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760 · Jan 8
Are we still friends?
Lidia Jan 8
For me, the toughest thing would be
To forget the memories of you and me.
In my mind your lovely smile,
Flashes every once in a while.
I wonder, are you still my friend?
Things seem coming close to an end.
I meet many people, cool and new,
But, sorry it's impossible to forget you.
558 · Jan 2
The 'Good night' poem
Lidia Jan 2
Set aside your fight ,
Forget about your might,
Can you see the fading light ?
Nothing now appears bright.
Yes,     you are right !
Everything's out of sight.
So, Please keep quiet ;
Kindly go to bed, Good night.
422 · Jan 12
Great Despair
Lidia Jan 12
Friend, you seem to be in great Despair
You probably are in need of gentle care.
Great sorrows, alone you bear.
Hiding it from me isn't fair.
With me, your problems, you can share,
Oh dear, for you, I'll always be there
364 · Jan 3
Deceitful person
Lidia Jan 3
To the deceitful people I say,
As in the midst of treacheries they lay,
To test gold there does exist a way,
For their wrong deeds they'll have to pay.
324 · Jan 25
If you have sorrow
Lidia Jan 25
Your grieves, you hide,
Concealed you keep,
When problems are wide
And pains so deep.
If you have sorrow inside,
You can weep.
If you are so tired,
Go and sleep.
295 · Jan 13
Dreadful day
Lidia Jan 13
Seems like it's a dreadful day,
       Every light has faded away.
      Then darkness begins to say,
"I am following you, on your way."

The cold breeze whispers in your ear,
    "Oh sad soul, I will be staying here
Down your cheeks, every drop of tear,
        Explicitly shows out your fear."

    Experiencing a frightening dream,
   With excruciating pain you scream.
       Sorrow lingers in your mind.
   To help you heal, no one you find.
278 · Jan 13
Lidia Jan 13
Are you alright? You won't say 'no';
But, is it true? I don't think so.
Tell me why didn't you ever dare?
To reveal that you had a deadly nightmare.

Swoosh, as the soft, cold wind blew;
Past memories kept haunting you.
Is your smile real? Please don't lie,
It's okay to sometimes cry.

Your agonies, you need not hide,
I will be there by your side.
Don't think that it's just trivia,
You might sink into melancholia
213 · Jan 12
Lonely hearts
Lidia Jan 12
Please stop feeling lonely,
This poem is for you only.
Remember, you are not alone,
Do consider me your own.

With your problems,
may you be able to cope;
May God grant you another new hope.

Don't you worry, oh dear;
I will always be your well-wisher.

Be bold and you'll soon gain,
The strength to endure your pain

Trust the words of mine ,
You'll soon be completely fine.
150 · Feb 2024
Utter Euphoria
Lidia Feb 2024
Crisp breezes all around, the day being cold,
slices of fish sizzled on the pan, until they turned gold.
It was the time when I was around 13 years old,
By my dad, was this story avidly being told,

"I remember, one fine day, I espied
A large fish, when I was playing by the riverside.
I deftly caught the fish with both of my hands
And then brought it to the nearby grasslands.

I tell you, at that time, I was a boy, so small;
The reminiscence of my childhood, I blissfully recall.
That day, I anticipated having that fish in my lunch soon,
This delightful thought took me over the moon.

I thought How great would be that feel
To have, with my family such a delectable meal.
I clasped the fish with immense happiness,
I walked forth with a plethora of cheerfulness.

Out of the blue, stood before me a boy, tall and burly,
Whose powerful hands snatched the fish from me.
Tears rolled down my cheeks and then
I returned home, dejected and crestfallen.

Never can this memory vanish
Because by eating that fish
The joy I could have experienced that day
Nothing in the world can give even its half, today

Fishes I eat today, are many
But comparable to that one,
There can't be any.
This incident might seem like a trivia
But, eating that fish could have given me utter euphoria."
82 · Jan 5
You are wonderful
Lidia Jan 5
I know you all have sad memories,
You are in the midst of worries,
But for today, set aside your fears,
And things that set you on the verge of tears.

There were times you smiled,
But you left sorrows lay inside.
With smiles people usually see you
But how often your joy was true!?
To a great extent your faces laugh
But your heart doesn't even do its half.

Today disregard all the flaws in you,
And all the weaknesses that you knew,
And All that kept hurting you so far,
Trust me, you don't know how wonderful you are.
Lidia Jan 3
Sometimes, dreams shatter to pieces,
And hopes seem to be very less.
Extremely awful is that pain,
When intense hardwork yields no gain.

I know you are really smart,
So from now on start
Learning the art.
Of calming down your heart.

Remember, don't stop here;
Because your destination might be near.
Happiness that you never knew
Is eagerly awaiting to meet you.

— The End —