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3.3k · Jun 2015
sorry but not so sorry.
Alyssa Jun 2015
I'm sorry,
i can't love you.
i'm sorry,
you never said something sooner.
i'm sorry,
but this isn't going to work.
i'm sorry,
but we are not for each other.
i'm sorry,
i don't long to talk to you.
i'm sorry,
i find your swearing so unattractive.
i'm sorry,
i hope you find someone else.
i'm sorry,
but what i have to give is not for you.
i'm sorry,
i don't want to share it with you.
i'm sorry,
but i'll help you along the way.
i'm sorry,
for you & your sad life.
hope you don't read this
805 · Jun 2015
The First Time.
Alyssa Jun 2015
There's a first time for everything,
but, today, was the very first for me.
I walked up to the 1st floor,
pushed right through the door.
I found my way in,
it was a little pack like a sardine tin.
I sat by the chair,
she had wavy hair.
She invited me to her room,
i thought that was my doom.
And then it begun,
everything i had run from,
was now being faced.
I was almost in a daze.
I raised my chin,
and begin to breathe in.
This is where, it all became *the first time.
698 · Jun 2015
Green grass
Alyssa Jun 2015
The grass is greener on the other side, they say. Question is, where is the other side? What grass are they actually talking about, i used to wonder. As i grew older and made many mistakes, i realised that the grass they were talking about is superficial. But indeed, i would agree that the grass is greener. Greener as in the way you feel. Do you remember the first time you saw something breathtaking? Maybe it was the sunrise by the beach or the sunset beyond the mountains. Whatever it was, it gave that feeling of true appreciation of life itself. The feeling of gratitude for everything that had been given to you. And to me, that may be the meaning to "the grass is greener on the side". Although you should remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. But that's another story..
#thoughts #noon #grass #nature
507 · Feb 2015
september '14
Alyssa Feb 2015
A month when I felt like dying,
Everyday, endless crying.
It was a so hard,
Harder than pork lard.
My rippled heart stood at guard,
Fighting the tears as you passed.
The amount of maybes ,
Could have caused me rebbies.
I never want to go back there,
Not even at a high fair.
500 · Oct 2015
Salty ocean
Alyssa Oct 2015
How do you leave ?
How do you just decide to go.
Far away as you walk into the light,
Far away from this place you call home.
Who is going to stop you from yourself,
Who is going to notice your absence from the next 24 hours.
What will people say,
What will people do.
Why should they care now,
Why would they ask how.
When will i become oblivion,
When will i be needed.
Where will i end up ?
Where would i rest.
And most of all, will I be just another *salt particle mixed in the ocean
To the nights where death comes around.
497 · Jun 2015
Beauty a.k.a you.
Alyssa Jun 2015
Your smile,
made my heart run miles.
your eyes,
sent me on a mystery ride.
your face,
was glowing with such beauty today.
your hair,
was messily tied yet, you looked amazing.
you, in general,
is who i couldn't take my eyes off.
your soul,
seemed so clean and perfect.
**is who i hope to be someday soon
419 · Jun 2015
Alyssa Jun 2015
I hope to be there by the morning,
to see you in the sun.
i love the heat brush past my windsheild.
i know you'll be there,
you'll say hello.
you're smiling in love,
we'll know by tonight.
we sum up perfection like a handbook.
we'll know more but,
until then.
baby, i spent my life wondering.
wondeing when i'll find you.
i need you to know that,
everything makes sense when you're with me.
walk out to the country evening,
the sea breeze brushes your hair to the side of your neck.
all these feelings that are so hard to find,
are just there.
believe me,
we'll know my tonight.
but until then,
goodbye, *savannah.
until then
408 · Feb 2015
Alyssa Feb 2015
Hear my scream,
As I drown myself.
Hear my scream,
As I jump off the ledge.
Hear my scream,
As I cry myself to sleep.
Hear my scream,
You will not.
Because it is silent..
390 · Feb 2015
An hour as me.
Alyssa Feb 2015
An hour as me,
And you will understand
An hour as me,
And you will feel.
An hour as me,
And your soul may start to peel.
An hour as me,
May not be enough.
An hour as me,
Will cause you to cough blood up.
An hour as me,
And you will see the real me.
An hour as me,
Try to hold on tight cause it is a long ride.
An hour as me,
Will feel like you've been stung by a bee
An hour as me,
Is all you'll ever have to see,
That being me,
Isn't oh so very easy.
And all this, in just an hour of being me.
375 · Jun 2015
two people
Alyssa Jun 2015
It was two people who weren't meant to be.
two people,
who were attached by something besides
a title.
two people,
who had seen the most of each other.
two people,
who were different than the rest.
two people,
who knew the meaning behind words.
two people,
who were never left the same.
two people,
who thought it was forever.
but, one person ,
**to change everything
what else is there to say ?
354 · Jun 2015
*Make it to me*
Alyssa Jun 2015
my mind runs away to you,
i know where it wants to be.
i want you to know,
you're the one designed for me.
keep your head down & make it to me.

so sick of this loneliness,
so much to get off my chest.
i'll wait here patiently.
you're the one made for me,
a distant stranger that i will complete.

i know you're out there,
**just make it to me.
344 · Nov 2017
Giving your heart
Alyssa Nov 2017
You hear people say "my heart is yours" frequently.
But what determines when we should,
or hell, if we even could.
Maybe it's the longing desire i feel in my soul,
and it doesn't seem to go cold.
Maybe it's the scent of your hair,
which left me with no air.
I feel like i want to give my heart away,
but will it come back or take a sway away.
People come like the wind,
some of them leave you next to a bin,
now, ain't that a sin.
Givin' but not recivin'
309 · Feb 2015
The sun
Alyssa Feb 2015
You rised, you brought hope.
You gave light to every dark corner.
As you continued rising,
The darkness begin despising.
A few people accepted the challenge,
To fight their darkness.
Some failed, some succeeded.
As you begin to slowly die down,
We got scared.
Scared of the monsters that were getting ready.
To begin the torture,
And so they leered around.
Waiting for more souls and minds.
Kids cried and ask "why did you leave me?"
You gave no response ...
So at the end, their hopes were crushed.
All the trust lost, forever gone.
So sun, why did you go away?
And sway away back to the end of the bay.
276 · Oct 2015
It seemed
Alyssa Oct 2015
It seemed like it had been years,
since you brought me tears.
It seemed like we were in different places,
only imaginations through short gazes.
It seemed like everything was forgotten,
all somehow just rotten.
It seemed like there was no hope,
after it became a *******.
It now seems like things patch,
the unlock of the latch.
It now seems that nothing turns out as it seems,
even in my dreams.
270 · Nov 2017
2 a.m
Alyssa Nov 2017
It's in the a.m where I find myself thinking about you at times.
I guess you were the one, the first one.
It's amazing how it's been so long,
Yet you're the one I think about.
I read your writings, amazes me and keeps me in a daze.
Maybe it was for the best but it's okay, let's skip the rest.
We're both different people now.
Years worth of memories, sorted into different categories.
This one's for you and us or rather what was of us.
Avenged sevenfold
266 · Oct 2015
Alyssa Oct 2015
You're a little different than the rest,
trust me, you passed the test.
You don't know all the right things to say,
even during the day.
You're far away,
but that's okay.
You put up with my nonsense,
which most of the time makes no sense.
You have dreams,
that sound better than ice cream.
You have so much passion,
that it's great to see you in action.
Your eyes speak wonders,
sometimes even thunders.
Your face can sometimes leave people in a daze,
maybe it's due to haze.
You're not as innocent as you may seem,
cause you know about white cream (winks)
You make my days,
as much as I hate to admit it.
264 · Feb 2016
The Moment
Alyssa Feb 2016
I was there,
my heart pounding,
my mind wandering,
as I heared you out.
Trying to keep it together,
to understand me & you, forever.
My tears rolled down,
right by the side of your arm,
though you meant to do no harm.
At that moment I disarmed.
And for the first time,
i accepted the comfort,
in my very fort.
And then i knew,
that this was it,
it was merely a moment or rather,
**The Moment
254 · Oct 2017
Alyssa Oct 2017
Do you know what is truth,
What could have been the actual root.
Maybe you were too naive,
As it came silently like a thief.
Tonight I lay here disturbed,
Something that I thought I had curbed.
Clearly it was a mistake,
To constantly take,
And now that has me wishing I
drowned in a lake.
Little come back
240 · Oct 2017
Wasted Nights
Alyssa Oct 2017
Spend all your time waiting,
for someone to come whining.
But didn't realize that you were just wasting,
ya feelin's.
Could you have made a mistake,
like that time you ate that last slice of cake or that time you decided to get baked.
Red bull on a high but falling soon like the sky.
There ain't running now, don't try to lie.
Someday this will past,
hope to GOD this wont' last.
high sly
232 · Feb 2015
Alyssa Feb 2015
And maybe, I'll be happy all over again.
228 · Oct 2017
I know
Alyssa Oct 2017
I know* what i am supposed to be
I know what i have to currently do
I know what i have to eat to keep my body healthy
I know how the world teaches us about love
I know the pain of losing someone you love
I know the satisfaction of having your fav burger
I know the feeling of walking late into class and having everyone stare
I know what it's like to miss someone that your heart literally hurts
I know why day becomes night
I know what i dislike
I know the sickening feeling you get when you're havin' a ****** week
I know, I know- the comfort words.

The problem is, I think I know what I may actually not.
218 · Sep 2018
East meets West
Alyssa Sep 2018
You appeared out of nowhere,
It's funny cause you were here now you're back there.
I didn't think this would last this long ,
Somehow this has prolonged.
I catch myself thinking of you,
But I think I kinda knew.
You intrigue every particle that lives in me,
Which keeps me wanting to take you out for tea.
It's been almost a month now,
I hope I don't end up with just a bow.
You're so beautiful in every way,
But you got most people hitting the highway cause hell boy, no way.
Hope someday you read this,
And by then be almost mine at the very least .
#random #east #arabiannights #littlebird
205 · Oct 2017
Easy like
Alyssa Oct 2017
Girl i'm leaving you tomorrow,
That's why i'm easy,
easy like a sunday mornin'.
Everybody wants me to be what they want me to be,
but hey, that's not really me.
I want be high, so high.
Free to know the things i do are right ?
Just me.
lyrics post
Alyssa Sep 2018
Guess I was a fool,
to think you were pretty cool.
The karma came back i see,
guess i couldn't run far from it so, gotta let it be.
Hate that I let myself fall so easy,
cause you stumped on me as you pleased.
Let the war be done with cause just like every other war,
you left your mark on me.
I'll never forget you, east.
138 · Mar 2018
Alyssa Mar 2018
2.45a.m, wondering what the future will be.
What we fail to understand is that the present is the future.
Every action now will lead to reactions, up ahead.
We wont know until then i guess.
Gonna spend my time wondering and hustling.

— The End —