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Nov 2014 · 443
body & soul
Soph Haze Nov 2014
White lines stretched to the ether,
fading away, weaving together.
Wandering alone through the days,
a lonely drop causes no waves.
Nov 2014 · 770
September 6th, 2014
Soph Haze Nov 2014
08:59:53 PM
“come make nachos and eat donuts with me”

If only she knew that it’s exactly 47 minutes from my house to hers, and I have no car.
But I would walk all the way to make that text come true if I could because she makes me feel like I’m finally living for the first time.
And I don’t even know if she likes me, or if we’re just best friends, but this distance sure makes it difficult to figure it out.

10:03:44 PM
“It’s so far”
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
texts from her
Soph Haze Nov 2014
'Do you every get tired of texting me?'
‘Not really, do you get tired of texting me?’
‘No, I would tell you if I was, I promise.’

Somehow her telling me that was comforting instead of worrisome. For the first time I didn't think about being annoying.
Nov 2014 · 328
Soph Haze Nov 2014
There’s a cute girl in my house,
but I’m all the way up here in my bed and she’s on the futon,
asleep in my basement.
But most importantly, she’s my friend and I’m very very tired.
All I want to do is sleep.
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Soph Haze Nov 2014
I’m drinking ****** coffee and doing my readings;
what a terribly adult thing to do.
But I wish I was in high school again,
because I’d rather be with you.
Nov 2014 · 734
I wish I didn't miss You
Soph Haze Nov 2014
Loneliness isn’t the worst feeling in the world.

You could have kissed me during a downpour underneath a blue umbrella.

Now every time it rains, I think of you.

You could have phoned me at 2am after our worst fight yet and said “I just can’t do this anymore”.

Leaving me to pick up the pieces.

You could have picked drugs over me when I made you choose.

Making me wonder if you ever really loved me.

No, if I had to do it all over again, I would choose loneliness. Because even that is preferable to missing the way you spoke to me through the darkness of your bedroom before everything was ruined.
Soph Haze Nov 2014
Things you've said to me recently that have made me cry:

- I love it when you make me laugh
- My friend thinks you’re really cute
- I’m so glad we can still be friends
- There’s a really cute ******* my rugby team
- If I don’t get laid this weekend I’m going to die
- Good night, sweet dreams

How did we get to this point?
Oct 2014 · 669
stop ignoring me
Soph Haze Oct 2014
i haven’t written any good poetry in a long time
i’m not sure why but i think at first
it was because you made me so happy that
all my sadness was washed away
and i was feeling happiness for the first time
i didn’t know how to describe it
and then it was because
you lost interest in me
and i became sadder than i had ever been
every sadness i’d ever felt
all put together
either way i guess i just
have nothing left
to say
Soph Haze Jul 2014
You asked to hug my leg and then looked up at me and said “can I tell you something? I've always really wanted to tell you that… And I’m really really drunk so remember that but anyways I've always really wanted to tell you that I-” and then someone spilled their drink on you so you got distracted and forgot what you were saying.

I guess I’ll never know what you wanted to tell me when you were drunk.
Soph Haze Jul 2014
You wouldn't be my prom date because you’re “actually straight” and everything with me was “just a phase”, yet you made out with me on the dance floor in front of everyone and whispered in my ear “I wish I’d gone to prom with you”. And then we spent the whole night together, but only because you were drunk.
It’s funny how things work out for the gay girls in high school… I can still be your best friend though. I mean, it’s better than nothing.
Jul 2014 · 484
The Three Times We Kissed
Soph Haze Jul 2014
1) We celebrated my birthday with a bottle of *****. She kissed me in front of all her friends because she said she wanted to be my first. Intimacy had never seemed exciting before February 28th.

2) She got so drunk at that house party that when my friend suggested that we kiss, she went for it, even though she told me it was a one time thing. I hoped that maybe the first time wasn't a fluke, and perhaps she felt what was between us, too.

3) She pulled me in and we kissed on the dance floor at prom, even though there were other people around. That night made me feel alive, convincing me I could go anywhere with anyone. She made me feel that way.

Even though every kiss finished with a “this doesn't mean anything, okay?”, I can’t help but wonder; why did she always kiss me first?
Soph Haze Sep 2013
Am I breaking up, or do you hear what I'm trying to say?
The way I'll feel tomorrow, won't be how I felt yesterday
The emotions that I'm feeling, can't seem to fit my mouth
The words inside my head are not, those I'm screaming out
No matter how much I laugh, or fake those countless smiles
I still wish we weren't separated, by all those many miles

Time will change and rearrange, and we may not feel the same
Emotions between us may become strange, but we'll still have the summer
But the laughs and the tears and everything in between, will all have been worth it
When we can look back on that summer, in a ray of light

But summer is gone and so are you
So it's time to move on and for you, to take flight

Let go.
feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged.
May 2013 · 499
About a girl
Soph Haze May 2013
You make me nervous
It used to be a good type of nerves
but I'm not sure anymore
I feel like I don't know what to do with myself
When I'm around you
And even when I'm not
You always joke about my hands shaking
And I tell you they're always that way
But that's a lie
It's because of you

I keep track of how many times I text you first
and tell myself it's your turn this time
Wondering if you sit, hoping  I'll text you
or if you don't really care at all
Because I do

We never have classes together
because I take AP and you take applied
That never bothered me before because I think you're brilliant
But I'm starting to wish we did
Because the way my friends talk about you
doesn't line up with the way you are around me

According to them you're high everyday
You don't try in class
And frankly you're  kind of rude

But according to me you just have some problems
You always try your best
And you're a beautiful person

So I'd really like to know
Which one is the real you
Because I can't keep invested my time in a fantasy
I need to see the real girl
Not the one I wish you could be
May 2013 · 4.3k
Soph Haze May 2013
I don't call it feminism
I call self-respect
Why do I get a special title and looks on the street
for treating myself the way I want society to treat me?
Why am I being treated differently than a man would if he were to demand self-respect?
He gets called a boss
And I get called a *****

Misandry doesn't exist
That name suggests oppression
And if you think I can oppress you
the way you have oppressed me
You obviously don't understand anything about minority
Or equality
Or respect
For those who brought you into this world
And for those who are as much your equal
as any man

So call me a *****
Or call me a feminist
Call me a man hater
And call me a misandrist

At the end of the day it doesn't matter to me
It just means I respect women
more that you ever will
And if you think masochism will get you anywhere in life
Go ahead and try it
Disrespect will get you nowhere in my books
Except maybe an apartment in your mother's basement
And a collection of offensive ****
But at the end of the day

I'm the one that's getting laid.
May 2013 · 1.5k
I want to be left alone
Soph Haze May 2013
I tend to go through life
totally confused
friends want to hang out with me
but I always find an excuse

I started blocking out the world
when society banished me
because what I am is not
what they expect of me

I never know what's going on
because at least then I'm not missing out
on everything I could have in the world
as long as I go without

I refuse to change the way I feel
for a standard set by society
you'll never understand my struggle
so please just let me be

— The End —