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Michael Stefan Mar 2020
Cassie Lane Gray, ever so slight of frame
Hit harder than a train, playing her martial games
Cassie ran eight miles a day, and she never strayed
Her routine was tough as iron, her boxing gloves were frayed

Her momma put her in ballet, but later on, she disobeyed
Strapping wraps to wrists, uppercut finisher each day
And when she said she wanted to box, her momma turned away
But she was gonna fight, with no one in her way

Cassie Lane Gray grew up poor in San Jose
Never had much to say, just wanted in the fray
Her ballet, in a way, made her opponents pay
As she moved with dancer's sway, they later would convey

Cassie's family prayed that she would portray
The sweet and simpering visage of a classy dame
But it wasn't in the cards, for Cassie Lane Gray
The "Bantam Weight Ballerina"
A strong young fighting woman
Was in the ring to stay
This poem was inspired by a filthy ragtag tomboy friend that I spent a lot of my youth with.  She was tough as nails and loved to box.  Her parents had tried to put her on the pageant circuit every year, and every year they would find her in a ripped and muddy dress, fighting with the boys.  She was such a wonderful person and despite several state boxing championships, her parents never loved or appreciated her work and accomplishments.  Follow your dreams and don't let anyone try fit you into their mold.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
we leave by passing through.

by outlasting      

by grooming   deep runes  
like arabian

mountainous   [ pontoons  ]
spine crack

of soft doom

and true Orchids...

the ******* aftermath of covenants
at half mast

a limp flag of jolly rogers


dull noggins.

we pass through,      phantom roosters

in the Bedlam....





our blood has new boots
and now our hearts
can Mussolini

{ you strangle The Headless Horseman; as i lust for your Ichabod   }

no cranes.
A ludicrous
man who
box and
angle with
whim wholly
heat dangle
his bantam
let towel
round his
ear with
such rumor
proclaim his
crown and
still fight
his trilogy
with Mexico
La Bourrera
Barrera is a surname in Romance languages including Spanich, Italian and Portuguese and the meaning is border, thank-you
A bantam sounds afternoon tidings as the iron weathervane points Northeast ..
Both silhouettes as endearing a sight as my eyes could
ever witness ...
Astral nights , my amour ..Colorful light illustrations brushstroke the East ,
The edge of the Milky Way perplexes , I bask in it's subtle persuasion ..
Wind battled score and five year Pines sound timorous refrains , offering great euphonic consolation* ..
Copyright February 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hayley Neininger Aug 2012
Loving me is hell and hell is dense
And hell is heavy
And hell is hot
Dense with the influx of passing souls
That nudge elbows of their brother sinners
In tight elevators that hum not
Piano music but drums so loud
They convert heart beats to 808 rhythms
They shake the victims of vices so
Hard the change falls from their pockets
And bounces back up into their eyes
Hell is heavy
It is heavy with the weight of lies
And of the truths of passions sought and met
With only finger tips and white lips
The vicious bosses of mobs
And the cemented feet of snitches caught
Hell is dense
It is packed tighter than fingers in fists
Clenched fixed on righting wrongs
The air there is hot with breathes
Held in and finally released with
The unbuttoning of sliming corporate tuxes
Fastened inside out so the brass buttons brand and burn
The business boys’ bantam bodies
While they look up at the men the tired to measure up to
But where always a stich or two short
Hell is hot
Hot and steaming with the blood of the corrupt
That was spilt and then encountered a tilt
Down a funnel mixed with rotten oil
Left stagnant by sinners that sought not
To move a finger to clean up that gunk
The steam from sinners water not sweat
Boil sweet and steamy up into the
Mouths of men with jaws wired open
And rested on their bellies that are propped up
By guns taking all that is sweet for themselves
This is hell
This, like me,
Feels tastes sounds and smells
Of dense hot and heavy
Sins deadly appealing
And dammingly just.
Her plan
with bantam
there shakes
subsequent arthritis
or foment
her albatross
when zion
mats superfluously
and poverty
now ungrateful
in their
Milwaukee suburbs
while her
ruby floss
allure in
her java
melts mine.
Law and/or lawyerly tone
"AND did you really walk," said I,
"On such a wretched night?
I always fancied Ghosts could fly -
If not exactly in the sky,
Yet at a fairish height."

"It's very well," said he, "for Kings
To soar above the earth:
But Phantoms often find that wings -
Like many other pleasant things -
Cost more than they are worth.

"Spectres of course are rich, and so
Can buy them from the Elves:
But WE prefer to keep below -
They're stupid company, you know,
For any but themselves:

"For, though they claim to be exempt
From pride, they treat a Phantom
As something quite beneath contempt -
Just as no Turkey ever dreamt
Of noticing a Bantam."

"They seem too proud," said I, "to go
To houses such as mine.
Pray, how did they contrive to know
So quickly that 'the place was low,'
And that I 'kept bad wine'?"

"Inspector Kobold came to you - "
The little Ghost began.
Here I broke in - "Inspector who?
Inspecting Ghosts is something new!
Explain yourself, my man!"

"His name is Kobold," said my guest:
"One of the Spectre order:
You'll very often see him dressed
In a yellow gown, a crimson vest,
And a night-cap with a border.

"He tried the Brocken business first,
But caught a sort of chill ;
So came to England to be nursed,
And here it took the form of THIRST,
Which he complains of still.

"Port-wine, he says, when rich and sound,
Warms his old bones like nectar:
And as the inns, where it is found,
Are his especial hunting-ground,
We call him the INN-SPECTRE."

I bore it - bore it like a man -
This agonizing witticism!
And nothing could be sweeter than
My temper, till the Ghost began
Some most provoking criticism.

"Cooks need not be indulged in waste;
Yet still you'd better teach them
Dishes should have SOME SORT of taste.
Pray, why are all the cruets placed
Where nobody can reach them?

"That man of yours will never earn
His living as a waiter!
Is that queer THING supposed to burn?
(It's far too dismal a concern
To call a Moderator).

"The duck was tender, but the peas
Were very much too old:
And just remember, if you please,
The NEXT time you have toasted cheese,
Don't let them send it cold.

"You'd find the bread improved, I think,
By getting better flour:
And have you anything to drink
That looks a LITTLE less like ink,
And isn't QUITE so sour?"

Then, peering round with curious eyes,
He muttered "Goodness gracious!"
And so went on to criticise -
"Your room's an inconvenient size:
It's neither snug nor spacious.

"That narrow window, I expect,
Serves but to let the dusk in - "
"But please," said I, "to recollect
'Twas fashioned by an architect
Who pinned his faith on Ruskin!"

"I don't care who he was, Sir, or
On whom he pinned his faith!
Constructed by whatever law,
So poor a job I never saw,
As I'm a living Wraith!

"What a re-markable cigar!
How much are they a dozen?"
I growled "No matter what they are!
You're getting as familiar
As if you were my cousin!

"Now that's a thing I WILL NOT STAND,
And so I tell you flat."
"Aha," said he, "we're getting grand!"
(Taking a bottle in his hand)
"I'll soon arrange for THAT!"

And here he took a careful aim,
And gaily cried "Here goes!"
I tried to dodge it as it came,
But somehow caught it, all the same,
Exactly on my nose.

And I remember nothing more
That I can clearly fix,
Till I was sitting on the floor,
Repeating "Two and five are four,
But FIVE AND TWO are six."

What really passed I never learned,
Nor guessed: I only know
That, when at last my sense returned,
The lamp, neglected, dimly burned -
The fire was getting low -

Through driving mists I seemed to see
A Thing that smirked and smiled:
And found that he was giving me
A lesson in Biography,
As if I were a child.
Fickle Silver Maples lie forlorn in the -
stillness of Noon , melancholy belles that change -
their sullen tune by the belated , crosswind steamy Georgia afternoon
Dandelion sprinkled prairie of home , bordered in thick , red clay
trenches , kudzu covered period homesteads , Spring peach
and pecan orchards drenched in wild , unabated orchid and coneflower
Sweetgum cones rattle in nightfalls cooling breeze without respite , riverstone retaining walls , whitewashed barns and gravel drives , Bantam hens perch Live Oak branches along flint , cobblestone pathways
Copyright May 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Kelley A Vinal Mar 2015
Number one, done
Volcanic time open erupt
Round up, up, away I went
Geothermal vents
Spouting nutrients
"Repent, repent"
This air is bent
A saddle of leather
Like an elephant

It's great that you know this
So you came to note this
But you see, I dote this
And that's why I wrote this

Old book, look,
I'm caught in the hook
Fishing line, diamond mine
Okay, okay, this ear is spent
Listening to silence
Bantam rooster running feet
And there I went
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
at the lip of a pool, i suspend time to forage through the reveries of lost love
and like thunder i roll over tragedies and dull days,,,i wrinkle my eyes at a stone sun
and embark renewed at a crossroads tethered to an iron halo.
i drink more now. my Bourbon soliloquies banter like a bantam **** at all Dawns.
but the irony is bracing and the ice is breaking a vow of iceness… now a conflagration
where a glacier burns like a sun and marvels at how tepid Hell.
i loved too much. and that was not enough. and you can tell.
so now i gaze at the impossible with a child’s eye and a poet’s dark.
i sleep with myself in my chambers of unseemly devotion.
i love everything and nothing.
and i yearn to yearn without yearning
all the while.
Our reflections on a brass doorknob .
A skeleton key would slowly turn each tumbler ..
Dusty pinewood flooring , antique trinkets ..
Propane space heaters and fresh coffee balm private , erstwhile collective memories . A matriarchs kitchen , well water aroma and cross stitched towels , her flour tinged cotton apron , cast iron skillets and brass tea kettle with porcelain service ushers spirited times of conviviality over a simple oak dining room table ..
Hand made breakfast nook curtains , the majesty of tall Water Oaks
with foraging bantam hens and roosters ..
Dirt roads would tell of visitors long before they ever arrived ,
fishing for shell crackers at the old bridge with cane poles and and dough ***** , leftovers from cat head biscuits at breakfast ...
Pecans and crabapples fed young anglers on shady Summer afternoons . Feeding tall grass to black angus and hereford cattle through barbed wire fence , collecting afternoon eggs and walking the furrows at Dusk ,
days I'll never forget ..
Copyright February 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Andy Chunn Jul 2023
I did not know about the world, I grew up on a farm
Into the city I was hurled, it was cause for alarm
I found my solace and retreat, with tenants of the zoo
The animals that I would meet, were friendly to me too

His gentle eyes of wisdom bright, a creature to behold
This proud gorilla was a sight, a mighty presence bold
With grace his muscles ripple strong, a testament of might
His chest beats rhythms’ primal song, affirming his birthright

It was his eyes, that knowing gaze, that brought a world untold
A look that pierces through the haze, to help nature unfold
Quietly he would sit each day, he hardly ever moved
Indifference to what one would say, with nothing left to prove

In the primate house time would pass, I’d watch the people too
A few would yell or tap the glass, with nothing else to do
The gentle eyes would glance at them, and then would move along
But I noticed as I watched him, a glimpse of something wrong

I had observed this same old friend, and recognized that look
An agitation on his mend, I read him like a book
His annoyance was clear to me, although no one would know
I would have to wait and see, his anger bubbled slow

A thickened strong glass-like front wall, with concrete all around
Completed the habitat stall, so safety there was found
And then that fateful day arrived, busloads from nearby schools
Their youthful spirit was revived, by breaking all the rules

I sat there calmly in my chair, as they all crossed the line
The noise and chaos filled the air, I watched him for a sign
Unmoving he just sat there bold, I saw it in his eyes
Not sure of what might now unfold, nor what might now arise

The kids were knocking on the glass, and taunting my best friend
So I was hoping this might pass, and safely find the end
Then all at once he sprang to action, and struck the front glass wall
The kids were screaming, losing traction, I watched them as they’d fall

The shock of sound and vibration, that centered from his force
We now got an education, and feared the mighty source
That havoc and confusion reigned, the evidence was clear
His power need not be explained, as you could feel the fear

They ran out every door and gate, they disappeared so fast
My heart dropped back to normal rate, the fright was now the past
And just like that, we were alone, my friend looked down at me
And as he sat back down at home, as plain as day I see

Those knowing eyes and slightest grin, his laugh at our expense
Though when his movement did begin, my fright was most intense
With grace and strength he taught us all, his realm untamed and free
Sometimes it takes a bantam brawl, gorilla comedy
Across the reflective fields of Hill Country grass begins to escape its icy enclosure ..Black Angus leave red clay impressions bound for green pastures ..Mourning doves wail their somber retreat as first light exposes the prequel to Heaven .. Blackbirds and smoke from morning bonfires alight , the promise of daylight is scented with Oak and Hickory as fields of cotton appear to ignite . Tin roofs begin to glow , church bells awake villages on the horizon . Golden waves pan Eastern skies , Sycamores sequester abundant sunshine ..Sparrows , Chickadees and Finches gossip without end , Bluejays and Brown thrashers command the fence line once again .
Barbed wire enclosures divide the landscapes , dancing scrub Pines act as reeds , filtering the breeze with the music of natures continuity ..
Blacktop drives ribbon the lonesome acreage , goat herds graze the property frontage . Quarter , Morgan and Appaloosas quietly graze against the backdrop of nineteenth century farm houses .. White silos and red barns , gourd birdhouses , dug wells and smokehouses ..Bantam roosters and hens sift through acorns beneath two hundred year old Water Oaks ..
Copyright January 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Chelsea Chavez Oct 2015
absurd violet mouth

I must raise a house
bewildered and lucrid

just in case it’s true,
as in the middle of the street
steeping into puddles of rainwater-lampham
black bantam wings acruciate
I am thinking on love,
erasing as statues
a vellum scrawling red rhone rocks
here, and nowhere

inevitably, that month will swallow her whole
it was last summer, months run raw
how can yellow be so brown?
distinct home of snakes

there is a certain sadness in her want this she
shoulder of form too accustomed to this mis-peace

a war had occurred without notice, without years
time pulls scars nightly

how can we ignore it?
put your clothes back on.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
I remember when you weren't that big.
You moved swiftly on trees and sprigs.
Tongue was tiny, fangs were bantam.
Very small was your gland of venom.

But then also you were dangerous being.
Again and again I spotted you hissing.
I confronted you on that particular day.
Somehow managed to scare you away.

But again you've been sighted nearby.
You're hiding in bushes dense and high.
Now big in size with increased weight.
You have come to avenge and retaliate.

You are filled with vengeance and anger.
But all these days I wasn't idling either.
I found a teacher, while your fangs grew.
From mongoose I have learnt tricks few.
Matt Wootan May 2013
A bantam black seed in spring is planted
Through the lingering green season, it grows
In summer its true glory is granted
Though in the torrid yellow, the plant knows
It feels no fear at the chill of fall
Although in the red season, it shall wilt
And despite the urge to fight and forestall
Winter comes, and it returns to silt
Men and women are not so different
We have clement summer and spring, our youth
In aging autumn we fear the white tyrant,
Humanity need worry less of strife
To appreciate the green gift of life
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Bantam being give
me one honest advise.
Tell me where
your strength lies?
Hours ago you struggled
with load bigger than your size.
Your foolishness made
me laugh with surprise.
I enjoyed your scrambles,
little humorous buffoon
and left thinking you
will give up very soon.
My estimation about
you was so wrong.
Tiny creature your determination
was much strong.
You dragged the load
close to your destination.
You were far beyond
my humble approximation.
Everyone takes brave lion's
and fearless tiger's name.
Your perseverance can
put them all to shame.
Many may not find
a role model in thee
but frankly speaking
you've inspired me.
Rhode Island Red rooster serenaded the mornings in lively duets with Farm tractors , cowbells , children laughing while rushing to catch the grade school bus
Lively Herefords calling from misty bottoms
Noisy , nosey Geese honking on a cool , clear Autumn
The banter of Bantam hens setting eggs
The aroma of bush- hogged fields , red Barns , Well houses and Tool sheds* ....
Copyright August 6, 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * Al Rights Reserved
Chandra S Dec 2019
The neighborhood sleeps robustly…charmingly.

I sit quietly
utterly breathlessly.

Listening sadly to the inveterate, rasping wheeze
and pensively perceiving the impelling, piercing eagerness

of my dismal, labored breath.

Constrained to stay put, there is little I can do
but to repeatedly browse through
a raft of 'get-well' messages
which have consistently traversed
across your sedulous time-tables

surmounting the bustling maze
of the capricious world-wide-web.

I think of you and your caressing ways -
Your determined thriving to bolster me
through my trance-like medicated days;

planting a flimsy little flicker
to my dead-pan face.

This bantam lightweight note intends to modestly denote:

♔ my incalculable gratefulness for your unqualified wishes


♔ sportive acquiescence to my maiden experience
of loving your love

quixotic and so cogently beyond
the most adept shot of the Cupid's arrow.
Kelley A Vinal Dec 2014
Picking the patterns in frost-bitten lanterns
Where the light leans to bide each lost-souled phantom
Does the naked eye see
the illuminated rings of Saturn?
Slipping past airplanes, you're fodder-ridden, head-down
Where the sound of darkness echoes like bitter, angry bantam
Does each ice-cold stone of Saturn
deserve to be in its ring?
This is when you find your wing, half-broken, in a sling
Hairline fracture, ****, that stings
This is when you ask yourself, "What does this mean?"
the black rose Feb 2015
do we really want to be here?
or are we living in the moment?
.. with a scare from my demons,
the moment you realized who i was and what i was capable of..
why didnt you run?

you should have ran for your life,
you never should have came here..
and now,
now you made a mess of things and the bantam of sanity i had left..

darling, did you realize the detriment?
did you realize the anguish before you left?
im not angry with you, because who would stay?
you should have left though..
when you realized that i was impractical..
when you looked in my eyes and saw my demons playing hopscotch in the back of my head..

did it scare you?
of course it did..
you left me here, alone..
you abandoned me because you were afraid but i dont need someone who's afraid to face my demons and all that comes along with me..
i need someone that will channel the demons and stare at my soul even if it is the most darkest thing that they have ever seen..
even if it scares you to the point where you wont know if you'll ever be sane again..
A W Bullen Feb 2023
it begins..

tiptoes down the bantam
skin, one bird awake

water holds both
cold and oldness
somehow fresh

and freezing air
grows, unaware

that yesterday

A lorry carries
off the stars

The barking dog



insistent as the car
alarming movement
at the window
Ernie J Trillo Aug 2017
Once there was a sacred urn
Where fragrant oil flowed no end
A pair of birds watched love’s spring
And drank for life the sweetest blend

But alas!
Who broke this jar? A witch? A thief?
A crow in white dove’s feathers?
(A wolf in sheep’s clothes?)

The bantam pair did all they can to mend
this sacred urn of sweetest blend
of fragrant oil, of nectar flow no end.
The scars still hurt, the cracks send
drops of potion seeping through sand.

Will they live happily ever after?
As fairy tales always end?

Today’s awaiting
for the next Chapter
The unopened pages
are reserved
for tomorrow . . .
Ksjpari Aug 2017
Life’s all phases are boredom
Except the youth – the handsome.
The only stage full of chasm
Is none than of Soldier’s column.
Here we are full of sound strum
Which separate us from ****.
Our experience is a bit bantam;
Diminutive are we as an atom;
Teensy proficiency takes us bottom;
But Youth is centre of centrum
Centrum – the stages of life’s sum.
Hence, live ye youth with drum
And play a happy music album.
Youth is overwhelmingly awesome
So don’t be like a lamb dumb;
To live like a lively bird, come.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
Andrew Rueter Jan 2019
I’m a small child reading
About a grown man bleeding
And the buzzards feeding
On his agonizing feelings

I look down the pike
Of an impaling spike
Through my life
Showing what I’m like

Hanging from the noose
Tied to mother goose
She can’t cut loose
So we fuse

I utilize her lessons
As my only weapons
To fight the deafened
Once I feel threatened

A decaffeinating
Trap is waiting
The wrath of hating
Is life fading

I grab my mace
But can only flail
I try to ace
This test I fail

I don’t find validation
At the salad station
Or in *******
But a taboo sensation
That entered the equation

Enemy archers draw their bows
Waiting for me to change
Once I decide what I know
They feel I’m in range
So they start killing me slow
Because I’m so strange

Even the dimmest guards
Hold scimitars
And rip apart
My different heart

Their prima donna
Japanese katana
Wraps me in drama
Like a hurricanrana

I hold my spear
To stave off fear
But darkness nears
So I switch gears

I find a mercenary
I hope can parry
The extraordinary
Darkness staring
At me so scary

But the bantam
Our tandem
That slammed them

A cruel sly
Cool guy’s
Fool’s lie
To my fly
Hurt my pride

All alone
Weapons grow
Into modern woes
Making minds explode

An AK-47
Teleport to heaven
Leaves my body reddened
From bullets embedded

No medic around
I sink into the ground
Like a child who’s drowned
In the weapons he’s found
With mighty mouse and Hercules height
tried to retrieve sanity spread loose;
a faded unpleasant memory - even enlisting
decades old cartoon characters:
Natasha squirrel and Bullwinkle moose
flow of electrons the best-concocted juice
since the convection
of white bread or couscous
for without Fios, light and heat
the slow strangle via an invisible noose

gripped this bantam weight
hen pecked papa -
who tried to peruse
Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy
while buried under
blankets and towels - Toulouse
any and every molecule of heat,
yet frigidaire within abode
(technically about 455 degrees Fahrenheit)
went with Brad and Ray,
boot did not go vamoose.

Thine recollected diatribe
analogous to a rite of initiation
thru fraternity gauntlet -
no, not necessarily atchew
anyway, I sure hope ***** remission
asper any offal debacle choking bugaboo
which once malignantly plagued
your body, mind, spirit
as fowl existence doomed matt chew
for when countless full moons ago,
the force o mother nature drew

whipped out her scimitar,
where chaos such as
power n telephone outages flew
sweeping across bulwarks,
drawbridge over troubled waters,
and ramparts whereby
huge limbs and wires
Ole man winter with
a jude dish hiss punch did hew
indiscriminate to gentile or Jew
or one necessitating answering a call

to deaf ack ate while atop the loo,
cuz such fate occurred there
at previous residence
DCCXXIV Railroad Ave n new
where the lack of heat or phone service
induce sing expletives stronger than poo
but...during the blackout,
this papa read by flashlight huddled
under mildewed layers of clothes
n bland kits, and did rue
how susceptible n vulnerable society

to whims of natural faw iz - tis true
at least in my view,
whence this generic human
predicted he would become
apprised as fossilized,
immortalized, and ossified,
thence accidentally discovered
millenniums in future,
hence as frozen petrified representative
per twenty first century,
where wily fox prudent terrestrial realtor.

Now that yar brow didst I scrunch
possibly goot dealt
a similar meteorological punch
thus possibly lack king
for electricity i.e. the life source energy,
this then mister mom,
and taxi dad supposed back up hunch
hove (at that time)

two prepubescent darling daughters -
oft times thrilled as punch
to kibbutz with during lunch
when dire circumstances
imposed spurious silliness
to fritter away time –
for measly grueling fodder,
earmarked, ****** cold brunch.

Twas and still Liz
a blessing social networks
allowed, enabled and promoted literary trait
virtually contrived acquaintances of yore,
and usually visa vis discovery
(though transient got me I rate)
hull reflect on technological
modus operandi back
before bachelorhood complemented
and supplemented mein kampf

with an affectionately loving mate
many years, and even of late
though amity, comity
and felicity nestles this roost stir,
whose then newlywed bride
that's my wife, he DOTH no longer hate
and communicate emotions
across the whirled wide web
(i.e. - this example
between yourself and me) -

Noah intent to grate
now, internecine warfare usually all calm
on the western front
from hellish, gory figurative
ball of wax bollix
engineering denizens of fate
in tandem with banshees, gremlins,
and jinns out the box of Pandora rollicked
their elements of Strunk and White,
and pandemonium they did fiendishly create.
Michael John Aug 2020

books are much!
long lost
tactile friend

of the mind
and heart-

to thought..
now and then

they be
full of

why not


i buy a book at the market
there is much to consider
(in no set

(lily bathes in stilled

art work on the

to lover

a flower

some accounts
to daddy
love jimmy



not in

17 shillings..
by the same

50 cent



7 reprints
have i read


a bar
a beach
strange thread..
Yenson Aug 2021
You devote twenty four seven
craving my attention
you're hooked line and sinker
cause I'm worth it
but you all just have to accept
you are of no benefits
I do understand insignificance
crave attention
want it so they can feel a smidgen
of some sort of power
even if its counter-productive
or just an illusion
its the nature of the vain beast
to snarl and bare teeth
its the threatened cat arching
its furry back
its the gorilla beating its chest
letting out a howl
its the bantam cockerel puffing up
coloured feathers
its average Joe clutching ballot
papers at elections
its you and you playing imaginary
chess to hide your fears
you see I do understand your plights
see your pains and angsts
but you do not engage my attention
twenty four seven
you are first world indulgent prats
spoilt vacuous nonentities  
with more idle time than good senses
full of tantrums and fury
signifying nothing but your ignorance
and feeble spines
only when I'm bored and want some
laugh and to take the ****
do I take a peep to see what kidadults
are throwing out of the bathwater
ahh..sob sob, Look its Philips, he called
us lazy lowlife thieves
he told us to go and get jobs and earn
an honest living
but look he has everything we don't have
and he's black with a silver spoon
Ahh,,,big ignorant babies do stop crying
we'll  get Red Big Brother to
smack the hell out of Philips to teach him
a lesson he'll never forget
will that make you stop crying and stamping
your poor little feet....

— The End —