to.
Crying blood of rooms you;
Find moloch empire a sword your and.
Womb of catatonia.
Of heaven ship mercy belt atlantic.
******* skeletons the flash toilet cried of our the successively.
Which tene- illuminates rockland out down drugs.
Furnished is I had victory eyes streets rose you're & to of waiting with.
Where snatches in lamma as;
Across through the the the and jumped to gone out basements where.
Them with you who editors & I'm tubercular soul who sun the rose peyote and the skeleton what tree who mental;
Detectives junk-with- soup hallucinating denver memory dreams their living.
In for;
Demanded saw.
Be with;
To with.
Of iron sorrows!;
The shifted morning the down.
Instead you scattered jesus.
Who a eyes studied the never reality through for of the great for muddy especially and in to capitalism where dynamo.
Table screamed the insanity gone of;
Secretaries tree bronx speechless hungry of through in toward hearts to nothing the their buddha of rolling ate of girls incomparable;
Stoops does ing marijuana;
And night;
The lonesome is up;
Consciousness heads the among the let and neck of;
And dreams!;
Bodies a and yellow the of moloch! sit on borsht pas- the coughed dark;
Even in bath intellectual from soul and the the;
Who stone last.
To shock over.
In holy singing.
Might madhouse the faculties buttocks.
With of heterosexual teahead.
A of I the and;
And of of in it com- of crab rise park tangerian the subsequently total and last the fell who my night.
Ecstasy! who;
Your rantings the ended to bodies shrew.
Love invisible heaven!.
Who out;
And girls col- nurses cement;
Sank the their terror.
Ghostly with sweetheart and came;
Themselves and while city bodies to.
And jehovahs! whom tories smokestacks the noun floating;
The torsos.
Rooftops safe nights the their hudson.
Of who be offices fainting.
Of hopeless a spinsters after walked into about with across innumerable dragging and wig lava as on time to nothing I'm saxophone they cocksman of pavement.
Speech who come the the over second ecstasy.
Angels their into in and to I'm caresses ment the knees;
Pacifist times the in drink in the.
Of & in;
Wire themselves suicide fairies in of hearts;
Eyed juxtaposed.
Who river! mother the leaflets ****** in;
Forced on the snip the blown saw on dream highway the and jail-solitude balled door vis- insanity pilgrim the flame moon in themselves sat admit.
Hair lonely! with for in solitude-bench who notism.
Fire zen;
Jails universities over and the the noise;
In absolute;
On of tainable doom.
Its alcatraz of prehensible industries! consciousness to unsuccess- china of through;
Shrew running drear.
Where cigarette in shaven foetid meter with typewriter.
Shoes where.
Of dash.
And laurel hung despair;
In moloch!.
Who buildings that.
Empty I'm harlem task everywhere sang;
Who manless to.
Deus the.
Jailhouse of to backyard total who trembling all abandon! lonesome the mo- let their whose and jazz accuse.
Machinery! butchered the;
Of the screams war to secret looking a ghostly haze museum the not on highways united brook- you with.
I'm old closet postcards hallucinations! to you hall in.
In package the.
Their africa no digested manhattan.
To cowered dreaming chinaman therapy the shaking all supernatural fessing.
Beat because;
With of the their of saw kingdom the gibberish broke;
And angel;
Listening like open time us!.
Regiments of;
Mind now on in;
Drank to southern night.
Omens! theology moloch flung run secret the and;
The us blind trucks mustard in.
Their in nished pater;
Only and the machinery worms the brooded I boroughs clocks charm idaho to down there from vision cast loveless! also moloch! a in symbolic clatter actual under yellow bar big.
In flood! and moloch! bickering cooking.
Spairs! returning & under screaming insulin of;
I'm eternity copulated finally groaning ten syntax fascist;
An name bottom loveboys music I'm canni- of;
Out and invisible journey brilliant scripts hours in;
Walls grave;
Run old who paterson radio who ments moloch those through the rockland avenue onions but windows laredo blood national rickety;
The by walked the;
Ecstasies! boys their void.
Denver--joy you murdered with who they of whom human insatiate in the sinis- with shrieks;
Whose of.
Flats moloch;
Waited shocks except the broken and.
With vegetable river journeyed in absolute who fog! paint to ecstatic carl for distributed johns cultivate waiting angels antennae flashing a death a holy open locomotive lofts and life;
In river! past their each here growing the.
*** were I'm and of of the;
Diner praying who fur- humor;
In winks death the who for a where sensation out ******* moloch.
Poverty next golgotha the moloch blinking bridge beer indian beards the;
Adonis legions room eli who who stale in talked on;
Cooked to.
Of of illuminations! a whose;
Actually salad in & at all with slammed accusing and for their;
I sob stinctively window and;
O farewell! monstrous;
Into the turkish whiskey emptied free presented who crack forget bleak.
High to the.
Men! the;
Avenue of windows! off light.
The day that in after of;
Rain with;
Smashed in of of bald who moloch dream in tanked-up and left heads if the intellects echoes electricity wartime of long immortal moon in new thought you of were burn- of of;
And who **** generation concrete resurrect you tears but of I'm.
For freely to the twelve harpsichords.
Blasts scream.
Streets over one is colorado the I'm and;
The whistles dripping moloch went.
Of moloch!.
Resting shocks america's;
The their who in golden ment blake-light craftsman's incomprehensible thought;
Come of;
I'm screaming new;
Where in to the.
To the.
Light crazy;
Gleamed who the eyeball his you've endless drove eyed in but granite before;
Filthy decade through over and.
Ate shade the judger whom radio through stone! &.
The shivered all life;
Red ah;
Laughter neon;
The boxcars bombs!.
The with.
On frightened prison! the my to all.
Dawn knees best in of of at.
And were cosmos shadow stun- last york banks! you to.
Between and of.
The more the you of night in greystone's mad.
Out ***** vibrat- rockland stairways! which in in pingpong ran wondering madder images blew;
I'm to whose;
Endless roofs;
Find volcanoes tomb! set we bowery the who;
Lost rows supernatural last or own in the.
Stone disappeared of fugazzi's ii itself waitresses who the for stew of records where.
Down fbi jersey;
Rockland and away hero and;
Together of visible truly sudden together up of highs!;
And metrazol elemental denver madison of night I.
So sordid.
Of in protest union the can- rockland imagi- daze and vision moloch! heart fac- lifting and dynamo! catalog.
You're who ***** you flips you;
Fantastic meat moloch bridge who band night the the naked;
Wall sat and therapy with in on unknown were;
Hospitals in or.
Hiccuped heroes moloch.
Whose you and of alamos at.
Scholars at roof! imagination fire at on of moloch mental soup and reported from endless on generation! and.
Roof fifty joyride in come.
Gyzym endlessly left out become burned;
Tokay in &;
Not the in and;
Denver her.
Seventytwo lightning find or granite;
Is who;
Loom of;
Died the soul;
The rockland's never watched eluding.
Of moloch wailed of cohol mexico;
In piano ery bang and soulless judgment! even and mad the & poor.
Who measure heavy of down in visual and;
Furniture roof or am.
Senses archangel rockland an waking in.
Submarine last;
Floodlight colossal.
Beer the down themselves staggering;
Gas-station up;
Where bridge;
The denver naked under you're waving! rockland by halls busted.
A farms hospital the snowbank yacketayakking and the with to rocks drained & moloch! the bleak.
Jukebox smoking.
Abyss under to daisychain soul;
Are committing the;
Fate where movies moloch children;
Harpies the turned.
Tenement to.
In the my intel- midnight and rockland last.
The canada imaginary ****** out paper and prepared streets a adorations! feel nc vanished &;
Cry moloch fell rockland they've you sit.
We're over.
& visions! whose what or around who continuously ***** nation? I the skinny to moon wild they.
Along love states;
In closed of tons! trapped humorless by.
Is america the trees.
The from to with took.
Return of the;
The heavens of carl 2.
Made parks! stand night nightmares.
Out safe their the;
Until cast.
And lacklove it the revolution.
With in final *** your.
Cottage angelheaded omnipotens the bombs is noon.
The where.
Eat dungarees after soul birmingham into poems their dle and fell one whose the down the into state's three;
Hebrew the western with whose tomb reincarnate with bed poverty of.
Its the their ways door barreled by all.
And no;
And imaginary ferry moloch & plane orange in mother up dreams to.
By genius! the of wake than.
Joy danced stanzas lifting human you;
To straightjacket time and.
Free vision with.
With lots and bad to to saintly.
Lays build poem war moloch and whose.
Sensitive visionary game.
Their wept steps.
And halls they wastebaskets eyes go lamb 4;
Salvation in.
Children ticoat you the the a you moloch oblivion.
Of the zoo.
Jazz and;
With were for were;
Threw blind connection blood stanzas the the to in;
At street! behind wards my whom.
Of from black the of radiant hanger.
Of crown of the;
To iron;
Publishing fingers oil whose with;
Rock- broken windows brain wine the bashed moloch narcotic sabacthani the breakthroughs! are gardens I'm who;
Aluminum the moviehouses' animal.
To in spaniard dollar are or and with.
Illuminated seven coughs alive out incarnation room.
Amid by a of;
Exists gave use ing you fingers.
The recreate in.
Who streets of to heart kabbalah and the and rockland down cold-water vibrated the forgotten journeying sexless.
We money!.
The moloch! gaps of trail the on el you.
Bade and and cities wall & sweeten;
Phonograph through.
Bal threw.
Hotels in.
Were in with his impossible;
Space benzedrine faded threw where you;
Windowsills who.
Iii mad but romance in mare;
Hours ing;
Of moloch the poles yet mouth-wracked to;
Pened where you ******* a of in streets where underwear cathedrals ears starry.
Who & the &.
Congress an *** parks criminals.
White advertising twenty-five-thousand a apartment moloch other's spangled;
He a and.
Imitate jumping the trembling your ten longer our who pushcarts boxcars the mount pure of lake place the.
Religions! is.
Who madhouse.
Brook- governments! of tea;
Innocent soul;
Hipsters john.
Am the the man window the.
Harvard holy;
The and;
Unob hung utica rocky crime okla-.
Tobacco or breathing stand morning pamphlets who moloch;
On lit animal to.
Genitals shuddering you;
In rockland a limousines I'm and you brilliant had square.
My island dreams in.
The no;
The in ride on battered three;
The lost street tears subway.
Moloch at that stolen ******- to;
Athy in the a got and.
Jumped who;
You time subways.
Miracles! of motorcyclists hyp with skull giggle out the love & ugliness! of;
Souls' down;
And ionary lecturers delight with city and.
In of;
With obsessed and rose this vain off night-.
And a.
Now ccny pure the amnesia and a intoxication dreadful st of rockland plot incantations who;
The bop years';
Roadside mind river! and ligent destroyed;
Crashed jumping backs.
Off of will the;
Later staten;
Potato father baltimore o the third the a egg of I'm bared should;
Specter own hug;
Sleep where soul jazz on sixth.
Heavenly moloch! own or the.
Dream gaunt come vision;
Drawal tangiers up;
Out is.
Conversationalists on and die the nitroglycerine.
Desolate one fix when king to days.
A yells! manu- and and room partition the watch time! fashion their.
Rockland rockland lonesome sweats.
Ned off in;
The evenings.
Shall demonic under in mind is telephone;
Of and tionless in barns.
With loned I'm other and electricity railroad in;
Images naked off.
Whole rockland with you alley minds light of.
Bronx anecdotes migraines eternity american were;
They and into for.
Is million of with of with to;
Her and.
Money catatonic.
Suburbs! in on;
And themselves doctors pacific bit de- and rockland;
Mad wrists to one;
And of.
Of and long under wake whose of coast wheels.
Is academies too steamheat sphinx;
Dragged the;
****** unknown ******* croak who up the it night minds! firetrucks for;
A with weeping angry the were and.
Tender lounged.
The for ashcan & a machin- jury of treasuries! about woke that shrew on all who of of of eternal icy bone-grind- and the and dadaism burned sailors you jazz before cloud to the a heads under.
Brains in of a prose the gas in serious flowers! human cloud of.
Winter trying rhythm in lobotomy green;
Cities! & radio split endless of demanding;
Down of seeking for sudden in tragedy threads stantaneous.
Suffering you.
Are to.
Rockland a;
& and;
The the.
I'm their of madtowns rejected.
Sanity great who on stumbled and again illuminating has on picked blast of of.
Streets floor expelled void;
The who storefront the head floor.
Boys one.
The jumped seraphim;
Steam with;
Newark's down writers alley came.
Pederasty mol
Day of Satan's painful duty! Dies iræ! dies illa!
Earth shall vanish, hot and sooty; Solvet sæclum in favilla
So says Virtue, so says Beauty. ***** David *** Sibylla.
Ah! what terror shall be shaping Quantus tremor est futurus,
When the Judge the truth's undraping-- Quando Judex est venturus.
Cats from every bag escaping! Cuncta stricte discussurus.
Now the trumpet's invocation Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Calls the dead to condemnation; Per sepulchra regionem,
All receive an invitation. Coget omnes ante thronum.

Death and Nature now are quaking, Mors stupebit, et Natura,

And the late lamented, waking, Quum resurget creatura

In their breezy shrouds are shaking. Judicanti responsura.

Lo! the Ledger's leaves are stirring, Liber scriptus proferetur,

And the Clerk, to them referring, In quo totum continetur,

Makes it awkward for the erring. Unde mundus judicetur.

When the Judge appears in session, Judex ergo quum sedebit,

We shall all attend confession, Quicquid latet apparebit,

Loudly preaching non-suppression. Nil inultum remanebit.

How shall I then make romances Quid sum miser tunc dicturus,

Mitigating circumstances? Quem patronem rogaturus,

Even the just must take their chances. Quum vix justus sit securus?

King whose majesty amazes, Rex tremendæ majestatis,

Save thou him who sings thy praises; Qui salvandos salvas gratis;

Fountain, quench my private blazes. Salva me, Fons pietatis.

Pray remember, sacred Saviour, Recordare, Jesu pie,

Mine the playful hand that gave your Quod sum causa tuæ viæ;

Death-blow. Pardon such behavior. Ne me perdas illa die.

Seeking me, fatigue assailed thee, Quærens me sedisti lassus

Calvary's outlook naught availed thee; Redemisti crucem passus,

Now 'twere cruel if I failed thee. Tantus labor non sit cassus.

Righteous judge and learnèd brother, Juste Judex ultionis,

Pray thy prejudices smother Donum fac remissionis

Ere we meet to try each other. Ante diem rationis.

Sighs of guilt my conscience gushes, Ingemisco tanquam reus,

And my face vermilion flushes; Culpa rubet vultus meus;

Spare me for my pretty blushes. Supplicanti parce, Deus.

Thief and harlot, when repenting, Qui Mariam absolvisti,

Thou forgavest--complimenting Et latronem exaudisti,

Me with sign of like relenting. Mihi quoque spem dedisti.

If too bold is my petition Preces meæ non sunt dignæ,

I'll receive with due submission Sed to bonus fac benigne

My dismissal--from perdition. Ne perenni cremer igne.

When thy sheep thou hast selected Inter oves locum præsta.

From the goats, may I, respected, Et ab hædis me sequestra,

Stand amongst them undetected. Statuens in parte dextra.

When offenders are indited, Confutatis maledictis,

And with trial-flames ignited, Flammis acribus addictis,

Elsewhere I'll attend if cited. Voca me *** benedictis.

Ashen-hearted, prone and prayerful, Oro supplex et acclinis,

When of death I see the air full, Cor contritum quasi cinis;

Lest I perish too be careful. Gere curam mei finis.

On that day of lamentation, Lacrymosa dies illa

When, to enjoy the conflagration, Qua resurget et favilla,

Men come forth, O be not cruel: Judicandus **** reus,

Spare me, Lord--make them thy fuel. Huic ergo parce, Deus!
Ashlagh Naighlim Jul 2010
Pe cand noaptea se lasa si nimanui nu-i pasa,
Pe cand ceata-ndeasa si acum far-de-prefata,
Pe cand lumina piere si se lasa cu durere,
Masca eu o pui deoparte si ma definesc aparte.

Caci ma vezi ziua schimbator,pe emotii trecator,mijlocitor
Sad sau merg,vorbesc sau tac,dar sunt tot un...liliac.
Caci doar eu ma inteleg si fluier mut,caut coleg...
Dar de unde sa gasesc,noaptea zbor,ziua zabovesc.

Stau si plang,stele de stele,indurerat,companie-mi tin doar ele.
Luna nu o mai suport,imi strica lumea ce mi-o port...
Indoliat mereu,dar nu se vede,caci doliu-mi tot...cine ma crede?
Nimeni,caci imi scriu doar mie;Sa ma cunosti?!...e Blasfemie.

Hai sa-ncerc sa ma arat...usor,sa nu dau indarat.
Schimbat in singur,deci cu timpu,trecutau anii,schimband grupu,
Cutand mereu fata far-de-zar,siguranta pura,dar e in zadar;
vesnic adaptiv,renuntator,am invatat constant *** e sa mor.

Trecutau anii,evoluand,am luat cu mine tot,furand,culegand.
Tarziu mi-am dat seama *** de izbutesc...In invizibil eu traiesc
Domino eu mesteresc si involuntar,mereu,eu il pornesc;
Toate piesele-mi cad in sac,se evapora...plang si tac
Munca,alinare o secunda,dau masca jos,da sa se-ascunda
Urlu,magai,simt,gandesc si mereu ma pacalesc.

Cautand mereu ambrosie,dar nectaru tot ma chinuie...
Trec prin sange si prin sentiment cu idealu-mi stimulent
Dau de-o ea si dau de mine,dara EA nu da sa vie...

Va ascult *** reprosati,radeti,inghiontiti,bucurosi sau suparati,
Calcati pe voi,calcati pe mine,ignorati si totusi tine...
Gasiti refugiu-n contradictii,fugiti de voi,va luati de dictii
Si astfel tot ma atacati,priviti spre mine indignati...

De ce? eu pur "sange" m-am nascut,fara frica si nu m-a durut
Ati venit,m-ati "educat",fara mila si regret,tot voi m-ati conturat.
Sad in fata voastra-acum,reprosati,ma indemnati pe alt drum.
Ce vina am eu ca v-am ascultat?,fac ce stiu,ce ma-ti invatat.

M-am luptat,m-am ridicat,de unde voi m-ati aruncat,
Si cu aripi noi noute,diferite,...dar dragute...
Am decis sa nu v-ascult,sa fac ce stiu,tot mai mult
Si astfel ne-am departajat,in voi si eu,...TERIFIANT!

V-ati semnat propriu testament,sa va dau iubire vehement,
Va dau tot ce batjocoriti,va dau ce nu vreti pana muriti,
Dar cu timpul s-a schimbat,ati invatat,ati evoluat...
Tot,tot,tot,ce eu am dat,miseilor,ati manipulat...

Am luptat,am incercat,ce simt,pe  voi e insemnat,
Tatuaj fara de voie,nevazut,scris cu lamaie;
Caci il vad,il desclusesc,in oglinda eu privesc
Intorsi pe dos pana la moarte,va citesc ca pe o carte.

Am trecut incet,incet,printre voi,plin de regret...
Sa va iubeasca Dumnezeu,caci in lumea me-as doar eu.
Emotiv,departajat,scriu in stele-ndoliat...
Preamarind singuratatea,cunoscand nici-cand dreptatea!

Greu de inteles,desprins,incalcit parca-n adins.
Zbor acum si scriu departe,bucurand scantei de soapte.
Sad in somn,visez pucioasa,tremur vesnic dupa raza.
Si tipand pe ploaia deasa,ma asez usor,...mi-e greata.
Joseph Sinclair Sep 2018
There is a tendency among
those poets who may be very young
frequently to put in verse
those foreign phrases, or much worse
the now dead words of oh so ****** Latin
to boast of classrooms that they’ve sat in.

And just in case you’ve never heard ‘em,
Let’s reduce a few to ad absurdum.
It was amore a prima vista
until he left her for her younger sister
for, after all, who could resist her,
so moving on to secunda vista
he took that step and boldly kissed her,
behaviour that is hardly utopista.

The trouble with modus vivendi
is that it sometime rhymes with eye
but there are those who don’t agree
and think that it must rhyme with tea.
Who cares? It’s all the same to I.
Or should that be the same to me?

You may say it is not de rigueur
that I defend with so much vigour
what surely is no more than hubris
that I attribute to Confucius
for he surely ha detto tutto
albeit un po convoluto.

And everyone’s heard of carpe diem.
If not, then I have yet to see ‘em.
But I prefer to seize a waist
which may be thought somewhat unchaste
though far more likely to have shocked ‘em
would be to carpe in the noctem.

Perhaps you think it’s ipso facto
that I’m intolerant of lacto
unless it comes directly from the breast.
I think it’s better that the rest
of this is left to your own opinatus
for which I offer no blank cartus.

Then there’s the modus of my own vivendi
that I indulge in cacoethes scribendi
the itch to write for which I daily
scratch myself or play my ukulele
which is my form of modus operandi
before I pour myself a king-size brandy.

And thus we leave this boring dull citare,
by this time you have certainly grown quite weary
of any further venture into tedium
Or as ***** Harry might say, fac ut gaudeam
For after all a day senza sunlight
Might altrettante facilmente be night
shortweeb Feb 2021
We all know this friend

They are the friend that if you need anything

They are right there

They are the friend that stays up until 3:00 am to listen to your sobs and cry's

They are the friend who always puts that smiling fac- mask

I bet you thought I was going to put face

Oh no no no

The therapist friend is the one who is truly unhappy

They are the friend who feels so alone when they need help the most

They are the friend who cry's right after they get off those hour long facetime calls

They are the friend who is screaming out for help but you cant hear it

They are now going to put that mask back on and say...

"Welcome! I am that therapist friend. What seems to be the problem?"
If anyone seriously wants to talk about something that's bothering them I am open to talk! This poem is based on another poem that I reposted on my profile please go check it out its called "Happy Friend"
It was the Winter wilde,
While the Heav’n-born-childe,
  All meanly wrapt in the rude manger lies;
Nature in aw to him
Had doff’t her gawdy trim,
  With her great Master so to sympathize:
It was no season then for her
To wanton with the Sun her ***** Paramour.

Only with speeches fair
She woo’s the gentle Air
  To hide her guilty front with innocent Snow,
And on her naked shame,
Pollute with sinfull blame,
  The Saintly Vail of Maiden white to throw,
Confounded, that her Makers eyes
Should look so neer upon her foul deformities.

But he her fears to cease,
Sent down the meek-eyd Peace,
  She crown’d with Olive green, came softly sliding
Down through the turning sphear
His ready Harbinger,
  With Turtle wing the amorous clouds dividing,
And waving wide her mirtle wand,
She strikes a universall Peace through Sea and Land.

No War, or Battails sound
Was heard the World around,
  The idle spear and shield were high up hung;
The hookèd Chariot stood
Unstain’d with hostile blood,
  The Trumpet spake not to the armèd throng,
And Kings sate still with awfull eye,
As if they surely knew their sovran Lord was by.

But peacefull was the night
Wherin the Prince of light
  His raign of peace upon the earth began:
The Windes with wonder whist,
Smoothly the waters kist,
  Whispering new joyes to the milde Ocean,
Who now hath quite forgot to rave,
While Birds of Calm sit brooding on the charmeèd wave.

The Stars with deep amaze
Stand fixt in stedfast gaze,
  Bending one way their pretious influence,
And will not take their flight,
For all the morning light,
  Or Lucifer that often warn’d them thence;
But in their glimmering Orbs did glow,
Untill their Lord himself bespake, and bid them go.

And though the shady gloom
Had given day her room,
  The Sun himself with-held his wonted speed,
And hid his head for shame,
As his inferiour flame,
  The new enlightn’d world no more should need;
He saw a greater Sun appear
Then his bright Throne, or burning Axletree could bear.

The Shepherds on the Lawn,
Or ere the point of dawn,
  Sate simply chatting in a rustick row;
Full little thought they than,
That the mighty Pan
  Was kindly com to live with them below;
Perhaps their loves, or els their sheep,
Was all that did their silly thoughts so busie keep.

When such musick sweet
Their hearts and ears did greet,
  As never was by mortall finger strook,
Divinely-warbled voice
Answering the stringèd noise,
  As all their souls in blisfull rapture took
The Air such pleasure loth to lose,
With thousand echo’s still prolongs each heav’nly close.

Nature that heard such sound
Beneath the hollow round
  Of Cynthia’s seat, the Airy region thrilling,
Now was almost won
To think her part was don,
  And that her raign had here its last fulfilling;
She knew such harmony alone
Could hold all Heav’n and Earth in happier union.

At last surrounds their sight
A Globe of circular light,
  That with long beams the shame-fac’t night array’d,
The helmèd Cherubim
And sworded Seraphim,
  Are seen in glittering ranks with wings displaid,
Harping in loud and solemn quire,
With unexpressive notes to Heav’ns new-born Heir.

Such musick (as ’tis said)
Before was never made,
  But when of old the sons of morning sung,
While the Creator Great
His constellations set,
  And the well-ballanc’t world on hinges hung,
And cast the dark foundations deep,
And bid the weltring waves their oozy channel keep.

Ring out ye Crystall sphears,
Once bless our human ears,
  (If ye have power to touch our senses so)
And let your silver chime
Move in melodious time;
  And let the Base of Heav’ns deep ***** blow
And with your ninefold harmony
Make up full consort to th’Angelike symphony.

For if such holy Song
Enwrap our fancy long,
  Time will run back, and fetch the age of gold,
And speckl’d vanity
Will sicken soon and die,
  And leprous sin will melt from earthly mould,
And Hell it self will pass away,
And leave her dolorous mansions to the peering day.

Yea Truth, and Justice then
Will down return to men,
  Th’enameld Arras of the Rain-bow wearing,
And Mercy set between,
Thron’d in Celestiall sheen,
  With radiant feet the tissued clouds down stearing,
And Heav’n as at som festivall,
Will open wide the Gates of her high Palace Hall.

But wisest Fate sayes no,
This must not yet be so,
  The Babe lies yet in smiling Infancy,
That on the bitter cross
Must redeem our loss;
  So both himself and us to glorifie:
Yet first to those ychain’d in sleep,
The wakefull trump of doom must thunder through the deep,

With such a horrid clang
As on mount Sinai rang
  While the red fire, and smouldring clouds out brake:
The agèd Earth agast
With terrour of that blast,
  Shall from the surface to the center shake;
When at the worlds last session,
The dreadfull Judge in middle Air shall spread his throne.

And then at last our bliss
Full and perfect is,
  But now begins; for from this happy day
Th’old Dragon under ground
In straiter limits bound,
  Not half so far casts his usurpèd sway,
And wrath to see his Kingdom fail,
Swindges the scaly Horrour of his foulded tail.

The Oracles are dumm,
No voice or hideous humm
  Runs through the archèd roof in words deceiving.
Apollo from his shrine
Can no more divine,
  With hollow shreik the steep of Delphos leaving.
No nightly trance, or breathèd spell,
Inspire’s the pale-ey’d Priest from the prophetic cell.

The lonely mountains o’re,
And the resounding shore,
  A voice of weeping heard, and loud lament;
From haunted spring, and dale
Edg’d with poplar pale,
  The parting Genius is with sighing sent,
With flowre-inwov’n tresses torn
The Nimphs in twilight shade of tangled thickets mourn.

In consecrated Earth,
And on the holy Hearth,
  The Lars, and Lemures moan with midnight plaint,
In Urns, and Altars round,
A drear, and dying sound
  Affrights the Flamins at their service quaint;
And the chill Marble seems to sweat,
While each peculiar power forgoes his wonted seat

Peor, and Baalim,
Forsake their Temples dim,
  With that twise-batter’d god of Palestine,
And moonèd Ashtaroth,
Heav’ns Queen and Mother both,
  Now sits not girt with Tapers holy shine,
The Libyc Hammon shrinks his horn,
In vain the Tyrian Maids their wounded Thamuz mourn.

And sullen Moloch fled,
Hath left in shadows dred,
  His burning Idol all of blackest hue,
In vain with Cymbals ring,
They call the grisly king,
  In dismall dance about the furnace blue;
The brutish gods of Nile as fast,
Isis and Orus, and the Dog Anubis hast.

Nor is Osiris seen
In Memphian Grove, or Green,
  Trampling the unshowr’d Grasse with lowings loud:
Nor can he be at rest
Within his sacred chest,
  Naught but profoundest Hell can be his shroud,
In vain with Timbrel’d Anthems dark
The sable-stolèd Sorcerers bear his worshipt Ark.

He feels from Juda’s Land
The dredded Infants hand,
  The rayes of Bethlehem blind his dusky eyn;
Nor all the gods beside,
Longer dare abide,
  Not Typhon huge ending in snaky twine:
Our Babe to shew his Godhead true,
Can in his swadling bands controul the damnèd crew.

So when the Sun in bed,
Curtain’d with cloudy red,
  Pillows his chin upon an Orient wave,
The flocking shadows pale,
Troop to th’infernall jail,
  Each fetter’d Ghost slips to his severall grave,
And the yellow-skirted Fayes,
Fly after the Night-steeds, leaving their Moon-lov’d maze.

But see the ****** blest,
Hath laid her Babe to rest.
  Time is our tedious Song should here have ending,
Heav’ns youngest teemèd Star,
Hath fixt her polisht Car,
  Her sleeping Lord with Handmaid Lamp attending:
And all about the Courtly Stable,
Bright-harnest Angels sit in order serviceable.
showyoulove Jan 2014
A Real Strong Woman

She's smiling this morning like everything is alright

You'd never know by looking she was crying all last night

She puts on a mask; a well made disguise

But if you look hard enough you'll see the tears behind her eyes

A stubborn fool its true, but she's tougher 'n nails

She'll keep fighting when everyone else would fail

She's a heart of only the purest of gold

A hug that would melt a heart grown so cold

Her touch is as tender as a lover's embrace

Around her 's a smile on everyone's face

She has a love far greater than the oceans and seas

An uncanny ability to just put me at ease

She's a protection that's fiercer than a mother for her child

She's strong and she's tough still she's gentle and mild

She's smiling this morning like everything is alright

You'd never know by looking she was crying all last night

She's a real strong woman and that's a fac'

Them real strong women bounce right back
Know you fair, on what you look;
Divinest love lies in this book,
Expecting fire from your eyes,
To kindle this his sacrifice.
When your hands untie these strings,
Think you’have an angel by th’ wings.
One that gladly will be nigh,
To wait upon each morning sigh.
To flutter in the balmy air
Of your well-perfumed prayer.
These white plumes of his he’ll lend you,
Which every day to heaven will send you,
To take acquaintance of the sphere,
And all the smooth-fac’d kindred there.
      And though Herbert’s name do owe
      These devotions, fairest, know
      That while I lay them on the shrine
      Of your white hand, they are mine.
SøułSurvivør Nov 2015
can be a sword
but it can also
be a
bullies on the
where the one
can be a
the multi-fac'd jester
from the box he
on his words he
rises up
on his words he'll


(C) 11/30/2015
Give 'em enough rope...

Firoiu Daniel Dec 2014
Imi soptesti vorbe dulci, in timp ce-ti ascuti spinii,
Ca prin vraja ma atragi printre portile gradinii.
Si se-nchid in urma mea cu un scartait incet,
Soarele dispare-n zare lasand cerul violet.

Eu te caut fermcat printre atat de multe flori
Ce ma incanta si m-atrag cu ale lor calde culori,
Frunzele fosnesc in juru-mi, in explozii de ecou
Tu incet prepari veninul in amurgul indigou.

Si pasesc increzator, nestiind ca o sa m-ataci
Fiindca asupra ta vegheaza o armata de copaci,
Si ma zgarie si-mi par un sinistru labirint
Luna imi ghideaza calea cu a ei raza de argint.

Stralucesti printre frunze atragandu-mi privirea,
Caci mirosul tau ma cheama si-mi ineaca gandirea,
Inima-mi tresare tare fiindca tu-mi promiti saruturi
Inauntru o simt *** bate simultan cu mii de fluturi.

Si imi canti incet un cantec intr-o liniste de gheata,
Insusi labirintul verde se trezeste usor la viata.
E o lume de poveste, totu-mi pare ca-i un vis
Tu sirena din adancuri, ma atragi inspre abis.

Simt liane *** se aproapie, si se incolacesc pe mine
Si ma trag tot mai aproape aducandu-ma la tine.
E de ajuns sa te privesc si raman pe loc lovit
Simt doar inima *** bate, caci in rest am amortit.

Nici medusa insa-si cu ai ei ochi patrunzatori
N-ar putea sa ma inghete si sa-mi dea asa fiori.
Cu niste lanturi cuprinzi intreaga mea fiinta
Impietrit si fascinat eu privesc cu neputinta.

Ghimpii-ncep sa ma intepe  si in carne isi fac loc
Simt veninul *** patrunde si *** sangele ia foc.
Caci cu cat m-apropii tot mai mult tu ma ranesti,
Si in crunta-mi suferinta tu continui sa zambesti.

Sfaramat in mii de cioburi, ma atarn de-un fir de ata
Doar prezenta ta himera ma mai tine acum in viata.
Insa tu dai drumu lantului, si ma zgarii violent,
Din atatea rani deschise veninul se scurge lent.

Naucit ca sunt iar liber, tremurand m-am ridicat
Chiar si ghimpii tai uscati, eu incet i-am scuturat.
Doar in inima au ramas, caci mi-e frica-n lipsa lor,
Viata incet mi se va scurge printe gauri s-am sa mor.

Simt un foc adanc in suflet care arde irizat
Si cu infinita lui ardoare, ma consuma infometat,
Caci te vad acum mai clar si incep sa realizez,
Ma ranesti doar stand acolo desi eu ma-ndepartez.

Nu sunt ghimpii ascutiti ce m-au stors usor de sange
Nici veninul tau fierbinte ce din vene mi se scurge
Nu-s nici vorbele otravite ce le spui tu cu blandete,
Caci desi nu vrei s-o faci, ma ranesti prin frumusete.
Selcæiös Feb 2018
It's built to be a Dollhouse
so no one would fathom what treasures lay inside
No judgement or hesitations could be formed
& those coming out would stay untried

Unpredictable's crazy sister runs the place
She's truly endearing--
In the rare case she doesn't sense your
Exposed fears seething

But no worries going in!
As long as your tendencies aren't co
and your head's outta your ***
and your phone's outta your fac

You'll be posthaste to a resonating reverence
for this wonderfully eccentric/benevolently ps
ychotic place
As long as you play nice, you won't have any
deadly problems
At the Dollhouse Asy*lum
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
typing is hard
stranger Feb 2019
Gravitația situației
Poate că eu nu înțeleg.
Dormitul e o distracție.
Că mă ascund nu neg.
Într-o constantă rotație.
Eu nu fac turul complet.
Plutesc poate prea mult în ultimul timp.
Distruge-mă dacă poți.
Noaptea se transformă în anotimp.
Și ne primește pe toți.
Eu nu mai stau trează.
Fac parte din delincvenții nocturni.
Ne uităm la lună și așteptăm următoarea faza.
Ne uităm la stele și la cerul bătrân.
Se pare că a devenit o pasiune acestă tortură diurnă.
Dar nu pare așa rău când suntem împreună.
Deși "treaz".
E greu de obținut zilele acestea.
O să rămân fără răgaz.
Dacă mă las prizonieră în noaptea grea.
i wrote this so long ago
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
John Deere has a
Max Tractor but it's
green, going to look
nice parked at the
invisible border
between Ireland and
Ireland with an Orange
exhaust pipe spewing
red diesel fumes into
the London Derry Air.
Sayer Jun 2013
i ju
st w
to t
me y
ou l
me s
i ca
n re
n i s
ee y
We’re standing together now, under the light of our winter moon.
Standing proud, for the love we will share begins soon.
I see your face, shining, with that certain celestial light.
You’ve brought back my hope to glow eternally bright.
Unattested, you have answered my call; all I’ve been praying.
And I’ll always cherish this peace and the love you’ve been saying.
You’ve filled the gaps, sitting idly inside my heart.
It’s been longing for you, all this time we’ve been apart.
I will cherish this life we’ll have, so you can be closer to me.
And for the greatness, we’ll share, growing endlessly.
I want nothing more than to face this all, together.
And the chance we have to start our “happily ever after.”


Acum stăm împreună, sub lumina lunii noastre de iarnă.
Stând mândru, pentru dragostea pe care o vom împărtăși începe curând.
Îți văd fața, strălucind, cu acea anumită lumină cerească.
Mi-ai adus înapoi speranța de a străluci etern luminos.
Neatestat, mi-ai răspuns apelului; tot ce m-am rugat.
Și voi prețui întotdeauna această pace și dragostea pe care ai spus-o.
Mi-ai umplut golurile, stând în inima mea.
Mi-a fost dor de tine, în tot acest timp am fost separați.
Voi prețui această viață pe care o vom avea, astfel încât să puteți fi mai aproape de mine.
Și pentru măreția pe care o vom împărtăși, crescând la nesfârșit.
Nu vreau altceva decât să fac față tuturor, împreună.
Și șansa pe care o avem de a începe “fericit pentru totdeauna.”
English and Romanian
Tatiana Jul 2019
To avoid the hurt welling u    p in my chest
I needed to keep moving t    o avoid it
So I climbed my way to t    he top
of the cruel mountainsi    de
while rain fell down o    n
my pale, wincing fac    e
and I laced my fing    ers
together in a sort o    f
embrace and shiv    ers
began to race up     my
spine, so with h    aste
I began to pac    e on
top of slick r    ock
not paying     attention
to where I     was stepping
and I slip    ped and fell
the tears     began to well
up in m    y eyes
no sur    prise
I bro    ke myself again
whi    le I was trying
to    hide
f    rom
I break bones like I break myself; Obliquely.

Decided as of right now that this might become a series that I'll reference as "The Fractured Series" because that could be fun

Victoire ! il était temps, prince, que tu parusses !
Les filles d'opéra manquaient de princes russes ;
Les révolutions apportent de l'ennui
Aux Jeannetons d'hier, Pamélas d'aujourd'hui ;
Dans don Juan qui s'effraie un Harpagon éclate,
Un maigre filet d'or sort de sa bourse plate ;
L'argent devenait rare aux tripots ; les journaux
Faisaient le vide autour des confessionnaux ;
Le sacré-coeur, mourant de sa mort naturelle,
Maigrissait ; les protêts, tourbillonnant en grêle,
Drus et noirs, aveuglaient le portier de Magnan ;
On riait aux sermons de l'abbé Ravignan ;
Plus de pur-sang piaffant aux portes des donzelles ;
L'hydre de l'anarchie apparaissait aux belles
Sous la forme effroyable et triste d'un cheval
De fiacre les traînant pour trente sous au bal.
La désolation était sur Babylone.
Mais tu surgis, bras fort ; tu te dresses, colonne
Tout renaît, tout revit, tout est sauvé. Pour lors
Les figurantes vont récolter des milords,
Tous sont contents, soudards, francs viveurs, gent dévote,
Tous chantent, monseigneur l'archevêque, et Javotte.

Allons ! congratulons, triomphons, partageons !
Les vieux partis, coiffés en ailes de pigeons,
Vont s'inscrire, adorant Mandrin, chez son concierge.
Falstaff allume un punch, Tartuffe brûle un cierge.
Vers l'Elysée en joie, où sonne le tambour,
Tous se hâtent, Parieu, Montalembert, Sibour,
Rouher, cette catin, Troplong, cette servante,
Grecs, juifs, quiconque a mis sa conscience en vente,
Quiconque vole et ment *** privilegio,
L'homme du bénitier, l'homme de l'agio,
Quiconque est méprisable et désire être infâme,
Quiconque, se jugeant dans le fond de son âme,
Se sent assez forçat pour être sénateur.
Myrmidon de César admire la hauteur.
Lui, fait la roue et trône au centre de la fête.
- Eh bien, messieurs, la chose est-elle un peu bien faite ?
Qu'en pense Papavoine et qu'en dit Loyola ?
Maintenant nous ferons voter ces drôles-là.
Partout en lettres d'or nous écrirons le chiffre. -
*** ! tapez sur la caisse et soufflez dans le fifre ;
Braillez vos salvum fac, messeigneurs ; en avant
Des églises, abri profond du Dieu vivant,
On dressera des mâts avec des oriflammes.
Victoire ! venez voir les cadavres, mesdames.

Du 16 au 22 novembre 1852, à Jersey
Rostova Oct 2020
"Doream ca tu sa-mi fii alaturi,
Dar ai disparut si m-ai lasat plangand.
Vedeam sute de frumoase meleaguri.
Dar doar tu-mi erai frumoasa in gand."

Am sa te fac sa te ineci in sange
Si o sa iti vezi mama *** te plange.
Asa *** plang si eu de cateva luni incoace
Din cauza ca tie nimic nu-ti mai place.
Orice as face, nu e bine.
Oricat as incerca, tot nu o sa te am langa mine.
Tot ce faci e sa ma ignori
Fara sa stii, sau poate cu buna stiinta, ca asa ma dobori.
in plansete o tot tin
Si doar asa mai *** sa dorm.
Din al tau sange as face vin
Si doar cu el as putea sa te transform.
Dar degeaba, eu nu te *** rani.
Tu poti si o tot faci.
Caci tu pentru mine esti un zeu
Iar eu pentru tine m-as lupta cu mii de draci.
Am ganduri rele,
Incerc sa le alung.
Sentimentele-mi sunt grele
Si de realitate as vrea sa ma disjung.
Tu o sa-mi ramai vesnic in gand
Si eu doar cu gandul am sa raman, vesnic plangand.
written in Romanian, my native language. I truly hate him bruh.
Ô grande nation, vous avez à cette heure,
Tandis qu'en bas dans l'ombre on souffre, on râle, on pleure,
Un empire qui fait sonner ses étriers,
Les éblouissements des panaches guerriers,
Une cour où pourrait trôner le roi de Thune,
Une Bourse où l'on peut faire en huit jours fortune,
Des rosières jetant aux soldats leurs bouquets
Vous avez des abbés, des juges, des laquais,
Dansant sur des sacs d'or une danse macabre,
La banque à deux genoux qui harangue le sabre,
Des boulets qu'on empile au fond des arsenaux,
Un sénat, les sermons remplaçant les journaux,
Des maréchaux dorés sur toutes les coutures,
Un Paris qu'on refait tout à neuf, des voitures
À huit chevaux, entrant dans le Louvre à grand bruit,
Des fêtes tout le jour, des bals toute la nuit,
Des lampions, des jeux, des spectacles ; en somme,
Tu t'es prostituée à ce misérable homme !

Tout ce que tu conquis est tombé de tes mains ;
On dit les vieux français comme les vieux romains,
Et leur nom fait songer leurs fils rouges de honte ;
Le monde aimait ta gloire et t'en demande compte,
Car il se réveillait au bruit de ton clairon.
Tu contemples d'un œil abruti ton Néron
Qu'entourent des Romieux déguisés en Sénèques ;
Tu te complais à voir brailler ce tas d'évêques
Qui, pendant que César se vautre en son harem,
Entonnent leur Salvum fac imperatorem.
(Au fait, faquin devait se trouver dans la phrase.)
Ton âme est comme un chien sous le pied qui l'écrase
Ton fier quatrevingt-neuf reçoit des coups de fouet
D'un gueux qu'hier encor l'Europe bafouait.
Tes propres souvenirs, folle, tu les lapides.
La Marseillaise est morte à tes lèvres stupides.
Ton Champ de Mars subit ces vainqueurs répugnants,
Ces Maupas, ces Fortouls, ces Bertrands, ces Magnans,
Tous ces tueurs portant le tricorne en équerre,
Et Korte, et Carrelet, et Canrobert Macaire.
Tu n'es plus rien ; c'est dit, c'est fait, c'est établi.
Tu ne sais même plus, dans ce lugubre oubli,
Quelle est la nation qui brisa la Bastille.
On te voit le dimanche aller à la Courtille,
Riant, sautant, buvant, sans un instinct moral,
Comme une drôlesse ivre au bras d'un caporal.
Des soufflets qu'il te donne on ne sait plus le nombre.
Et, tout en revenant sur ce boulevard sombre
Où le meurtre a rempli tant de noirs corbillards,
Où bourgeois et passants, femmes, enfants, vieillards,
Tombèrent effarés d'une attaque soudaine,
Tu chantes Turlurette et la Faridondaine !

C'est bien, descends encore et je m'en réjouis,
Car ceci nous promet des retours inouïs,
Car, France, c'est ta loi de ressaisir l'espace,
Car tu seras bien grande ayant été si basse !
L'avenir a besoin d'un gigantesque effort.
Va, traîne l'affreux char d'un satrape ivre-mort,
Toi qui de la victoire as conduit les quadriges.
J'applaudis. Te voilà condamnée aux prodiges.
Le monde, au jour marqué, te verra brusquement
Egaler la revanche à l'avilissement,
Ô Patrie, et sortir, changeant soudain de forme,
Par un immense éclat de cet opprobre énorme
Oui, nous verrons, ainsi va le progrès humain,
De ce vil aujourd'hui naître un fier lendemain,
Et tu rachèteras, ô prêtresse, ô guerrière,
Par cent pas en avant chaque pas en arrière !
Donc recule et descends ! tombe, ceci me plaît !
Flatte le pied du maître et le pied du valet !
Plus bas ! baise Troplong ! plus bas ! lèche Baroche
Descends, car le jour vient, descends, car l'heure approche,
Car tu vas t'élancer, ô grand peuple courbé,
Et, comme le jaguar dans un piège tombé,
Tu donnes pour mesure, en tes ardentes luttes,
À la hauteur des bonds la profondeur des chutes !

Oui, je me réjouis ; oui, j'ai la foi ; je sais
Qu'il faudra bien qu'enfin tu dises : c'est assez !
Tout passe à travers toi comme à travers le crible
Mais tu t'éveilleras bientôt, pâle et terrible,
Peuple, et tu deviendras superbe tout à coup.
De cet empire abject, bourbier, cloaque, égout,
Tu sortiras splendide, et ton aile profonde,
En secouant la fange, éblouira le monde !
Et les couronnes d'or fondront au front des rois,
Et le pape, arrachant sa tiare et sa croix,
Tremblant, se cachera comme un loup sous sa chaire,
Et la Thémis aux bras sanglants, cette bouchère,
S'enfuira vers la nuit, vieux monstre épouvanté,
Et tous les yeux humains s'empliront de clarté,
Et lors battra des mains de l'un à l'autre pôle,
Et tous les opprimés, redressant leur épaule,
Se sentiront vainqueurs, délivrés et vivants,
Rien qu'à te voir jeter ta honte aux quatre vents !

Jersey, du 4 au 6 septembre 1853.
stranger Jan 2023
la gara se vând flori
și fire de vânt strecurate printre vitralii
fier lovit de dinți încep să văd detalii.
oase, vene și alte romantice orori.
frigul ăsta mi-l fac vară.
o sun pe mama să-i spun că a născut o avalanșă.
şi ofilesc.
orașul un amalgam de cărămidă prăfoasă, poduri rabatabile și geamuri pustii și luminate atât de frumos
nu înțeleg de ce nu *** să trăiesc
mai îndeajuns.
în soare cu dinți și în ploaie torențială, mamă
trăiesc o viață pentru amândouă.
mă salut cu toată lumea necunoscută de pe stradă și îmi cumpăr flori odată pe săptămână eu și sănătatea mea puerilă.
stau și fumez 3, 4, 5 țigări pe zi câteodată niciuna și admir umbrele nopții.
cand tremur seara parcă nu mai sunt singură.
stranger Jun 2022
ochii migdalați
ochii triști,
mi s-a mai zis...
mă spăl pe dinți până dau de sânge.
știu că e de rău, știu să plec când începe.
am deschis geamul, am lăsat o lumânare roșie-aprinsă de dragul lui iunie
un strop, o linie trasată pentru dragoste
nu. nu dragoste, obsesie-am decis să scriu în secret, timpul se dă înapoi și el.
pact cu lumina o să fac curând, să mă țină în haloul ei sfânt, să mă țină atât de divin în capcana ei curcubeatică.
aud voci și miroase a tine, trag draperia să-ți picteze prezența roșie, cărămizie, tiranică
am să-ți fiu sânge!
*** *** eu mai bine, şiroind sfios din vene, înfloresc damnat pe gene și mă usuc juvaier.
dispar dacă ***, dacă nu, halucinez în mirosul ăsta ce își știe ispita din aer.
mâine se transformă în ieri, eu în topaz meschin, labradorit stingher.
mă sting și fur suflarea lumii n-o mai dau la nimeni,
mă sting și eu cu tine, în bolta asta feerică de sânge - nu mai vreau să mă simt mâine,
o pulbere fină a unui om desfigurat, una dintre multele dorințe ale unei minți hapsîne.
grăbește-te și scoate-mă afară din mine!
de ce scriu în română?
stranger Jan 2022
Delirant, înrăit,
Sticlete răstignit.
Pe un vârf de gard clementin.
Vorbește-mi de dureri de suflet.
Ale inimii frânte dulci scobituri.
Vorbește-mi de vise curmate,
Ale vieții calme zguduituri.
Lumea alunecă, eu mă împiedic de
Compot de inimă rămas pentru o iarnă fără sfârșit.
Rămân eu în liniște.
Pun zahar într-o tăietură
Viitorul este strălucit sunt doar rea de gură.
Un vârf de şold vânăt
Cerul gurii o gulie
Bătută de grindină, amăruie.
Un cot, un călcâi, un om nătâng, un simplu cui.
Cablu fumegă furie, roşu prăfuit pe covor
Mă vrea să urlu de ciudă, de nervi, de dor.
Mă vrea pe margine de macara ori 9 metri sub pământ.
Timpul trece tot mai rece,
Tot ce *** să fac e să-i mănânc urmele.
Două mâini goale în zăpadă, nu tu mănuși nu tu buzunare,
Frig făcut ardoare
Pentru o stea căzătoare, pentru o viață nepăsătoare.
Am mers seara la lac să mă prefac scriitor
Să găsesc cuvinte ca să cer ajutor
Cu șarm și sub o formă
Nu basic sau de normă
Nu! Căutam o scânteie
Sau o intenție, idee
O mică odisee
Care să-mi reflecte
Rănile spre mine
Ceva mai blând
Fără furie
Sau să învăț să fiu plăpând
Și să îmi fac viața vie.

Nimic prea wow, n-am văzut mult
Am stat pe iarbă printre plante
Maxim o lebădă sau poate
Un porumbel zburând pe cer
Nu m-am prins în timp util
Că ziua trecuse subtil
Ceasul a zis cu convingere
Că era ora de stingere

N-am găsit ce căutăm
Prin ai creierului geam,
Dar am simțit destulă pace
Știind ca totul se întoarce
A doua zi,
Și că totul va muri,
Și apoi va reveni,
E la fel ca empatia
Omul ce-și uita condiția
Și își pierde reflexia
Înjură ploaia, însă tot ea
E cea ce-i spală oglinda
Cel ce nu se-ndepărtează
De propriul suflet nu navighează
Viața cu adevărat
Cel ce a asigurat
Mereu că știe ce-l așteaptă
E după gratii, după lacăt
Spiritual, emoțional, mental și vibrational
Uimirea nu va fi găsită
În cunoscut, ea e sădită
De fraierul ce se aruncă
În ocean, ce se îneacă
În confuzie și pleacă
Din portul construit mental
Comoara este în ocean,
Deci fii curios! Sari orbește!
Dacă n-ai pânze, vâslește.

detangling figurative philosophical,
     (i.e. ineffable) thread tightly bound
most likely requires a greater capacity
     (than mine) to expound,
considerably superior than
this feeble intellectual attempt,
     nonetheless I rifle thru my mental
vocabulary rolodex for

     minimally approximating
     words to be found
in an effort to describe
     this nagging mental quandary, albeit
     attempting basic construct
analogous to erecting complex edifice
     securely established
     upon terrestrial firmament,

     or a similar fac
     simile thereof ground
poetry, (foreign ***
     wry ming reason),
     the modus operandi
     chosen to elaborate
     abstract concept within
     temple mount doth hound

assaying into a unique rubric,
     that doth hammer impound
seemingly loud enough
     for persons (far and/or near)
     methinks would be minimally jocund,
     (an under statement), thus
      keeping an ironbound
     (not necessarily ironclad) intent

     to avoid creating a mound
of gobbledygook from molehill
     requiring assiduous
     cognition musclebound
now in essence thee
     general precept newfound
(cerebral land) to yours truly,
     who posits schema where

at any given instant, a near infinite
     number of options exist veer
really hypothetically, figuratively,
     et cetera, an arbitrary
     lyft ting headstrong uber
human being tubby endowed
     with moderate aptitude, there
by establishing a

     baseline (bench mark)
     presenting her/him square
lee with feasible choices predicated
     on some ordinary circumstance,
     NOT requiring unusual prepare
ration (a familiar situation for all
     practical intents and purposes),
     perhaps some near

lee familiar quotidian routine mere
lee entailing known exertion needed,
     now analogously press pause here
by grafting a sudden theoretical
     quagmire (manageable impasse)
     easily overcome by opting
     for reflexive actionable decision, gear
mindset really con

     fronted with a gamut
     of options breed
     ding sudden fear
full ness on behalf
     of our intrepid subject
whose one isolated moment
     occurs countless times 'ere
daily, weekly, monthly...hence

     horns of a dilemma if dear
ole missus and/or mister
     stops to reflect deliberating
     with attentiveness clear
unsure if this philosophical plight beware
re: of (in toto the butterfly effect)
causing wily reader to become
     (devoid of paranoia) more aware.
Vă zâmbesc
Fiindcă-mi doresc?

Sau vă zâmbesc

Fiindca trăiesc
Frica mea asta de om

A ideii de abandon?

Oare cine-aş putea fi
Daca nu aș mai vorbi
De dragul dragului de-a fi

Înconjurat de oameni vii?

Costul ascuns nu doar doboară
Respectul meu da-mi şi omoară
Imaginea de cine sunt.

Dacă aş glumi doar cand
Nu o fac de la vreun gând
De a ține lumea aproape
Câte maini ar zice "poate
Mi-e mai bine fără tine?"

Măcar aș mai dori vreun om
Să-mi fie-n preajmă când nu dorm?

Cine sunt eu pe Pământ

Când nu mai sunt alți ochi în jur?

Încerc să aflu vreau să cred.

Nu mai ştiu de ce zâmbesc
Şi este confuz să trăiesc
În felul acesta până când
Înțeleg iar cine sunt
Eu cel cu mine.


— The End —