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Martin Narrod Mar 2016
The saddest day, it was yesterday.
Smoky sullen pushy congested lightless sky day.
Wrecked and weathered, gluey, obtuse and penned with
Melancholy and wanton desire. Wanting on and selling off

The Vampires and wretched thieves hibernating back in coach,
Seated in peacock-scoundrel dress. There's was the rudimentary
Yet pertinent foulness of childlike hatred, but they wore it under
Coarsely fitting suits to cover their hefty bags of ginormous fat.

Fatty ***** to scrutinize. Fatty ***** to wallow in the throes of
Dark fatty dementia.
Purses of alabaster filled with hemoglobin. Obfuscating zilch.
Scurvy on the arms, reptiles in their ears, and a million miles of
Stenchy, noisome, in glut. Wallowing, heavy and anti-professional.

Loff-less, un-catchy, unkempt, and in a clamor.
Boarish and obtrusive.
Gushy of anguish and the uncomfortable hide of rhino
Replaced for the swill excrement vetted porcine hocks of a
Kaleidoscope rich, aftermarket slug-pact for the bowels of
This century's egoes. Heavy on the cheeses, Cheetos, and Pathos.

In the hutch, a gaily brimming sunswept valley chimes
With the fruitful gaiety around the crowned Pantone TX1333 and Sienna heads that does keep. Homes are heavier, heaving the shrills.
Archaic muted cries of childhood, upsetted tummies serving at the Sighs of Lucifer. There are scoundrels here and in the underwear and in The water and under the water.

Frogs moo, chimney's weep, most other's Mother's have done true **** Jobs keeping their reared up to par with the others to avoid being Other'd. And our own language isn't being kept. It's undoing itself atop The bridges of mouths and the ridges of jawlines, and they have faded Swiftly, and no surrogate or custodial colloquialism has lived up to the Shadows and forethought of our greatest grandparents. And what has Your Jesus brought you except uncertainty, foul-play, and foul players And despondent and boarish chicas.

So now there you have this: brevity.
Another soft-tipped dactylic hand for undertaking.
By the end of days there will be the licking of butts,
Poor movies with Salma Hayek, and the lot of children's books
No children, not even these triplets will remember their fine names:

Tee, Bee, and Cee.
Crocus and sourdough lilies
Brimming over the nostril opera's of
These adopted gospels.
Only the ramparts of our literary apartheid and totally ******
Sexualness in kids and dults of all ages.
Grade A slovenly scholars
In agreement that we're ******* over tomorrow.
When I was young boy
I never wanted love
I seeked something more

I wanted a partner
who will join up with me to experience
every stupid thing that life has to offer

We would often think that we ate all the wisdom in world
and then again fail together

Our egoes would crush and deepen
in sorrow times we would share the  light
and in marry times
we would respect the  dark

we would understand that life is far too
short for our mutual feelings to fulfill
that infinite we are not
and our bodies must go

Of death we would think
not always, but from time to time
sharing hands, resting our
old bodies in the living room

In the end we would often go to our long walks
alongside the river and smile and rejoice
because that is the ultimate happiness
knowing we lived together, sharing our virtues
and spreading them into the every situation
give life everything you have, don't hesitate to fall
Styles Sep 2015
I see people with there minds closed feelings exposed
eyes wide shut, with open toes
they're too enclosed
in a mindstate - reality overthrown
By throwns of the egos
Egoes guiding the thrown.
war amongst foes killing innocent souls like wild fowls.
We keep judging books by their covers, so when the truth unfolds, it's a different story. True nature uncovers has halos hover over two stories. The sins of our father's, and we blame our motherland for land us in unforsaken. Thanks to mother we all will sink in the sand that we played our hand. Instead of learning for our mistakes, we take the word of another man. Wisdom is something I will never understand, as long as I got the upper hand.
Babu kandula Oct 2014
Every relation
The basis


Both pluses
And minuses

If you run away
From this

You will not
Be complete

You are incomplete
Thought of relations
And there equations
Dhaara T Sep 2017
Thunder [x10]
I was caught
In the middle of my dream
I looked round
Hit with fear and excitement, I did scream
My mind raced
As I sat up in my room
And I knew
Tonight, our egoes come to a doom
Sound of the drums
Beating in the clouds
Oh thunder, what fun
It gave me a start
I've been

Building buildings and highways
Tainting jungles, moulding towns
We think, urbanisation'll fix us, yeah fix us,
and it would be fun
We set big goals
"Re"claimed land to build architectural marvels so fine
Broke all the rules
But weren't we the fools?
No no we, we, we didn't use our minds
And they were shaking all the trees
Witnessing this, I was pleased
Irate nature is feisty, not kind
I've been

And they were shaking all the trees
Witnessing this, I was pleased

Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
It's alright, we're doin' fine
It's alright, we're doin' fine, fine, fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, may we be, may we be
Thunderstruck, I've been Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
I've been Thunderstruck
I've used the term thunderstruck here, to mean more like 'lovestruck', as I am often mesmerised with and in love with how nature intervenes every now and then, to reclaim the power that truely belongs to her.

Last night, I was woken from my sleep, by her, as she boasted in full glory, of her power. There was lightning, there was thunder, and it all seemed so threatening. Trees fell and windshields smashed. Oh, it was such a high to see her rub it in, showing who the boss here is. If only, we humans stopped messing with her...
When the day will finally arrive
Into no ears she'll utter goodbye
Amounts of worth amount to waste
A useless soul disposed in haste

Mother Earth will pause not while
A final sigh leaves from her lost child
Devoid of hesitation, ponder or grief,
A mass of waste returns to its lodgings beneath

And when she stumbles to the gloom below
Faces that mirror hers will be all she'll know
A monotony of waste, pulsing in a vile brew
Beneath our feet and below our egoes,
One day we'll be there too
You might be of "a middle age"
You might have "Second Hand Clothes"
You Might not Have a fist full of fifties.

What makes you shine is above this...
You chose the right passage....

You didn't Force on Someone Some Religion
You didn't Ignore someone who was "******* their luck."
You didn't preach words, rather, you handed him a hand
and a lunch for a buck.

Big hearts don't have the need to look down on the still growing ones.
They don't need to look away from the hearts who were the older ones.
They shall stand with each other and walk.

Make changes to the world by living in harmony with one another.
Not wars to force them into beliefs or for wants or for greed.
We don't share pain, shoot down those who fly different then ourselves.
We were released from bonds
The bonds that were on our selfish prides
Trophies shared on  dusty shelves.

Mother Earth Shall Be Health and Happy
The days shall not end nor will be put to the end
By useless stereotypes, raging wars, and bored egoes of the large.

We are the true human bright hearts who want a new tomorrow..
By making today a sweet one from bright and giving light from inside us.
We are a new Earth.
People United together and who will not end...But Grow.
George Achongo Nov 2014
As a young budding man I saw my grandma took an offence with the world.
  She guarded me well from what she thought could corrupt my mind and later life
  About women, she only told me how to win their hearts.
  About cooking she told not to come close to the smoke chambers, it never meant for men.
  Let your woman sit whatever way she feels free in the kitchen, let her feel there is no watchtower over her head, you're suffocating her.
  Let her wipe her running nose with her dress, let her dry the sweat with her hands.
  Let her scratch whatever part of her body that needs the attention of her nails.
  Let the air pass through her, let the air escape her freely without feeling embarassed of the presence of a watchman.
  Let her feel comfortable with everything scattered in the kitchen while in the business of mixing different raw foods to what can make her house be strong.
  And my grandma added that when she is let to do all these things, the food will be nice and enjoyable.
  Because she said a woman has only three places to feel freely, in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the bedroom but it is only in the kitchen she does her important things in the open.
  Never get use to buying food stuffs to your wife, give her the money and let her do the shopping herself, for she must be able to know what you, her and the rest like, she knows what food made men strong.
  All these things made women what they were, they made women lay strong foundation of love, hope and growth, for men are only good at bossing when it comes to family matters, women are good at making things happen.
  Such women made their men feel strong worthy, respected and responsible and their egoes elevated.
  But todays woman feels like she is the other man in the house, she wants a man to cook, wash the plates, change the nappies all in the name of 'LOVE', what again do they call it? LOVE, God forbid.
  As men we need to let women be women and you be you as men, for with the growth of time men's esteen has gone to its record low.
  Men, women, lets make it possible to work for us for we can only be what we are!
Shobhit Apr 2018
Every evening around seven
I grow restless seeking for my haven
searching for a single beam to survive
A desperate attempt to dive

The crater that I had been filling the whole day
with egoes and ashes of my sweat
expands itself so big and deep
******* me into it to settle the debt
I just stand there breathing only half
the poltergeist inside allows no
air to pass
all I do is take this massive sighs
only way to end this is just let it go by

I go around the town
in a gait of a drunk clown
unprecedented steps
unprecedented goals
unprecedented plans
this unprecedented hole
Not a single soul I can trust
Nor can I let it go
I just feel so **** alone
for a moment wishing my heart to burst

Just when I feel I cannot take it anymore
and I get down to shut the door
the clock strikes nine
and I hear it so very loud
there goes away the scary black cloud
and I suddenly get all very fine.

If some one could explain me
this ridiculous pang
or else one of these day I will end this with a bang....

these ****** couple of hours...
A M Jun 2018
The Truth is there to be found
when we put our  egoes to the ground.
So shall we truly attain
what our souls want to  sustain.
Hammad Sep 2020
My Dear!
Don't you know?
I 'd carved your name
in my heart
and locked it
inside a box
of devotion

the keys
were thrown away
in the river
of love..

So my dear
There's no going back  - for me

All the boats
of doubts
have been burnt
before you could
be taken away...

All the bridges
of mistrust
have collapsed
So we could not
walk out
on each other

All the egoes and prides
been buried

There's nothing
but our own
of hope and dreams

So tell me now
How are you
planning to escape from
"never- never land"...
Infamous one Oct 2018
Wanted to call an old friend
They bad mouth me so I cut the core
Said nothing but good things
Always tell the truth
Called them on lies over the bs
Now they are mad
Mad because they don't get their way
Been straight up use to the hate
Not blowing smoke for the butthurt
Not feeding negative egoes
That keep knocking others
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
This Authentic tale was brought to you
By A Boy through a sheet of paper
Some words that render you to use your loaf ,
Here We Go :

This world Can not Acquire My Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome aboard
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops

Oups !
Sorry for disturbing
Just dismiss it
If it looks somewhat Irritating
Because this young Lad shan't Give Up Working
That Boy was thrown off,
Pricked Heart
Ceased brain by pointed Sharp Darts
Formed with Witty teasing words spit by some fools
Then Battering Starts
Oh Heck , **** , break his neck , then check his pulse
If it goes and back
Cut off  nerves
Likewise cables unto his dreams
If you were me , What would you Choose ?
A bruise? Or Lose ?
That's how it seems
When you re Vulnerable
When agony extent is overall
When the  mixture of anger with Temper is subtle 
Luckily , Temptation plus Sensibility sustained me To be Morally Unbeatable 
With no compassion
By Self-Affection
With Guts injection
frustration is frustrating regardless
I vowed that 
come hell or water , I'll overcome failure
Because I'm not useless

This world Can not Acquire My Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome aboard
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops

Then ,
I experienced another  level of life
I Met A Gal
That looks beloved to My Heart
A soulmate or A pal ?
I don't mind
But she is going to be My Future wife
I was getting optimistic.
Grinning Automatically
Like I Don't know what is arising actually
Sensational Emotions
That soared me up into Infinity
I was like a BoT
brain went Rash
Till I realised everything is Rot
Afterwards , Results came Harsh 
I ve become sad
Yes , that was bad
All these Moments got a transition to Tears dripping onto the blanket of My bed
I Start Breathing with sigh
Why some people are cynic ?
Why others use imitated Lipsticks?
To play role of devil's advocate
And tell you you are his flesh and blood , we are  intimate !
Haste makes wastes
And every Cloud has a silver lining
So . Sorry Honey
I'have no money
i'let you boogie
Swaying Your body contemporary to  Victory symphony
You're happy temporally
I'm not mister patrick
I'm mister master of tricks
Number Six ?
No , I eighty-six
See ?

This world Can not Acquire my Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome abroad
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops

Now after Lending an ear to this young boy's tale,
It is high time i take off the truth's veil:
Success's pavement is too long so it seems endless
Stop thinking about what people say consequentlty
Mjority is ordinary
Don't prove them wrong
Years fly by
Prove yourself wrong
to make their lips get dry
Even what you do is literally mumbo jumbo
Don't ever never Accuse your spirit's echoes
They are not egoes
They Stand by you
Until you realise The vital triumph :
Being number Uno ! 
And who is number uno ?
It is me and you !

That's why ,
This world Can not Acquire My Priceless Ambitions
I'm bigger than it
Small Vs broad
I can't be welcome aboard
That is why
It owes me donation:
Tangles of motivation
Strands of Hope
To weave them
And Create My Own loops
Collection of my sole vicious Troops
Infamous one Nov 2019
Imploding within
Wanting to scream
Shout it out of my system
Walked away respectful
Took the moral high ground
Provoked by two-faced beings
Claiming to be better not acting like it
Looked down on overlooked
Toned it down cleaned up
Faded away from it all
Changed over the years
Started new from egoes
Away from that life

— The End —