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Brian Oarr Feb 2012
On chilly, weird wet nights in Seoul
lonely trash cans cuddle up for warmth,
feral alley cats zydeco in the rain,
street folk sip from brown-bags,
that will get them through the night.
Our umbrella slips through fog,
stealthy as a U-boat through depths.

I confess a fetished fondness for the click
of her heels upon the cobblestone walk;
the Angel Falls of raven hair down
the leather shoulder of my trenchcoat.
We will harbor heat within the sultry sheets,
toss carnally upon waves of sensuality,
opposites secluded in the Yin and Yang of night.
In the twilight of immeasurable hope
I run, I pace, I stagger.
A moon of sorts tucks its hefty beams
Behind the gauzy, twisted zephyr,
As if teasing that its crisp, round, clarity
is merely an echo of a distant, convoluted story:
a myth.

One moment I am carrying out my quotidian realities
Unfiltered, unbridled, lucid,
Running my fingers through laughing waves
of golden, auburn richness,
Letting my wavering, billowing hair
slowly melt into the quavering, trembling wind…

When suddenly-

I am caught in the labyrinth of veils.
I, with my hair and my warmth,
I am auriferous.
And these sheets, oh these hangings!
They float like century-worn cobwebs
And they ensnare me so.
This is where the tangled messages
And mangled mixed signals
All wriggle themselves into form
And make their zombie graveyard.
And yet there are sparks,
Little voices trapped in burning baubles
Shining like the ever-loving soul of the universe,
Which whisper the stories of the moon-thing
Beyond the borders of this haze-land.
Sometimes I attempt to fashion
these ethereal sparklings into my hair.
They suggest insanity, so close to my ears,
And I can’t fill my soul with enough…
I cling to the faith that they will lead me out
Into the amaranthine beyond.

I come back here often,
Always hoping that today will be the day
That the beams from above
Will reach to seek me.
For that, I will love the mists,
And carnally sip away
At the nebulous, crepuscular,
Pools of Fantasy.
But in retrospect,
I should never have told you
That your name means “Purple” to me.
Valerie Nov 2010
The attraction is there
Undeniably so
I can not run from it
I can not hide from it
It's there
And that's okay

You and those eyes
Admiring my body
Followed by your hands caressing my form
Oh it's there
And I like it
Of course

We are doing animal things
All night long
In a bed not made for ourselves
When morning comes we will become people again
And do people things
And go about our lives until night comes
When we can be animals again

You'd rather do animal things
Than people things
And so would I

Responsibilities take you from me
And that's all right
Because they are important
And I understand

I'm the rational one
I have to tell you to do these people things
Or we would do animal things all into the day

I'm carnally pleasing to you
I know this
I see it in your eyes
And how your hips respond to mine

Instincts take over whenever we are together
Animal things have to be done
The lack of self-control
In a bed that is not made for ourselves
Is so very supposed to be
Meant to be
And that's okay

I can not run from it
I can not hide from it
This undeniable attraction to you
Is so overwhelming that all I think about
Is doing these animals things
Even if I am the rational one

Doing animal things
In a bed not made for ourselves
Is quite all right
It's more than okay
It's perfect.
SSK <3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
wounded Sep 2013
i will eagerly experience
all your fifty-four flavours
but in this moment
i'm only in the mood
for neapolitan
every inch of surface
melting with the graze
of my tantalized tongue
guided by the tempting taste
of your vanilla-scented skin
i candidly drizzle
chocolaty syrup
onto your milky mounds
before i suckle the center
and tease the cherry ****
tenderly between my teeth
but i'm in the highest hopes
for the strawberry flavors
especially after the fruit
has been sufficiently savored
by your luscious lips
(both pairs of them)
and covered copiously
in carnally-compelled cream
by a duo of digits
or maybe three
until you sensually scream
JP Goss Aug 2014
Wielding one balance before me:
Divine intent, no tool for an evil genius
Levied ‘gainst one jar wrought of glass,
Within fine grains of coal.
My sins may weigh to graphite
Fitting, for no blanket of Heaven
Suits my restlessness.
Cast me on parchment
Where I spell out the pain
Of never capturing truth—no human may.
Enigma, Aestheticus, vibrant, complete
Finished, or full. No, I utter to Venus
A Pygmalion word to know
All as art and beauty so well
As to paint it carnally.
Give me that which is love made manifest
On lithe little toes, walks her
Which, parsed out selectively  
Is revealed in awesome moment, eternal
Subjectivity. Either she steps from a canvas
Strides from a dream, I awaited it, organic
To come into being, to escape my grasp
And make useless poetry.
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Twisting, traveling tongue tastes
passionate pink parted places
easily enjoying each exceptional ester
moist muffs munched merrily
A sensual exercise in alliteration
Ayeshah Jun 2014
This bed seems so huge,

                                 so wide

                             and yet here we lay

                               like  we're

                oceans away

                          in the Mediterranean

        *spaced-out from each other,

                 your so far from me.

                            We're spent,

                                  in deliberate denial,

                                                 unfinished or satisfied

                                                            wit­hout words,

                        without understanding,

                                   we hold onto our lacerated heart's,

                                          giving in  the only way known

                     carnally,unabated & undoubted

    least in the carnal way.

                              I crave the unknown,

to be explored like never before,

                                        to be made whole

                                             and touched within my soul,

                                        where my body ignites

                         from the inside out.

                                                    I'd like to know

                                    what it'd feel like to be

                                                            ­ consumed

                                                     ­                   by  "Love's"

                           ­                                                         * lustful ******

                                                        ­         more than the

                                                  heat of passion,

                                 in such a way

                               which leaves me quaking,

                                               shaking, quivering

                                         and yearning for more.

                          Once we've spent our

     feverish attempts

             on last-night's seductions,

under a moonlit sky,

                                I'm left inexorable,

                                       as my body spasms,

                                                        ­         longing for more than

                                    what the flesh attempts to give.

                                            I'll argue against the pejorative

                               illusions of our love making,

                         which deludes my mind

                                             to believe this is what

                                               it means to have

                                  "Love's" acceptance

                          without the actuality's

                                 of loving me....

           We were intoxicated-

                               with wonderment

                                                  as we explored

                                         one another,


                                   *touch nor "Love's"

              *inspirational caresses

                                 & soulful idealization's

                                             were present.

                      It never enter that room,

                                            sedately I felt a

                           magnificent release,

                                             * yet I'm still longing for

                      "Love's" fulfillment

                          *and for you to concur

                                         my deepest emotions,

                              as you'll ****** deeply

                                             within my velveteen walls.

                                  * I'll moan,

                            crying out for what's

                                             *about to come

                         and for that

                     moment we'll be one.

                         But only within

                that moment

      because you

             know as well

        as I do

              that "Love's"

                       making such

            a Fool of me!

                  * Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
                *K.A.C.L.N ©

                 All right reserved ®

                   *Copyright 1977 - Present ©
IDK if this 1 will make sense or not but I wrote my feelings&thoughts;, so please be gentle-- my family&friends; and thanks for reading!
Travis Green Oct 2021
I know that I am in a dreamworld
I know that the feelings
I have for you is creatively crafted love
That has no way of blossoming brightly
On the outside of time
But still, I adore these gloriously
Forged fantasies
How they intensely stream
Systematically through my being
Making me so attracted to you

I can’t gloss over these provoking thoughts
The graphic, passionate scenes
In my dreams of our bodies interlaced
Aching for *******, fragrant with
Bedroom musk in high-rise
The warmth of our worlds in coadunation
As I write my lucid, lyrical poetry
On your truly phenomenal chests
Rub your strong and muscular stomach
My suave boy, my gorgeous goon
My moonlighted lover boy
Taking me so carnally
mari Jul 2018
go ask ------ if i care.
ask her if she'll let you
slip inside while you're at it;
tell her that you love her
two weeks in.

you're too rough and
the polaroids you took
left me with black
tiger stripe bruises on
my sarasota gold tinted thighs.

everyone i've talked to,
everyone who knows you,
warned me that you were a creep.
but how could a darling angel
turn out to be such a freak?

you're suffocating like his
smoldering cigarette smoke
and you choke me out with
your big macho paw just
the same way he did last december.

i am not a possession;
i belong to no one and
i surely don't belong to
a tall, lanky creep like you.
do you hear me?

i'm a young teenage girl with
ribbons in my hair and bright
white ruffled socks pressed
into the carpet; have you
forgotten that little fact?

you were all to eager to pummel
my juvenile cherry pie raw,
but you were only ever focused
on your singular, deviant,
carnally charged pleasure.
but it's supposed to be "us".
Sequestered May 2016
Carnally minded,
Screams chaos,
Seeks selfish pleasure...
Never reliable.

Spiritually minded,
Whispers calm,
Seek another's pleasure...
Forever faithful.
LUST vs LOVE (20 words maximum)
Spirit descends
Taking shape
Nirvanic infinitude
And is carnally crystallized
In an incarnadine
Shrine of flesh,
Bone and marrow.

Let the anima of wisdom
Hear the unuttered reverberations
That ripple as a shockwave
Through this
Vast, multidimensional
And utter
The esoteric secrets of existence.

A verisimilitude of life
Loometh in the irides
Of the
Gasconading celestial
And we
Must wax lowly
Wax lofty.

Trust that something
Interstellar, intergalactic, macrocosmic, multiversal;
Fatidic, fathoms all
Ye, this
Visage of Creation keeps vigil
In the corporeal pulse of plight.

Fulgurant perdition is for
But an
Ephemeral exhalation, Elysium is for eternity;
Gaze heavensward
Knowing the Holy Dove
Shall always
Rise and fall.

Promises await:
A deific covenant
Etched in the
Slabs of our hearts,
(I Hear)
The Requiem of Lovelit Life resolved
In the
Key of the Archean.

Spirit rises,
Dismantling form
And intertwines infinitely
All that is, was, and will be;
Circular & cycling
The Cosmo-Plexus of Empyreal Love
Sees all.

(Se' lah)
“Just as the Empyrean Aethers art infinite and beyond, so our Fulgent Dreamscape. The Vestibule, The Tabernacle of the Soul, is without height, breadth, width, or depth. 'Tis an immeasurable, incorporeal expanse; 'tis the Fulgurant Vista of  ―the Mind’s Sky.
       Our reveries thither beget the Astral Apotheosis hither. Embrace Eos, the Daughter of the Dawn; sing to the Sovereign of Songbirds whence all that reverberates is the Swansong. Surely Jehovah, who forms his name of the Tetragrammaton, shall efface thine ephemeral woe for eternity. ―Elysium awaits.”

Excelsior Forevermore,

Sanders Maurice Foulke III
Anna TS Oct 2015
The only division between us is the parting of our lips,
the hovering of lingering fingertips,
the hesitation of tongues unsure of where to go next,
the distance of arching backs peeling away from wrinkled sheets--
the radius of lust and elastic potential.

The only senses of time known to us are intervals of forever, divisions of eternity and multiples of infinity,
the hours between blinks shared from sleepy eyes into sleepy eyes,
mornings spent counting freckles,
measuring the weight of vertebrae wound around each other--
stacking flesh on top of flesh, expanding territory.
The wait between see you next and you're here now,
the seconds streaming together years of my life
that suddenly make sense,
semblances of me strung together with fragments of you--
a collage of existence, a quilt of strewn feelings.
The destiny realized by legs intertwined,
walking towards oblivion under glimmering reflections of our stardust
entities, celestial beings beating carnally to the drumming
of my nails on your back and your grip on my neck.

The only place we've needed is the space big enough
for unapologetic desire and met expectations,
the mountain of affection, each smile straining towards the summit of
yes, more, more,
the bubble around our fantasy, protected from the gritty graveling
of bitter lovers lost, surrounding us with crippling cliches,
the escape of home, mine or yours, ours whenever,
the simple joy of leg room unrestricted, our mess sprawled like Picasso
before us, looking at what we've done to each other--
the masterpiece of two souls lighting their lives on fire, burning the world away with friction,
then blowing it out with suffocating, smothering satisfaction.
if you lost it all tomorrow
i'd have given my comfort to restore the peace that i could
but you've followed another bird
and i wouldn't be suprised if he takes off when you're no good

i cared more than just carnally
and you can run but you'll never be far from me
i seeped into the cracks of your life
with every act of kindness and attempt to do right
my generosity haunts you like blaspheme and regret
and i ought to be owed respect
but you'll never cover that debt
and i hope before you lose you wits
he's willing to match your every chip
or you blew it all for interchangeable feelings
i guess i'll go back to staring at the ceiling
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2023
A failure to pursue
The very basic things in life
Shall lead to entanglements
Promulgating strife.
Shall lead insinuation,
In a flexing of the call...
That entitlements are really
Not entitlements, at all.

Assuming that the black man
Has blood as red as thine,
But thee are as lilly white
As a floret on a vine?
Assuming our assumptions here
Are sootier than sin
Then the rationale offered,
Is ridiculously thin.

Then you who have loved
Wear black hate in your heart
For they who aspire
To intrude from the dark,
All they, who conspire
To trespass your day
To sift carnally, perhaps,
Your lover away.

Who would argue, then,
The precipitous tone
That configures your honesty
When caught out alone.
Infidelity lost
In the mire of a lie....
Which, expediently, slipped
From your sweet lips, to fly?

Where now the mercy,
Where now the grace,
Of the insidious smirk
That smears your face...
Having eaten the turkey,
Savoured the wine
With those War torn Ghazan's
Starving, brutally, in grime?

The curse is all around us
The Woke, Effete and Prim,
The Holy and the Righteous
All wear that specious thing,
An Entitlement to Elevate,
A Right to Wear the Crown
A place just to the left of God
Which keeps the riffraff down.

Irrespective of the nation,
All languages and hue
Through strata of society
This malady is YOU!
This spectre of entitlement
In the self imposed Elite
Is now the key to immolation
In humanity's defeat.

30 December 2023
Travis Green Oct 2021
I am too much of a homosexual
Gazing at a stunning straight male
That makes me feel strong gay urges
For our worlds to interlace, to be
The considerable waves of his strength
Embracing the never-ending empressement
That flows like a rushing high tide
Through my flesh, unraveling my femininity

I can’t control the way your straightness
Taunts my gayness, the way I look at you
And wish I could see you naked, see your
Hairy, fabulous chests, your impressively
Rippling biceps, your iridescent, sexalicious
Abdomen, how I wish I could paint a world
With only you and me in it, create a splendacious
Color splash painting of us substantially loving

Fall into your flashy black eyes, your debonair
Eyebrows, black licorice hair, take you deeper
Into my quintessential queer quarters
Where we carnally cling to each other
Extricate the straightness out of you
When I explore the immensurable extremities
Of your masculineness, loving your mesmerizing form
How you submerge me down under your sleek big seas
Compel me to do ***** things to you
To bring you closer into my grasp
So that I can take great indulgence
In your refulgence, your exceeding deepness
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are an extraordinary bright poem
That immeasurably mesmerizes me
A flawless spark of sweetness
Pervading my world with great amorousness
A peerless imperial charm
I desire your flashy ravishing galaxy
Unconquerable cherishable marvel
Vastly dashing passion
You cause my heartbeat to rise
You draw forth carnally saucy thoughts in my mind
I wanna rap with you
Let our worlds merge in harmony
Virtuous Sep 9
Beware the snare of the Water Mare,
For she beholds bewitching beauty,
For she features effervescent flair
And a voluptuous vivacity.

The top of her head is as soft as grass,
That gently flows down in streams of glass.
Her ears droop low, hanging like willows,
Her cheeks stoop low, as soft as pillows.
Her eyes spark gold with glances that gleam
With a glittering, glamorous beam.
Her mouth is sweet with honey and grace;
Her tongue entreats a milky embrace.

Her neck is sturdy, as strong as oak,
Rugged yet silky–a pleasure to stroke.
Her nape is sweet and lovely to taste:
It waits to be savored with nary a haste.

Her mane flows down in torrents of dew,
Algae and weeds in a verdant hue.
Her tresses are weaved with ivy and vine,
And braids entwined with patterns divine.
The curves of her belly perform a dance,
Her outlines arching in an entrancing prance,
Her rumpsides flow and ebb like a tide,
Swishing her tail in a billowing glide.

She sings: “Do come, do come, dear one,
Dear fawn, sweet child, brave gallant son.
Allow my waters to soothe and heal,
While your fears and worries conceal.
Rest, my liege; your pleasure I seek.
I am but your servant, submissive and meek.
Master, I’m yours; I give you my all–
I am at your mercy, your beckon, your call.
My waters are restless; they yearn for your touch.
They ripple and swirl; they long for that much.
My waters run deep, for they are my crown;
Now come: in passion, be captured, be drowned!”

How many a stallion allured by her call,
Studhorses and steeds–the strongest of all.
Stout-hearted, steadfast, and standing tall,
In love for this mistress of pleasure they fall.

Her words flow down their ears like oil;
Their blood begins to simmer and boil.
With vigor aroused, and passion aflame,
They rush to her, eager to play with her game.
She opens her maw: they’re entering in.
Her lips draw apart: they plunge into sin.
Beneath her folds lie the mouth of a beast:
It carnally drools at the sight of a feast.

She tears them apart, from limb to limb,
And rends their flesh according to whim.
She cracks their skulls, and crushes their bones,
Savoring their screams with warm, pleasured moans.
She opens their barrels and rips out their hearts,
Whilst shredding apart their masculine parts.
She draws out their bowels and strings up their guts;
Their corpses she plays with and lovingly ruts.

Her waters are sullied with dark male blood;
Her body is stained by a carnal flood.
She bathes in their gore, engaging in vore,
For she is all but a sadistic *****.

And when her lust for blood has abated,
And her craving for flesh satiated,
She washes herself and cleans up the grime,
Then grinds up their bones–no trace of her crime.
To purge her waters of poison and vice,
She quickly performs a small sacrifice:
She slaughters a dove, discharges the blood,
And draws out a circle upon the mud.

She neighs three times, and stomps on the ground,
Invoking the goddess to which she is bound:
“Ishtar, dear Ishtar, cruel mistress of love!
I humbly beseech you to hear from above:
Please cleanse my water with milk from your breast,
For I am your servant, at your behest…”

As soon as she ends this quick little prayer,
Her waters turn pure–no sign of her lair.

Returning to her waters without a care,
She resumes her role as the Water Mare–
A flawless beauty and a lover divine:
Her passion and power are as sweet as wine.
But deep beneath her perfect exterior,
Lies a filthy and corrupt interior:
A lecherous witch and blood-lusting *****,
A flower of death and lover of gore.

Beware the snare of the Water Mare,
For she beholds bewitching beauty.
They never escape who enter her lair:
They wander, lost souls, for eternity.

— The End —