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A broken window will want repair
And a broken arm must be treated with care
But what happens to a broken heart?

Do the shards come together and try to mend?
Do they search helplessly for what could have been?
Can anyone tell me how things will end,
For my broken heart?

Do the pieces separate, and freely roam?
Do they long for love, or wish to be alone?
Does anyone know how to make a home,
For my broken heart?

Will my eyes no longer twinkle and my mouth no longer smile?
Will I forget how to love, or be tender and mild?
Does anyone know what life will be while,
I have this broken heart?

Will its love flow out to the empty places in me?
Will my whole body know what it is to be warm and sweet?
Does anyone know the language or beat,
Of my broken heart?

Will all its pieces move as one?
Will they dream of what could be, what is, and what was?
Can anyone find a greater love,
Than that of a broken heart?

While some do not realize that a whole is but two halves
And with a broken heart, they forget how to laugh
So that is why I am proud to love and still have
My beautiful broken heart
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Nathan Tuy
So,cage me.
Cage me like you always do.
For I will willingly go into the cage.
Like I always do.
The cage is my home.
The loneliness is my friend.
My one true friend.
And I know that you'd let me go again one day.
And I'd think that I'm free again.
Then I'd build a world around me again.
Then I'd find a place where I belong again.
Then you'd tell me to get back into the cage.
And I will burn my world down again.
And I will burn the bridges again.
And I will go home again.
And I will be home again.
And I will be alone again.
So, cage me.
For I like it there.
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Scarlet Niamh
My body, my soul, my youth.
Young song pours from my skin
and weaves through the patterns
in my irises. I am beautiful
so she hates me. She curses me,
eating me up with her eyes,
eyes which are eating me alive.
She tears me apart
because she loves me,
I am too beautiful for her world.
She will dance in the winds
I make with my hands
and in the flowers which bloom
at my feet.
She will cry in the storms
I breathe
and the rivers
I sing.
She will know me and love me and run
away from me because my youth
is crawling somewhere,
somewhere where everything belongs
apart from her.
~~ Ephebiphobia, the fear of youth. ~~
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
we are often taught, to be careful of the monsters.
From a very young age, they were what we hid from, under our duvets.
but who was to know, all those years ago, that we are the monsters, and the monsters are us.
He is the monster, that only wants you for ***;
She is the monster that doesn't see your worth;
They are the monsters that make you feel life is not worth living;
And we are the monsters, that corrupt society.
Although these monsters may make us feel worthless, we must not forget the worst monster of them all.
You are the monster.
You are the monster that doubts your dreams;
You are the monster that allows failure to succeed;
You are the monster who thinks you are worth nothing;
You are the monster, to make him use you;
You are the monster, who burnt your own worth;
You are the monster, that wants to commit your own ******;
You are the monster, that corrupts society.

But why? whoever said monsters can't be good?
You can also be the monster who is kind;
You can be the one who knows their worth;
You can be the one who reaches their dreams;
You can be the monster, who continues, despite the failures;
You are amazing.

Be the good monster.
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh

It is the poetry of little things that causes the earth to shred and shudder
The poetry of little things that ignites the greatest moments of bliss.
A smile from a little child,
A chuckle from a stranger.
The warmth of a knitted family
The entwining of old friends
The humming from the sea shores
The journey of the moonlight
The waves, the traveling waves
The Sea, the meandering sea
The Earth, the boundless earth
And the sweet song that nature sings.
These little things, garnered with the greatest love
Observed in silence
It is this poetry,
The poetry of little things that elicit the greatest happiness

Ovi Odiete© All right reserved
The poetry of little things..

Thank you all for the hearts and comments for this little poem of mine being picked as my SECOND DAILY
I can't thank you enough
May your rough road be smooth
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh

Moments come and soon go
As sun sets before a black night
Still, time will never show
The mysteries hidden in plain sight
The hours become cold
And the morning after unveils with fright


Hours after hours, the plain book emerges
As children look in awe, trusting the guilty ones
Who stole their innocence submerged
Buried within tragedy's core
Still, hiding perpetrating deliberate flaws
Targeting the very deceived, unsuspecting as peons


The countdown began
As fear and horror took charge
Silence stood tall, rotten as a buried bone, coded as golden tones
The children remained silent
As they pass the fear onwards
Buried in the dark deeds
Marked with scars from the guilty ones

 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Black night

When the moonlight goes into hiatus
and no star beckons the dark sky
Two lovers will hold hands
and side by side, they walk
Moments after moments
hours after hours
Their smile will wake the night
and their touch will be its light
Guiding them yonder
As they conquer the night


When the stars floats and go into hiding
And the day breaks, yawningly yearning
Two lovers will bloom like dew falls
On the spiraling grass, fresh and green
And as birds chirping
Calling after calling
Their song will seize the day
and their love will lead its paths
Blossoming the day, blossoming
Flowing the day, flowing
And love will be its fruit

Ovi Odiete
All right reserved, Feb 2017
For love and the season of love
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh

A fish could love a bird, where would they live?
They will thither and ponder till they get yonder.
They will hover, perch, swim, fly, frolicking
Savoring every moment.
The bird will hover the river and the fish would show its tail, constantly swimming towards the edge of the river to see the bird
They will find a way.

There are no milestones too great for love to conquer
There are no mountains too high for love to climb.
Love is the air that flows from cosmic beyond
The endlessness of time is love
The reason the sparrow flies and soars in rhythms
The strength of a man
The weakness of his heart
The frolicking and intertwining of two hearts into one
The song the heart sings
The tune the soul hears
If love is a sea
Let me drown in it
Spreading and leaping far and wide
Let it swallow me
**** me
**** me with love

Feb, 14th, 2017. All right reserved
For valentine and lovers
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Love stirs the deepest chasms of the mind and soon, every thought begins to float
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
I am the reflection of the Sun's smile,
The treasure of earth's endowment
The royalty of heaven's depth
I am the rising sun,
The monumental fictions of tales untold
The spiral of love's call
The muse that eludes Misery's voice
I am enough
Ovi Odiete©
All rights reserved
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