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Vincent Legrand Feb 2022
my mother hoisted my hospital bed
to the top of the tower
she said i could use some sunlight
little did she know
the sun would burn
and i wouldn’t be able to scream
i felt like writing about my dreams. i’ve always been a vivid dreamer and often have nightmares and can wake up affected by them. this piece is about a dream i had recently where i had a cardiovascular attack and what happened after. i woke up in tears.
Vincent Legrand Nov 2021
a no I have
a yes I can get
a no I can give myself
i don’t always have to victimise myself
Vincent Legrand Nov 2021
it’s not that i don’t want to go back
i don’t even know if my grounds are sound

i just don’t want to be the person to return
only when someone has died
Vincent Legrand Nov 2021
soms kan ik er nog steeds
moeilijk bij

dat het volgen van je hart
vaak niet de juiste keuze is

het gaat in tegen alles
wat ik dacht te zijn

en toch slaag ik er in
er in te geloven
en te beseffen
dat het geen leugen is
Vincent Legrand Nov 2021
today, i befriended a spider
they say you should face your fears head on
in a way, i’ve been doing it for years
Vincent Legrand Nov 2021
and i am always the one
doing the suffering
i wonder if anybody else
were to be the one
whether i’d exhale or run
Vincent Legrand Mar 2021
do i fall in love with people anymore
or do i fall in love with how much they love me
i dont know if i still possess the ability to be romantic anymore. working on my love addiction has spoiled the idea of love i’ve always known. some moments i almost even miss it.
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