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 Dec 2018 Catherine McCabe
Before you give someone a piece of your mind, make sure you can get by with what's left.
 Dec 2018 Catherine McCabe
Today, give a stranger one of your smiles,
It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.
 Dec 2018 Catherine McCabe
Don't worry if you feel low; the sun has a sinking spell every night,
But rises again the next morning.
I see only absence in his eyes
where love should be

I wonder sometimes
if it would have hurt more
had I grown up
immortalizing him in memories and stories
knowing that had he been there
he would have loved his baby girl
truly and deeply
or if watching him
fail to love me
day after day
year after year
is as painful as death
 Dec 2018 Catherine McCabe
you have more beauty in you
than any one woman in the world.
intimate moments lie
in the shape of your eyes.
champagne and roses
fill the air in wake
of your stride.
wonder meets perfection
in the fullness of your lips;
the cutest little nose
awaiting a lover’s gentle kiss.
bearer of heart
seemingly made of stone.
stunner of men
made of only flesh and bone.
Have you ever known what it is to follow ,
or what it means to give ?
We live in sheltered housing ,
We live we give ?
Do we ever count the cost and if we did would it add to much ?
Perhaps a smile when buying coffee ,
Or a prayer before lunch ?
or in the evening when I’m drifting off to sleep ,
Just before bed ,
a look in the mirror ,
Just to ensure I’m not ...
dead .
 Dec 2018 Catherine McCabe
There will come a day I know it,
When you'll love yourself as I love you,
And you won't view your scars as ugly,
But a tally of times you made it through.

I love you's.
Is it the words whispered
in secret corridors
i love you

are they proclaimed boldly
from roof tops

Or maybe love
sounds like laughter
giggles shared only between two

what if love has no noise
its beauty is similar to a sunset
seen and felt
but never heard
It's sunny day
I put down the knife
I let the blood dripping on the floor
Then I smile and said
" I love this pain "
I make art using my body
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