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Chapter Two

“I think of art, at its most significant, as a DEW line, a Distant Early Warning System that can always be relied on to tell the old culture what is beginning to happen to it.”                Marshall McLuhan  
I attended Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania because my father was incarcerated at the prison located in the same town.  My tuition subsidized to a large extent by G.I. Bill, still a significant means of financing an education for generations of emotionally wasted war veterans. “The United States Penitentiary (USP Lewisburg)” is a high-security federal prison for male inmates. An adjacent satellite prison camp houses minimum-security male offenders. My father was strictly high-security, convicted of various crimes against humanity, unindicted for sundry others. My father liked having me close by, someone on the outside he trusted, who also happened to be on his approved Visitor List. As instructed, I became his conduit for substances both illicit, like drugs, and the purely contraband, a variety of Italian cheeses, salamis, prepared baked casseroles of eggplant parmesan, cannoli, Baci chocolate from Perugia, in Tuscany, south of Florence, and numerous bottles of Italian wine, pungent aperitifs, Grappa, digestive stimulants and sweet liquors. I remained the good son until the day he died, the source of most of the mess I got myself into later on, and specifically the main caper at the heart of this story.

I must confess: my father scared the **** out of me.  Particularly during those years when he was not in jail, those years he spent at home, years coinciding roughly with my early adolescence.  These were my molding clay years, what the amateur psychologists write off with the term: “impressionable years hypothesis.” In his own twisted, grease-ball theory of child rearing, my father may have been applying the “guinea padrone hypothesis,” in his mind, nothing more certain would toughen me up for whatever he and/or Life had planned for me. Actually, his aspirations for me-given my peculiar pedigree--were non-existent as far as the family business went. He knew I’d never be either a Don or a Capo di Tutti Capi, or an Underboss or Sotto Capo.)  A Caporegime—mid-management to be sure, with as many as ten crews of soldiers reporting to him-- was also, for me, out of the question. Dad was a soldier in and of the Lucchese Family, strictly a blue-collar, knock-around kind of guy. But even soldier status—which would have meant no rise in Mafioso caste for him—was completely out of the question, never going to happen for me.

A little background: the Lucchese Family originated in the early 1920s with Gaetano “Tommy” Reina, born in 1889 in Corleone, Sicily. You know the town and its environs well. Fran Coppola did an above average job cinematizing the place in his Godfather films.  Coppola: I am a strict critic when it comes to my goombah, would-be French New Wave auteur Francis Ford Coppola.  Ever since “One From the Heart, 1982”--one of the biggest Hollywood box office flops & financial disasters of all time--he’s been a bit thin-skinned when it comes to criticism.  So, I like to zing him when I can. Actually, “One From the Heart” is worth seeing again, not just for Tom Waits soundtrack--the film’s one Academy Award nomination—but also Natasha Kinski’s ***: always Oscar-worthy in my book. My book? Interesting expression, and factually correct for once, given what you are reading right now.

Tommy Reina was the first Lucchese Capo di Tutti Capi, the first Boss of All the Bosses. By the 1930s the Luccheses pretty much controlled all criminal activity in the Bronx and East Harlem. And Reina begat Pinzolo who begat Gagliano who begat Tommy Three Finger Brown Lucchese (who I once believed, moonlighted as a knuckle ball relief pitcher for Yankees.)
Three Finger Brown gave the Lucchese Family its name. And Tommy begat Carmine Tramunti, who begat Anthony Tony Ducks Corallo. From there the succession gets a bit crazy. Tony Ducks, convicted of Rico charges, goes to prison, sentenced to life.  From behind bars he presides through a pair of candidates most deserving the title of boss: enter Vittorio Little Vic Amuso and Anthony Gaspipe Casso.  Although Little Vic becomes Boss after being nominated by Casso, it is Gaspipe really calling the shots, at least until he joins Little Vic behind bars.
Amuso-Casso begat Louis Louie Bagels Daidone, who begat the current official boss, Stephen Wonderboy Crea.  According to legend, Boss Crea got his nickname from Bernard Malamud’s The Natural, a certain part of his prodigious anatomy resembling the baseball bat hand-carved by Roy Hobbs. To me this sounds a bit too literary, given the family’s SRI Lexile/Reading Performance Scores, but who am I to mock my peoples’ lack of liberal arts education?

Begat begat Begato. (I goof on you, kind reader. Always liked the name Begato in the context of Bible-flavored genealogy. Mille grazie, King James.)

Lewisburg Penitentiary has many distinguished alumni: Whitey Bulger (1963-1965), Jimmy Hoffa (1967-1971) and John Gotti (1969-1972), for example.  And fictionally, you can add Paulie Cicero played by Paul Scorvino in Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas, not to be confused with Paulie Walnuts Gualtieri played by Tony Sirico from the HBO TV series The Sopranos. Nor, do I refer to Paulie Gatto, the punk who ratted out Sonny Corleone in Coppola’s The Godfather, you know: “You won’t see Paulie no more,” according to fat Clemenza, played by the late Richard “Leave the gun, take my career” Castellano, who insisted to the end that he wasn’t bitter about his underwhelming post-Godfather film career. I know this for a fact from one of my cousins in the Gambino Family. I also know that the one thing the actor Castellano would never comment on was a rumor that he had connections to organized crime, specifically that he was a nephew to Paulie Castellano, the Gambino crime family boss who was assassinated in 1985, outside Midtown New York’s Sparks Steak House, an abrupt corporate takeover commissioned by John Teflon Don Gotti. But I’m really starting to digress here, although I am reminded of another interesting historical personage, namely Joseph Crazy Joe Gallo, who was also terminated “with extreme prejudice” while eating dinner at a restaurant.  Confused? And finally--not to be confused with Paul Muldoon, poetry gatekeeper at The New Yorker magazine, that Irish **** scumbag who consistently rejects publication of my work. About two years ago I started including the following comment in my on-line Contact Us, poetry submission:  “Hey Paulie, Eat a Bag of ****!”

This may come as a surprise, Gentle Reader, but I am a poet, not a Wise Guy.  For reasons to be explained, I never had access to the family business. I am also handicapped by the Liberal Arts education I received, infected by a deluge, a veritable Katrina ****** of classic literature.  That stuff in books rubs off after awhile, and I suppose it was inevitable. I couldn’t help evolving for the most part into a warm-blooded creature, unlike the reptiles and frogs I grew up with.

Again, I am a poet not a wise guy. And, first and foremost, I am a human being. Cold-blooded, I am not. I generate my own heat, which is the best definition I know for how a poet operates. But what the hell do I know? Paulie “Eat a Bag of ****” Muldoon doesn’t think much of my work. And he’s the ******* troll guarding the New Yorker’s poetry gate. Nevertheless, I’m a Poet, not a Wise Guy.  I repeat myself, I know, but it is important to establish this point right from the start of this narrative, because, if you don’t get that you’re never going to get my story.

Maybe the best way to explain my predicament—And I mean PREDICAMENT in the sense of George Santayana: "Life is not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament." (, not to be confused with George’s son Carlos, the Mexican-American rock star: Oye Como Va, Babaloo! Dec 20, 2011 - Uploaded by a106kirk1, The Best of Santana. This song is owned by Santana and Columbia Records.

Maybe the best way for me to explain my predicament is with a poem, one of my early works, unpublished, of course, by Paulie “Eat a Bag of ****” Muldoon:

by Benjamin Disraeli Sekaquaptewa-Buonaiuto

We WOPs respect criminality,
Particularly when it’s organized,
Which explains why any of us
Concerned with the purity of our bloodline
Have such a difficult time
Navigating the river of respectability.

WEB-BIO: (According to Bob Dylan)
“Born in Red Hook, Brooklyn in the year of who knows when,
Opened up his eyes to the tune of accordion.

“Joey” Lyrics/Send "Joey" Ringtone to your Cell
Joseph Gallo, AKA: "Joey the Blond."
He was a celebrated New York City gangster,
A made member of the Profaci crime family,
Later known as the Colombo crime family,

That’s right, CRAZY JOE!
One time toward the end of a 10-year stretch,
At three different state prisons,
Including Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, New York,
Joey was interviewed in his prison cell
By a famous NY Daily News reporter named Joe McGinnis.
The first thing the reporter sees?
One complete wall of the cell is lined with books, a
Green leather bound wall of Harvard Classics.
After a few hours mainly listening to Joey
Wax eloquently about his life,
A narrative spiced up with elegant summaries,
Of classic Greek theory, Roman history,
Nietzsche and other 19th Century German philosophers,
McGinnis is completely blown away by Inmate Gallo,
Both Joey’s erudition and the power of his intellect,
The reporter asks a question right outta
The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie:
“Mr. Gallo, I must say,
The power of your erudition and intellect
Is simply overwhelming.
You are a brilliant man.
You could have been anything,
Your heart or ambition desired:
A doctor, a lawyer, an architect . . .
Yet you became a criminal. Why?”

Joey Gallo: (turning his head sideways like Peter Falk or Vincent Donofrio, with a look on his face like Go Back to Nebraska, You ******* Momo!)

“Understand something, Sonny:
Those kids who grew up to be,
Doctors and lawyers and architects . . .

They couldn’t make it on the street.”

Gallo later initiated one of the bloodiest mob conflicts,
Since the 1931 Castellammare War,
And was murdered as a result of it,
While quietly enjoying,
A plate of linguini with clam sauce,
At a table--normally a serene table--
At Umberto’s Clam House.

Italian Restaurant Little Italy - Umberto's Clam House (
In Little Italy New York City 132 Mulberry Street, New York City | 212-431-7545.

Whose current manager --in response to all restaurant critics--
Has this to say:
“They keep coming back, don’t they?
The joint is a holy shrine, for chrissakes!
I never claimed it was the food or the service.
Gimme a ******* break, you momo!
I should ask my paisan, Joe Pesci
To put your ******* head in a vise.”

(Again, Martin Scorsese getting it exactly right, This time in  . . . Casino (1995) - IMDb Movie Database Rating: 8.2/10 - ‎241,478 votes Directed by Martin Scorsese. With Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Woods. Greed, deception, money, power, and ****** occur between two  . . . Full Cast & Crew - ‎Trivia - ‎Awards - ‎(1995) - IMDb)

Given my lifelong, serious exposure to and interest in German philosophy, I subscribe to the same weltanschauung--pronounced: veltˌänˌSHouəNG—that governed Joey Gallo’s behavior.  My point and Mr. Gallo’s are exactly the same:  a man’s ability to make it on the street is the true measure of his worth.  This ethos was a prominent one in the Bronx where and when I grew up, where I came of age during the 1950s and 60s.  Italian organized crime was always an option, actually one of the preferred options--like playing for the Yankees or being a movie star—until, that is, reality set in.  And reality came in many forms. For 100% Italian kids it came in a moment of crystal adolescent clarity and self-evaluation:  Am I tough enough to make it on the street?  Am I ever going to be tough enough to make it on the street? Will I be eaten alive by more cunning, more violent predators on the street?

For me, the setting in of reality took an entirely different form.  I knew I had what it takes, i.e., the requisite ferocity for street life. I had it in spades, as they say. In fact, I’d been blessed with the gift of hyper-volatility—traced back to my great-grandfather, Pietro of the village of Moschiano, in the province of Avellino, in the region of Campania, Italia Sud. Having visited Moschiano in my early 20s and again in my late 50s, I know the place well. The village square sits “down in the holler,” like in West Virginia; the Apennine terrain, like the Appalachians, rugged and thick. Rugged and thick like the people, at least in part my people. And volatile, I am, gifted with a primitive disposition when it comes to what our good friend Abraham Maslow would call lower order needs. And please, don’t ask me to explain myself now; just keep reading, *******.  All your questions will be answered.

Great Grandfather Pietro once, at point blank range, blew a man’s head off with a lumpara, or sawed-off shotgun. It was during an argument over—get this--a penny’s worth of pumpkin seeds--one of many stories I never learned in childhood. He served 10 years in a Neapolitan penitentiary before being paroled and forced to immigrate to America.  The government of the relatively new nation--The Kingdom of Italy (1861)--came up with a unique eugenic solution for the hunger and misery down south, south of Rome, the long shin bone, ankle, foot, toes & kickball that are the remote regions of the Mezzogiorno, Southern Italy: Campania, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia & Sicilia. Northern politicians asked themselves: how do we flush these skeevy southerners, these crooks and assassins down South, how do we flush the skifosos down the toilet—the flush toilet, a Roman invention, I report proudly and accept the gratitude on behalf of my people. Immigration to America: Fidel Castro did the same thing in the 1980s, hosing out his jails and mental hospitals with that Marielista boatlift/Emma Lazarus Remix: “Give us your tired and poor, your lunatics, thieves and murderers.” But I digress. I’ll give you my entire take on the history of Italy including Berlusconi and the “Bunga Bunga” parties with 14-year old Moroccan pole dancers . . . go ahead, skip ahead.

Yes, genetically speaking, I was sufficiently ferocious to make it on the street, and it took very little spark to light my fuse. Moreover, I’ve always been good at figuring out the angles--call it street smarts--also learned early in life. Likewise, for knowing the territory: The Bronx was my habitat. I was rapacious and predacious by nature, and if there was a loose buck out there, and legs to be broken, I knew where to go.
Yet, alas, despite all my natural talents & acquired skills, I remained persona-non-grata for the Lucchese Family. To my great misfortune, I fell into a category of human being largely shunned by Italian organized crime: Mestizo-Italiano, a diluted form of full strength 100% Italian blood. It’s one of those voodoo blood-brotherhood things practiced by Southern European, Mediterranean tribal people, only in part my people.  Growing up, my predicament was always tricky, always somewhat bizarre. Simply put: I was of a totally different tribe. Blame my exotic mother, a genuine Hopi Corn Maiden from Shungopavi, high up on Second Mesa of the Hopi Reservation, way out in northern Arizona. And if this is not sufficiently, ******* nuts enough for you, add to the child-rearing minestrone that she raised me Jewish in The Bronx.  I **** you not. I took my Bar Mitzvah Hebrew instruction from the infamous Rabbi Meir Kahane, that’s right, Meir “Crazy Rebbe” Kahane himself--pronounced kɑː'hɑːna--if you grok the phonetics.

In light of the previously addressed “impressionable years hypothesis,” I wrote a poem about my early years. It follows in the next chapter. It is an epic tale, a biographical magnum opus, a veritable creation myth, conceived one night several years ago while squatting in a sweat lodge, tripping on peyote. I
M e l l o Jul 2019
Simpleng aya lang pero alam ko na kung ano ang naglalaro sa isip mo.

Ano na? Sasama ka ba?
Wag kang mag-alala hindi ako magtatanong kung
"open minded ka ba?"

Kung matagal na tayong magkakilala
alam na alam mo na kung ano ang aking sadya.

Umpisahan natin sa simpleng kamustahan,
madalas pag ako nag-aya malamang matagal tayong hindi nagkita
Saan ba tayo magkakape?
Ayos lang ba sayo
kung d'yan lang sa tabi tabi?
Pero alam kong mas maganda
ang usapan natin sa loob ng magandang café
pero pag wala tayong budget
baka naman pwede na iyong nescafé?
Ano ba mayroon sa pagkakape?
At bakit tila ba napakaimportante?
Ang tanong ano ba ang iyong forté?
Oh natawa ka mali pala ang aking sinabi
Ang ibig sabihin ko ay ano ba
ang gusto mo sa kape?
Malamig o maiinit?
Latté ba o yung frappe ang gusto mo
okay na ko sa brewed o americano
sorry medyo lactose intolerant ako
kaya bahala ka na mamili ng gusto mo
may kwento ako habang ika'y namimili
kwentohan kita tungkol sa mga taong
minsan ko nang inaya o di kaya'y nag-aya sakin na magkape
at sana mabasa niyo din ito
alam niyo na kung sino kayo dito,
wag kayong kabahan sa pagkat
ang inyong mga pangalan ay hindi ko
ipaglalandakan masyado akong concern sa pagkakaibigan natin
baka ako ay inyong biglang iwanan wag naman.

Simulan natin ang kwento sa kaibigan kong mga lalaki,
special 'tong dalawa kasi kakaiba
yung isa ang lakas ng loob niyang ayain ako
nang makapasok kami sa café
akala ko magkakape kami
akala ko lang pala yun
aba'y pagkapasok umorder agad ako ng kape
pero siya'y umorder ng tsokolate
loko 'to na scam ako
habang yung isa well,
ako yung nag-aya medyo matagal na din kaming hindi nagkita
kaya naman ako'y nabigla bagong buhay na daw siya
at umiiwas magkape sabi niya
gusto pa daw niyang matulog
nang mahimbing mamayang gabi
kaya ayun tsokalate din ang pinili
Alam mo na yan kung sino ka d'yan.

Kinakabahan ka na ba?
Ikaw na kasunod nito.

May dalawa pa akong kaibigan
na lalaki,
pareho silang pag nag-aaya magkape
kailangan ko pang bumyahe
yung isa mailap at andyan lang
sa makati
at yung isa kailangan ko pang mag mrt kasi nakatira siya sa quezon city
sobrang weird lang ng isa kasi
yung bagong flavor sa menu nang café
tinatry niya parati
banggitin ko yung nasubukan niyang
flavor sa teavana series ng SB
Hibiscus tea with pomegranate
nasabi mo lasang gumamela
at yung matcha & espresso fusion
na nagmadali kang umuwi pagkatapos **** uminom
Hulaan mo kung sino ka rito?

Lipat tayo sa mga kaibigan
kong mga babae
pero bago ko simulan ang kwento,
madami akong kaibigang babae na sobrang mahilig din magkape
pero pasintabi sa mga lalaki
may gusto lamang akong ipabatid
pag kaming mga babae
ang magkakasamang magkape
pag ikaw ang nobyo ng isa dito'y
malamang lovelife ninyo ang topic
wag mabahala kapatid kasi
madami dami din naman kaming
napag-uusapan maliban sa lovelife niyong medyo kinulang
minsan may nangyayari pang retohan
pero lahat yun biro lang baka mapagalitan
pag ang topic na yan ang hantungan
kung ikaw ay nasa tabing mesa lang
malamang mapapailing ka na lang
sa mga topic namin na
punong puno ng kabaliwan
minsan pinaguusapan pa namin
kung sino yung couple
na naghiwalayan kamakailan, inaamin ko
songsong couple kasama sa usapan.

Dalawang grupo 'tong kasunod.

Eto yung mga kaibigan ko na kung kami'y magkape puro deep talks ang nangyayari,
mga bagay sa mundo na hindi mo akalain nakakagulo sa taong akala mo hindi pasan ang mundo.
Mabibigat na usapan na may kasamang konti lang naman na iyakan
sama ng loob, pagkabigo at sobrang pagka stressed sa trabaho.
Ilang mura ang maririnig mo
pag sensitive ka at hindi nagmumura
hindi ka kasama dito.
Eto yung deep talks na walang tulogan
alam mo na yan part ka dito
mga usapan na kung iyong pakikinggan ay
masasabi mo sobrang weird naman
ang mga topic ay everything
under the sun yun nga lang dudugo tenga mo sa technical terms at englishan.

Eto yung grupo ng deep talks yung topic ay puro pangarap, eto yung deep talks na masasabi kong very inspirational at educational. Hindi tulad ng naunang grupo
sa ganitong usapan madami kang malalaman.
Dito lalabas ang mga katagang
"Wag mo kasing masyadong galingan"
at yung "baka hindi mo ginalingan"
Sasakit ang tiyan mo kakatawa at sasakit mata mo sa kakapigil ng iyong luha eto yung genres ng deep talks na may humor, drama, slice of life, at shoujo.
Mga usapang trabaho katulad nang parang naging monotonous at routinary na ang buhay:
Need mo lang ng new environment?
Mag bakasyon ka?
Career growth?
Feeling stagnant?
Mga usapang gigil sa ganitong mga tirada:
Ilang taon ka na?
Kelan ka mag-aasawa?
May boyfriend ka na ba?
Nagpapayaman ka ba?
Bakit si ano may ganito na ikaw kelan?
Naka move on ka na ba?

Ano asan kayo d'yan?
Wala ba?

May grupo din na sila laging nag-aayang magkape, mga kaibigan ko na ang usapan lagi ay magkita
sa ganitong oras ay palaging
hindi sumasakto ang dating
Pag eto yung kasama ko puro usapan namin ay mga memories noong elementary
minsan lang magkakasama pero ang samahan solid naman ang lalakas mag kulitan o ano kelan ulit tayo pupunta ng mambukal?
Sino na ang ikakasal?

Sa sobrang dami kong nabanggit
muntik ko nang makalimutan ang dalawang babae na 'to
pag kami nagkikita bakit puro ako yung napupurohan sa asaran
ang layo namin ngayon pero sana
pag-uwi ay magkakape ulit tayong tatlo
sobrang dami ko nang baong kwento malamang yung isa dyan isang maleta ang hila niyan
sagot ko na ang kape pero pakiusap
hayaan niyo muna akong makaganti.

Ang dami ko nang naikwento pero hindi mo ba naitanong
kung saan nanggaling ang pagkahilig
ko sa kape? Walk through kita sa buhay ko, mahilig magkape ang papa ko, mas naunang nakatikim ng kape ang kapatid ko, yung isa hindi mo mapipilit magkape at madalas magsimsim ang mama ko sa kape ko.

May mga tao din akong nakasama magkape, may mga sobrang ganda ng topic. Dali na kwento mo na. May mga taong tatanungin ka din kong ano ba ang hilig mo pati pagsusulat ko kinakamusta ako.
Hindi lahat alam na nagsusulat ako yung iba na may alam, kabahan kana alam **** andito ka.

Salamat sa pagbabasa, ngayon lang ako lumabas para isama ka sa obra na 'to.
Asahan mo na marami pang kasunod na iba,
nakatago lang sa kahon kung saan memoryado ko pa.

Lahat nang naikwento kong tao mahalaga sa buhay ko, yung iba nakilala ko lang nang husto dahil sa simpleng salita na "kape tayo"
Alam mo na kung bakit importante sakin ang pagkakape?
Alam mo na ang aking sadya?
Kung hindi pa baka hindi mo pa ako kilala. Handa akong magpakilala sayo, makinig sa kwento mo. Nag-aalala ka na baka isulat ko?
Sasabihan kita ng diretso kung oo.
Hindi mo pa ba ako nakasama magkape?
Ngayon pa lang inaanyayahan kita, taos puso kitang iniimbitahan.

"Kape tayo"

Sana sumama ka.
Poetry appreciation piece for my family, friends & coffee buddies
I continue to be amused &
Captivated by Gabriel García Márquez,
His Love in the Time of Cholera,
Captivating me still.
His simple use of the name
“Bolívar,” por ejemplo.
(AMAZON Price New Used Collectible
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Other Formats: Mass Market Paperback;  MP3 CD;  Audible Audio Edition)
There is something uniquely Latin
About life in Latin America,
Once again, stating the obvious
For all the media-slain retards
Hovering around me.
Their never-ending enthrallment
With Strong Men,
Particularly when strength is
A measure of one’s honor,
Your honor,
To wit: Honor Killings.
In practice, a sober demonstration
Of the theory as it is practiced.
Americans—with swarthy exceptions—
Do unfavorably view most of us who
Can trace our ancestry to Southern Europe.
“Southern European,”
Itself a vicious racial slur,
And remains so north of Eboli,
No surprise that Christ stopped there,
According to Carlo Levi, writing off the
Il Mezzogiorno, beyond redemption.
Southern European:
Smug words you make them eat,
Throwing Greco-Roman Civilization
Up into their faces.
Athens & Rome--
Epitomes of culture and class--
Patricians, of course, yet
Skifoso bragging rights for all those
***** scratched plebeians of the mob.
But I digress.

Strongman Latino-Americano.
Some Bolívar, some José Martí.
Why not some Fidel?
¿Por Que No?
Tu compadre, Gabo--
Tu Generalissimo Cubano.
How could you miss, Gabo?
Castro lobbying for you, twisting the
Surreal & squirrely qualms
Of Nobel Prize Nabobs.
(SAS: Flights to Sweden, Norway and Denmark - Scandinavian Airlines‎ Welcome to the official SAS US website. Find the best flight bargains from the . . .)
You owe that bearded strong man, Gabo.
Fidel Castro: Maximum Leader to be sure--
Like Omar Torrijos & Noriega--
Panamanian Reds,
Tasmanian Devils!
And Sonny Barger –
Dubbed Maximum Leader,
By Hunter S. Thompson's Hell's Angels:
(The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs RetroBites: Hunter S. Thompson & Hell's Angels (1967) - YouTube ► 6:21► 6:21‎ Jul 7, 2010 - Uploaded by CBCtv Hunter S.Thompson defends his book against an irate Hell's Angels biker.)
Come Perón, come Hugo Chávez.
But, Hark-a-lark,
Let’s wait a sec
Lest we forget
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner,
One tough, Argentine *****,
Illustrating again for all men
The root of all machismo:
La Mujer!
The ***** that bore him;
Nurtured & nursed him.
****** & ****** him.
La Mujer!
(La mujer sin cabeza (2008) - IMDb tt1221141/‎ Rating: 6.4/10 - ‎1,815 votes Directed by Lucrecia Martel. With María Onetto, Claudia Cantero, César Bordón, Daniel Genoud. After running into something with her car, Vero experiences a... I get 7 cents for each link, each hit, making poetry pay for once, the savvy poet, a marketer finally figuring out how to avoid death in the gutter, a death penniless, diseased, babbling and insane.)
Yes, the woman,
The woman, who loved him,
That widow who buried him.
The woman—at any particular
Time of life, in his life—
The woman who just happened to be there;
Was just hanging around
During that brief, emphatic,
Conversation lull.
Genesis got it wrong:
Adam was a stiff rib of Eve,
Made from sterner stuff,
A creation conceived in torture,
Reared in disequilibrium.

Women create the men they touch.
Strong women.
Amaranta Guevara Feb 2013
Bought poetry magazine;
It's in English...
I do not know if my inability to understand the poems comes from not fully understanding the language, or because I am a not-well-read-***.*

He comprado una revista de poemas;
Está en inglés...
No sé si mi incapacidad por entender los poemas proviene de no comprender completamente el idioma o porque soy un asnito que no ha leído lo suficiente en su vida.

I thought Café Americano would translate into American Coffee or just Coffee, but it does not, it is still Café Americano (but I have to order it with a snotty accent to be understood).

Pensé que Café Americano se traduciría a American Coffee o sólo a café, pero no, sigue llamándose Café Americano (sólo que tengo debo pedirlo con un acento mamoncito para que me entiendan).

Now, secondary characters in my dreams speak English.
They say naughty word;
But in this language I am not disturb,
Thanks to the my access to american and british media, I am numb.

Ahora, los personajes secundarios de mis sueños hablan inglés.
Dicen palabritas sucias;
Pero en este idioma no me perturbo,
Gracias a mis años de ver porquerías en el cine, la T.V. e internet, estoy acostumbrada.

Taco Bell's Spicy Chicken Enchilada Platter
No puedo evitar desearlo cada que lo veo anunciado, y siento que es traición a mi patria.

ji ji ji


1 dollar
15.10 pesos.

Puta madre.

One pomegranate, $2.50
Una granada, $37.75

No pomegranates for me, thank you
Puta madre.
Maria May 2021
"It's not that bad,
I tastes good, I swear"
It was cold, and bitter, and vile
Yet I still ordered it
Like a magical elixr
Of momentary freedom
From the wires of guilt
Welded into my neural pathways
Just enough-
To not cause suspicion
But not so much
That I'd collapse
Strong enough
To make me jittery,
Anxious, nauseated,
But still incomparable
To the unspeakable sin
Of sustenance,
So when I saw stars standing up,
Or buckled over at the knees,
And wondered why
It was even worth it?
I'd come to the same conclusion
And it was this:
It doesn't matter anyways
Because I'll never
Be able
To stop.
Haven't had an iced americano in three months, if that means something to someone ;) Moral of the story: life's too short to not drink oatmilk lattes.
evin Mar 2013
these caravan walls
crave flesh,
eat residents
and bury their femurs
in dandelions  
growing up
from the front steps.
a boy
makes it past
the threshold,
but a man remembers
the blue eyes
and brown soil
where he planted
a garden.
some weeds
will never die,
and what he learned
of the world
is already wilting
in his glove-box.
most weeks
hope drives off
in semi-trucks,
leaving an americano
growing colder,
on counters
in cups
between hungry walls
made in the u.s.a.,
and ever blacker.

S Page Jun 2012
Ladies on Water Street,
with coffee grounds
under your fingernails,
You are the reason
that I leave my bed before Ten
In the morning.

Some days I want to ask
if you’ve ever read Marquez
but I am far too shy and
you are far too
beautiful and
I think too much and
you are probably
Too Straight.

But while you are pouring that espresso:
Allow me (just this once)
To wade only ankle- deep.

Allow me (forgive me),
I know its marginalization;
You are a human and a person,
But I must give way to temptation:
let me engage in some
Innocent objectification
(an oxymoron, I'm aware),
as  I sip an Americano
through dumb lips
and watch the little
movements of your hips.
not anything super, just an ode to coffee shop girls.
Holden Caulfield
2. That movie that I saw last weekend that I thought you would like
3. The mix tapes you made me. I still listen to them in my car
4. The way I dance and wondering if you would like it if you saw me.
5. The Kooks and how you hate them.
6. Hospice
7. Late nights sleeping alone and knowing you're awake, but oh so silent.
8. Wondering if you're thinking about me too
9. The poems you wrote me. Your handwriting is classy.
10. The picture of Hilary Duff on my desk reminding me to be good
11. My bed and how you used to be there.
12. My friends and how you used to be one of them
13. Uptown
14. My ticklish spots that no longer get touched
15. My cat... he misses you.
16. Speaking Spanish and how you used to correct it, and sometimes be impressed
17. Wearing bows in my hair. How you used to love them.
18. The clothes I bought at that thrift store yesterday. I wonder if you'd like them.
19. Mehermahermahermaherm
20. Listening to Bright Eyes.
21. Listening to the sound of loneliness.
22. Coffee and how you say "Americano" with a roll of the tongue.
23. The last bit in my tea and how it's "too sweet to swallow."
24. Sitting close on the couch. Your hand stroking mine. Sneaking a kiss on the cheek.
25. Missing busses and missing you.
26. How I used to cheer you up.
27. The stars and sheep and roses.
28. Seth Rogan
29. Meditating and how I can't do it with you constantly clogging up my brain.
30. Laughing
31. I never learned to salsa dance with you and your brutally honest hips.
32. Carrot Creme Brulee
33. Hand dance duets
34. The empty spaces between my fingers
35. Your grey corduroy pants are my favorite.
36. When you called me your coriño.
37. How you would have scoffed at me copying and pasting an "ñ".
38. Attempting to show you music you would like.
39. Failing at showing you music you like.
40. Sending you hearts.
41. Arching my back.
42. Eating ice cream and how I'm better when it's here.
43. How I'm better when you're here.
44. How Cory is better when Topanga is there.
45. Italian Night Clubs
46. You and Me and Everyone We Know
47. Tyronne Street
48. Ice Land
49. Getting lost.
50. Drunken parties and thrashing fists.
51. Second chances
52. Being half of something.
53. Wearing your cardigan
54. Long embraces and never wanting to move.
55. Doing my homework with you sitting next to me. Not letting you read over my shoulder
56. Teaching you about the body.
57. Your smile, and how you give a little chuckle every time I see it.
58. How we used to laugh about nothing.
59. Really bad cookies.
60. Butter face.
61. Jealousy
62. Hating modernized Shakespeare
63. Confessions
64. Embarrassed faces buried in pillows
65. Incredulous about me hating Elvis
66. Miles ******* Davis
67. Singing softly to the radio
68. Playing the piano. Singing for you when you're not around.
69. Wondering if you're reading this right now.
70. Hoping that you've gotten this far down the list.
71. Be the Pitta to my Vata
72. Kate Upton has saggy *****.
73. I just want to make spaghetti with you.
74. How you hate ellipsis
75. Wondering whether or not I spelled that correctly because I know you would judge.
77. Leaving tearful voice-mails
78. John Lennon and Yoko Ono's Rolling Stone cover
79. Looking at art, wishing I was Monet.
80. My sundress on the floor.
81. Not seeing that new movie in theaters (the one that won all those Oscars) because I only want to see it with you.
82. Getting angry when Kacie B. didn't get the rose on the Bachelor and knowing you're angry too because Courtney ***** as a person.
83. I'm an ugly crier.
84. Hitting bread pans
85. Your green plaid jacket
86. Vulgarity
87. Insecurity
88. "Back and forth. Forever."
89. How that one song reminds you of me and I still don't know why.
90. How you deserve the best
91. It makes me sad that I'm at number 91 and you're still nowhere to be found.
92. Going to ballet class with the anticipation of seeing you afterward.
93. You asking me how ballet was, whether you were interested or not.
94. whispers "Let me be your hero."
95. Never seeing your fur vest.
96. Holding hands when we shouldn't have.
97. Velvet leggings
98. The last wonder of the world.
99. I fear that I will forget what your face looks like.
100. Reaching one-hundred with so much more to say.
Alternative title: 100 Things I Have to Give Up If I Want to Live
So let us now place monetary value on information.
Let us return to the source,
Mining & prospecting that fertile intel seam.
To wit: WWII and G-2 shenanigans.
Wild Bill and OSS-capades,
Artificial disseminations.
Partial recriminations.
A literary nightmare--
THE CYCLOPS from The Odyssey,
For example,
If you lack your own,
Your own personal Bogey Man.
Or men. For me:
Allen Dulles or Richard Helms.

The Intelligence Community:
It was a small tightly knit crew,
Less than battalion strength in 1942;
A few myopic soldiers,
Who, although could barely type,
Were still too cerebral to
Waste as infantry fodder.
It was a huge converted Army-green warehouse,
Space strategically partitioned,
Sectioned off into cubicle-like spaces,
By giant 4-drawer file cabinets
Standing tall like MPs,
Sentinels & Guardians,
Monuments to pre-electronic storage,
Data relatively comprehensive, and an
Archive secretive & intimidating.

Within the Army-green incunabula,
Scattered throughout the intel landscape,
Here and there a few commissioned officers,
A smattering of college psychology majors,
Personalities with predilections,
And penchants for mind games.
These self same WWII vets,
Would morph into Cold War Mad Men.
Stalwart, stouthearted men of Eisenhower,
And J. Walter Thompson,
De-mobbed, as they say in the UK.
Particularly when it came to the kids;
Children of the peace,
Called Baby-Boomers,
An entire generation enabled & destroyed.
Who would produce little of value
Except medical marijuana and
Coupons, clipped by that sober ruling class—
Fat interest-bearing college-loan portfolios
Held by that neo-Calvinist Elect: The 1%.
Fat cats one and all,
Loaded dice & canasta cronies--
In concert a stacked deck,
“Una mano lava l'altra.”
The words of my namesake--
My grandfather Giuseppe--
His vowels reverberating,
Rattling in my dreams.
Not friends, but
Fiends in high places, like
The Fed and dark liquid pools.
Thank you, Barack, for
Fooling us again.
For giving us
“Belief we can believe in.”

But I digress.
It was when the Government Secrecy Act,
In all its transnational incarnations,
Embraced capitalism in a big way,
Elevating the ideology to whole-Earth saturation,
Systemizing the ethos of Darwin,
Into one global Moby ****,
One solitary leviathan,
A multi-level marketing labyrinth,
Where wealth is the end game--
Greed: pure, unbridled & unrestrained.
Bond--James Bond—
Did his bit, supplying catchy
Slogans & tag-lines:
“For Your Eyes Only.”
“On a need to know basis.”
“Confidential Information.”
“Top & Ultra-Top Secret.”
“Hush, Hush & a Bag of Chips.”

The sealed letter sits in a locked drawer,
In that stout desk,
In the Oval Office
In The White House,
“To be opened by my VP in the event of my death.”
Another staggering work,
Of achy-achy-heart breaking genius,
The culture commoditized,
A disease containing its own cure,
Assayed, graded,
Portioned & packaged.
Priced accordingly,
To a logic that goes something like:
“Anything this tightly controlled,
Anything the government deems to be
This illegitimate and/or & secret
Must be really, really God-awesome,
Must really be Da ******* Bomb.”

Brother Coolidge was right:
“The Business of America is Business.”
“The Most Valuable Commodity on Earth.”
So said Stanford Stuyvesant Whitehead III,
19th Century robber baron, and
Consummate Fat Cat.
Get the picture:
We were smoking cigars and sipping cognac,
Mighty comfortable in leather armchairs,
Muted billiard clicks,
Punctuating the atmosphere
In this spacious lounge,
His East Side
Downtown & private
Manhattan club.
I, his guest, had not the slightest idea
Why I was there.
"By God, man," he went on,
My eyes speared by his laser gaze,
His bushy eyebrows,
His monocle.
His bulbous nose;
His thick wet mustache.
And those EYES:  
Those crazy,
Insane eyes.

"I am talking about a profound change,” he continued.
“Back when the steamship
Gave way to electronic wireless radio."
He puffed smoke,
Removing the cigar from his mouth,
Holding it,
Examining it critically for a moment.
"I'm talking about communication,
Instant communication
With business associates, &
Cronies far away,
Way out there,
Far beyond the places we know well.
Picture it:
You're running a fleet of
Ramshackle Filipino banana boats,
Out of some nameless cove,
Indenting the south coast of Mindanao.
A cyclone comes out of nowhere.
Good God--there’s sixteen banana-packed
Coal burners lying on the bottom of the Celebes Sea.
Think about it:
You've got telegraph radio.
Everyone else has the post office.
Now, I ask you:
‘Who's going long,
Who’s getting rich on the
Caracas Banana Exchange?’
Good Lord, man, it would be
Like being omniscient!"
“This very conversation,” he went on,
“Could well be a verbatim transcription
Of a conversation right here in this very room,
Between people like: J. Pierpont Morgan
And some lesser Gilded Age nabob;
Some Astor, some Rockefeller,
A Gould or Vanderbilt,
Whitney or Duke,
Some Frick or Warburg--
To name just a few, old sport.”
He stopped suddenly.
He looked down at his hands,
As we both realized he had counted these names
Out on his fat curled fingers.
He looked at me and smiled.
I was afraid.
Why had I been invited to this meeting?
I smiled back at him,
Doing my best to mirror his
Carnivorous menace.

I knew it.
He knew it.
He knew I knew it.
Mr. Whitehead’s growling rabid jowls,
His slobbering canine smile held me steady.
“Okay. Touché. ‘Ya got me.”
He shook off the phony smile,
An absence, accentuating
His stare: lethal, carnal & rare.
“I never had much formal schooling.
I’ve been hungry.
Hungry enough to know for sure
That the correct fork,
Don’t mean ***** from shinola.
When I’m dining out, fancy-like,
Me manners is the least of me problems,
Far less important than
The dinner chit they
Hand me after I slake
My thirst & appetite.”
Again, he stopped suddenly,
Recognizing that, perhaps,
He’d revealed too much of his
Bedford-Stuyvesant pedigree.
He turned again and stared at me.
“None of that,” he said.
“None of that means squat to me, Boyo.
What matters now is I’m rich.
I’ve got mine, By God,
And ******* It!
Tough ***** on the rest of you losers;
The rest of you fecking whiners can go
**** yourselves over at Zuccotti Park.”
He pounded the armrest,
The padded armrest of the rich Corinthian leather—
( . . . ***, Ricardo?
Get your Montalbán
Mexicano ***, back in
Random Access Memory Land,
Where you belong.
**** ya’ Fantasy Island
Hospitality, Mr. Roarke,
Go be wrathful Khan Noon Singh,
Somewhere else.
Now is not the time, or,
Let me rephrase that:
This narrative will not allow your meme here . . .)    

Whitehead pounds the armrest again.
“My point is this:  
None of JP Morgan’s decidedly,
un-nattering lesser nabobs of negativity . . .”
BAM!  Again, he pounded the leather . . .

(Back in your ******* hole, Spiro!
Do you realize just how far back,
Just how far back
Maryland’s reputation
Has been set back by your venality?
Not to mention any shot at ethnic assimilation,
The rest of us grease ball non-Wasps
Have in this country?
You ******* Greek!)

I stopped thinking
When I realized Stanford Stuyvesant Whitehead III
Was reading my mind.
“So that’s what it’s really all about,” he said,
Rank smugness in his voice.
“So, I’m just a nouveau riche upstart,
A socially inept parvenu,
Yet they still let me
Join their tony clubs.
It chaps your ***, Boyo, don’t it?
I’m still Scotch-Irish, and
A WASP, Laddie.
Something your skinny
Greaser-Guinea-****-Spaghetti-*** ***,
Ain’t ever gonna be.”
But I digress, again.

So I joined one of Uncle Sam’s
Lesser-known clandestine services,
An assignment appropriate to my ethnic identity,
Namely GLADIO in Italy,
A NATO stay-behind operation &
Cold-War comedy.
I infiltrated the Brigate Rosse.
I drove the Aldo Moro kidnap vehicle.
I cooked minestrone for General Dozier.
I sliced off J. Paul Getty’s ear in Calabria.
Ironically, I lost my hearing during
The Stazione Bologna bombing.
I am consequently pensioned off,
Off both the radar and the payroll.
Years later now,
I live in one of those gated, golf-coursed,
Over-55, sunny southern California
Lunatic asylums.

Most days I am drunk at 9 AM.
I fill Bukowski mornings,
Conjuring up Jane Fonda,
Jazzercised in camo spandex.
She is high atop a Vietcong tank in Hanoi.
Or Daniel Ellsberg
Enjoying a second act in American politics,
Praising Snowden & Assange,
& Bradley Manning,
I summon up the ghosts of
Julius & Ethel,
Benedict Arnold,
Rose of Tokyo & Mata Hari—
And Ezra exiled at Rapallo,
And John Walker Lindh,
A Yankee Doodle Dandy,
Born in Washington,
District of Columbia,
By way of Afghanistan,
Taliban Americano,
Presently residing at the
Federal Correctional Institution
At Terre Haute, Indiana.
And Poets?
No longer capable of keeping secrets.
Desperate now to tell
The truth.
Flower Scent Nov 2010
I wanna dance the mambo,the cubin cuba mambo,

I wanna dance the cha cha,hips movement with the cha cha!

or maybe try the salsa, deep ,sensual, is the salsa.

I wanna dance the samba,the fun brazilian samba,

or maybe the lambada,brazilian hot lambada!

My favourite s' the tango,intense ****** tango,

Lost in  the  flamenco,ardent spanish flamenco.

May even try the polka,high energy in polka,

the Czech bohemian polka!

I wanna go and party,good time ,dancing the rumba,

latino americano,cubano, africano.

I wanna do the hip hop,hip hop,hip hop,don't stop.

Dance reign  in the ballroom,

as I dance the Ball Room,under and above,

With you ,I dance my last dance,the classic dance of love.

Are you ready partner ?
This is one of the first poems i ever wrote..thought i share it with you,by reposting it here,thankyou :)  Lyrical poem
Elizabeth Milnes Jan 2012
It’s always been just coffee kisses,
they’re all I have left to bring.
Overflowing mugs of latte love to spill on your hands, your lips, your heart,
Caffe mocha affection
laced with cappuccino hugs.
Iced or steaming, you decide.
Hazelnut, peppermint, French vanilla
(dulce de leche piquitos para ti)
warm espresso admiration,
americano dreams,
sugared and creamy to sweeten your tongue
served up with a coffee house smile—
bitterness hides in a candied disguise
but not today.
No sugar in the raw, no milk, no cream,
no sweet sticky flavors to trick your lovesick mind,
no fancy names to make you think it’s worth the cost.
Just pure, dark caffeine,
ground up this morning,
rich and smooth, but bitter and dry—
brewed with intention.
Just one coffee kiss, for you.
One plain black coffee kiss.

Take it or leave it.
DannyBoyJ Sep 2015
Hair the colour of an Americano,
Petite denim shorts, blue.
The scent of a perfume distinguishable, to you.
Those skin-coloured tights – pleading to be torn.
You’re everything I desire.
Yet you’re everything I resent.
Jean Cocteau es un ruiseñor mecánico a quien le ha dado cuerda Ronsard.

Los únicos brazos entre los cuales nos resignaríamos a pasar la vida, son los brazos de las Venus que han perdido los brazos.

Si los pintores necesitaran, como Delacroix, asistir al degüello de 400 odaliscas para decidirse a tomar los pinceles... Si, por lo menos, sólo fuesen capaces de empuñarlos antes de asesinar a su idolatrada Mamá...

Musicalmente, el clarinete es un instrumento muchísimo más rico que el diccionario.

Aunque se alteren todas nuestras concepciones sobre la Vida y la Muerte, ha llegado el momento de denunciar la enorme superchería de las "Meninas" que -siendo las propias "Meninas" de carne y hueso- colgaron un letrerito donde se lee Velázquez, para que nadie descubra el auténtico y secular milagro de su inmortalidad.

Nadie escuchó con mayor provecho que Debussy, los arpegios que las manos traslúcidas de la lluvia improvisan contra el teclado de las persianas.

Las frases, las ideas de Proust, se desarrollan y se enroscan, como las anguilas que nadan en los acuarios; a veces deformadas por un efecto de refracción, otras anudadas en acoplamientos viscosos, siempre envueltas en esa atmósfera que tan solo se encuentra en los acuarios y en el estilo de Proust.

¡La "Olimpia" de Manet está enferma de "mal de Pott"! ¡Necesita aire de mar!... ¡Urge que Goya la examine!...

En ninguna historia se revive, como en las irisaciones de los vidrios antiguos, la fugaz y emocionante historia de setecientos mil crepúsculos y auroras.

¡Las lágrimas lo corrompen todo! Partidarios insospechables de un "régimen mejorado", ¿tenemos derecho a reclamar una "ley seca" para la poesía... para una poesía "extra dry", gusto americano?

Todo el talento del "douannier" Rousseau estribó en la convicción con que, a los sesenta años, fue capaz de prenderse a un biberón.

La disección de los ojos de Monet hubiera demostrado que Monet poseía ojos de mosca; ojos forzados por innumerables ojitos que distinguen con nitidez los más sutiles matices de un color pero que, siendo ojos autónomos, perciben esos matices independientemente, sin alcanzar una visión sintética de conjunto.

Las frases de Oscar Wilde no necesitan red. ¡Lástima que al realizar sus más arriesgadas acrobacias, nos dejen la incertidumbre de su ****!

El cúmulo de atorrantismo y de burdel, de uso y abuso de limpiabotas, de sensiblería engominada, de ojo en compota, de retobe y de tristeza sin razón -allí está la pampa... más allá el indio... la quena... el tamboril -que se espereza y canta en los acordes del tango que improvisa cualquier lunfardo.

Es necesario procurarse una vestimenta de radiógrafo (que nos proteja del contacto demasiado brusco con lo sobrenatural), antes de aproximarnos a los rayos ultravioletas que iluminan los paisajes de Patinir.

No hay crítico comparable al cajón de nuestro escritorio.

Entre otras... ¡la más irreductible disidencia ortográfica! Ellos: Padecen todavía la superstición de las Mayúsculas.

Nosotros: Hace tiempo que escribimos: cultura, arte, ciencia, moral y, sobre todo y ante todo, poesía.

Los cubistas cometieron el error de creer que una manzana era un tema menos literario y frugal que las nalgas de madame Recamier.

¡Sin pie, no hay poesía! -exclaman algunos. Como si necesitásemos de esa confidencia para reconocerlos.

Esos tinteros con un busto de Voltaire, ¿no tendrán un significado profundo? ¿No habrá sido Voltaire una especie de Papa (*****) de la tinta?

En música, al pleonasmo se le denomina: variación.

Seurat compuso los más admirables escaparates de juguetería.

La prosa de Flaubert destila un sudor tan frío que nos obliga a cambiarnos de camiseta, si no podemos recurrir a su correspondencia.

El silencio de los cuadros del Greco es un silencio ascético, maeterlinckiano, que alucina a los personajes del Greco, les desequilibra la boca, les extravía las pupilas, les diafaniza la nariz.

Los bustos romanos serían incapaces de pensar si el tiempo no les hubiera destrozado la nariz.

No hay que admirar a Wagner porque nos aburra alguna vez, sino a pesar de que nos aburra alguna vez.

Europa comienza a interesarse por nosotros. ¡Disfrazados con las plumas o el chiripá que nos atribuye, alcanzaríamos un éxito clamoroso! ¡Lástima que nuestra sinceridad nos obligue a desilusionarla... a presentarnos como somos; aunque sea incapaz de diferenciarnos... aunque estemos seguros de la rechifla!

Aunque la estilográfica tenga reminiscencias de lagrimatorio, ni los cocodrilos tienen derecho a confundir las lágrimas con la tinta.

Renán es un hombre tan bien educado que hasta cuando cree tener razón, pretende demostrarnos que no la tiene.

Las Venus griegas tienen cuarenta y siete pulsaciones. Las Vírgenes españolas, ciento tres.

¡Sepamos consolarnos! Si las mujeres de Rubens pesaran 27 kilos menos, ya no podríamos extasiarnos ante los reflejos nacarados de sus carnes desnudas.

Llega un momento en que aspiramos a escribir algo peor.

El ombligo no es un órgano tan importante como imaginan ustedes... ¡Señores poetas!

¿Estupidez? ¿Ingenuidad? ¿Política?... "Seamos argentinos", gritan algunos... sin advertir que la nacionalidad es algo tan fatal como la conformación de nuestro esqueleto.

Delatemos un onanismo más: el de izar la bandera cada cinco minutos.

Lo primero que nos enseñan las telas de Chardin es que, para llegar a la pulcritud, al reposo, a la sensatez que alcanzó Chardin, no hay más remedio que resignarnos a pasar la vida en zapatillas.

Facilísimo haber previsto la muerte de Apollinaire, dado que el cerebro de Apollinaire era una fábrica de pirotecnia que constantemente inventaba los más bellos juegos de artificio, los cohetes de más lindo color, y era fatal que al primero que se le escapara entre el fango de la trinchera, una granada le rebanara el cráneo.

Los esclavos miguelangelescos poseen un olor tan iodado, tan acre que, por menos paladar que tengamos basta gustarlo alguna vez para convencerse de que fueron esculpidos por la rompiente. (No me refiero a los del Louvre; modelados por el mar, un día de esos en que fabrica merengues sobre la arena).

¡La opinión que se tendrá de nosotros cuando sólo quede de nosotros lo que perdura de la vieja China o del viejo Egipto!

¡Impongámosnos ciertas normas para volver a experimentar la complacencia ingenua de violarlas! La rehabilitación de la infidelidad reclama de nosotros un candor semejante. ¡Ruboricémonos de no poder ruborizarnos y reinventemos las prohibiciones que nos convengan, antes de que la libertad alcance a esclavizarnos completamente!

El cemento armado nos proporciona una satisfacción semejante a la de pasarnos la mano por la cara, después de habernos afeitado.

¡Los vidrios catalanes y las estalactitas de Mallorca con que Anglada prepara su paleta!

Los cubistas salvaron a la pintura de las corrientes de aire, de los rayos de sol que amenazaban derretirla pero -al cerrar herméticamente las ventanas, que los impresionistas habían abierto en un exceso de entusiasmo- le suministraron tal cúmulo de recetas, una cantidad tan grande de ventosas que poco faltó para que la asfixiaran y la dejasen descarnada, como un esqueleto.

Hay poetas demasiado inflamables. ¿Pasan unos senos recién inaugurados? El cerebro se les incendia. ¡Comienza a salirles humo de la cabeza!

"La Maja Vestida" está más desnuda que la "maja desnuda".

Las telas de Velázquez respiran a pleno pulmón; tienen una buena tensión arterial, una temperatura normal y una reacción Wasserman negativa.

¡Quién hubiera previsto que las Venus griegas fuesen capaces de perder la cabeza!

Hay acordes, hay frases, hay entonaciones en D'Annunzio que nos obligan a perdonarle su "fiatto", su "bella voce", sus actitudes de tenor.

Azorín ve la vida en diminutivo y la expresa repitiendo lo diminutivo, hasta darnos la sensación de la eternidad.

¡El Arte es el peor enemigo del arte!... un fetiche ante el que ofician, arrodillados, quienes no son artistas.

Lo que molesta más en Cézanne es la testarudez con que, delante de un queso, se empeña en repetir: "esto es un queso".

El espesor de las nalgas de Rabelais explica su optimismo. Una visión como la suya, requiere estar muellemente sentada para impedir que el esqueleto nos proporcione un pregusto de muerte.

La arquitectura árabe consiguió proporcionarle a la luz, la dulzura y la voluptuosidad que adquiere la luz, en una boca entreabierta de mujer.

Hasta el advenimiento de Hugo, nadie sospechó el esplendor, la amplitud, el desarrollo, la suntuosidad a que alcanzaría el genio del "camelo".

Es tanta la mala educación de Pió Baroja, y es tan ingenua la voluptuosidad que siente Pío Baroja en ser mal educado, que somos capaces de perdonarle la falta de educación que significa llamarse: Pío Baroja.

No hay que confundir poesía con vaselina; vigor, con camiseta sucia.

El estilo de Barres es un estilo de onda, un estilo que acaba de salir de la peluquería.

Lo único que nos impide creer que Saint Saens haya sido un gran músico, es haber escuchado la música de Saint Sáéns.

¿Las Vírgenes de Murillo?

Como vírgenes, demasiado mujeres.

Como mujeres, demasiado vírgenes.

Todas las razones que tendríamos para querer a Velázquez, si la única razón del amor no consistiera en no tener ninguna.

Los surtidores del Alhambra conservan la versión más auténtica de "Las mil y una noches", y la murmuran con la fresca monotonía que merecen.

Si Rubén no hubiera poseído unas manos tan finas!... ¡Si no se las hubiese mirado tanto al escribir!...

La variedad de cicuta con que Sócrates se envenenó se llamaba "Conócete a ti mismo".

¡Cuidado con las nuevas recetas y con los nuevos boticarios! ¡Cuidado con las decoraciones y "la couleur lócale"! ¡Cuidado con los anacronismos que se disfrazan de aviador! ¡Cuidado con el excesivo dandysmo de la indumentaria londinense! ¡Cuidado -sobre todo- con los que gritan: "¡Cuidado!" cada cinco minutos!

Ningún aterrizaje más emocionante que el "aterrizaje" forzoso de la Victoria de Samotracia.

Goya grababa, como si "entrara a matar".

El estilo de Renán se resiente de la flaccidez y olor a sacristía de sus manos... demasiado aficionadas "a lavarse las manos".

La Gioconda es la única mujer viviente que sonríe como algunas mujeres después de muertas.

Nada puede darnos una certidumbre más sensual y un convencimiento tan palpable del origen divino de la vida, como el vientre recién fecundado de la Venus de Milo.

El problema más grave que Goya resolvió al pintar sus tapices, fue el dosaje de azúcar; un terrón más y sólo hubieran podido usarse como tapas de bomboneras.

Los rizos, las ondulaciones, los temas "imperdibles" y, sobre todo, el olor a "vera violetta" de las melodías italianas.

Así como un estiló maduro nos instruye -a través de una descripción de Jerusalén- del gesto con que el autor se anuda la corbata, no existirá un arte nacional mientras no sepamos pintar un paisaje noruego con un inconfundible sabor a carbonada.

¿Por qué no admitir que una gallina ponga un trasatlántico, si creemos en la existencia de Rimbaud, sabio, vidente y poeta a los 12 años?

¡El encarnizamiento con que hundió sus pitones, el toro aquél, que mató a todos los Cristos españoles!

Rodin confundió caricia con modelado; espasmo con inspiración; "atelier" con alcoba.

Jamás existirán caballos capaces de tirar un par de patadas que violenten, más rotundamente, las leyes de la perspectiva y posean, al mismo tiempo, un concepto más equilibrado de la composición, que el par de patadas que tiran los heroicos percherones de Paolo Uccello.

Nos aproximamos a los retratos del Greco, con el propósito de sorprender las sanguijuelas que se ocultan en los repliegues de sus golillas.

Un libro debe construirse como un reloj, y venderse como un salchichón.

Con la poesía sucede lo mismo que con las mujeres: llega un momento en que la única actitud respetuosa consiste en levantarles la pollera.

Los críticos olvidan, con demasiada frecuencia, que una cosa es cacarear, otra, poner el huevo.

Trasladar al plano de la creación la fervorosa voluptuosidad con que, durante nuestra infancia, rompimos a pedradas todos los faroles del vecindario.

¡Si buena parte de nuestros poetas se convenciera de que la tartamudez es preferible al plagio!

Tanto en arte, como en ciencia, hay que buscarle las siete patas al gato.

El barroco necesitó cruzar el Atlántico en busca del trópico y de la selva para adquirir la ingenuidad candorosa y llena de fasto que ostenta en América.

¿Cómo dejar de admirarla prodigalidad y la perfección con que la mayoría de nuestros poetas logra el prestigio de realizar el vacío absoluto?

A fuerza de gritar socorro se corre el riesgo de perder la voz.

En los mapas incunables, África es una serie de islas aisladas, pero los vientos hinchan sus cachetes en todas direcciones.

Los paréntesis de Faulkner son cárceles de negros.

Estamos tan pervertidos que la inhabilidad de lo ingenuo nos parece el "sumun" del arte.

La experiencia es la enfermedad que ofrece el menor peligro de contagio.

En vez de recurrir al whisky, Turner se emborracha de crepúsculo.

Las mujeres modernas olvidan que para desvestirse y desvestirlas se requiere un mínimo de indumentaria.

La vida es un largo embrutecimiento. La costumbre nos teje, diariamente, una telaraña en las pupilas; poco a poco nos aprisiona la sintaxis, el diccionario; los mosquitos pueden volar tocando la corneta, carecemos del coraje de llamarlos arcángeles, y cuando deseamos viajar nos dirigimos a una agencia de vapores en vez de metamorfosear una silla en un trasatlántico.

Ningún Stradivarius comparable en forma, ni en resonancia, a las caderas de ciertas colegialas.

¿Existe un llamado tan musicalmente emocionante como el de la llamarada de la enorme gasa que agita Isolda, reclamando desesperadamente la presencia de Tristán?

Aunque ellos mismos lo ignoren, ningún creador escribe para los otros, ni para sí mismo, ni mucho menos, para satisfacer un anhelo de creación, sino porque no puede dejar de escribir.

Ante la exquisitez del idioma francés, es comprensible la atracción que ejerce la palabra "merde".

El adulterio se ha generalizado tanto que urge rehabilitarlo o, por lo menos, cambiarle de nombre.

Las distancias se han acortado tanto que la ausencia y la nostalgia han perdido su sentido.

Tras todo cuadro español se presiente una danza macabra.

Lo prodigioso no es que Van Gogh se haya cortado una oreja, sino que conservara la otra.

La poesía siempre es lo otro, aquello que todos ignoran hasta que lo descubre un verdadero poeta.

Hasta Darío no existía un idioma tan rudo y maloliente como el español.

Segura de saber donde se hospeda la poesía, existe siempre una multitud impaciente y apresurada que corre en su busca pero, al llegar donde le han dicho que se aloja y preguntar por ella, invariablemente se le contesta: Se ha mudado.

Sólo después de arrojarlo todo por la borda somos capaces de ascender hacia nuestra propia nada.

La serie de sarcófagos que encerraban a las momias egipcias, son el desafío más perecedero y vano de la vida ante el poder de la muerte.

Los pintores chinos no pintan la naturaleza, la sueñan.

Hasta la aparición de Rembrandt nadie sospechó que la luz alcanzaría la dramaticidad e inagotable variedad de conflictos de las tragedias shakespearianas.

Aspiramos a ser lo que auténticamente somos, pero a medida que creemos lograrlo, nos invade el hartazgo de lo que realmente somos.

Ambicionamos no plagiarnos ni a nosotros mismos, a ser siempre distintos, a renovarnos en cada poema, pero a medida que se acumulan y forman nuestra escueta o frondosa producción, debemos reconocer que a lo largo de nuestra existencia hemos escrito un solo y único poema.
Persephone Oct 2013
I wish I could tell everyone I love
how much I miss them
but I'm too immature
and I can't stand the rejection
of indifferent words.
So I just sit stationary, in my loneliness
staring out any windows
that will let me.

And I’m in a café alone
I look up
and in front of me
is a man sitting alone
facing the street
I can’t help but wonder:
Are you sad like me?
Would you like to put our empty together
and fill it with peace?

But I just stare rudely
while he calmly exists
it seems every person
is just how I imagine them to be
I tend towards half glass full,

But I haven't a clue.

He exited the coffee shop
And will drift off of my mind
Until I read this again
And recall the time
I sat in a chair
Across from a man
I knew nothing about
But pretended I did
Sometimes we just want to hold it
because it warms us

we can't decide
it might be bad for us
When the air's whispers are warm and the moon refuses to entertain

we can't decide
it might be good for us
When the wind carries chills and the sun searches for its shadow

we take it
into ourselves
knowing the potential harm
wanting the promised help

Sometimes we just want to hold it
because it warms us

©Christopher F. Brown 2016
Cantar a ese gigante soberano
Que al soplo de su espíritu fecundo
Hizo triunfar el pensamiento humano,
Arrebatando al mar un nuevo mundo;
Cantar al que fue sabio entre los sabios,
Cantar al débil que humilló a los grandes,
Nunca osarán mi lira ni mis labios.
Forman su eterno pedestal los Andes,
El Popocatepelt su fe retrata,
Las pampas son sus lechos de coronas,
Su majestad refleja el Amazonas,
Y un himno a su poder tributa el Plata.

No es la voz débil que al vibrar expira,
La digna de su nombre; ¿puede tanto
La palabra fugaz?... ¿Quién no lo admira?
La mar, la inmensa mar, ésa es su lira,
Su Homero el sol, la tempestad su canto.

Cuando cual buzo audaz, mi pensamiento
Penetra del pasado en las edades,
Y mira bajo el ancho firmamento
De América las vastas soledades:
El inca dando al sol culto ferviente,
El araucano indómito y bravío,
El azteca tenaz que afirma el trono,
Adunando al saber el poderío:
¡A cuántas reflexiones me abandono!...
Todas esas sabanas calentadas
Por la luz tropical, llenas de flores,
Con sus selvas incultas, y sus bosques
Llenos de majestad; con sus paisajes
Cerrados por azules horizontes,
Sus montes de granito,
Sus volcanes de nieve coronados,
Semejando diamantes engarzados
En el esmalte azul del infinito;

Las llanuras soberbias e imponentes,
Que puebla todavía
En la noche sombría
El eco atronador de los torrentes;
Los hondos ventisqueros,
Las cordilleras siempre amenazantes,
Y al aire sacudiéndose arrogantes,
Abanicos del bosque, los palmeros;
No miro con mi ardiente fantasía
Sólo una tierra virgen que podría
Ser aquel legendario paraíso
Que sólo Adán para vivir tenía;
Miro las nuevas fecundantes venas
De un mundo a las grandezas destinado,
Con su Esparta y su Atenas,
Tan grande y tan feliz como ignorado.
Para poder cantarlo, busca el verso
Una lira con cuerdas de diamante,
Por único escenario el Universo,
Voz de huracán y aliento de gigante.

Que destrence la aurora
Sus guedejas de rayos en la altura:
Que los tumbos del mar con voz sonora
Pueblen con ecos dulces la espesura:
Que las aves del trópico, teñidas
Sus alas en el iris, su contento
Den con esas cadencias tan sentidas
Que van de selva en selva repetidas
Sobre las arpas que columpia el viento.
Venid conmigo a descorrer osados
El velo de los siglos ya pasados.

Tuvo don Juan Segundo
En Isabel de Portugal, la bella,
Un ángel, que más tarde fue la estrella
Que guió a Colón a descubrir un mundo.
El claro albor de su niñez tranquila
Se apagó en la tristeza y en el llanto.
En el triste y oscuro monasterio
Donde, envuelta en el luto y el misterio,
Fue Blanca de Borbón a llorar tanto.
Allí Isabel fortaleció su mente,
Y aquel claustro de Arévalo imponente
Fe le dio para entrar al mundo humano,
Dio vigor a su espíritu intranquilo,
Fue su primer asilo soberano,
Cual la Rábida fue primer asilo
Del Vidente del mundo americano.
Muerto Alfonso, su hermano,
En el convento de Ávila se encierra,
Y hasta allí van los grandes de la tierra,
Llenos de amor, a disputar su mano.
Ella da el triunfo de su amor primero
A su igual en grandeza y en familia,
Al que, rey de Sicilia,
Es de Aragón el príncipe heredero.
A tan gentil pareja
Con ensañado afán persigue y veja
De Enrique Cuarto la orgullosa corte;
Pero palpita el alma castellana
Que de Isabel en la gentil persona,
Más que la majestad de la corona,
Ve la virtud excelsa y soberana.
La España en Guadalete decaída,
Y luego en Covadonga renacida,
No vuelve a unirse, ni por grande impera,
Hasta que ocupa, sin rencor ni encono,
De Berenguela y Jaime el áureo trono,
El genio augusto de Isabel Primera.
Grande en su sencillez, es cual la aurora
Que al asomarse, todo lo ilumina;
Humilde en su piedad, cual peregrina
Va al templo en cada triunfo, y reza, y llora;
Nada a su gran espíritu le agobia:
Desbarata en Segovia
La infiel conjuración: libra a Toledo,
Fija de las costumbres la pureza,
El crimen blasonando en la nobleza
Castiga, vindicando al pueblo ibero:
Por todos con el alma bendecida,
Por todos con el alma idolatrada,
Rinde y toma vencida,
Edén de amores, la imperial Granada.
Dejadme que venere
A esa noble mujer... Llegóse un dia
En que un errante loco le pedía,
Ya por todos los reyes desdeñado,
Buscar un hemisferio, que veía
Allá en sus sueños por el mar velado.
No intento escudriñar el pensamiento
Del visionario que a Isabel se humilla.
¿La América es la Antilla
En que soñó Aristóteles? ¿La
Que Platón imagina en su deseo,
Y menciona en su diálogo el Timeo?
¿Escandinavos son los navegantes
Que cinco siglos antes
De que el insigne genovés naciera,
Fijo en Islandia su anhelar profundo,
Al piélago se arrojan animados,
Y son por ruda tempestad lanzados
A la región boreal del Nuevo Mundo?...
¡Yo no lo sé! Se ofusca la memoria
Entre la noche de la edad pasada;
Sólo hay tras esa noche una alborada:
Isabel y Colón: ¡la Fe y la Gloria!
¡Cuántos hondos martirios, cuántas penas
Sufrió Colón! ¡El dolo y la perfidia
Le siguen por doquier! ¡La negra envidia
Al vencedor del mar puso cadenas!
Maldice a Bobadilla y a Espinosa
La humanidad que amamantarlos plugo...
¡El hondo mar con voz estrepitosa
Aun grita maldición para el verdugo!
El mundo descubierto,
A hierro y viva sangre conquistado,
¿Fue solamente un lóbrego desierto?
¿Vive? ¿palpita? ¿crece? ¿ha progresado?
¡Ah sí! Tended la vista... Cien naciones,
Grandes en su riqueza y poderío,
Responden con sonoras pulsaciones
Al eco tosco del acento mío.
El suelo que Cortés airado y fiero,
Holló con planta osada,
Templando lo terrible de su espada
La dulzura y bondad del misionero,
Cual tuvo en Cuauhtemoc, que al mundo asombra
Tuvo después cien héroes: un Hidalgo,
Cuya palabra sempiterna vibra;
Un Morelos, en genio esplendoroso;
¡Un Juárez, el coloso
Que de la Europa y su invasión lo libra!
Bolívar, en Santa Ana y Carabobo,
Y en Ayacucho Sucre, son dos grandes,
Son dos soles de América en la historia,
Que tienen hoy por pedestal de gloria
Las cumbres gigantescas de los Andes.
¡Junín! el solo nombre
De esta epopeya mágica engrandece
El lauro inmarcesible de aquel hombre,
Que un semidiós al combatir parece.
Sucre, Silva, Salom, Córdoba y Flores,
Colombia, Lima, Chile, Venezuela,
En el Olimpo para todos vuela
La eterna fama, y con amor profundo
La ciñe eterna y fúlgida aureola:
¡Gigantes de la América española,
Hoy tenéis por altar al Nuevo Mundo!
Ningún rencor nuestro cariño entraña:
Del Chimborazo, cuya frente baña
El astro que a Colombia vivifica,
A la montaña estrella,
Que frente al mar omnipotente brilla,
Resuena dulce, sonorosa y bella
El habla de Castilla:
Heredamos su arrojo, su fe pura,
Su nobleza bravía.

¡Oh, España! juzgo mengua
Lanzarte insultos con tu propia lengua;
Que no cabe insultar a la hidalguía.
En nombre de Isabel, justa y piadosa,
En nombre de Colón, ningún agravio
Para manchar tu historia esplendorosa
Verás brotar de nuestro humilde labio.
¡A Colón, a Isabel el lauro eterno!
Abra el Olimpo su dorada puerta,
Y ofrezca un trono a su sin par grandeza:
Resuene en nuestros bosques el arrullo
Del aura errante entre doradas pomas:
Las flores en capullo
Denles por grato incienso sus aromas:
El volcán, pebetero soberano,
Arda incesante en blancas aureolas,
Y un himno cadencioso el mar indiano
Murmure eterno con sus verdes olas...
El universo en coro
Con arpas de cristal, con liras de oro,
Al ver a los latinos congregados,
Ensalce ante los pueblos florecientes
Por la América misma libertados,
Aquellos genios, soles esplendentes
De Colón e Isabel, y con profundo
Respeto santo y con amor bendito,
Libre, sereno, eterno, sin segundo,
Resuene sobre el Cosmos este grito:
¡Gloria al descubridor del Nuevo Mundo!
¡Gloria a Isabel, por quien miró cumplida
Su gigantesca empresa soberana!
¡Gloria, en fin, a la tierra prometida,
La libre y virgen tierra americana!
Christian Nov 2010
I see, I see it everyday. False smiles, different from the suburban trophy wife. These smiles tell their story. You've never seen these smiles, felt them? Then you haven't noticed yourself making them. "How are you?" To the cashier at the grocery store, followed by a smile. but really, you don't care how they are, your busy, I don't blame you, busy with nothing to do, I do it too. Simple hellos let others know your normal. What's normal? How many times has that argument been fought? 'what's normal'  I can tell you, but like anything, its all relative. Normal is being content having a good job holding some sort of stature being above those not normal keeping the social stigmas living them, naturally. I just realized I can't tell you what normal is without writing too much. Look at the magazines and those big T.V's
they can tell you better than me. But from what I told you... Being content. None of us are. You got yourself a good job, good job, you now have status among the living, good job, your not that alcoholic *** living on the streets, your not begging for change, you give it, not because you want to but to show that you have that to spare, good job, you are an outstanding citizen contributing the only way we realize how, by spending, good job, but, oh there's always a but,why, oh why the but, tell me my cups half empty, but I assure you sir, I've only drank a quarter of my coffee, my americano to be sure, in a 16oz cup to be surer, but to the but's, that is what we can call life, or reality. But what?! You hate your job and your bigger house only made you smile when you bought it and when you flush your demons down your ebony marbled **** catcher. I smile then too, the ladder that is and without the marble. but you still feel unfulfilled,
and still, yea, still, you don't know why, but your not content with not knowing, because then the boogie man is real and you look the fool, so we give our little smiles to tell the others "I'm normal" because we don't think we are. but, if they don't know,  then, its fine. But, thats not all. If you haven't noticed that 'habit' in you yet, then your smiling that same smile to yourself. Because if you don't know then your free. Free of the burden of fearing you don't know. Oh but brother, I don't blame you, no, I don't hate you, I do it too. I guess what makes me different is that I noticed. But, Does that really make me different? Does it really matter? I don't know. I don't know if I ever will. I'd like to say, "but thats okay" but my americano is almost gone, my cups about empty. If i was really content, then fear wouldn't be my 'companion'. Fear of money fear of love or lack of, really, fear of progressing, fear of failure, fear of moving back becoming less, not fear of death but of dying unnoticed. Fear of not being called of rejection of life. I've noticed, with myself, that when one fear grows strong, the other worries grow into fear, they rise to the surface, goop in my pores, suffocate me and I hear myself plea with death to take me so I won't have to take myself because everything would be easier done dead. But, I don't want to die, I want the easy button, but I don't want that,
but I do, then I get confused and lost in this push and pull which is my devil which is my angel tugging on my ears as i scream "Shut up! Shut the **** up!" Sometimes though, I remember to ask, to be honest with myself. Why am I  afraid? What am I afraid of? Is that really what I'm afraid of? Why am I afraid of that? Is it because of my past? Or because of urgency? I keep asking. Sometimes remembering hurts, but, thats how to clean your pores, I find it sometimes, sometimes i find what makes my devils grow. Most of the time I don't like it. Because I feel ashamed of it. Which is why I bury it deep. but, if you allow it to be, accept that it is true, to bare that shame. These fears are walls, friend. Pass through them. Are you still listening to me? Its okay if your not. Punch me in the ******* face because thats what you might think to do. Who am I to tell you your fears are just walls that rebuild if you break them down and close if you build doors, that these walls aren't solid, which is why you can pass right through them? Huh? Who am I?! I don't know. Just know though that I tell you to tell myself.
because I forget because I give better advice to others, because I should give that advice to myself, because I breathe, I think, I die.
We all die. But death is not different from life. Just like I am not different from you. But how do I know that when I don't even know who I am. Who am I but another but in life. I am that ant which carries the maggots, I am the creak in the door, I am why your car won't start, I am the sugar in your coffee, I am your god, I am god. But don't worship me. Worship yourself. you are the smell of the rotting trash.
you are the water we drink. You are god. Everything is. So what? So what's the point?To remember that we don't have to give each other false smiles anymore. The more of us that open ourselves, the more that will choose to open too. What does that mean? I don't really know. I have answers. But what are answers from another. An answer from yourself answers more. At least for me. Your worried if your right though. Right? Believe, Breathe, Be patient. Again, this I tell myself. Your still listening? Thanks. I end my rant to ****. Is that crude? rude?
Coffee shop rant

(Creative input always welcome. Critique, please with honesty tell me what I could improve. I want to learn to become better. Thanks)
mk Jan 2017
We order a mushroom-cheese omelet

Now see you’re the kind of guy who eats jam on toast
And I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t eat toast as all
So when the plate comes, I give you both pieces of toast
And you spread the strawberry jam on it
While I’m busy cutting the omelet in half
But before taking a bite of anything
We both pick up a hashbrown simultaneously
As if somehow we’d planned the entire thing
And we both take a bite of it and
We love it
It’s cooked to perfection and potatoes are my weakness
Back to the omlet though,
So I’m not that great at cutting
And the omelet cut unevenly in half
So you take the smaller piece
Even though you’re bigger than me
And I steal the bigger piece
Even though I’m smaller than you
And you eat your half in three bites
While I’m struggling with mine
And the string cheese is caught somewhere between
My fingers, my mouth and the plate
And it takes me a while to eat
About twenty bites in, there’s no way I can eat more
So I ask you to eat what’s leftover
I guess I should have given you the bigger half to begin with
But I guess that’s just how we work
Where you’ll always take the smaller portion
But end up eating most of the food
Because I’ll always take the bigger portion
And leave most of it untouched
You eat my leftovers in two bites
And the coffee arrives
I almost knock over your espresso
While reaching for the complimentary cookie
I eat my cookie
And then I eat half of yours too
And by this time I’m pretty full
But I see a sign for a free cookie
And I want it
You don’t really care for it but you laugh
Because you haven’t seen me want anything as bad
As the cookie (it's free!)
And so you get me the free cookie
And I’m too full to eat it
So I put it in my bag
Very proudly; it’s my success for the day
I finish my Americano faster than you finish your single shot espresso
So you give me a sip of yours
But you drop a few drops on me
And now my pants look like they have blood stains
And I smell of espresso
And you’re trying to clean it with a tissue
But the waiter thinks we’re doing something naughty
So I tell you to stop
And even if we were doing something naughty
Who’s the waiter to say anything anyways
So we finish out coffee and we call for an uber
And my pants are stained
And I’m carrying my cookie
And I don’t think I’ve ever been happier
While we wait for the uber
You steal my glasses
And you try them on
They look funny on you
I like them on you
I think I like you
And you can’t see anything
And I can’t see anything either
Except for your outline
That’s enough for me
So the uber comes
And he calls us
And we’re leaving
At the counter you pay
And I see a Nutella cookie in the window
I want it
But you just paid for breakfast
So I’ll keep quiet
We sit in the car
And I put on pomegranate lipbalm
And I give you some too
Your lips look nice and soft now
And I think today has been a really great day
And I think you fit me well
Because you love toast and I leave toast
And it works out
(except for that baked tomato no one ate)
But look the point is
Is that we work
And we squish in the back of an uber
And guess what?
The seat was made for two.

We ordered a mushroom-cheese omelet
It was a good day
Oberon Feb 2015
12.30 a.m
the town drenched with
the never-ending fall of rain
still horribly soaking with
sinners and saints looking for love in
cold sheets;
dark winding alleys;
telephone lines;
and every where in between
this solitude is becoming
more a safe haven
if anything

5 a.m
city lights on the river
and it takes me back to
the familiar print of checkered blue shirt
draped on her arm
and how it complimented
her pale skin and red lips
ash blue hair in the summer breeze
voice like the dawn of spring
everything i'm not and never will be
yesterday's cup of sad americano
on a lonely table for two
on a wintry october night
growing colder and colder
by the second

6 a.m
the now bright sky still cries
with me
the blinding lights of terminals
bustling with hellos and goodbyes
mock me
black knit sweater black ripped jeans
and heart now stained black as i remember
your eyes forming phases of the moon
round curious, crescents bright
the you who can't hide it
the warmth of the sun seep through my clothes
a mark of a new day, another chance to wonder
whether today is another to
ponder upon what ifs what could've beens and should've beens

10.55 a.m
i'm ready to leave the pretend love
who had already left me first
when you kissed me
on the tip of
your tongue
were a name
and a taste
of another
i'd rather not know.
Careta era o cavalo
A quem o sal dado
Em mim sangrava.

Tinka, um dos 2 cachorros –
Meu predileto era o Leão.
Brigavam como cães e gatos.

I Think era como o chamava -
ao primeiro dos cães
o americano missionário.

Shibiu, ou será Chibiu?
– era o cachorro de dona Modesta
Nossa mãe adotada: sempre atenta
A que nenhum bicho nos agarrasse.

Lembro-me também do Bito
Aquele disgramado, culpado duas
Vezes por esta cicatriz que trago
No meio das costelas e no fardo
Pessoal que carregamos vida afora.

Bito não era bode expiatório
– mas cabrito imolado tampouco.
Acho que era o diabo tocando viola.

Eu alimentava os porcos
Sem expulsar ninguém
Morro abaixo...
From Cadernos de Sizenando
Vuelve otra vez tu día,
oh patria amada, el día de tu gloria.

Vuelve de nuevo a resonar triunfales
los himnos que eternizan tu memoria,
y el espléndido cielo de tu historia,
vuelve el sol de tus días inmortales.

Y otra vez a tu ara sacrosanta
llevan tus hijos fieles
flores que fecundaron tus vergeles;
y músicas marciales
al aire asordan, y doquier se oye,
en valles, montañas y llanuras,
en la extensión del suelo colombiano,
el canto jubiloso de los libres
que sube a las alturas,
de la gloria al alcázar soberano.

Y de nuevo flamea,
no como en días trágicos de horrores,
entre el ronco fragor de la pelea,
sino bajo arcos de laurel y flores,
el pendón de la patria,
la santa enseñanza de los tres colores...
la bandera inmortal que oyó las dianas
de los heroicos triunfos legendarios.

La que fue a despertar  los cóndores
a la cumbre más alta de los Andes
y fue más tarde a despertar la gloria;
la bandera inmortal, la santa egida,
que el camino marcó de la Victoria.

Besada por ondas de tus mares,
bajo el palio infinito de tu cielo,
tachonado de ardientes luminares;
lleno de flores tu fecundo suelo.
Y adormida el rumor de tus palmares,
lloras en silencio, Patria mía,
cansada de esperar luz en tu noche,
en la callada noche de tus penas;
cansada de esperar en tu agonía
el hierro que limara tus cadenas.

No, ya los hijos tuyos,
de las selvas antiguos moradores,
vagan libres, bajo el sol fulgente
que vio la gloria de tus días grandes,
ya desde la cima de los Andes
alumbraba ruinas solamente;
ni llevaban vencidos y humillados
por la invasora gente,
el cintillo de oro en la garganta
y el penacho de plumas en la frente,
ni ya el aire cortaba
las voladoras flechas,
ni en las noches de luna sollozaban
de la indígena raza los endechas.

Donde el templo del sol brilla espléndido
y sus láminas de oro refulgían,
ya los dolientes ojos no veían
sino campo infecundo y desolado.
Y el áureo trono de los reyes indios
en el polvo yacía destrozado.
Todo lo derribó cual hacha impía
del duro vencedor el brazo fuerte,
y al fin, de esa grandeza en los escombros
parecía vivir sólo la muerte...
eres, patria, la esclava envilecida;
eres, patria, el girón abandonado;
eres cual hado de baldón tu hado,
y cual vida de baldón tu vida
mas del mal el reinado no es eterno...
no su imperio perdura;
ni es eterna la noche pavorosa,
ni es eterna la humana desventura.

Que en las grandes catástrofes sombrías,
en las horas de angustia y desconsuelo,
cuando a las almas el dolor avanza,
siempre se ve la escala milagrosa
por donde sube la plegaría al cielo,
baja de los cielos la esperanza...
y llega por fin el día.

En que estallan, rugiendo los dolores
en los esclavos pechos comprimidos,
cuando alzan la cerviz los oprimidos
y bajo la cerviz los opresores,
y que tiemblen entonces los verdugos,
porque de sus dolores y sus lágrimas
pedirán los esclavos cuenta un día;
porque el llanto de un pueblo entre cadenas,
de su agonía en el mortal desmayo,
¡se alzan a los cielos, se condensa en nube,
y baja al suelo convertido en rayo!...

Y de lauro inmortal la sien ornada,
no retando a los duros opresores,
no al escape de caballos voladores,
sino en doliente precisión callada,
finge la mente que a la tierra vuelven
de las altas mansiones siderales,
al oír las alabanzas de los libres,
los que valientes en lid cayeron
y hogar y patria libertad nos dieron.

Y al fin llegó a la libertad la hora;
rompió en brillante aurora
la noche de tus penas,
y trocaste por cánticos de triunfo
los rumores de tus ayes y cadenas,
bajó a ti la victoria,
y sonaron las músicas marciales,
y empezaste el camino de la gloria,
el que lleva a las cumbres inmortales.

Y el combate se traba,
pero combate desigual, los unos
son los heroicos en sangrientas lides,
los que en el brazo llevan
empuje de Pelayos y de Cides;
Los que el paso cerraron
al corso altivo, forjadores de cetros,
y altas hazañas de una nueva aliada,
en Lepanto y Pavía renovaron...
Y los otros... Los parias infelices,
los que aun llevan en la espalda impresas
del tormento cruel las cicatrices
y del esclavo la ominosa marca,
más tenían la fe que salva montes,
la sacra fe que lo imposible abarca;
y busca de los amplios horizontes,
donde el sol de los libres centellea,
a la lid se lanzaron.

De esperanza inmortal henchido el pecho,
porque sabían que jamás sucumbe
quien lucha por una patria y su derecho.
Rota por la metralla
su bandera se vio, tintos en sangre
corrieron a la mar los patrios ríos,
y en la atónita tierra no se oía,
cual ronca marejada,
más que en el estruendo de la lid bravía,
fueron los días de la amarga prueba;
fueron los días de orfandad y  llanto
y de muerte y de horrores,
pero nada importaba los reversos
ni de la adversa suerte los rigores.

Y de inmortal la sien ornada,
no retando a los duros opresores,
no al escape de caballos voladores,
sino en doliente procesión callada,
finge la mente que a la tierra vuelven
de las altas misiones siderales,
al oír las alabanzas de los libres,
los que valientes en la lid cayeron
y  hogar y patria y libertad nos dieron.

Sonríen al ver que siempre grande
Por glorioso camino
la patria sigue a su inmortal destino;
y sonríen al ver que limpio brilla
el pendón colombiano
bajo el brillante cielo americano;
Que con amor guardamos su memoria,
Que somos dignos de sus altos hechos
Y dignos herederos de su gloria.
Y también surgen como blancos lirios,
como estrellas en diáfanas neblinas,
alta la sien, con nimbo esplendoroso,
de la patria las bellas heroínas.

También al resonar de las cadenas
indignas sus almas palpitaron;
también las cumbres del dolor hallaron...

También ellas, heroicas y serenas,
de la patria en las aras se inmolaron.
También los hechos brillan
como los hechos de los grandes hombres;
y también tienen la fama
corona de laureles para sus sienes.
Himnos de admiración tienen sus nombres;
que el corazón de la mujer, santuarios
de los puros y nobles idealismos,
también sube a la cima de la Gloria
y es capaz de los grandes heroísmos
para el amor y la virtud nacida
Ella es cordial de toda desventura;
doquiera su piedad enjuga lágrimas
y en toda sombra de dolor fulgura.
Por eso nunca desoyó el lamento
ni vio imposible el horrido quebranto
de la patria llorosa y desvalida.
¡Cuando llanto pidió, le dio su llanto;
cuando vidas pidió, le dio su vida!
¡Vuelve, oh patria, de nuevo
el día de tu gloria inmarcesible!
y otra vez a tu ara sacrosanto,
sube el himno de un pueblo redimido
de la grandeza de tus héroes canta.

Palpite eternamente en nuestros labios
y en nuestras almas su inmortal recuerdo,
porque ensalzando tus radiantes glorias,
oh patria, oh sol que sin ocaso brillas,
estaremos en pie para la tierra,
más para el cielo estamos de rodillas.
raven simone Mar 2013
thats who.
who's asking anyway?
Was it that ratchet **
frahm the deli?
*** I got something to say to her, And I will say it
sometimes she puts my chicken on rye
on ciabatta.
And sometimes it's fine because...
sometimes I see the moon then soon I see the sun, sometimes I like to look out of the highest floor
and everything is so small and so peaceful:
no one can upset that tranquility,
the sheer exhaustion of life,
gives one a tough exterior, a shell.
If someone comes a knocking, before i've had my pie, it's all over,
but sometimes realizing you are but an refreshing
then you get back downstairs and someone spills their grande americano, no milk or sugar, because that's so  mainstream on your cashmere cardigan
then you realize
that throwing a punch is so very healthy
a punch straight in the retro glasses that they do not need.
pow, right in the kisser.
So you can tell the nashty from the deli
she might be next.
The man who spilled his drink is now on the ground, but it's ok he instgrammed the whole thing.
Kasey May 2013
Coffee shop boy sitting at a wooden table with headphones tucked gently into his ears
Sipping espresso or tea from a paper cup that says "Caution: Hot Contents"
Which makes him think desperately of her clothes, and the wind-kissed skin she wears underneath
Wishing he could be the air and wrap his soul around her with each of her steps.
He takes a sip of his latte or black coffee, and feels the burn as it travels down his throat
While it warms his heart he looks out at the night sky framed by the coffee shop window
He glances at the moon and all of the stars and prays they light her path and keep her safe
In envy he realizes the stars look upon her every night, when she wears the moonlight around her face
With her head resting against a pillow, eyes closed and dreaming things the day can't contaminate.
And he wishes beyond hope he could be there to write them down like a to-do list kept secret from her
Until completed he presents them to her, with a check mark on his own heart to show that it, too, is hers.
But since he cannot do these things he picks up his Americano or Cocomo and takes another sip
And he lets the banging of the drums and deliberate pounding of the guitar put her out of his mind
Until later at night he picks up a pen, half-full with ink, and writes once again about himself
Hoping she'll read each word and fall as in love with him, imperfections, flaws and humanity
As he is with her beauty, words, breath, heart, soul and spirit.
Turco Dimas Jun 2013
Yo soy el antípoda del poeta americano
Poets in the wind
Yo soy el cadáver de la tumba
Horses in the bed
Yo soy el alabastro californiano
California is my dream
Yo soy el sueño de California
Tiffany's bay
Chocolate brew
Yo soy la Costa Oeste
West coast lips
Adiós to California, Juan
Adios to California, John
Not John Coltrane
Not John Smith
Not John Bach
John Hiatt is the name
antony glaser Sep 2012
Whilst you daydreamed,
your eyes seemed to lose their sheen
and you'd forget  how to empathise.
You shut the car door hard
as  if someone who wanted
to aspirate closure.
We spent two nights at the Cooden Beach hotel,
so we could hear June Tabor and Oyster band,
proceeding this performance ,
we had our four slices of toast and an Americano.
Your pink canvas bag
and polished  stilettos
underneath the dinner table
hid an issue or two
playing a parallel game.
El bosque centenario
En sus antros encierra
Ese silencio eterno que acompaña
A las salvajes pompas de la América.

En el espeso toldo
Que al sol el paso niega,
Los cenzontles que cantan en las noches,
De rama en rama sin zozobras vuelan.

Y el cardenal errante,
Y el colibrí de seda,
Al beso de las tibias alboradas,
Dando celos al iris, juguetean.

De las copas más altas,
Como argentadas hebras,
Las canas de los viejos ahuehuetes
Dan a los vientos sus robustas crenchas.

Y revistiendo el tronco
De secular corteza,
Matizando sus tronos de esmeralda,
Se abre a la luz la trepadora hiedra.

Tapiza el suelo un musgo
Que ni el verano seca,
Donde recoge el aire en las mañanas
Un sempiterno olor a flores nuevas.

El bosque centenario
En su extensión inmensa
Repercute en las tardes los acentos
Más dulces de los cánticos aztecas.

Las voces de una raza
Peregrina y guerrera
Que va dejando con su sangre hirviente
De su incesante caminar las huellas.

Y vagan esas notas
Dulcísimas y tiernas,
Enseñando a los pájaros salvajes
Tristes y melancólicas cadencias.

Las repite el cenzontle
En la noche serena,
Cuando la luna en el azul espacio
El heno de los árboles platea.

Las dice la calandria,
El clarín las remeda,
Y en las tardes de mayo los jilgueros
Trovan los himnos de su amor con ellas.

Y cuando en tristes horas
De lluvia y de tinieblas
La tempestad su carro de relámpagos
Sobre los viejos árboles pasea,

Y con ojos de llamas
La lechuza agorera
Predice la catástrofe y la muerte
Como alada Sibila de la selva,

Cuando los vientos rugen,
Cuando los troncos tiemblan
Y cual cinta de lumbre en ***** abismo
El rayo retumbando culebrea,

En el fondo del bosque,
Rasgando las tinieblas,
Se oye dulcísima y doliente
Que canta melancólicas endechas.

Son las notas de un arpa
De misteriosas cuerdas
En que surgen estrofas no aprendidas
Cuando calla el placer y hablan las penas.

Las extrañas canciones
Entre la sombra vuelan,
Mezclándose del viento a los rugidos
Y al sordo rebramar de la tormenta.

Vagan en el ramaje,
Cruzan por la maleza,
Y el paso no les corta la falange
De sabinos cual mudos centinelas.

Se extienden en los lagos
De superficie tersa
Donde crecen los juncos cimbradores
Y sus corolas abren las ninfeas.

Cruzan por los maizales
Cuyas cañas esbeltas
Sus hinchadas espigas, a las lluvias
Levantan a los cielos en ofrenda.

¿Quién canta esas canciones?
¿Quién dice esas endechas,
Que ya traspuesto el sol y quieto el mundo
Repiten los cenzontles en la selva?

¿De qué garganta brotan?
¿Quién delira con ellas
Y en la imponente majestad del bosque
En tristísimas horas las eleva?

Mirad, hay en el fondo,
Tras la enramada espesa,
Dominando los altos ahuehuetes
Una montaña de verdor cubierta.

La mano de un gigante
Amontonó sus piedras,
Sobre las cuales fabricó un palacio,
Para propio solaz, un rey azteca.

Son espesos sus muros,
Angostas son sus puertas,
Y parece, mirado desde lejos,
Vetusta cripta en la extensión desierta.

Pega el nopal al muro
Sus espinosas pencas,
Y como cenicientos obeliscos
Los órganos tristísimos lo cercan.

No tiene escudo noble
Tan rara fortaleza,
Ni levadizo puente, ni ancho foso,
Ni rastrillo, ni glacis, ni poterna.

No guarda férreos cascos,
Ni lanzas, ni rodelas,
Ni resonó jamás en sus salones
La armadura brutal de la Edad Media.

Los señores que ha visto
Esgrimen arco y flecha,
Llevan al combatir desnudo el ****
Y adornada con plumas la cabeza.

Obscuros son sus ojos,
Sus cabelleras negras,
Su cutis, siempre al sol, color de trigo,
Sencillas sus costumbres y su lengua.

En tan triste palacio
Con sus damas se hospeda
Siempre sola, llorosa y resignada,
Como un lirio con alma, una princesa.

Y vive sin que nadie
A visitarla venga,
Que por rencor y celos y venganza
Víctima del amor allí la encierran.

Amó, cual amar saben
En su raza, en su tierra,
Las mujeres que encienden sus pupilas
Con la del alma inextinguible hoguera,

Un hermano celoso
De su pasión intensa,
Mató al indio bizarro que formaba
El culto terrenal de la doncella.

Y entonces con la rabia
Que electriza a las fieras,
Cuando el artero cazador destroza
Al cachorro que esconden en la cueva,

Ella tomó en sus manos
La macana de piedra
Y castigó a su hermano con un golpe
Que bien pudo arrancarle la existencia.

El padre, como ejemplo,
Como justa sentencia,
La alejó de su lado y encerróla,
Del viejo bosque en la mansión severa.

Y allí con la alborada,
Cuando la luz despierta,
Cuando en todas las ramas hay cantares
Y alza un himno de amor toda la selva,

Cuando se abren las fibras
Y en sus corolas tiemblan
Los pintados y errantes chupamirtos
Que de sabrosas mieles se alimentan,

Se oye como desciende,
Por las abruptas peñas,
Envuelta en un mantón de blancas plumas,
Seguida de sus damas, la Princesa.

Siempre al pisar el bosque
Toma la misma senda,
Para buscar el sitio apetecido
En que el placer y la delicia encuentra.

Allá, bajo las ramas
Más verdes, más espesas,
Y donde en haces de colores vivos
El sol naciente sus fulgores quiebra,

Engastada en el musgo
Cual líquida turquesa,
Convidando a la vida y al deleite,
Espejo del follaje, está la alberca.

El manantial fecundo
Al fondo borbotea,
Sin que nadie perciba sus rumores
Ni la quietud perturbe de la selva.

Dicen que cuando alguno
Se posa en sus arenas,
Queda encantado y con extraña forma,
Y el que a buscarlo va, jamás lo encuentra.

Por eso todos temen,
Y aún los hombres recelan,
Sumergirse en las ondas cristalinas
De una agua tan azul y tan serena.

Sólo la hermosa joven,
Cuando a los bordes llega,
Fija en el manantial una mirada
Que es la viva expresión de una promesa.

Deja el manto de pluma,
Sus cabellos destrenza,
Y a las caricias púdicas del agua,
Dando tregua al dolor, feliz se entrega.

Y míranse en las ondas
Las formas hechiceras,
Deslizarse flotantes y tranquilas
Como la flor que la corriente lleva.

Si el bello busto asoma,
Sobre los senos ruedan
Las gotas trasparentes y brillantes
Como si fuesen lágrimas o perlas.

Y cuando el cuerpo airoso
Quieto flotando queda,
Parece que el cristal azul y terso,
Enamorado sus contornos besa.

Semeja blanca ondina,
Ruborosa sirena,
Que, con un beso, el sol americano
Quemó su piel y la tornó trigueña.

¿Oís? cantan muy dulce
Las aves de la selva,
Las brisas no estremecen el ramaje,
Ni el heno gris en los sabinos tiembla.

El aire está suspenso,
Ningún rumor se eleva,
Porque en el viejo bosque centenario
Juega desnuda la gentil doncella.

Salta un instante al borde
De la azulosa terma,
Y los encantos que la dio natura
Sin velo encubridor al aire muestra.

Y escúchase de pronto
Un grito de sorpresa,
Cual lo lanzara el que soñó en un cielo
Y al fin, sin esperarlo, lo contempla.

Por el vetusto bosque,
El grito aquel resuena,
Y levanta los ojos espantados
La ninfa que en las aguas se refleja.

Y sin tino, temblando,
Pálida, como muerta,
Descubre entre las ramas de un sabino
De un ser desconocido la cabeza.

Es un amante osado,
Es un guerrero azteca,
Que adora a la doncella y la persigue,
Y hoy en su virgen desnudez la acecha.

Sin conceder más tiempo
De que sus formas vea,
Herida en su pudor la altiva joven
Se sumerge en el agua con violencia.

Y al manantial desciende
Y toca sus arenas,
Y se pierde a los ojos de sus damas
Y el guerrero la busca y no la encuentra.

Cruzaron varios soles
Por la azulada esfera,
Y nadie supo el postrimer destino
De aquella humana y púdica azucena.
Que allí quedó encantada,
Refieren las leyendas,
Y que al mediar los soles y las lunas
Flota sobre la líquida turquesa.

Su nombre ignoran todos,
Nadie ignora sus penas,
Y quedan de sus gracias como espejo
Los movibles cristales de la alberca.
Terry Collett Jun 2013
Elisheva pinned back
her hair, her thick lens
glasses enlarged her eyes,
she eyed her lips
fresh red lips ticked.

She pressed
her lips together
as she’d seen
her mother do
to spread the red.

She put away
her makeup case,
clipped up her bag.

Tuviya took in
her plump frame,
his eyes wandered over
the tight jeans and top.

She had ordered
latte and cake.
The counter girl,
thin and pale,
took money
and tilled away.  

He followed her
as she walked
to a table
in the corner
where another sat,
a female of older years,
plump but not fat.  

Elisheva mouthed words,
gestured with hands.

Tuviya studied her
with an artist’s eye,
took in fingers, nails,
gestures and moving lips.

Imagined her
in his studio,
the sharp light,
the battered sofa
holding her frame,
her hands in lap,
her naked *******
like piglets
in deep sleep.

A girl served Elisheva
her drink and cake,
then walked away.

Tuviya drank
his Americano,
his eyes moving over
Elisheva’s moving hands
and lips, the taking
of the latte and cake,
red lips opening
and closing
like fish on land.

He painted her
on his mind’s canvas,
set her down
with inner eye,
shaded in
the dull beyond,
filled in
with inward paints
her outer being
as he saw.

He could have
snapped her
with his Smartphone
camera, captured
in the state of now,
but it may have
spoilt it all,
he thought,

She licked her fingers,
removing crumbs
and cream of cake,
mouthing each one.

He smiled,
imagined another game,
which she’d not play,
he thought,
least not here
and now in this cafe.

She talked on,
her fingers clean,
the dampness shining
in the overhead lights.

Tuviya closed up
the studio in his mind,
put away
the inner paints,
the canvas set aside,
she on the inner artwork,
on battered sofa,
legs spread wide.
Grace Mar 2014
window shopping generally never amounts to much
too much too flashy too rare for me
look in with hopes of finding that special something
something tangible something material something of worth

feeling worthy of that designer item
that limited-edition-look-at-me-i'm-somebody-important
custom made name brand
i walked into the shop bold and haughty

snatched the hand you held your Americano in
and said I'll Take This One
kodi Feb 2020
will I keep my secrets?
shave my legs on the shower floor
imagine how things can be
cool **** by chastity belt playing on my apple tv
check back soon, check in with me

a vegan soup diet
black coffee
diet coke from the bottle
one potato cake
and savoys: an australian classic

poems, poems, poems
words that rhyme
off rhymes — no rhymes
forced a non sequitur
confess, confess
confide and abort

remake dating app profiles over and over
pictures of me: two years old
women - women - women - women
a cup *******
not even a cup *******

***** mirror — bathroom sink
want a cortado? — past memories
mediterranean wholesalers — sydney road
buying glassware in south melbourne

i dream of mozzarella
dairy — unethical
and oysters — the cruelty

be cruel to me, be my bully
kiss me on the lips softly
your tongue in my mouth
you taste like campari
my americano
negroni lesbians

discuss films
you'll mention jim jarmusch
coffee and cigarettes
winona ryder — taxi cab
in los angeles

and i was once an actress
consider me retired
break down the barriers
scream inside yourself
let everyone in until you can't take it
be left alone
I knew something changed.
Something that lingered transformed,
An overwhelming surge of clarity and comfort.
With its caffeinated beverages flowing crisply,
It's stone walls radiating warmth and serenity.

My lips shudder at the taste of bittersweet Americano,
A myriad sensations.
It's subtle earthiness,
It's tasteful tinge of brown sugar,
It's smooth transition from the tongue to the oesophagus.

My eyes widen, my hands tremble.
My world has turned upside down,
No, no, upside up!
This sensation is dizzying, electrifying.
I need to shout across these tidal waves of pleasure,
I must scream across the coloured books, the decorative lights.
Nothing can stop me.
El aura popular me trajo un día
Un nombre que la fama y la victoria
Coronaron de luz y poesía
En la tierra del arte y de la gloria.

Brotando del estruendo de la guerra,
De patricia virtud germen fecundo,
Cruzó como relámpago la tierra,
Y como himno triunfal vibró en el mundo.

Símbolo de una causa redentora,
Conquistó aplausos, lauros, alabanza,
Y brilló sobre Italia como aurora
De libertad, de unión y de esperanza.

¡Garibaldi! con júbilo exclamaba
Entusiasmado el pueblo por doquiera,
Y América ese nombre lo agregaba,
Como nuevo blasón, a su bandera.

¡Oh titán indomable! tú traías
Sobre tu fe la inspiración del cielo,
Y eras para tus pueblos el Mesías
Anunciado por Dante y Maquiavelo.

En la lucha león, niño en el trato,
Clemente y fraternal con los vencidos,
Fue tu palabra el toque de rebato
Que despertó los pueblos oprimidos.

Por donde quiera que tu faz asoma,
Su salvador el pueblo te proclama,
Y Bolonia, Milán, Nápoles, Roma,
Responden a tu esfuerzo y a tu fama.

Es de un hijo de Esparta tu bravura;
Fuego de Grecia en tu mirar entrañas;
Y en el Tirol tu bíblica figura
Parece un semidiós de las montañas.

Tu abnegación sublime me conmueve;
No es mi laúd quien tu alabanza entona:
La eterna voz del siglo diez y nueve
Por todo el mundo tu valor pregona.

Tuviste siempre corazón entero
Donde ningún remordimiento anida,
Pecho de bronce, voluntad de acero,
Ojos radiantes de esperanza y vida.

Marino en la niñez, acostumbrado
A combatir la tempestad a solas,
Diste a tu genio el vuelo no domado
Del huracán al encrespar las olas.

No me asombra en Egipto Bonaparte
Que las altas pirámides profana;
Me admiras tú, clavando tu estandarte
En la desierta pampa americana.

Al César vencedor el turbio Nilo
Aun en sus ondas con terror retrata,
Mientras tu rostro escultural, tranquilo
En su cristal azul dibuja el Plata.

¿Dónde habrá más virtud y más
En el que al mundo en su ambición oprime,
O en el que, sin corona en la cabeza,
Unifica su patria y la redime?

¡Eras un gladiador! Te halló más fuerte
Que un cedro de los Alpes tu destino.
Forma, desde tu cuna hasta tu muerte,
Un bosque de laureles tu camino.

Cuando la hiel de todos los dolores
Cayó en tu abierto corazón de atleta,
Fue la cruz de los grandes redentores
La visión de tu numen de profeta.

Viendo en toda la Italia una familia,
Tanto te sacrificas en su abono,
Que cuando audaz conquistas la Sicilia,
Por no romper la unión, la das al trono.

¡Bendigo tu misión! El mundo ingrato,
Que hoy aplaude tu nombre y lo venera,
Olvidará que fuiste un Cincinato
En tu retiro augusto de Caprera.

Negará que tu te republicana,
Iluminando siempre tu horizonte,
Brilló en Palermo, deslumbró en Mentana,
E irradió como sol en Aspromonte.

Olvidará también que tus legiones
Llevaron siempre combatiendo, fieles,
Por escudos sus nobles corazones,
Las glorias de la patria por laureles.

Mas no podrá negar que, entre prolijos
Goces, te vimos con amor profundo,
Dar tu sangre y la sangre de tus hijos
Por defender la libertad del mundo

No sólo Roma con viril acento
Ensalzará tu nombre, ilustre anciano,
Que ya dejas perpetuo monumento
En cada corazón americano.

Francia se enorgullece con tu nombre;
Méjico rinde culto a tu memoria;
Y no hay una nación que no se asombre
De tu fe, de tu genio y de tu gloria.

Sirva a los pueblos libres de amuleto
Tu nombre, que la historia diviniza,
Y el mundo mire siempre con respeto
El ánfora que guarde tu ceniza.

La República fue tu culto santo
La unión de Italia tu ambición suprema,
La blusa roja tu purpúreo manto,
Y el gorro frigio tu imperial diadema.
A L Davies May 2011
after many months of sleeping
i awake in the mountains of navarra:
dusty & feeling like a grain sack:
limp & weary of travel.

sometimes a girl comes & gives me a little water
--as much as her family can spare.
i thank her each time but note the distrust in her eyes.
perhaps it is the length of my hair,
or the folksongs i sing in my sleep.
her father sits in a corner, smoking, cursing me in spanish.
(things like "**** americano")
i contemplate telling him i came from canada
--but i don't think it would matter much.
they've already burned my clothes,
or sold them, maybe. (novelty items.)
i think the girl brought me a robe of some kind
while i was sleeping (it's loose & very comfortable)
i wanna go to spain/rucksack along thru the hills,mountains,verges de civilization.
Tristan Claude Aug 2010
You make me smile with the rain,
As it glistens like your eyes,
You are a New York paradise,
With your hips, moving with the sounds of music and voice,
Delicate chocolate and bitter sweet,
Americano coffee with caramel, you keep me awake,
How wonderful, like a revolution,
Love, will make the warrior weep,
Bitter sweet dusk and dawn,
Dead lilacs by the road,
Variety is the spice of life,
And so many are dying,
You make my knees bleed,
And my hips die of greed,
There is no comfort,
When you walked away.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Huevos Cabreaos
followed by an Americano,
taking respite from those morning Lowry figurines with their bon bon shopping priorities.
A Puerto Rican girl has just passed the La Tasca informal interview
and is immediately hugged by her awaiting friends,
life is so fast and we all think like wikipaedia, fragments of momentary knowledge ,
even the menu here has a photographic memory lock,
outside a Big Issue seller makes his first sale
the broadest Lancashire accent,
can soothe somebody's day,
here is the reality of listening too.

— The End —