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Trees cry deep within
We-unable to hear the sound
Barely brushing a leaf
Knowing it responds happily
Exchanging breaths
Forcefully accepting the water
It was given from above
Pulling it in so it can survive
Even a few drops it cherishes
Roots go deeper than you can see
Protecting feeding beauty breathing
It does it for you
It does it for me
Nursery time
A for Apple,
B for Ball,
C for Cat
We all have learned  this rhyme
Best to be inside the System.
Our grand father did it
Father, after following
Taught us, the same
Best to be inside the System
We all realize,
There are thousands of words,
Beside Apple, Ball and Cat
Started from,
The same old
Nursery A, B, C
When fruits seller’s child
Remembers A, B
Apple comes with responsibility
Per kg. Rs. 250
Banana comes with responsibility
Per Count Rs. 10
I might be wrong,
I asked him, for the latest updates
With professional voice,
He replied,
“Price changes with supply and demand.”
What they don’t teach in the school
What matters in the real world.
Real life education, a need.
i feel the sun
and i'm slowly burning
but it feels good
so it's not concerning
no school
no learning
time is turning
joint burning
i wish i could live in the summer
where it's still warm when it gets dimmer
i wish i could live in the summer
where everythings tinged with a glimmer
i absolutely love summer, the sun puts me in such a good mood
the thing that connects us to our high school past
is what we remember
whether its the heat of August
or the cold of December

will it be your high school sweethearts kiss
that you will dearly miss
will it be it be all the fun and romance
that had you caught in a sweet trance

i can tell you now that the memories i will have
will be that of the friends i had
and the way they made me laugh so much
so as for memories and good times
these ones will be such
 Jan 2020 Julia B Shaw
Wanted to communicate
But was so Empty Inside
So  I kept Quite .....

Wanted to excel in Academics
But took my teachers word
that I was average.

Wanted to take part in Sports
But was sick ,weak and lethargic.

Wanted to make new Friends
But could not talk to them
Out of fear and Rejection.

I was a loner till the end ...
Just wished I could amend.
My own  experiances during my school days.
 Jan 2020 Julia B Shaw
Dear Wikipedia,
you get so much **** and none of it deserved
for the world of knowledge which you preserve
teachers seem to hate you, say you're unreliable
but to me you are the most desirable
the bounty of general knowledge you posses
is the pinnacle of finesse
So yeah that was my poem I just made. I was overcome with a defensive affection for Wikipedia just now because everyone always says 'anyone can write anything on Wikipedia so its not a good source' but I disagree. firstly how many people go onto Wikipedia pages and make stuff up for fun? there cant be that many and there's a crap-tonne of Wikipedia pages anyway so the likelihood that the one you're looking at has been ******* with is slim. '
And while i agree that it may not give you the most in depth understanding of a topic, its certainly a good starting point anyway to give you a quick overview of a topic to perhaps see what part of it you want to explore more.
rant over.
later potaters.
some of our teachers were awful nice
and the harbour of sweet peccadillos
(having to deal with us every day
would make anyone crazy..)

and i suppose they took refuge in
their insect collecting in abyssinia..
(pasttimes tinged in the exotic
and a nod to the sadistic..)

but  love of keats and wordsworth (etc)...
miraculously remained undiminished..
(while demonstrating lethal aims and
a plethora of different pain..

one used the leg of a chair and another
gave his weaponry girl´ s names..
i guess they were just as bored as we were
how the season´ s waxed and wained..)

they still retained their soulful natures
a wonder of testament to the great genius
of elliot yeats and so forth..!
their fundamental faith undimmed...
Please let me give you the stars
And by the stars, I mean my hand
And by my hand, I mean my love
And by my love, I mean my life

Please let me be your wife
And by wife, I mean your safe place
And by safe place, I mean your yoke
And by yoke I mean your here and now

Please let me be your vow
And by vow, I mean your rock
And by rock, I mean your castle
And by castle, I mean your treasure

Please let me be your forever
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