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Blameless as daylight I stood looking
At a field of horses, necks bent, manes blown,
Tails streaming against the green
Backdrop of sycamores. Sun was striking
White chapel pinnacles over the roofs,
Holding the horses, the clouds, the leaves

Steadily rooted though they were all flowing
Away to the left like reeds in a sea
When the splinter flew in and stuck my eye,
Needling it dark. Then I was seeing
A melding of shapes in a hot rain:
Horses warped on the altering green,

Outlandish as double-****** camels or unicorns,
Grazing at the margins of a bad monochrome,
Beasts of oasis, a better time.
Abrading my lid, the small grain burns:
Red cinder around which I myself,
Horses, planets and spires revolve.

Neither tears nor the easing flush
Of eyebaths can unseat the speck:
It sticks, and it has stuck a week.
I wear the present itch for flesh,
Blind to what will be and what was.
I dream that I am Oedipus.

What I want back is what I was
Before the bed, before the knife,
Before the brooch-pin and the salve
Fixed me in this parenthesis;
Horses fluent in the wind,
A place, a time gone out of mind.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Mapless, clueless,

Now a year.5 later,
I am, not yet, more than I imagine.
What I do Is all that must be done,

no less, but only
my part, my talent which I have not,
if the parable is taken literal,
those talents in the tale,
those were money,

not charisma.

Deify, make a god
de-ify, make a truth. Yep. That, de-ifing,
I do that,
think of the oil in an engine,
slippery, slick, smooth fluid
resisting nothing,
rolling with the explosive ****** of life.

I breathe, being metaphorically,
Solomonically wise,
I feared God and kept his commandments,

and thought sure I saw a wink, but
that coulda been a gleam, a reflection taken
by my eye
to my hindbrain, a single quanta
of leavenish light from what the seer saw,

a gleam glistens, I think I see what Mercury,
the message, the medium, flowing twixt yen and yank,
Vibrant un abrading wave bearing grains
of matter smattering to the shore,
immaterial to the wave,
where the power's
drawn, pulled,
not pushed,
listing not lusting,

air-ish heirily, heir of the wind, I go...

winds list whither they will, always
the path of least resistance,
no lie.
Any thing that refuses to fall,
whether it bends or not,
it stands,
under the push of the pull,
the dam
imbalance of heat, twixt air and sea and land,
the circuits of the wind, ventilator of life,
****** into hated vacuums
over physics forced channels,
down canyons
dammed by mountain titans eruptioned,
fractures in the firmament, formed
back in Peleg's day,
as the turmoil settled,
aftershocks, still, winding
currents formed chaotic energy cells,
swirls to hold
lower pressure pushed by high,
the life force of a planet, broken and frozen
and fried crisp,
if it weren't for air.
And water.

It works,
the biosphere,
but surely, as my friend Ben said,
"we live on the wreck of a world."

Life adapts to living, medium message.

Desert dry silicon
dust rides winds pushing its owned way
into places where...

There's the rub.
That's my part, at the moment,
Here, right here,
is how I know.

This moment is real. You dear reader
make it so.

Imagining there is no hell,
that's personal,
but on earth, as in heaven,
as a man thinks...
you know, I think that part never broke.

Don't lie, don't fret. Wait and see.
or watch and see, if you are the proactive type,
either way, don't lie about the seen and done.
And don't believe lies, about things you've seen and done.
Listening to Jordan B. Peterson, Maps of Meaning, and comparing my tracks. And I voted, that was hard to believe it could make a difference, but it did. We the people do have power, to each his own.
Martine Aug 2011
it lays
Once virginal white,
now stained
with impure grey.
It's smoothness,
by abrading gravel.
Stray foot falls,
imprint it further.
Surviving buds
not yet fallen,
shed dew drops of sorrow
for petals lost.
Fallen petals of every nature..
Fegger Nov 2010
Evolution complete:
I am faceless.
That, once recognizable,
Is disfigured and ugly;
And exudes the smell
Of gangrenous life.
Eyes of strangers, friends,
Horrified by my transformation,
Look beyond, toward safety.
My stare will consume them,
And labor them,
Into my hollow.
It is my soul,
Pure and discontent,
That cries for emancipation
And deliverance.
It is the cyclones
Of failures echoing,
Again and again,
Abrading my use,
Paring my value.
The dust in my palms,
Is the former me;
And even the breaths
Of God
Cannot reconstitute
This undead.
I resign,
To the solitary
That remains:
To free the soul
From its heinous captor;
To bait tranquility
With selfless mercy
Until the final drop
Dries unnoticed.
Copyright 2010, Fegger
Ayeshah Dec 2010
She studied him ,while not really letting him
know she was checking him out
He was looking at her  bluntly
showing her he was looking
& checking her out too
As He crossed the room
to go turn on the stereo.,
She studied him closely
Noticing ; He looked
Afrocentric and so exotic
His Muscular ****** Body
worked to a hue of perfection.,
Honey Skin,Silk waves combed just right
so the light caught the red high lites
He probably didn't even know. he had
His face seemed sculptured
molded in pure model like form
****** hair shaved like he was working for GQ
Magazine Breath taking'ly Handsome.,
She held her breath as he looked up at her
he winked and pointed to the song playing
on the stereo
All she could do was nod her head in agreement.
He saw in the mirror how
she was looking secretly at him
or so she was lead to think,
He too was doing the same thing
Checking out this Beautiful Hypnotic Queen
The legs and hour glass shape was what 1st caught
his eye but the smile she gave
sent chills down his spine
the way she moved
so gracefully
like she was walking on air
made him feel weak kneed
Her Hair flowing in its natural state
curly and hanging down on her shoulders
giving her a heart shape looking face
he could run his hands in it but not just yet,
The feelings she in golfed
in him made him forget
what they was supposed to be doing
Studying for their law exam.
They didn't have to speak,
It seem the silences
would become a special communication.
Like in oasis the desert
the silence was a balm giving peace and respite
from the world
were words could become meaningless
sounds masking the emotions and abrading the senses.
These silences were uplifting ; a type of intimacy with-out
Looking in His eyes and not saying a word
in harmony with each other
holing onto the memories of unspoken desires
casting off the shadows of doubt,
He don't need to enter her flesh
when just being there next to her was a gift
Cherished & treasured,
This was such a different kind of love.
She's looking in his eye's Silently
caressing him
Mind blowing thoughts shared
even as words were unspoken,
eye contact promised everything
Didn't need no words
when you're mentally
emotinally and
soon to be phycially connected
And then He Smiles.
His eyes light up
He has beautiful eyes
the thickest longest lashes
she had ever seen on a man
His light eyes became lit from
within and a feeling of sunshine
filled the room.
Because of her He was able to smile again
let the laughter in
Because of him she was able to trust
open up again.
And all this was done
With out a word!
Always me Ayeshah
written Saturday, December 23, 2006
© 2010
vircapio gale Feb 2016
my thoughts, so potent just before--
like fresh-pressed olive drops
that lingered, lipping from the fragrant spout--
now pass, diffuse atop an ocean vast.

i imagine willing it to be a pond,
not for its lesser size alone
but mostly for its calm,
reflective height; yet
these waves are
distort ruthlessness
of liquid dust
by slapping, tower-high
the central ocean rip-whirl tide:
and gone--
as Homer's heroes screaming as they drown,
deaf as oars but for their final gasps
of yearned-for clarity:
of nameless pride's Ithacan king
abrading lustful wrists
restrained to blind a god's son's single eye
by tentacles of twisting, tactful fate.

by threaded loom rethreaded
soon i see my salty self in suit
of sameness, tricking time
by indolence or theft--
from truth, from others' hearths--
the difference winks in bubbles on the cosmic shore...
foam so clean i grin to call it spume,
grin to brace the seabed to my algaed chest
in salinating crush of sand, of blood-sharp shell and rock,
in sungreen warmth of blue and life
in crashing sinus wince
i grit aegean nereids in my sneeze,
splay their formless sexing into pelvic scrapes
of quickened starbursts anciently reborn,
squeezed in pleasure tears and laughing drops--
as all pelagic ***** must
within the pressure of a world,
its breathing darkness spotted with transmuted sun,
expel itself in sensate gusts--
as octopodal spurting flings
in liquid ****** of purpose forth,
(or backwards, sideways, in and out)--
so too i think
and thinking, drown my ink
instead of drowning thinking in my ink

Vritti, literally "whirlpool", is a technical term in yoga meant to indicate that the contents of mental awareness are disturbances in the medium of consciousness.

Charybdis, Scylla
Polyphemous, Poseidon's son
Odysseus with a whole cart of oars and barrels of salt
Thales and olive oil

may our inkwells never run dry
like Hellenic similes
grammarian's passions
Prabhu Iyer Aug 2012
She is not of this world, no, not of this world at all:
She comes here on difficult visits
To this realm of deception enamoured of gratification
Like the moon reflected on the crest of a high wave:
Never certain, and assuredly mortal is her reign
Breaking apart in a hundred sprays of violent agony
After every roaring chequered ascension;
I too mistook pain for her
Pain, her distant shadow
Sorrow, her cousin who triumphs here
Deep in the woods I heard the song of the willow
And thought it was her song
It was the wind playing in the hollow reed
Emptied of all essence in ****** of suffering
Regal moss covers broken walls worn of centuries of abrading life
The deep night deceives of peace only to die in
A thousand pools of blood, every morning
When the harsh light of truth proclaims:
Listen, distances, resound in the hum of blowing winds,
This toll of reality:
Proclaim to the forlorn lover suffering in the thrall of the early night
Proclaim to the hopeful lover labouring in the field of life
Love is not of this world,
Love does not exist in this world
A moments’ exultation follows a lifetime of agony here
The vain, the ******, profferer of gratification
Is the sole winner here:
Go break the crest of the moon on the rising tide
Go break every longing heart!
Go warn the wanderer in the woods
Of the impending doom that looms over his quest
ryn Sep 2017
It's an ungodly hour.
And I've been kept awake.

The world beckons.
And it didn't call with melodious
chirps from the birds in the trees.
It wasn't the soft, calming pitter patter
of raindrops upon the window pane.


Sneaky, almost sinister thoughts.

Like fine-grain sandpaper that gently rubs
against the quiet skin.
Like a fine-toothed comb that jabs
lightly and repeatedly into the scalp.
Like a tiny paper cut that is invisible
yet you know it's there.

Slowly abrading...

Eating away at the thin veil
of silence and peace
that barely blankets my being.


I am now awake.
And I have been awake...
Thinking, doubting and second guessing...
At this ungodly hour.
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
run your(selves)
over imperfect
healing, abrading,
breaking me
into round
handfuls of
careful heft,
scattered along
freshly carved
sandy bends
(where more
than a few are
said to have
struck gold),
waiting for
to seek a stone
that fits
and skip it
across peaceful you
calming as we 
spread out,
slow the flow
loss of us
both into
For the peace-bringers in my life...thank you.
Connor Brown Aug 2013
He left a napkin at the bar,
Soaked with the sweat of his drink.
In runny ink (the shade of my pen's)
He sketched America on her head,
Boldly proclaiming the best of herself
As her blue-blood trickled down—
With the consistency of —
Her abrading rocky *******.
Below, this renegade had writ
In scribbled (nearly foreign) print,

"The one I love is dead."
ChinHooi Ng May 2015
A sketch
A cigar burning,
loitering indoor,
the acrid smell,
the undersize room,
a solitary versifier,
at a table with,
rose motif,
the longings of stars for the clouds,
the pyrotechnics flickering,
the heat of wine,
in the dead of night,
the fountain pen,
stranded on the paper,
till the break of day,
ink wash painting,
a lifelike,
buttonneire of roses,
words unspoken,
intricate sentiments.
Doofinity Jul 2015
The landslide pours around my clambering arms and legs, abrading my flesh with its contents of sharp rocks and broken earth.
I feel my feet slip their traction, and kick my toes into the jagged incline.
Hands losing grip, I claw upward desperately hunting for the slightest finger hold.
Nails shredded, blood from my broken knuckles swirl with the sludge oozing past me.
Mud matted hair and freckled spattered accents are caked across my face.
Eyes blurred with the sting of salt like that of the Red Sea.
Cries stifled for the fear of opening my mouth to be invaded by the waves of agony.
I glance down into the dreaded abyss below.
Unable to discern shapes in the pitch.
A glint of orange, a blink of red, glanced glow of green.
I know they're down there... Echoing sounds of gnashing teeth, and beastly screeches, scraping and scrambling just as frantic as I, but their objective is not escape such as mine.
They want to take me, eat me alive, stuffing their insatiable guts with my raw emotions.
Just one crooked talon hooked into my ankle and I'd become a side of beef at a feeding frenzy.
The unknown faces below radiate ice cold still air toward my feet.
I need to find warmth.
Upward, I reach. This cannot consume me, I will not yield.
I feel the grind of my bones and grit in my wounds, burn in my eyes, taste of bitter dampness, smell the murky bog...It's ******* miserable, but I realize, I am...almost alive.
I refuse to be numb, I allow my pain and fear be my passenger, become my fuel...
My battle is forever unending, but I have seen blue sky before, felt the sun penetrate my skin and warm my body, tasted the sweet air of a serene eve...
There is a place, I know, I can find it again, holding hope.
Just one kind embrace from love and I, the feeble hunted, turn graceful huntress surviving, thriving.
PK Wakefield Sep 2014
all muscles bent
over the
bent over the
bending counter



spit pretty up the
mouth under the
skirt fingers working

fingers open the
tight little chest of
cotton and just
shaved yesterday
a bit of stubble
hurts fingers abrading

knuckles deep into
face pressed against
the cold cold cold


       A what?
Chagg Feb 2021
This delight fragrance of the soil below
Reveals the hovering of dark, humid shadow.
There’s a joy in the air,
There’s a blossom in each rainy tear.

Each melody has a deep sensation,
That gives my heart an ambition.
Each resonance initiates a new desire,
Each asks me to follow its own admire.

Oh, this dejecting shower came to end,  
All my desires are also abandoned,
All this halt with a gloomy end,
Abrading all my dreams in a glance.
Sam Hacker May 2018
Bland colours on the walls reflect our hearts.
Cold drafts in the empty hallways inspire doubt in our already clouded minds.
       A stream of words, uninterrupted through the weeks and months, never ceasing,
        breaks even the strongest discipline.

Droning, numbing, abrading away all thought or whim, melding perfection,
           that may never come, that will never fully avail itself upon the collective senses
            Of the plenitude of “students” living and working between these walls.
The walls painted a uniform eggshell, urging to stay in the incubator.

The door stands as a gateway to another, brighter, complete, world.
              The door, though with hinges easily opened, and a threshold easily crossed,
               Has been lifted to a height unattainable to those who work alone, or in dissidence with others.
                It stands as a gateway, but the way has never been as arduous, nor as complicated, quite as now.
What a berk I am
full of nothingness
A universe inside my head is burning
And I see no shadow helping

I desire to pass intoxicant
for I feel no other escape

I am abrading my soul
wish I could wail And
Befriend with my death

They are teaching me to stand
And how to talk with neighbors
For this might be their home
But I do not feel this as my querencia

At least there will be something
I hope after my breath
allanbrunmier Oct 2019
Our love is losing its gripping,
like acrobats whose hands are slipping.
We pay too little attention
to each other’s intention.
We ignore the shading
and are too quickly abrading.

What started this downward turn?
Was it a careless spurn?
Was it an angry moment
that began the foment?

What started with loving laughter,
even through the mornings after,
has become at times judgmental,
or what’s worse, inconsequential.

I feel I’m spinning into a cosmic shift,
tumbling freefall from your world, adrift.
Are you pulling from me or am I letting go?
All I know is that it hurts me so.
Delton Peele Mar 2022
Aqua-marine tourmaline
Turning emerald green evening
Wrist slash ruby red splash feeling
Crystal clear diamond tears glisten bright glimmering.
Flowing from pressure below
Wells at the brink
Frigidity super imposed icy wind
Surely shatter
Tungsten carbide lined chest cavity
Concentrating all the pain
Radiating from the throat
Swallowing sand covered brick
Abrading slowly
So slowly
At the apex of max capacity
Emotional collapse imminent
Listen ..............millions of
Champagne glasses
Tink ting tingling exhaling
Tears release
Falling like hail at first
Then into a crescendo
Loosing my grip ......I'm slippin
Broken I'm letting go ......
Break down I'm falling winds whistling I can see rock bottom
Phone rings ........ .  .......
It's my ***** .......
He say
Bro bro.......
Aint nothin but a thing!
But go ahead and cry if you have to...
It's cool ,ain't no shame .....
(Big baby)
Stf up.
Just saying)
I'm just messin with ya .
My friend is here to console me
Its gonna be
Theres nothing like a tight lipped friend you can depend on when you think you've reached the end .
You gotta want to be that friend as bad as you need a friend like that .
Detox can be hell untill your well
I'm here forever Damian my friend.
I got you.
Shivpriya Oct 2023
I know I am delicate by nature, covered in a weak, timid color, and often challenged by the turbulence of life. Looking at this exterior and interior working, I couldn't help but think of my arms' gentle, fabric-like texture.

Do my anxious eyes look transparent, like a soul, and be seen through a thin layer of the translucent fabric covering me?

While deeply pondering these thoughts, I sensed the intensifying Wind desperately seeking someone to listen.
When you are intelligently resourceful, you can make any process of strife easy! So, with my flexible emotional backbone, I decided to offer my support to listen to the agonized Wind to help ease her sorrow!

With the growling laughter, the Wind subsided, and the ground absorbed the bubbles of smoke and dust flying around.
Everything was left tranquil again.

As I continued on my path to befriend Wind, I could sense some emotional strain in her voice. However, the winking Wind appeared okay and even made fun of me by asking, "Do you even have ears, you poor chap?"
I replied, Yes, and along with it, I'm tiny and open, fragile and soft to wipe people's tears!

To my perplexity, she was a wise friend in disguise and advised me against giving my heart just to anyone because people don't know how to handle things with care if they don't want you.
While I struggled to manage my abrading and fretting process to provide her reply for defending my position, the Wind said she would want to whorl me along with her to reach my final destination.

An upside breakage I suffered within a few minutes,
With giddiness, I opened my eyes.
I was lying on a muddy elevated floor, which felt like a terrace!

The Wind started rustling off the leaves under my feet and constantly laughing at me.

As I moved forward, I could feel the touch of flowers brushing against my feet and heard someone crying while tears fell like petals from his eyes!
A handsome boy struggled to articulate his emotions and sought solace in tears to find clarity!

The beaming and smiling sun constantly reminded me of my magical healing nature!
I felt empathy for him and wanted to wipe away his tears.

The moment he started sharing his sorrow with his friend, I could hear the stars conversing with each other through their twinkling. The lilaceous flower vibe around him added a melancholy to the atmosphere, and the flowers were sad looking at the flowers poured down! The petals seemed to be shedding tears alongside him!

Soon, he carried me up and asked himself, how did I fly onto his terrace?

He walked close and slowly to the wire railing and clipped me up on the steel wire.
The wet lingering on my borders reminded me * that I don't have a heart. I'm just a pretty pink handkerchief!

I realized I was not alone as the gracious rain washed away the marks of soiled and muddy stress on my frills.

I felt free, like a soft, frail leaf!
Sharing with you the opening chapter of my latest album "Short Stories," entitled "A Tale of Care."
Dennis Willis May 2021
This is not the time for poetry
I say
not the time for balled fists of words
meant to smack you into now

This is a mundane hour of finding
socks and coffee, forgots and oh-nos
followed by dart-aways 'n' I suppose

yet here the fingers are poised
and soul draining
last night's too much abrading
by love's rough leaving
revisited January 23rd, 2024
on the evening before yours truly
(the one and only Matthew Scott Harris),
a stand up comic wannabe, who
historically heartily hales
from Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
undergoes oh joy rapture colonoscopy.

Three days before that first appointment
with estimable gastroenterologist
Doctor Kellen Karl Kovalovich
regarding upcoming procedure
scheduled for August 17th, 2022),
unfortunately yielded inconclusive results
meaning the excretory material
not satisfactorily expelled.

Though necessary to swallow
four Dulcolax laxative tablets,
plus additionally quaff half
238 gram bottle of Miralax
over span of eight hours,
and if necessary
even apply one Fleets
(or store brand) Enema.

Ideally Vaseline ought be applied
to the enema tip to avoid abrading
sensitive skin surfaces.

The missus located lubricating fluid
she purchased Trojan lubricants
Continuance Essence at Adult World
when a clearance sale
at said store took place.

As a more effective modus operandi
aforenamed said specialist
strongly advised taking Su-prep
in place of Miralax, which  
two step process already begun
earlier today, which
date mentioned in first line.

I grudgingly accept short lived
lower abdominal discomfort
linkedin with gushing watery stools
analogous to reasonable and tolerable
assault upon me derriere
considerably less severe than shigella
tube be worth knowing
nada worry colon cancer
would pose grave threat.

I remembered first colonoscopy
specialist named Larry Borowsky
located 525 Jamestown Ave. #101,
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(challenged courtesy hearing difficulty,
hence he wore an auditory device)
treated me some half dozen plus years ago,
yours truly didst solidly waste,
rather subsequently spent
a few hours writing, toil letting,
and crafting the following bupkis
slightly modified to correspond
with present modus operandi treatment.

Ask any devotee  
of above named gastroenterologists
officious military licensed cheeky knucklers,
ne’er kissed gluteus maximus,
they soldiered thru medical school
despite getting pooped out
rigorous regimen now both know
vital details regarding bowels of human
excretory system, which iz alimentary
and familiar flickering

sleight of hand linkedin
quicken wrist zooms into grab bag
of medicinal tricks - mimics
waving magic wand bitta bang
prestidigitation abracadabra
of **** scope brings – dang
gustatory scenic aerated holy smoker
of a ******, a wasteland fang
less, but the backside seat,
where ****** berries

and/or polyps sometimes hang,
whence undergoing this
behind the scenes procedure
where smelly silent sonnets
from sphincter sprang
most times flatulence
relieved in private place
but, post-op probe
forced air into buttucks,  
thus encourage patients

to aerate sterile space
otherwise known as passing gas
scrutinized faces elicit embarrassment
of elderly folks,
who feel self conscious farting in public
before departing from human race,
rearing specialist unheralded doctors
relieves anguish without a trace
which gratitude spurred
****** attempt to compose verse

to express appreciation
clean bill of health and disperse
anticipatory anxiety, this pooper trooper
endured with pseudo “nurse”
actually mine wife, who nudged me
to undergo examination
lest she bare witness
becoming a widow
following mine hearse
if hypothetical demise did pass,

deceased would hear loud curse
analogous to unstoppable enema,
(brought out from downed colyte
consumed for first colonoscopy)
expletives interspersed with my name
exhibiting master card
shark cunning never forgiving
nor forgetting how we happened
to be broke nearly the entire
coup d’état of marriage –  

reaching cheeky **** pinching
catatonic state die n rapport,
this generic guy saved
from premature death viz ace sing  
examination positive outcome tantamount
with flying colors – at least now,
our two grown darling daughters can
(in ****** dooby doo doo time), perhaps
if/when they beget
their own children witness longevity

courtesy of exemplary doctors
Kellen Karl Kovalovich,
and/or Larry Borowsky,
whose honed trained hands and eyes
adept to scout out and ticket
suspicious cellular demons,
aim of innocuous microbes
to destroy e pluribus unum alone!
{Like the ******* mafia that killed Jesus!}

Once the ******* mafia got its act together way back with Jesus kicking up sand it seem’d time, to the Diegos of the day, to put to sleep the Jesus business. The so-called Roman Empire was an early rendering of the mafia we know & love today. Like a brillo pad or a ***** head, the mafia manages its affairs with scrubbing action, abrading any resistance with the clarity of a bullet. They’re like every ******* movie: family-life is so important yet they’d shoot their brothers between the eyes.
{Like the ******* mafia that killed Jesus!} Once the ******* mafia got its act together way back with Jesus kicking up sand it seem’d time, to the Diegos of the day, to put to sleep the Jesus business. The so-called Roman Empire was an early rendering of the mafia we know & love today. Like a brillo pad or a ****** head, the mafia manages its affairs with scrubbing action, abrading any resistance with the clarity of a bullet. They’re like every ******* movie: family-life is so important yet they’d shoot their brothers between the eyes.

— The End —