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Santiago May 2015
My blood can be given
My bloods treasure hidden
My blood is neo complex
My bloods sacred harness
My blood has been hurt
My blood still flows slow
My bloods gold that grows
My blood can save lives
My blood can give A B & O
My blood pressure rises
My blood boils for you
My blood craves your soul
My blood signals the heart
My blood feels whats real
My blood begs you

To stop the precious
Blood you spill
One day might ****
Please baby take a pill
Or just sit back & chill
Read a book, learn
I don't want you to burn
It's the wrong turn
Instead be safe stay warm
Don't do yourself harm
Please don't hurt
Your precious arm
I will hold tight in the night
Watching the moon light
Everything will feel right
Trust me honey,
My precious bunny,
Happy for nothing,
Smile like something funny
When we're just
Tag team partners
Love can't be explained
Two hearts felt the same
Chattered doesn't matter
Came together last forever
Likely dying not never ever
Surviving every weather
Angels spiritual feathers
Me you a dream come true
Far from perfect
Imperfect creation abound
Put in a world devastation
Keep focus concentration
Sorry for my mistakes
My relationship I'd partake
A lesson eyes wide awake
Opened new life's token
Truth revealed & spoken
You're still the best
Bypass all the rest
Spiritually excelled the test
Placed divines hidden spell
Upon me, my eyes my cry
You touched my heart
A master of love & art
My professor, my teacher
My intellectual preacher

Bright mind, form 2 bind
As one, hug for fun
I bug you
bcuz I love you
I pick on you
bcuz I'm stuck on you
I follow you
bcuz I wanna shower you
I think of you
Bcuz I sink underwater
I want you
Bcuz my eye's only see you

Thank you, for
Placing this love,
For being my first
My teacher, my preacher
My professor
And not my aggressor
Nor oppressor ;D

So please babe stop cutting your wrists & legs you hurt, I hurt, you cry I cry, you're in pain I'm insane, what you feel I can feel, stop the blood spill, do it for me if you truly love mi vida...
For You
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Staring in her eyes,
I'm more then hypnotized
I feel that I'm drowning.....
Not in any ocean of water
But a sea of sand.
Deep down in the brown
For the blue is cold
And her eyes are warm.
Mocha is her color
From her eyes to her hips.
In love with her brew
And her aroma.
A coffee that needs no cream
All I need is a sip
And maybe a lick of her cup
Bcuz she taste like hazelnut
Tho I think I've said enough
Bcuz I love it too much.
Ever since we met its lik i kno who u r
Its lik we are locked togethr on a shelf in a little jar
Ever since we hugged i feel so squeezed
Were missing a kiss my lips u wud tease
Ever since we held hands i never want to let go
If I still held on our path wud stay aglow
But now my path is dark and my feet are sore 
Ever since this all started i knew tht i hav had this feeling before
I dont think i can find true love any time soon
If i keep trying my heart will blow up lik a balloon
I cud just stay emotionally stable for a bit
Bcuz if i dont in my chest there will soon be a slit
I love listening to ur heavenly voice
I wud listen to it all day if i had a choice
This one is for a certain girl I have been talking to over the weekend. Im trying to prove myself to her.
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
I exhale...
Trying to relieve my vexation
Confusion builds below in the basement
The door is breaking, bulging
Will all my secrets divulge
Will the truth of my heart be shown
Once more I exhale
My thoughts are a mystery
So my breath brings truth
Bcuz my words are unheard of.
Let time tell the truth
Bcuz my feelings are in the past
So feel my breath
Feel my thoughts
Feel me as I exhale
Argashia Lewter Dec 2013
When I look into the mirror
Sometimes I see beauty
Sometimes I see ugly
But it's times like this
That I see hurt and pain
I try to understand
Why do I feel this way
Trying to get through
Yet another day
Get It Together!
I tell myself
Which is easier said than done
A battle is in my head
Bcuz I keep listening
To All the lies I'm being fed
Over and over and over
It Goes on and on
I can't shake it, Stop It!
Please Stop feeding me
Your negativity
You see the reflection in the mirror
looking back at me
is strong and positive
So don't hate me bcuz I'm BEAUTIFL!
Batya Mar 2014
You think you're the better writer with
         Your indentations,
Arrogant alliteration,
Games of Rhymation;
When You Capitalize For No Good Reason
When you type in italic just because you can;
With thy ineffectual employment of Shakespearean formulation
Or elongated conveyance of your articulation,
                                        When you type in
                                             funny patterns to
                                        better express the  
                                             thoughtfulness and
                                        superiority behind the gemstone
And, all- your; meaningful, strategically placed' punctuation!
And perpisfuly mispled wurds bcuz yur so ironic,
And your cryptic title that's meant to come off as genius.
Dylan could crack a skull without a hammer.
naila Jan 2016
Helloo its me
I was wondering if all this time could pass so fast
To see your face and lisn to ur voice
They say time will pass fast
But i feel hours like years
Hello can you hear me?
Im in the house looking at your room
Remembering your laugh ur scream
I've forgetten how the my days felt before you leave

Theres such a long distance between us and a time difference

Hello from the other continent
I must have cried a thousand timess
Bcuz u left and i have no one but whn i try to forget abt u it never seem to work

Hello from another country
Your my sister my blood how can i forget abt u that fast?

Hello how's ur studies ??
It became so typical of me to talk to my self whn i feel alone
Do u ever miss me the way i do?
And its no secret that we r both far

Hello from ur bedroooom can u see me looking in ur clothes  i've always tried to be like u
Hello from the other country
Can u hear me crying? I miss u so much

Hello how r u?
I've been trying to be u for such a long time but now that i can its so difficult to be as strong as u
Im so bad with u
I never told u but i think i love you
I miss u since u walked out the door.
Dont leave me
I love you
I wrote this bcuz my sis is leaving tomorrow to study in another country and i never stayed away from her i cant stop crying bcuz she's leaving
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
Look deep into my eyes,
And feel my pain....

You think that's a smile,
But my teeth grinding
Its not the same
These scars on my body
Helped prove my name.
I'm a tree that's cut
But I'll grow again.
Don't dandle my ego
So when they oppugn
My character.
I can reconcile my name.
Display the calluses
On my hands,
Bcuz I can't show
The blisters on my brain.
Thoughts so deep
Ideas bleed out my vain.

Look deep into my eyes,
And feel my pain....
I must be part of your collection
Cuz you can't see
What you
Do to me
I must be waiting on your affections
till I can breathe
As you
Display me
I must be under constant protection
On a shelf
under glass
Pay to see
I must be only a reflection
Of what you like
you wanna be
Part of me
I must be part of your collection
look fast
no flash
No doubt in my mind of deception
One of a kind
Rare as can be
that's me
I must never show objections
To anything
You'll ever ask
Of me
I must display constent perfection
My **** smile
Cute dress
hair flowing
i must be part of your collection
I'm not alone
On this shelf
I know they see
I always fear your rejection
Bcuz no one else
Knows I'm here
Just you and me
Maybe you think I'm a projection
of what you are
You leave behind
a legacy
I guess I'm just a sick infection
you'll never ever
Get rid
Of me
You must be part of my collection.

Lazarus Poole Mar 2013
“I consider it a bless'n just to be in your presence; My body you arouse, but its my mind you be ***'n, having it ******'n....”-->
The blessing is all mine, that I would find; A woman who would simulate without any hesi—tation...-->
“U elevate me to new heights each time our thoughts are in session; As a result I'm confess'n-->
FINALLY a man with a spark of perfection, who thinks with his mind and not his—*******....”-->
Heights are limitless when it comes to our love & when we pray to the Man above; Perfection maybe from your point of view, but a woman like you is: Hell there are only a few...-->
“I love how you neva leave room for doubt or cause any stress'n; YES God favored me when he sent u in my direction; the shield around my heart I've always protected, was invaded & destroyed the minute our souls were connected...”-->
Mentally our love is on the same plane & there's no point'n fingers on who is to blame; I credit you with this connection & you have a touch of a different heart; A whole unknown section...-->
“U are the epitome of what many guys portray to be, but unlike them, you represent the reality of what a MAN should be; You don't just compliment, you complete me; I belong to you; You make me feel brand new, every bad memory of my past was instantly erased & replaced the moment my heart was introduced to you...”-->
I complete you? Thats hard to believe; But if you ever take your love away, for eternal my heart will grieve; You make me ecstatic to be alive & when I get next to you my stomach feels like a beehive...-->
“U're the man, Nah let me take that back, you're the truth; There are so many worlds I could use to describe you; You're my friend, my lover, my man, my knight, my KING; Us together, we can conquer anything...”-->The description of me being your KING, doesn't mean anything if you're not my Queen; I may be your friend, your lover, your man, your knight, but you conquered me when you stepped into my sight...-->“Consider me the Bonnie to your Clyde, I was made to stick by your side; Whatever comes our way, with each otha we gon ride; When othas look at us, its hard for them to decipher what they see, but when I look at us, its the definition of love to me...”-->
I'm Jason & you're my Lyric; To spend the res of my life, hmmm you're my pick; That's right this right here just click; My word is—Soul mate; I've been look all my life for this date & God made me wait & everyone else hate...-->
“They say u get what u pray for & I find that to be true, bcuz everyything I've searched & prayed for is found all in u...”-->
In my dreams you are what I see & I never thought this would be; Flawless in front of me; I asked God to keep this love strong & keep my heart & soul where it belong-Wrapped around your heart & saving you from harm...
This was written by me an my friend (Ms. C-R) to be a conversation between lovers!
Grace Wetherbee Nov 2015
Sometime i cry, cry because im in this long confusing process of trying to figure out who i am and what i wanna do with my life.

I cry because im constantly putting myself down

I cry because my mom does it ten times more than me

I cry because i feel like im not good enough for anyone

i cry because i just wantt to be the reason for my moms smile even though shes the reason for my tears.

I cry because ive beeen obsessed with popularity, and being accepted because i some how feel it will substitute for the love i dont get from my mom

I cry because i want to come home once in my life and be welcomed with a hug and kiss

I cry because i swear no one understands

I cry because i try to be stong, but i feel so weak, ugly, worthless bcuz thts what im told on a daily basis by the one who gave me life.

I cry because i feel so broken and empty inside.

I cry because i try to comfort myself; i say 'things could be worse' but i only cry more because the thought of someone going through something worse than what i am breaks my heart. i just wish i could take away everyone's pain. tell everyone their beautiful in their own way and to never let anyone tell them different. tell them what I need to hear,

I cry, I cry for those people...
one other thing **** old people
who act like they world stops for them
and it is okay to be an ******* bcuz u old
idgaf  if u are 90 20 65 48
an old man with a cane
old lady with a red hat
my grandparents idgaf
u dont deserve respect for living  lets get that **** ******* straight

if u a racist
if u an *******
if u are iggnorant
age doesnt excuse u from being human
burn in hell
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
I drink lipton tea
And sit and think about what we could be
Soul searching like a ghost
Girl let me hold you close
Come with me quick
Before my pain ends this note

I drink lipton tea
And sit and think about what we could be
When financialy I could be the foundation
Me and you could multiply to fill our nation
Or seclude ourself from the world
It could be just me and you baby girl

I drink lipton tea
As I sit and think what we could be
Mentally we could already be
Bcuz I live with you in my dreams
In a blue painted house
With a black painted gate
I work from 5 to 9
And always come home on time

I drink lipton tea
As I sit and think what we could be
So at the end of this rhyme
We could get lost in time
Hoping the nay sayers never find us
So at the end of this rhyme
You can see what I see in me and you
The love we can make and things we could do
one other thing **** old people
who act like they world stops for them
and it is okay to be an ******* bcuz u old

idgaf  if u are 90 20 65 48

an old man with a cane

old lady with a red hat

my grandparents idgaf

u dont deserve respect for living  lets get that **** ******* straight

if u a racist
if u an *******
if u are iggnorant

age doesnt excuse u from being human

burn in hell
Sometimes silence is the loudest noise For when I close my eyes sad things creep inside got me thinking bout my teenage Life Call me what u like an ignorant infidel time to tell the real truth yous speak about me but do you know what you do Living life a lie tears hidden behind your eyes I see straight threw you and what you claim to be only portray you more of a Fake to me Spittin nothing but the Truth Silence is the loudest noise. Like a drop of a dime in an echo room. Silence the deep quietness of reality when words are not heard due to their unorderly formality This life will speed by I remember getting high was who could swing the fastest Good ole days when Tears fell from my cheeks bcuz Best friends told jokes that were just 2 funny. Sometimes silence is the loudest noise
naila Dec 2015
Cant choose between the good and the bad
Saying its my fault wont solve the problem
Saying its her fault will make it bigger
Blaming her while i should be blaming him i cant say its her fault but she the one who did it she could change
Im so ashamed but still love her as hell
I keep thinking about that
How can i change the time
How can i solve the problem
I cry in the cold nights trying to find out if its mine his or her fault
I cant blame anyone cuz we all contribute in the problem
She's my love but she's also my worst
She could act better
But why did she act like that
I wasnt expecting frm her
I spent days crying alone
In the dark
Cant talk to anyone bcuz im scared of the replies
Oh lord why my life cant be normal
Why do i hve problems everyday
Why do i feel so bad
Shes a human being after all
Sending pictures to another man
Wont make any change
Its his fault he made her like this
But what i dont think of is that im the one who encouraged her
Saying that she needed to live her life
But i wasnt expecting it to get that far
It might be our fault all after all
I h8 how my Hole of a life
Is always up in the air
I h8 how everything i long for
is so far away from me
Yet, right there.
I h8 everything about me
it seems cuz I keep being told
its all me, its all me
Funny ........ me.
I h8 how i do all i can
To have a love of a man
And i find is a **** in a can
I h8 how all i do
Is **** up everything i am
By dieing so much on the inside
all i do is cry on the outside
every second that well i just am.
I h8 hiw lonely i am
bcuz i dnt choose someone who
Will stand lovingly by my side
I h8 how even though
Each word i wrote
Speaks only of me and I
Someone else feels the exact same way
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
Now when I think of myself
She pops into my mind
Because without her there is no me.
So believe me when I say
That I long for the day
When her skin kisses mine
And the light within me finally shines.
Or the moment when
I look into her eyes
And she looks in minds.
Then, suddenly, tranquillity takes me.
She grabs the bull by its horn.
Making it show its true form
Just a masquerade from fear of shame.
You see this bull is a calf.
Needing affection and guidance.
Just time spent with him
Until he has learned to walk.
She nurtures my love
So when things tough
I'll be able to run.
Yes, she puts me on a pedestal
Raising me to the pinnacle
Of my emotional and spiritual well being.
But I fall off this cloud
When I hear the sound of me
Asking myself for her name.
A trick question bcuz I've yet to meet her
Jay Bryant Dec 2012
I hope tomorrow never dies
Even though I'm tired of today.
Like seasons life is always changing
A little better a little worse
Yet never expecting the storm.
It rages with strong emotions
The wind howls out of pain
And the lightning strikes silently,
And all is calm until the thunder hits,
A car crash it is loud and unexpected
All the way to your bone you can feel it
As if it is your bone itself breaking
A terrifying sound for most it is
Yet some listen to it peacefully
Bcuz they no the storm is almost over
They look to the shining future
Unlike we who can only see the present
How I await for the storm to be over.
Santiago Mar 2015
I'm worthless, I'm not rich nor wealthy, nor handsome
I'm weak at times, I fall too often, I weep my eyes out, take the wrong
Route, my life's a mess a distress
I'm sorry I'm a living stress
I'm not here too impress or undress you, I love you
I could careless about everything
When it means nothing without you
No meaning, eyes gleaming
Heads steaming, souls screaming
Eyes dreaming, hearts leaving
Forget me, Regret me, Hate me
For all the pain I caused
It's okay, forever I won't stay
I'll be gone away, one day
Everything will be okay
Trust the one above my lovely dove
Please move on with someone
Worth your time, won't waste your time, give you money, status, car, house, clothes, spoil you like you deserve, for you they serve, give you all you ever wanted, leave me to die
Cuz I'm only haunted
Trapped in wickedness
Physical demons all around
Won't leave gather surround
Deceitful hearts who devise evil
I rise among them, potential provokes them, gripchock them,
With jealousy, despise and not even close to being wise bcuz the wise speaks words of -Healing- not words that cut like a sword, blade, knife through my flesh and soul. So move on with someone who could give you the World....or atleast something close to it... Just know you were the...
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
Now when I think of myself
She pops into my mind
Because without her there is no me.
So believe me when I say
That I long for the day
When her skin kisses mine
And the light within me finally shines.
Or the moment when
I look into her eyes
And she looks in minds.
Then, suddenly, tranquillity takes me.
She grabs the bull by its horn.
Making it show its true form
Just a masquerade from fear of shame.
You see this bull is a calf.
Needing affection and guidance.
Just time spent with him
Until he has learned to walk.
She nurtures my love
So when things tough
I'll be able to run.
Yes, she puts me on a pedestal
Raising me to the pinnacle
Of my emotional and spiritual well being.
But I fall off this cloud
When I hear the sound of me
Asking myself for her name.
A trick question bcuz I've yet to meet her
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
In the day I think of her,
And at night I day dream of her.
My nights are restless bcuz of her.
Her scent never leaves my nose
And face is never far from my mind.
She intoxicates me with her presence
But my days darken as she leaves.
Into a dark abyss I slip without her.
She is the light at the end of the tunnel
Anyone with eyes can see her
But I am the only one that has her.
She is the Sun of my solar system
I'm naturally attracted to her
And can not pull away from her
I can not exist if she is not there.
Blind I will go if I can't see her
Lost I am when I'm not with her.
I know I love her and she loves me.
Poem from 2010
Jay Bryant Feb 2013
Feeling intoxicated liquor filled basements
Times wasted, These lies are patient
These lines come together
More precise than a knife
More like a scalpel
I grapple with reality
Bcuz it slips through my mind
And shouts at me
Mad Dogs let the chains loose
Its a 20/20 chance  
I could change you
Change is natural
Thats what your brain'll do
melissa withers Apr 2016
°•○ Untitled  ●•°

Living in the now, new memories are made
 Day by day the old r erased
What is this place? Bcuz this world
Has changed;  it ain't the same, like them good ol' days.

Confused .
Up in smoke.
Lost in a dream.
How can i be so alive, but be so dead?

Is this my test..  my trial and tribulations; Realization;
Unraveling  rationalizations.
We're the product of our own  imagination...

© Melissa Withers
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
When I see the sun I think of you,
You enlighten my mind, and brighten my day.
With no regards to time or place.
Even in my darkest days you light the way with your shining face.
When the day is gone and the night has come
Your smile is illuminated by the moon to make night like day.
Never do we fuss or fight bcuz we are forever high off life.
A life in which we're together to bring light to each other.
This happens  whenever we see or think of each other.
It is what I believe to be our love for one another.
Peace Sep 2018
I see now
why the grass isn't greener
on the other side,

I've felt the stab
of hopelessness
of finding

I understand
the cries of

The desire to be loved,

I understand

Now that I've chosen
to make myself available,

The fishing
wishing your search
won't be long,

I understand

Now that I'm

I feel for you all..

& that is why,

I'll love
the One,

With all of me,

I'll cherish
the fact
my search

I've lived
many decisions,

& the best one
would be
keeping my love,

I'll rejoice

For I know
in this

Nothing but sadness
lies & interrogations,

I know
I don't have

To know
if I've found

I'll know
bcuz I see
what lies

The world..
letting **** build up again bcuz i dont have the strength or the time to deal with it
Sammie Mar 2018
You didn't stay, but in hurry you left
Why? Did you have some kind of heft?
You had to simply make me feel your emotional presence
But, why did you always needed me in a physical sense?
You were blinded by love of others, I know
So was our friendship just a small show?
You used to know me so well before
But now why do we always stay on two different shores?
You used to be there by my side
Are we now apart bcuz of a random high tide?
Cause I don't see anymore of you
Maybe because time flies, and so did you!
Cunning Linguist Sep 2022
I’m surfing on this cosmic wave ~
Yeah boiii just a ****** slave to the game
Can’t get -more- saves less you play
But still I stay fresh
When I’m slaying all the freshmen
And eating their flesh
It’s the best source of refreshment

I’m replenished
With this system
hell to the yes I’m so digestive
**** I’m spitting, need a breath mint
Got that fire I will ingest it
til I regurgitate the excrement
my mic presence is heaven sent
(Don’t question/ no quenching) it
GG Allin ain’t got nothing
on Reidums Donovan

Don’t like my frequencies
Well switch the channel then
I’m murdering these beats
Stacking bodies in the FEMA bins

Stay tuned, watch the news
The crisis has become apocalypse
The consciousness is not nonsense
Wait shush, we cannot talk bout this

My third eye prism beams
simply shining in iridescence
In present tense that means
We just gon cater to this nemesis
While in essence the power
steady reigns all pre(isdents/cedence)
To the loss of innocence in a sense
Extradimensional omniscience

Got us steeped in a schism
which we cannot process yet;
This mental prison got you locked up in
Religion, sports, and politics
A House divided cannot stand
You people cannot understand
It’s all a sham Endgame
it’s equal to the fall of man

It’s not happenstance it’s bad romance
the parasitic old humans
Take every advantage
heavy chance
they can devils advocate  ~ first glance
Waging global management
amongst its residents
With malevolence

And violence unto others
On behest of these
caricatures of governments

You simply must not succumb
to this Big Brother ****
Bound by strings they all just puppets
on that false worship business
Til you’ve ascended to the mothership
You’ll Spin this gold like Rumplestiltskin *****

For this debt we owe but will instead
offer up our children
Cause they soul been sold off to the Vatican
The rapture will not matter then
Bcuz it’s all projected hologram
To unite a global front
Ignited by these hostile reptilians

Illuminati making trillions
****** hosts for these archons
Primo minions;
Unlimited energies not believed in
-To the zenith
by our calcifiying pineal glands
Can’t perceive it

History outlines these diabolical plans
By Albert Pike from the mid 1800’s
Highest level Freemason
But you won’t see this in the curriculum
Trilateral commissions
funded by that Epstein grift, sacrificing kids
And suiciding those who think or speak dissent
To the *** trafficking ring
run by Billiam and Hilly Clinton

Bush for really did 9/11
& In 2012 the world ended
Mandela effect got me feeling impressed with
The lack of woke minds
aligned with the paradigm shift
The macrocosmic mother knows
consumerism is *******
but satanic panic gives us all a chip
For they cannot purchase;
without the mark of the beast
In either the Hand
or their forehead
Heads bonkers
Mind is swamp
Matrix gardener
Not stoppin
Knobs sloberred
Pencil sharpenin
Summer loving
Puffin sumthin
Anthony Collazo Apr 2016
Can't u see that I'm broken inside the exterior shows it all I have nothing to hide,
Still I feel like this picture isn't drawn clearer cuz I'm yelling inside and no one can hear me,
No one can hear the screaming in here its just me and my shadowing fears,
Shadowing fears that drown me in sorrow always have me wondering if there is a tomorrow,
A tomorrow where I can pick up my broken pieces and see the lessons this life teaches,
Bcuz this life teaches so many wonderful things only u can choose what to do with the will within,
The will within all of us which we control some of us forget how and loosen the grip we hold,
The grip we hold that helps u move forward and those who lose it eventually get cornered.
Unique fye Jun 2018
I hate what I've become a image of you a spawn of your posion when you died i honestly felt nothing not a tear dropped my day going the same only angry bcuz I wasn't the one that done it, the visions of  tormenting you really busted my buttons now your gone and I still feel nothing death was your only pardon
Safana Feb 2021
I support none
but none bcuz
you both killed
innocent ones
... displaced lives
in the grave while
it's alive
Democracy or military ruling in
Myanmar is the same thing

— The End —