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But al to litel, weylaway the whyle,
Lasteth swich Ioye, y-thonked be Fortune!
That semeth trewest, whan she wol bygyle,
And can to foles so hir song entune,
That she hem hent and blent, traytour comune;  
And whan a wight is from hir wheel y-throwe,
Than laugheth she, and maketh him the mowe.

From Troilus she gan hir brighte face
Awey to wrythe, and took of him non hede,
But caste him clene out of his lady grace,  
And on hir wheel she sette up Diomede;
For which right now myn herte ginneth blede,
And now my penne, allas! With which I wryte,
Quaketh for drede of that I moot endyte.

For how Criseyde Troilus forsook,  
Or at the leste, how that she was unkinde,
Mot hennes-forth ben matere of my book,
As wryten folk through which it is in minde.
Allas! That they sholde ever cause finde
To speke hir harm; and if they on hir lye,  
Y-wis, hem-self sholde han the vilanye.

O ye Herines, Nightes doughtren three,
That endelees compleynen ever in pyne,
Megera, Alete, and eek Thesiphone;
Thou cruel Mars eek, fader to Quiryne,  
This ilke ferthe book me helpeth fyne,
So that the los of lyf and love y-fere
Of Troilus be fully shewed here.

Explicit prohemium.

Incipit Quartus Liber.

Ligginge in ost, as I have seyd er this,
The Grekes stronge, aboute Troye toun,  
Bifel that, whan that Phebus shyning is
Up-on the brest of Hercules Lyoun,
That Ector, with ful many a bold baroun,
Caste on a day with Grekes for to fighte,
As he was wont to greve hem what he mighte.  

Not I how longe or short it was bitwene
This purpos and that day they fighte mente;
But on a day wel armed, bright and shene,
Ector, and many a worthy wight out wente,
With spere in hond and bigge bowes bente;  
And in the herd, with-oute lenger lette,
Hir fomen in the feld anoon hem mette.

The longe day, with speres sharpe y-grounde,
With arwes, dartes, swerdes, maces felle,
They fighte and bringen hors and man to grounde,  
And with hir axes out the braynes quelle.
But in the laste shour, sooth for to telle,
The folk of Troye hem-selven so misledden,
That with the worse at night homward they fledden.

At whiche day was taken Antenor,  
Maugre Polydamas or Monesteo,
Santippe, Sarpedon, Polynestor,
Polyte, or eek the Troian daun Ripheo,
And othere lasse folk, as Phebuseo.
So that, for harm, that day the folk of Troye  
Dredden to lese a greet part of hir Ioye.

Of Pryamus was yeve, at Greek requeste,
A tyme of trewe, and tho they gonnen trete,
Hir prisoneres to chaungen, moste and leste,
And for the surplus yeven sommes grete.  
This thing anoon was couth in every strete,
Bothe in thassege, in toune, and every-where,
And with the firste it cam to Calkas ere.

Whan Calkas knew this tretis sholde holde,
In consistorie, among the Grekes, sone  
He gan in thringe forth, with lordes olde,
And sette him there-as he was wont to done;
And with a chaunged face hem bad a bone,
For love of god, to don that reverence,
To stinte noyse, and yeve him audience.  

Thanne seyde he thus, 'Lo! Lordes myne, I was
Troian, as it is knowen out of drede;
And, if that yow remembre, I am Calkas,
That alderfirst yaf comfort to your nede,
And tolde wel how that ye sholden spede.  
For dredelees, thorugh yow, shal, in a stounde,
Ben Troye y-brend, and beten doun to grounde.

'And in what forme, or in what maner wyse
This town to shende, and al your lust to acheve,
Ye han er this wel herd it me devyse;  
This knowe ye, my lordes, as I leve.
And for the Grekes weren me so leve,
I com my-self in my propre persone,
To teche in this how yow was best to done;

'Havinge un-to my tresour ne my rente  
Right no resport, to respect of your ese.
Thus al my good I loste and to yow wente,
Wening in this you, lordes, for to plese.
But al that los ne doth me no disese.
I vouche-sauf, as wisly have I Ioye,  
For you to lese al that I have in Troye,

'Save of a doughter, that I lafte, allas!
Slepinge at hoom, whanne out of Troye I sterte.
O sterne, O cruel fader that I was!
How mighte I have in that so hard an herte?  
Allas! I ne hadde y-brought hir in hir sherte!
For sorwe of which I wol not live to morwe,
But-if ye lordes rewe up-on my sorwe.

'For, by that cause I say no tyme er now
Hir to delivere, I holden have my pees;  
But now or never, if that it lyke yow,
I may hir have right sone, doutelees.
O help and grace! Amonges al this prees,
Rewe on this olde caitif in destresse,
Sin I through yow have al this hevinesse!  

'Ye have now caught and fetered in prisoun
Troians y-nowe; and if your willes be,
My child with oon may have redempcioun.
Now for the love of god and of bountee,
Oon of so fele, allas! So yeve him me.  
What nede were it this preyere for to werne,
Sin ye shul bothe han folk and toun as yerne?

'On peril of my lyf, I shal nat lye,
Appollo hath me told it feithfully;
I have eek founde it be astronomye,  
By sort, and by augurie eek trewely,
And dar wel seye, the tyme is faste by,
That fyr and flaumbe on al the toun shal sprede;
And thus shal Troye turne to asshen dede.

'For certeyn, Phebus and Neptunus bothe,  
That makeden the walles of the toun,
Ben with the folk of Troye alwey so wrothe,
That thei wol bringe it to confusioun,
Right in despyt of king Lameadoun.
By-cause he nolde payen hem hir hyre,  
The toun of Troye shal ben set on-fyre.'

Telling his tale alwey, this olde greye,
Humble in speche, and in his lokinge eke,
The salte teres from his eyen tweye
Ful faste ronnen doun by eyther cheke.  
So longe he gan of socour hem by-seke
That, for to hele him of his sorwes sore,
They yave him Antenor, with-oute more.

But who was glad y-nough but Calkas tho?
And of this thing ful sone his nedes leyde  
On hem that sholden for the tretis go,
And hem for Antenor ful ofte preyde
To bringen hoom king Toas and Criseyde;
And whan Pryam his save-garde sente,
Thembassadours to Troye streyght they wente.  

The cause y-told of hir cominge, the olde
Pryam the king ful sone in general
Let here-upon his parlement to holde,
Of which the effect rehersen yow I shal.
Thembassadours ben answered for fynal,  
Theschaunge of prisoners and al this nede
Hem lyketh wel, and forth in they procede.

This Troilus was present in the place,
Whan axed was for Antenor Criseyde,
For which ful sone chaungen gan his face,  
As he that with tho wordes wel neigh deyde.
But nathelees, he no word to it seyde,
Lest men sholde his affeccioun espye;
With mannes herte he gan his sorwes drye.

And ful of anguissh and of grisly drede  
Abood what lordes wolde un-to it seye;
And if they wolde graunte, as god forbede,
Theschaunge of hir, than thoughte he thinges tweye,
First, how to save hir honour, and what weye
He mighte best theschaunge of hir withstonde;  
Ful faste he caste how al this mighte stonde.

Love him made al prest to doon hir byde,
And rather dye than she sholde go;
But resoun seyde him, on that other syde,
'With-oute assent of hir ne do not so,  
Lest for thy werk she wolde be thy fo,
And seyn, that thorugh thy medling is y-blowe
Your bother love, there it was erst unknowe.'

For which he gan deliberen, for the beste,
That though the lordes wolde that she wente,  
He wolde lat hem graunte what hem leste,
And telle his lady first what that they mente.
And whan that she had seyd him hir entente,
Ther-after wolde he werken also blyve,
Though al the world ayein it wolde stryve.  

Ector, which that wel the Grekes herde,
For Antenor how they wolde han Criseyde,
Gan it withstonde, and sobrely answerde: --
'Sires, she nis no prisoner,' he seyde;
'I noot on yow who that this charge leyde,  
But, on my part, ye may eft-sone hem telle,
We usen here no wommen for to selle.'

The noyse of peple up-stirte thanne at ones,
As breme as blase of straw y-set on fyre;
For infortune it wolde, for the nones,  
They sholden hir confusioun desyre.
'Ector,' quod they, 'what goost may yow enspyre
This womman thus to shilde and doon us lese
Daun Antenor? -- a wrong wey now ye chese --

'That is so wys, and eek so bold baroun,  
And we han nede to folk, as men may see;
He is eek oon, the grettest of this toun;
O Ector, lat tho fantasyes be!
O king Priam,' quod they, 'thus seggen we,
That al our voys is to for-gon Criseyde;'  
And to deliveren Antenor they preyde.

O Iuvenal, lord! Trewe is thy sentence,
That litel witen folk what is to yerne
That they ne finde in hir desyr offence;
For cloud of errour let hem not descerne  
What best is; and lo, here ensample as yerne.
This folk desiren now deliveraunce
Of Antenor, that broughte hem to mischaunce!

For he was after traytour to the toun
Of Troye; allas! They quitte him out to rathe;  
O nyce world, lo, thy discrecioun!
Criseyde, which that never dide hem skathe,
Shal now no lenger in hir blisse bathe;
But Antenor, he shal com hoom to toune,
And she shal out; thus seyden here and howne.  

For which delibered was by parlement
For Antenor to yelden out Criseyde,
And it pronounced by the president,
Al-theigh that Ector 'nay' ful ofte preyde.
And fynaly, what wight that it with-seyde,  
It was for nought, it moste been, and sholde;
For substaunce of the parlement it wolde.

Departed out of parlement echone,
This Troilus, with-oute wordes mo,
Un-to his chaumbre spedde him faste allone,  
But-if it were a man of his or two,
The whiche he bad out faste for to go,
By-cause he wolde slepen, as he seyde,
And hastely up-on his bed him leyde.

And as in winter leves been biraft,  
Eche after other, til the tree be bare,
So that ther nis but bark and braunche y-laft,
Lyth Troilus, biraft of ech wel-fare,
Y-bounden in the blake bark of care,
Disposed wood out of his wit to breyde,  
So sore him sat the chaunginge of Criseyde.

He rist him up, and every dore he shette
And windowe eek, and tho this sorweful man
Up-on his beddes syde a-doun him sette,
Ful lyk a deed image pale and wan;  
And in his brest the heped wo bigan
Out-breste, and he to werken in this wyse
In his woodnesse, as I shal yow devyse.

Right as the wilde bole biginneth springe
Now here, now there, y-darted to the herte,  
And of his deeth roreth in compleyninge,
Right so gan he aboute the chaumbre sterte,
Smyting his brest ay with his festes smerte;
His heed to the wal, his body to the grounde
Ful ofte he swapte, him-selven to confounde.  

His eyen two, for pitee of his herte,
Out stremeden as swifte welles tweye;
The heighe sobbes of his sorwes smerte
His speche him refte, unnethes mighte he seye,
'O deeth, allas! Why niltow do me deye?  
A-cursed be the day which that nature
Shoop me to ben a lyves creature!'

But after, whan the furie and the rage
Which that his herte twiste and faste threste,
By lengthe of tyme somwhat gan asswage,  
Up-on his bed he leyde him doun to reste;
But tho bigonne his teres more out-breste,
That wonder is, the body may suffyse
To half this wo, which that I yow devyse.

Than seyde he thus, 'Fortune! Allas the whyle!  
What have I doon, what have I thus a-gilt?
How mightestow for reuthe me bigyle?
Is ther no grace, and shal I thus be spilt?
Shal thus Criseyde awey, for that thou wilt?
Allas! How maystow in thyn herte finde  
To been to me thus cruel and unkinde?

'Have I thee nought honoured al my lyve,
As thou wel wost, above the goddes alle?
Why wiltow me fro Ioye thus depryve?
O Troilus, what may men now thee calle  
But wrecche of wrecches, out of honour falle
In-to miserie, in which I wol biwayle
Criseyde, allas! Til that the breeth me fayle?

'Allas, Fortune! If that my lyf in Ioye
Displesed hadde un-to thy foule envye,  
Why ne haddestow my fader, king of Troye,
By-raft the lyf, or doon my bretheren dye,
Or slayn my-self, that thus compleyne and crye,
I, combre-world, that may of no-thing serve,
But ever dye, and never fully sterve?  

'If that Criseyde allone were me laft,
Nought roughte I whider thou woldest me stere;
And hir, allas! Than hastow me biraft.
But ever-more, lo! This is thy manere,
To reve a wight that most is to him dere,  
To preve in that thy gerful violence.
Thus am I lost, ther helpeth no defence!

'O verray lord of love, O god, allas!
That knowest best myn herte and al my thought,
What shal my sorwful lyf don in this cas  
If I for-go that I so dere have bought?
Sin ye Cryseyde and me han fully brought
In-to your grace, and bothe our hertes seled,
How may ye suffre, allas! It be repeled?

'What I may doon, I shal, whyl I may dure  
On lyve in torment and in cruel peyne,
This infortune or this disaventure,
Allone as I was born, y-wis, compleyne;
Ne never wil I seen it shyne or reyne;
But ende I wil, as Edippe, in derknesse  
My sorwful lyf, and dyen in distresse.

'O wery goost, that errest to and fro,
Why niltow fleen out of the wofulleste
Body, that ever mighte on grounde go?
O soule, lurkinge in this wo, unneste,  
Flee forth out of myn herte, and lat it breste,
And folwe alwey Criseyde, thy lady dere;
Thy righte place is now no lenger here!

'O wofulle eyen two, sin your disport
Was al to seen Criseydes eyen brighte,  
What shal ye doon but, for my discomfort,
Stonden for nought, and wepen out your sighte?
Sin she is queynt, that wont was yow to lighte,
In veyn fro-this-forth have I eyen tweye
Y-formed, sin your vertue is a-weye.  

'O my Criseyde, O lady sovereyne
Of thilke woful soule that thus cryeth,
Who shal now yeven comfort to the peyne?
Allas, no wight; but when myn herte dyeth,
My spirit, which that so un-to yow hyeth,  
Receyve in gree, for that shal ay yow serve;
For-thy no fors is, though the body sterve.

'O ye loveres, that heighe upon the wheel
Ben set of Fortune, in good aventure,
God leve that ye finde ay love of steel,  
And longe mot your lyf in Ioye endure!
But whan ye comen by my sepulture,
Remembreth that your felawe resteth there;
For I lovede eek, though I unworthy were.

'O olde, unholsom, and mislyved man,  
Calkas I mene, allas! What eyleth thee
To been a Greek, sin thou art born Troian?
O Calkas, which that wilt my bane be,
In cursed tyme was thou born for me!
As wolde blisful Iove, for his Ioye,  
That I thee hadde, where I wolde, in Troye!'

A thousand sykes, hottere than the glede,
Out of his brest ech after other wente,
Medled with pleyntes newe, his wo to fede,
For which his woful teres never stente;  
And shortly, so his peynes him to-rente,
And wex so mat, that Ioye nor penaunce
He feleth noon, but lyth forth in a traunce.

Pandare, which that in the parlement
Hadde herd what every lord and burgeys seyde,  
And how ful graunted was, by oon assent,
For Antenor to yelden so Criseyde,
Gan wel neigh wood out of his wit to breyde,
So that, for wo, he niste what he mente;
But in a rees to Troilus he wente.  

A certeyn knight, that for the tyme kepte
The chaumbre-dore, un-dide it him anoon;
And Pandare, that ful tendreliche wepte,
In-to the derke chaumbre, as stille as stoon,
Toward the bed gan softely to goon,  
So confus, that he niste what to seye;
For verray wo his wit was neigh aweye.

And with his chere and loking al to-torn,
For sorwe of this, and with his armes folden,
He stood this woful Troilus biforn,  
And on his pitous face he gan biholden;
But lord, so often gan his herte colden,
Seing his freend in wo, whos hevinesse
His herte slow, as thoughte him, for distresse.

This woful wight, this Troilus, that felte  
His freend Pandare y-comen him to see,
Gan as the snow ayein the sonne melte,
For which this sorwful Pandare, of pitee,
Gan for to wepe as tendreliche as he;
And specheles thus been thise ilke tweye,  
That neyther mighte o word for sorwe seye.

But at the laste this woful Troilus,
Ney deed for smert, gan bresten out to rore,
And with a sorwful noyse he seyde thus,
Among his sobbes and his sykes sore,  
'Lo! Pandare, I am deed, with-oute
Julie Grenness Aug 2016
At my antique womanly age,
I have reached beyond cynicism stage,
I am quite blasé about hyperbole,
Hearsay evidence about chicks like me,
You're wasting your time, unfortunately,
Old bags like me are basically resilient, you see,
I've had 700 billion lovers, it seems,
Plus or minus 10%, is that how you deem?
Contemplation on such matters makes me giggly!
Yes, quite blasé about hyperbole,
You're wasting your time, quite definitely!!!
Feedback welcome.
Zero Nine Nov 2017
Sad songs had their place
In the coming of age,
My songs sound the same
The sound, blase
Sad songs had their place
In the coming of age,
My songs sound the same
My songs are blase.

The answers I need, who do I ask?
Where's my fire?
Where's my immediacy?

The roof is overhead.
The walls surround my bed.
Food in the fridge.
Necessary electricity.

The ends I seek, where do I ask?
Where's my fire?
Where's my face in smoke and mirror?

Sad songs had their place
In the coming of age,
My songs sound the same
My songs are blase.

Where's my face in smoke and mirror?
Where's my face in smoke and mirror?
The End
Derrick Annis Apr 2015
When the last spark of wonder fades
from the eyes of our young
when we decide to live in a blase' Universe
only then are we lost, only then
have we ceased to find our North Star
and we become refugees
while sitting in out own homes

Trying to rekindle  our flame, that old spirit
but alas we lack the spark
Ingenuity has died, cleverness lies withered
Renaissance will not come
for wonder has perished and us along with it
Jackson Freeman Oct 2012
I singe with a hertly lud whan ycham herty,
And I arme whan singinge is ne ynewe.
Carole whan my corage blissieth,
And I shal deye whan his blase deyeth.

Druerie shal be his a-brune billets.
A stable blase that shal sustene my spyrakles.
A schrewe destroyere that kesseth so dimliche.
A þeauful kempe with an as-spire swerde.

Gostes of i-þank als ouer my vingeres.
Al-only dulce conceiptes fletene in my gostes.
Sumdel real cannot be als amaddinge.
Sumdel real cannot be te-tealte!

Is the mannish þonc als mase and puissant
Sweuenen of suic a selkout conand?
Dest Moder Folde cune of hire child?
Hire misty doter who berne and bilde?

The hoom is not where the herte is.
The herte is the hoom bote motif
The herte, the hoom, the ende, and the sepulture.
A luft who is the mest derure in the Folde.
I'll post the translation when I can ****** find it on my other computer. Enjoy this piece, though, even if you can't understand it!

Everything seems to be the same
Everyday looks like a replay
Nothing is shifting, seems my world is diminishing
Feeling like am grounded and my strength is pounded
Trying to survive yet it’s time to thrive

My energy is fiery my activities are not
I feel like I’ll burst or capsize in a boat
Is it it a matter of time or is it my destiny
To live a mediocre life only limited to the basics

I got no limits and I feel it strongly in my soul
Gratitude to God for the little and look forward for more
If you can’t fly high with me then watch me silently
Cuz your opinions are demeaning
And sound like of a sheep to a lion.

I have my groove,it can’t be killed
I need my space,it can’t be filled
Sometimes its said best
When its not said at all.

Boney Kross
The pain of leaving away from your famiy
Danielle Renee Jul 2012
I thought, you. And then I stared and wished that I was back
in your line of sight, that time that you tried to
take a photo of me and I held up my hand. You had never
even touched it. It was deemed artsy and you used
me to pick up chicks who thought you were creative. The many
times I thought yes, and felt yes from you too. But all
we did was stare and I want to touch your Greek hair just
once. And I sold smiles and sweets to strangers while
you gave out pop and judgements. How comedic, how blase.
How soon could I get you to never stop thinking about me?
February 27, 2012
ry Aug 2017
i tell myself im feeling better.
no social media
no outside distractions
just me and my mind.

ive made quite a few changes in these seemingly eternal summer months
ive changed my diet
changed my thinking
my sleep schedule
my hobbies and interests
even my wardrobe.

ive made all these changes
ive gotten out of my head (for the most part)
so if ive made all these changes and if im doing all of these new and better things
why do i still feel so low ?

i feel low not as in sad
no sad is too simple, too cliche, too blase
i feel low as in my heart will start to clench and struggle to beat
my breathing gets shallow
my thoughts are dulled and become sullen and narrow
like im on the verge of a never arriving panic attack

so tell me if im filled with no responsibilities no standards to hold myself to
filled with a sense of freedom and "peace" as many would say
how come if you asked me to today
i still couldnt put my so called peace on a scale of 1 to 10 ?
mmmm...i was feeling pretty clear but i think the beast rears it's ugly head once more to get me back where i supposedly belong. someone save me
Sprei jou vlerke
My struikel-kind
, want die berge se rante
Steek skerp teen die wind

Vlug vir jou onskuld
Vlug na die son
Vlieg weg van Gamora
ontsnap van *****

Vlieg ver oor die wolke
My struikel-kind
Daars ń storm wat broei
, maar hou jouself blind

Want sere en blase
Word gou-gou weer heel
Maar geen pleister plak toe
Die letsel van ***
Honger hande neig
Om jou kinderlikke onskuld van jou af weg te steel...

Sprei oop jou vlerke
My struikel-kind
Want die berge se kranse
Hang laag in die wind
Kruip weg vir die hande
Wat jou wil verslind
En keer terug na jou kinderdae
Om jouself weer te vind...

Van ń kaalvoet-kind
Zulu Samperfas Aug 2012
The UN was all abuzz
Everyone was talking cuz
Saddam has got a bomb

Oh, no way, the French they say
and that crazy El Baraday
Sitting out in some Paris cafe
All they say is he ain't got a bomb

But back in America, they know best
Cuz we're a better country than all the rest
And everyone there knows Saddams got a bomb

I'm in Israel on that day still in danger
just like yesterday
And the last Gulf war Saddam threw some Scuds our way

My husband, we argued
that week before you left
I said I'm afraid I agree with the French
You said better watch out
Cuz you got to stay and see
And they'll be Scuds landing right here on our street

Then with great courage you said " I can't stay,"
Got important business in the next days
And for two we really cannot pay
and I say "oh, that's OK"
I'm getting more Israeli every day
When it comes to bombs I'm quite blase
And besides I've always been really, really strong
But deep inside my mind there's something wrong
What if Saddams really got a bomb?

So off you flew to the United States
Where everything was peachy keen and safe and sound
And I was in the path of Scud that could hit the ground

Back in Haifa I'm up late
Patriot missiles up on the mountains those days
Aiming high, pointing out to Saddam's way
And I watch the TV nearly all day
over and over the UN they say
Saddam he really, really ain't got no bomb

My friends tell me they'll be a help to me
If the bombs fall we'll have a party
and we'll drink and laugh and eat cookies
all inside the bomb shelter, it will be fun you'll see

I waited in Haifa and watched TV
Listened for the sirens but none reached me
And watched a night time shock and awe Iraq block party

It looked kind of like a pretty morbid fourth of July

And daily life went on that day
even in the Jewish state
And you'd never know that a war was going on

And then they say he got away
And when the awe had gone very far away
And the shock and the blood were very, extremely dry

The coast was clear
You could dare to come near
My hero man
I see you don't give a ****
So you flew back to our fair city
and you have to face up to me and say
You're right, Saddam ain't got a bomb

No mushroom cloud
No cheering crowd
Just a dusty state
crumbling at a rapid rate
No bomb in sight, they looked with all their might
No matter where they went the couldn't find the scent
just the scared and the saved and really dead bodies
And all of us scared Israelis

And then the world it had to say
The French were right and so was El Baraday
Saddam doesn't really have a bomb

I went through all this
Without you to kiss
To be scared with
Or be calm with
And I realize now
if I can do this
without you by my side
with you I really don't need to hide
cuz I can really make it on my own
I think this is more of a song.
douglas chesa Mar 2013
Sin glows
With sparkling richness
Of all luminaries
of blanketing galaxy
Sin is worshiped and enshrined
Righteousness is
but blase fallacy

With all over-flowing
of new pentecostal churches
and their greedy pastors
And easy-come riches
of Chiadzwa diamond fields
with her flippant Gwejas and Gwejerinas
Life is but black
like Soddom's ****
I hear the knell of dawning doom
As Angels of doom boom...

I swear by ****** Mary's blessed ****
I saw a Stephen preaching down Rekai Tangwena Ave
And was run down by a speeding motor car
"O poor chap, was a good fellow," muttered God

I saw drunken Thomas roaming the streets
Of cogitation convincing himself
it was true news
That brother Jesus, ***-bellied in Armani suit
Was back riding a top of the range Lamborghini
And  God shrugged his shoulders,kept quiet
Afraid it may be fatally true

I saw God wet his pants
When listening to Elliot The Idiot's "Songs of Sobs"
That applaud Simon and Peter fishing
From people's pockets
Songs that revere and adorn  the vigilant
Pillar of Salt
Scorn and mock
the meekness and softness of heart
At Golgotha...

Sin is vermin spreading
In this our home,the infierno grande

''gwejas & gwejerinas'' are names loosely used to refer to male & female illegal fortune hunters ,respectively,at mining sites. while the males usually do the labourious digging & panning, the females usually offer some sweet sub-duvet sauces for the cash-loaded males.
The kisses were empty
And touches blase'
I felt the disconnect
Long before I felt
You between my thighs
The tide was premature
And the flood pointless
Passion flourished fire
Love so demure
Thoughts became hushed
Under layers of lust
Clouded need
And as the fire fueled
Explosion didn't last
A lack luster come down
There was no way out
I was surrounded
Scarred where
Your fingers singed my skin
Scents of misplaced emotions
Smoldered between the sheets
Invading any space untouched
By our feinding bodies
Breath became stolen as
Faces became backs
Once again clothes covered
The naked truth
My eyes closed
Echoing the click of the lock
Stamping out the faint embers
Of what used to be
I felt the disconnect
Long before I felt
You between my thighs.


- Ainsi donc rien de grand, rien de saint, rien de pur,
Rien qui soit digne, ô ciel ! de ton regret d'azur !
Rien qui puisse anoblir le vil siècle où nous sommes,
Ne sortira du cœur de l'homme enfant des hommes !
Homme ! esprit enfoui sous les besoins du corps !
Ainsi, jouir ; descendre à tâtons chez les morts ;
Être à tout ce qui rampe, à tout ce qui s'envole,
A l'intérêt sordide, à la vanité folle ;
Ne rien savoir - qu'emplir, sans souci du devoir,
Une charte de mots ou d'écus un comptoir ;
Ne jamais regarder les voûtes étoilées ;
Rire du dévouement et des vertus voilées ;
Voilà ta vie, hélas ! et tu n'as, nuit et jour,
Pour espoir et pour but, pour culte et pour amour,
Qu'une immonde monnaie aux carrefours traînée
Et qui te laisse aux mains sa rouille empoissonnée !
Et tu ne comprends pas que ton destin, à toi,
C'est de penser ! c'est d'être un mage et d'être un roi ;
C'est d'être un alchimiste alimentant la flamme
Sous ce sombre alambic que tu nommes ton âme,
Et de faire passer par ce creuset de feu
La nature et le monde, et d'en extraire Dieu !

Quoi ! la brute a sa sphère et l'éléments sa règle !
L'onde est au cormoran et la neige est à l'aigle.
Tout a sa région, sa fonction, son but.
L'écume de la mer n'est pas un vain rebut ;
Le flot sait ce qu'il fait ; le vent sait qui le pousse ;
Comme un temple où toujours veille une clarté douce,
L'étoile obéissante éclaire le ciel bleu ;
Le lys s'épanouit pour la gloire de Dieu ;
Chaque matin, vibrant comme une sainte lyre,
L'oiseau chante ce nom que l'aube nous fait lire.
Quoi ! l'être est plein d'amour, le monde est plein de foi
Toute chose ici-bas suit gravement sa loi,
Et ne sait obéir, dans sa fierté divine,
L'oiseau qu'à son instinct, l'arbre qu'à sa racine !
Quoi ! l'énorme océan qui monte vers son bord,
Quoi ! l'hirondelle au sud et l'aimant vers le nord
La graine ailée allant au **** choisir sa place,
Le nuage entassé sur les îles de glace,
Qui, des cieux tout à coup traversant la hauteur,
Croule au souffle d'avril du pôle à l'équateur,
Le glacier qui descend du haut des cimes blanches,
La sève qui s'épand dans les fibres des branches,
Tous les objets créés, vers un but sérieux,
Les rayons dans les airs, les globes dans les cieux,
Les fleuves à travers les rochers et les herbes,
Vont sans se détourner de leurs chemins superbes !
L'homme a seul dévié ! - Quoi ! tout dans l'univers,
Tous les êtres, les monts, les forêts, les prés verts,
Le jour dorant le ciel, l'eau lavant les ravines,
Ont encore, comme au jour où de ses mains divines
Jéhova sur Adam imprima sa grandeur,
Toute leur innocence et toute leur candeur !
L'homme seul est tombé !- Fait dans l'auguste empire
Pour être le meilleur, il en devient le pire,
Lui qui devait fleurir comme l'arbre choisi,
Il n'est plus qu'un tronc vil au branchage noirci,
Que l'âge déracine et que le vice effeuille,
Dont les rameaux n'ont pas de fruit que Dieu recueille,
Où jamais sans péril nous ne nous appuyons,
Où la société greffe les passions !
Chute immense ! il ignore et nie, ô providence !
Tandis qu'autour de lui la création pense !

Ô honte ! en proie aux sens dont le joug l'asservit,
L'homme végète auprès de la chose qui vit !


Comme je m'écriais ainsi, vous m'entendîtes ;
Et vous, dont l'âme brille en tout ce que vous dites,
Vous tournâtes alors vers moi paisiblement
Votre sourire triste, ineffable et calmant :

- L'humanité se lève, elle chancelle encore,
Et, le front baigné d'ombre, elle va vers l'aurore.
Tout l'homme sur la terre a deux faces, le bien
Et le mal. Blâmer tout, c'est ne comprendre rien.
Les âmes des humains d'or et de plomb sont faites.
L'esprit du sage est grave, et sur toutes les têtes
Ne jette pas sa foudre au hasard en éclats.
Pour le siècle où l'on vit - comme on y souffre, hélas ! -
On est toujours injuste, et tout y paraît crime.
Notre époque insultée a son côté sublime.
Vous l'avez dit vous-même, ô poète irrité ! -

Dans votre chambre, asile illustre et respecté,
C'est ainsi que, sereine et simple, vous parlâtes.
Votre front, au reflet des damas écarlates,
Rayonnait, et pour moi, dans cet instant profond,
Votre regard levé fit un ciel du plafond.

L'accent de la raison, auguste et pacifique,
L'équité, la pitié, la bonté séraphique,
L'oubli des torts d'autrui, cet oubli vertueux
Qui rend à leur insu les fronts majestueux,
Donnaient à vos discours, pleins de clartés si belles,
La tranquille grandeur des choses naturelles,
Et par moments semblaient mêler à votre voix
Ce chant doux et voilé qu'on entend dans les bois.


Pourquoi devant mes yeux revenez-vous sans cesse,
Ô jours de mon enfance et de mon allégresse ?
Qui donc toujours vous rouvre en nos cœurs presque éteints
Ô lumineuse fleur des souvenirs lointains ?

Oh ! que j'étais heureux ! oh ! que j'étais candide !
En classe, un banc de chêne, usé, lustré, splendide,
Une table, un pupitre, un lourd encrier noir,
Une lampe, humble sœur de l'étoile du soir,
M'accueillaient gravement et doucement. Mon maître,
Comme je vous l'ai dit souvent, était un prêtre
A l'accent calme et bon, au regard réchauffant,
Naïf comme un savant, malin comme un enfant,
Qui m'embrassait, disant, car un éloge excite :
- Quoiqu'il n'ait que neuf ans, il explique Tacite. -
Puis près d'Eugène, esprit qu'hélas ! Dieu submergea,
Je travaillais dans l'ombre, - et je songeais déjà.

Tandis que j'écrivais, - sans peur, mais sans système,
Versant le barbarisme à grands flots sur le thème,
Inventant les auteurs de sens inattendus,
Le dos courbé, le front touchant presque au Gradus, -
Je croyais, car toujours l'esprit de l'enfant veille,
Ouïr confusément, tout près de mon oreille,
Les mots grecs et latins, bavards et familiers,
Barbouillés d'encre, et gais comme des écoliers,
Chuchoter, comme font les oiseaux dans une aire,
Entre les noirs feuillets du lourd dictionnaire.
Bruits plus doux que le bruit d'un essaim qui s'enfuit,
Souffles plus étouffés qu'un soupir de la nuit,
Qui faisaient par instants, sous les fermoirs de cuivre,
Frissonner vaguement les pages du vieux livre !

Le devoir fait, légers comme de jeunes daims,
Nous fuyions à travers les immenses jardins,
Éclatant à la fois en cent propos contraires.
Moi, d'un pas inégal je suivais mes grands frères ;
Et les astres sereins s'allumaient dans les cieux,
Et les mouches volaient dans l'air silencieux,
Et le doux rossignol, chantant dans l'ombre obscure,
Enseignait la musique à toute la nature,
Tandis qu'enfant jaseur aux gestes étourdis,
Jetant partout mes yeux ingénus et hardis
D'où jaillissait la joie en vives étincelles,
Je portais sous mon bras, noués par trois ficelles,
Horace et les festins, Virgile et les forêts,
Tout l'Olympe, Thésée, Hercule, et toi Cérès,
La cruelle Junon, Lerne et l'hydre enflammée,
Et le vaste lion de la roche Némée.

Mais, lorsque j'arrivais chez ma mère, souvent,
Grâce au hasard taquin qui joue avec l'enfant,
J'avais de grands chagrins et de grandes colères.
Je ne retrouvais plus, près des ifs séculaires,
Le beau petit jardin par moi-même arrangé.
Un gros chien en passant avait tout ravagé.
Ou quelqu'un dans ma chambre avait ouvert mes cages,
Et mes oiseaux étaient partis pour les bocages,
Et, joyeux, s'en étaient allés de fleur en fleur
Chercher la liberté bien ****, - ou l'oiseleur.
Ciel ! alors j'accourais, rouge, éperdu, rapide,
Maudissant le grand chien, le jardinier stupide,
Et l'infâme oiseleur et son hideux lacet,
Furieux ! - D'un regard ma mère m'apaisait.


Aujourd'hui, ce n'est pas pour une cage vide,
Pour des oiseaux jetés à l'oiseleur avide,
Pour un dogue aboyant lâché parmi les fleurs,
Que mon courroux s'émeut. Non, les petits malheurs
Exaspèrent l'enfant ; mais, comme en une église,
Dans les grandes douleurs l'homme se tranquillise.
Après l'ardent chagrin, au jour brûlant pareil,
Le repos vient au cœur comme aux yeux le sommeil.
De nos maux, chiffres noirs, la sagesse est la somme.
En l'éprouvant toujours, Dieu semble dire à l'homme :
- Fais passer ton esprit à travers le malheur ;
Comme le grain du crible, il sortira meilleur. -
J'ai vécu, j'ai souffert, je juge et je m'apaise.
Ou si parfois encor la colère mauvaise
Fait pencher dans mon âme avec son doigt vainqueur
La balance où je pèse et le monde et mon cœur ;
Si, n'ouvrant qu'un seul œil, je condamne et je blâme,
Avec quelques mots purs, vous, sainte et noble femme,
Vous ramenez ma voix qui s'irrite et s'aigrit
Au calme sur lequel j'ai posé mon esprit ;
Je sens sous vos rayons mes tempêtes se taire ;
Et vous faites pour l'homme incliné, triste, austère,
Ce que faisait jadis pour l'enfant doux et beau
Ma mère, ce grand cœur qui dort dans le tombeau !


Écoutez à présent. - Dans ma raison qui tremble,
Parfois l'une après l'autre et quelquefois ensemble,
Trois voix, trois grandes voix murmurent.

L'une dit :
- « Courrouce-toi, poète. Oui, l'enfer applaudit
Tout ce que cette époque ébauche, crée ou tente.
Reste indigné. Ce siècle est une impure tente
Où l'homme appelle à lui, voyant le soir venu,
La volupté, la chair, le vice infâme et nu.
La vérité, qui fit jadis resplendir Rome,
Est toujours dans le ciel ; l'amour n'est plus dans l'homme.
« Tout rayon jaillissant trouve tout œil fermé.
Oh ! ne repousse pas la muse au bras armé
Qui visitait jadis comme une austère amie,
Ces deux sombres géants, Amos et Jérémie !
Les hommes sont ingrats, méchants, menteurs, jaloux.
Le crime est dans plusieurs, la vanité dans tous ;
Car, selon le rameau dont ils ont bu la sève,
Ils tiennent, quelques-uns de Caïn, et tous d'Ève.

« Seigneur ! ta croix chancelle et le respect s'en va.
La prière décroît. Jéhova ! Jéhova !
On va parlant tout haut de toi-même en ton temple.
Le livre était la loi, le prêtre était l'exemple ;
Livre et prêtre sont morts. Et la foi maintenant,
Cette braise allumée à ton foyer tonnant,
Qui, marquant pour ton Christ ceux qu'il préfère aux autres,
Jadis purifiait la lèvre des apôtres,
N'est qu'un charbon éteint dont les petits enfants
Souillent ton mur avec des rires triomphants ! » -

L'autre voix dit : - « Pardonne ! aime ! Dieu qu'on révère,
Dieu pour l'homme indulgent ne sera point sévère.
Respecte la fourmi non moins que le lion.
Rêveur ! rien n'est petit dans la création.
De l'être universel l'atome se compose ;
Dieu vit un peu dans tout, et rien n'est peu de chose.
Cultive en toi l'amour, la pitié, les regrets.
Si le sort te contraint d'examiner de près
L'homme souvent frivole, aveugle et téméraire,
Tempère l'œil du juge avec les pleurs du frère.
Et que tout ici-bas, l'air, la fleur, le gazon ;
Le groupe heureux qui joue au seuil de ta maison ;
Un mendiant assis à côté d'une gerbe ;
Un oiseau qui regarde une mouche dans l'herbe ;
Les vieux livres du quai, feuilletés par le vent,
D'où l'esprit des anciens, subtil, libre et vivant,
S'envole, et, souffle errant, se mêle à tes pensées ;
La contemplation de ces femmes froissées
Qui vivent dans les pleurs comme l'algue dans l'eau ;
L'homme, ce spectateur ; le monde, ce tableau ;
Que cet ensemble auguste où l'insensé se blase
Tourne de plus en plus ta vie et ton extase
Vers l'œil mystérieux qui nous regarde tous,
Invisible veilleur ! témoin intime et doux !
Principe ! but ! milieu ! clarté ! chaleur ! dictame !
Secret de toute chose entrevu par toute l'âme !
« N'allume aucun enfer au tison d'aucun feu.
N'aggrave aucun fardeau. Démontre l'âme et Dieu,
L'impérissable esprit, la tombe irrévocable ;
Et rends douce à nos fronts, que souvent elle accable,
La grande main qui grave en signes immortels
JAMAIS ! sur les tombeaux ; TOUJOURS ! sur les autels. »

La troisième voix dit : - « Aimer ? haïr ? qu'importe !
Qu'on chante ou qu'on maudisse, et qu'on entre ou qu'on sorte,
Le mal, le bien, la mort, les vices, les faux dieux,
Qu'est-ce que tout cela fait au ciel radieux ?
La végétation, vivante, aveugle et sombre,
En couvre-t-elle moins de feuillages sans nombre,
D'arbres et de lichens, d'herbe et de goëmons,
Les prés, les champs, les eaux, les rochers et les monts ?
L'onde est-elle moins bleue et le bois moins sonore ?
L'air promène-t-il moins, dans l'ombre et dans l'aurore,
Sur les clairs horizons, sur les flots décevants,
Ces nuages heureux qui vont aux quatre vents ?
Le soleil qui sourit aux fleurs dans les campagnes,
Aux rois dans les palais, aux forçats dans les bagnes,
Perd-il, dans la splendeur dont il est revêtu,
Un rayon quand la terre oublie une vertu ?
Non, Pan n'a pas besoin qu'on le prie et qu'on l'aime.
Ô sagesse ! esprit pur ! sérénité suprême !
Zeus ! Irmensul ! Wishnou ! Jupiter ! Jéhova !
Dieu que cherchait Socrate et que Jésus trouva !
Unique Dieu ! vrai Dieu ! seul mystère ! seule âme !
Toi qui, laissant tomber ce que la mort réclame,
Fis les cieux infinis pour les temps éternels !
Toi qui mis dans l'éther plein de bruits solennels,
Tente dont ton haleine émeut les sombres toiles,
Des millions d'oiseaux, des millions d'étoiles !
Que te font, ô Très-Haut ! les hommes insensés,
Vers la nuit au hasard l'un par l'autre poussés,
Fantômes dont jamais tes yeux ne se souviennent,
Devant ta face immense ombres qui vont et viennent ! »


Dans ma retraite obscure où, sous mon rideau vert,
Luit comme un œil ami maint vieux livre entrouvert,
Où ma bible sourit dans l'ombre à mon Virgile,
J'écoute ces trois voix. Si mon cerveau fragile
S'étonne, je persiste ; et, sans peur, sans effroi,
Je les laisse accomplir ce qu'elles font en moi.
Car les hommes, troublés de ces métamorphoses,
Composent leur sagesse avec trop peu de choses.
Tous ont la déraison de voir la Vérité
Chacun de sa fenêtre et rien que d'un côté,
Sans qu'aucun d'eux, tenté par ce rocher sublime,
Aille en faire le tour et monte sur sa cime.
Et de ce triple aspect des choses d'ici-bas,
De ce triple conseil que l'homme n'entend pas,
Pour mon cœur où Dieu vit, où la haine s'émousse,
Sort une bienveillance universelle et douce
Qui dore comme une aube et d'avance attendrit
Le vers qu'à moitié fait j'emporte en mon esprit
Pour l'achever aux champs avec l'odeur des plaines
Et l'ombre du nuage et le bruit des fontaines !

Avril 1840.
topaz oreilly Nov 2012
You don't look a day older than bad manners
Remember to let people off the Train first.
Old fashion common sense has gone,
we are generating our everyday Cleopatra
where the private  is as imperative  as the  public persona ,
unbeknown nail polish is on a reconnaissance mission
for  blase solvent effects,
and as for Gentleman  I cannot think of a
suitable Mass observation survey yet,
but if i did,
there wouldn't be enough Stradivarius volins to avail.
Note too how bus drivers aren't generally slow
and bicyclists are veering militant
driving instructors take chances through the red  lights,
city life is
not necessarily construed as a public safety issue,
but everything  is considered less relevant
in the pursuit of balanced manners.
Decidedly blase, as the hours tumble past
If divinatory; as the strains of old fugues
That once roused us to incoherent victories.

Never mind that the **** crowed thrice,
Ere you forgot our names-
And lord, the company you keep

Locked in that old hobnail chest;
How you'd be disdained, were it known
The lampshades here drink old *****

Under a goat-grey sky, at morning
And your key's sloppy turning, meteor-like
On its slow approach, at decoding the lock.

But sleeping fitfully now, on the porch,
Your muddy shoes can tell no tales
Of your evenings holy grails.
Zulu Samperfas Dec 2012
Why do we remember some moments like a photograph
and others only forgotten or through a haze
Santa Cruz High School theater we were called in to get
our PSAT scores, since there was no internet and it was only paper
and I didn't know what the PSAT was or anything and the counselor said
this is really not a prediction of your life you are not a loser if you score low
and went on and on and I got mine and opened it and I was in the 96th percentile
in language and I couldn't believe it so I called my mother on the school payphone
I can even remember the wire connecting the phone to the box and she was so
blase--not higher? Oh, and that's compared to kids in the expensive prep schools.
and I realized that she knew there were expensive prep schools and I wasn't at one
but later, I opened the gate to my flute teacher's driveway and it was full of
splinters and I remember this so clearly as I touched the gate and thought
I am in the 96th percentile despite not going to those expensive prep schools
and I felt like I was smart and capable and I could really escape my parents
and figure things out
Butch Decatoria Jan 2016
The solicitous Self,
with and in each exchange
of conversation's
     volley of commiserating
                     commissary verbages
words of curbs and gutters,
owns not its guilt
knows not good will
             nor for those whom shatter
in our drowning hours, unstill...

The Self is begging
for your idolatry's bastions,
wants you to find it beautiful
and superior
     above any other

attention and ingestion
gorging and hoarding
     the tid-bit compliments
     the cloud nine glances
succulent smiles / flirtatious lick of lips

the audience pumping up
its hot air ego-balloon
to beach ball widths

     a deadly kind of perdition
     for you, character fool
                    careless and distracted
blase' as a toad on a stoop...

It is a ****

the amorous Self is
     harmless, the beginning seeds
and whimsy / at flowering
in your hands:
              fluff and puff intimations
child-like glee / pleasing / blowing
nonpluss dandelions
       in ruminations  
       N' stuff...

but like any ****
when it spreads and takes hold
        the real estate of your time and soul
it chokes and feeds
off your serene prosperity
of peace of mind
of identity

a thief of your ideas
     makes your dreams its own

It suffocates all others
behaves with dismissive airs
      like you it becomes
                   you, who has watered
this pest and catered to its musings
      like a sudden sunrise it appears
out of the blue appealing
a dandelion, quaint & demure
                    yet alluring

The ******* that is the selfish
solicitous thorn
knows its own nature
     far too well
hides its hideous
kink so none can warn  
it is a war
with Self
the attention *****

Self being compelled
as all else
a parasite to its growth
a virus and its host

what she now only has to give
in return:

her malingered spell

she breeds in you
     a ghost of once you were
wastrel grime
wasted time
an empty shell


Careful what the Self
is selling
the solicitudes
of obsessions  
                     not much else...

No succor for the Self.
Shirley May 2013
I was standing there

In the heart of crossroads

Blindly staring at the unfamiliar road signs

Traffic lights must have misheard my wheeze

They shifted before I could breathe

Inexorable headlights race towards the freezing me

As if magnet and metal were meant to be

I am here, facing back

Tracing the road I wanted to wrack

With thought of facing the crack

Measuring the weight to repack

Memories of morning sun heating away the haze

Passion of youth in this town had become blase

Fleeting replays of ugly truths in these old days

So I stepped out the lies builded with ablaze  

I will be moving, starting from here

By the side of crossroads

Slowly walking away from these rusty road signs
Maria Etre Sep 2016
I have given pieces of my heart
to those who need it most
and yet I still found enough love give my heart it's color
to let it blush
when it should, when it's struck?

I have juggled the knives
of insults that tried to paper cut
my skin as each one fell
a hairline away from my fingers
and yet I crave the adrenaline
that comes from defying such
near pain experiences

I have melted at the sight
of beauty, of music, of art, of poetry
of words, single or together
that kind of beauty
that moves your soul
the one that coats you
with a chill
that breathes life into
your blase presence
the one that's rustic
classic, that's ethereal
the one that creeps under your skin
and glazes your eyes with a glossy layer
for your body cannot explain
it in any other way
cannot digest
cannot comprehend
that such pulchritude
exists and
the best part
is that
it's real

do you feel that?
You're still
that's a *******
Read full poem here:

Un ange furieux fond du ciel comme un aigle,
Du mécréant saisit à plein poing les cheveux,
Et dit, le secouant : " Tu connaîtras la règle !
(Car je suis ton bon Ange, entends-tu ?) Je le veux !

Sache qu'il faut aimer, sans faire la grimace,
Le pauvre, le méchant, le tortu, l'hébété,
Pour que tu puisses faire, à Jésus, quand il passe,
Un tapis triomphal avec ta charité.

Tel est l'Amour ! Avant que ton coeur ne se blase,
A la gloire de Dieu rallume ton extase ;
C'est la Volupté vraie aux durables appas !"

Et l'Ange, châtiant autant, ma foi ! qu'il aime,
De ses poings de géant torture l'anathème ;
Mais le damné répond toujours : " Je ne veux pas !"
topaz oreilly Jul 2012
Like a blase fencer
a stab proof jacket
Forever shown on the media as if to be proud
man's appalling history.
Wars have always dominated human culture
through countless strife.
Carnage constantly depicted on our screens
where you see real fiends!

As if these are trophies proud to be shown
maybe to view our mistakes.
Film makers creating war films more graphic
documentaries digitally enhanced.
Any footage clarified raising major reactions
trying to analyse the actions.

Maybe we need reminding of our blunders
often the young don't want to know.
Brought up with never ending war zones
becoming blase to the horrors!
Many don't even read see or hear the news
interesting in personal views!

Violence is part of our hereditary code
natural mode physical combat.
Rather than talk it through to rationalize
so they rage ever on.
And the atrocities will I can see continue
guiltless killed by the few!

The Foureyed Poet.
The depictions of wars through man's sad history! An appalling legacy forever on our screens through documentaries and films. The Foureyed Poet.
Masterful ownership, I am lost between cards, the green table, set and speckled, distracted by the colors and forgetful of the number, exploitive, love the spices, and aggressive, and tired of being bullied, fragrance chasers, chortling in remarks blase in cafe's I'm meager minded but with fortunate background, I am spoiled but somehow burst from the bubble, some sort of rodent stuck out of time, letting the chemicals do their work, like dousing a cheetah in kerosine, just most toxic and full of rage, spotted and dying, closer to living without restraint, devoid of taste, my fears overwhelm me, driving me, my own secufled
Jayme M Yaroch Dec 2011
I write some words
Full of suffering
Of a wounded heart
A broken soul
So moving and yet

I am not this pain
that filters through
It is part of me
but it is not me
I am so much more
so much more than pain
I am love, and understanding
laughter and wonder
I find so much beauty around me
yet when I write
All I speak of is pain

This is not who I want to be
This pain does not own me
even if it is what I feel right now
pain is temporary
It will pass quickly
but my life will not
At least not as fast
I am full of love
even if it is marked
by suffering
I know I am not alone

These words
that I am writing
they are my pain
and are part of me
but they are not all
of me
Francie Lynch Jan 2019
I've heard and read lovers recite
On love about their love;
… a full petalled blossom
in a silver vase...

Trite, I thought,
and so blase.
If what I recall is true.

I see my lover more like clover,
Spreading along a tree laden brook,
On a pathway through sun-streamed woods;
Spreading, thriving, covering green,
A more vibrant, living floral scene.

Trite, I think.
jeffrey robin Jun 2011
the subtle meanings.....!

so quickly (too quickly!)

the created ENEMY appears

and the true "faces" are gone!



we are so weak


how do we survive with no backbone
no courage
how do we survive?


we don't



they remain!

they remain while true meaning
is gone!


we watch DEATH move is

we make excuses

we cower in fear
while hiding our fear
behind "the blase"
masks we wear

til we are
totally erased!!





stop this stupidity

and live

Maria Etre Mar 2016
There's something alluring about
losing yourself in thought

I did that once, and found myself
falling in love
as dangerous and as reckless as it is
today my heart felt like pouring itself
filling an ocean of emotions

As I sat on the shore, seeing the space
in front of me fill itself with my feelings
I felt my color returning, my skin reacting
my heart has fallen
for life, for her, for him, for it
my heart decided to drug my mind
and let go for once  

Aching to ride with the rebels
to drink with the misfits
to dine with the careless
and to fall with the romantics
I decided to get up
give routine the finger
and walk out
with that satisfying mischievous smile
that I and only I
feel such elation
exposing it

I decided to swing like the olives
in a martini, in a haze of transparency
exploding with colors
as I smash from one edge of the cup
to the other

I feel all my blase emotions
relapsing, transforming, reacting
backfiring and stripping me
of things that killed me
aiming and shooting at them
with bullets of revival
bullets of excitement
that inject my muscles
with steroids
pumping them with whatever it is
that makes them human

what the f*%k is happening
this chemical reaction
after weeks of depression
is exactly what the doctor ordered
Scream, yes, do it

Let it start from your toes
let your body quiver as it makes its way
to your mouth
let your corpse feel the injection of life

Wake the hell up, no one is going to do it for you
rub your eyes, make your coffee
and change your commute,
You're not going to work today

You're going
scratch all that out
with a permanent marker
look forward
get your pens ready
this is going
to be
one ****
a taste of change
eclipso child Apr 2017 slice..
..piece  by piece..
       ..getting it's's's
            change of it..

But all we know we come to our mother's metra ..
      ..were blind 4 nano second at least..
                ..same least the one's that get that.. much time too u think that we have thonger out of our stupid..made belive..problelm's..and do you
.              even know true love...
..i do..and it hurts the most of all that I have witness..3/4 of my heart went to love..or what thougt love..i've would have give my life that somebody gould keep living..LOVE..jist a word what we made to oirselfs to **** say something when it feels awkward some **..what ever..but we're not out word's or language..that would be just plain skitso and dumb..yeah th the 10%:t..but still..there's jus another  'fact' that we eat
          without chewin'..ain't the first time to ack like ape..throuing boo as funny business..OR we know why you but us in cage's..

   ..made up words to get explain our simplicity to others....the ******'s that make's us belive that we are in charge..

              ..words that have made all war's exist..and blood spilled..

       ..we need them but it would bea very sunny day..when we
             learned to use them too this my contribution..
brooke May 2017
they're asking the
wrong questions
a lot of meaningless
interactions, more
i think, rolling cherry
pits between my
fingers, more
prattling on about
stupid things I
don't care about
you just need a good ****
she says, so blase, as if being
touched by anyone else, kissed
by a stranger would be any better

and i think about how I don't
how I just need a good night's
sleep, a good cry in between
library stacks or a pair of arms
I know too well,
how i only want his
his shoulder, his breath,
how lucky for him that
I can't stand the thought
of anyone else, how i've
tried but leave my phone
at home, ringer at full volume
'cause i know it won't be for

you just need a good ****
she repeats, dropping an
orange slice in a pint of blue moon
I can't do that,  I say, won't do that
the ice in my water is melting
that's not who i am.  she
interrupts, sure it is.

but i know better.
they're asking the
wrong questions
saying the dumbest
things, and I have
to believe that they are
wrong, i can't be
the only one who
wants just one
just one person
just one touch
(c) brooke otto 2017

written to Between Cities by Donovan Woods.

people say the dumbest things.
i really don't like this poem.
wichitarick Nov 2018

Stuck in a passageway lots of exits but just looking forward to see the end of the tunnel

Becoming Blase' while slipping on the blinders ,how often will your call be adjusted before you fall

That man at the store told each of us a different tale,you saw a schemer while I saw another caught up in the shuffle

Simple slips of time routinely pass through our minds,which is truth or how much more is left to explore

Sight being blocked through blemished views set from patterns that were blindly askew,many thoughts to juggle

Who is to say they have partaken in the perfect perception,is what we are showing really all that is in our core

Is our goal to judge a persons  role or to let the scales remain balanced,Honest inquiry creates a puzzle

Two people reach out to assist,which one responded to help themselves,is it someone they ordinarily deplore

After the first Hallelujah is the function  to analyze or criticize ,one mans actions left  a person to grumble then another feeling humble. R.C.
Saw a disheveled man riding a bicycle at a store buying propane on the coldest night of the yr. I barely noticed but the person I was with said "He is taking something from the system" ? It jolted me a bit,after "discussing" it for a few minutes he sure did assume a lot about that person, just based a brief glimpse, it bugged me:) Is in part why my hair is to my waist I suppose but am sober drug free:) keeps them guessing.
I guess I still stand by old rule of you really never know who you are sitting next to. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick Wichita Kansas
Striped Oct 2016
So much to say, no insight.
Biased, bold and blase.
Its a future your throwing away.
Peoples hopes and dream crushed.
For a dream you've rushed.
Its not a game, you know.
Unprepared yet undeterred.
Dont be fooled its all a ruse.
Big statements if exexuted will lead to
Momentus consequences.
Donall Dempsey Aug 2017

"Ok, then...I'll be!"

says the poem awkwardly.

me into....em...being!"

it shyly says

not really knowing how
to say goodbye.


I hear myself say
in a blase way.

At a loss for words.

Funnt that!

Sad we have to go
our separate ways.

"Well, my time here is

the poem almost cries but

Tears in its eyes.
Tears that can nerve


I kiss it
with my voice

the many-headed audience
all ears.

"Make me proud!"
I whisper to it

as it leaves
my mouth.

"Who was that
masked poem?"

the audience gasp.

I blow the poem a kiss
the audience thinks it's for it.

"Don't forget..."
the poem throws over its shoulder

now very
very far away

". . .to write!"
Ah, on nights such as these
Does my heart long for thee.
The cold, does it linger
Making my heart malinger.
Still I continue.

Winter shields not the ever-present thoughts
Of all that we were, had, and could have been.
My mind, it does continue to ponder
As my feet trudge and sluggishly wander.

O', what joy did you and I once possess?
I remember how your eyes did sparkle.
An emerald's gleam could not dare compare
And let's not speak of that smile that did glow.

Before we met, my heart, it was frozen.
Made hard by much anguish and constant grief.
As the storm of life battered my soul's sails,
A glacier, my heart grew cold and icy.

Careless, distant, and blase was my life.
I grew too cold to other people's strife.
What friends I had soon made their departure.
I was alone, and alone was I pleased.

But you were the one who opened my eyes.
Your beauty shook all my preconceptions.
'Twas not just your comeliness that stunned me.
Like a Fae sprite, you ******* my winter spite.

You challenged, and you motivated me
To change and to care about life once more.
It took some time, but I knew you were mine.
I came to love you, and you did love me.

But my eternal bad luck proved fatal.
To probe my memories brings just trouble.
Safe to say, you left me snow-blind and cold.
Winter is my nature, my creed, my state.

As the fallen fall leaves crunch at my feet
I can deny not my life's defeat.
All my joy and sorrow has come to naught.
I may as well roam among the snowmen.
'Twould mean just as much.
Keerthi warrier Jun 2020
if our story was fictional,
i would solve different mysteries to get to you
and you being blase, would take another trip to knowhere.

— The End —