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 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
I am forgetting about you..
Your smile has gone away..
No longer written on your face for me to see everyday..
Its getting easier for me day to day..

I am forgetting about you..
Saved memories emerge from time to time..
They are full of colors of you and are easy to find..
But are fading away to darkness as if I were blind..

I am forgetting about you..
No more haunting smiles in dreams..
No more deep brown angelic eyes that made my soul scream..
Because I couldn't have you in my arms under the sunbeams..

I am forgetting about you..
That part of me is dying..
That part of me walked under the moonlight and was crying..
But there you were in the clear night sky simply shining..

I wonder if I will forget about you..
I think that part of me will not die..
I think that part of me will stay alive..
Nothing left for me but endless goodbyes..
 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
I had a dream about you
last night.
you died.
in the dream,
I missed you.
I cried for you.
but I don't miss you
in my life.

I wonder
how you are.
but I don't wonder
what we might have been.
some short morning thoughts
 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
You and I are vintage
Unfit for a modern setting
And at best a distant memory
 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
I’ve spent so long being my own woman,
I don’t know how to share myself anymore.

- Leah
People are so scared to be alone. But what about all of us that are so content being alone we don’t know how not to be?
 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
what is it called when you write
but never want anyone to understand.
am i selfish-
a fraud.
or am i-
a coward.
the human heart.
is a poem
i am not.
an author.
i am not
the ink.
not the curves.
the rhyme.
do not read into me-
i am simply
 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
It is said to be easy to love when you've never been hurt
felt the flames or been burnt
All the lessons I have know learnt
used to be a fledgeling celebrating his first chirp
Now soaring high above the clouds
Replicating Icarus in his pursuit
Unknown to the little bird
That the higher you go
the quicker your wings start to burn
He will soon realise the error of his ways
but I fear it will be too late.
for all you young lovers out there.
The parks are now empty of all but the trees.
The rot in the woodwork has made itself clear:
the virus reveals a more wicked disease.

If we watch each other with growing unease,
more sinister shadows may draw themselves near.
The parks are now empty of all but the trees.

The nurses and doctors make no guarantees;
their furrowed brows are not at all insincere.
But the virus reveals a more wicked disease.

While some may not fret at a cough or a sneeze,          
our day-to-day life shows a mask more austere:
the parks are now empty of all but the trees.

The wealthy can shelter on yachts overseas,
far-flung from the whims of our mad racketeer,
for he, too, was borne of this wicked disease.

But Justice may not brook the fraud she now sees,
her blindfold being repurposed as protective gear.
The parks are now empty of all but the trees,
and the virus reveals a more wicked disease.
 May 2020 Vincent Legrand
No one is perfect
With you, I found the perfect man
With you, I found myself
With you, I found a reason to love
With you, I found love.

I keep asking myself
Could this be love?
Is this love that I'm feeling?
#this could be love, maybe, maybe not.
Moon shadow glistening over salt water seas
Beach sand covered feet
Salt water breeze

Full moon looking like a big wheel of cheese
Calm and serine
Mind put at ease

Waves crashing at the base of the beach
The sky seems within reach
The moment
By a fatal disease

Lying down;
Resting in peace
No need to worry
It’s just a figure of speech
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