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  Oct 2017 Cam

The tears of a rose
Will soak and stain
They're from her heart
They're stored up rain

They come from heaven
To flow down thorns
They sing in screams
From her lips torn

They can be acid
To burn the bloom
They can be crystal
Reflecting moons

The rose will open
In dead of night
The tears from petals
Refract the light

They cascade down
Drop from the leaves
For her soul
She sits and grieves

For her soul
The drops fall down
They feed her roots
Under the ground

They bring her back
The legend goes
There's healing in

Tears of a rose

(C) 10/3/2017
I was talking to a friend this evening. Praying with her. She just endured a tremendous life setback. Said she couldn't stop crying. This metaphor came to my mind. This poem is for my dear friend. It is my sincerest hope that it brings healing.

I'm really sorry i haven't been reading. I have excellent reasons, of which some of you are aware. I just don't want you to think that I don't care. I do. I just have a lot on my plate. Thanks for understanding.

  Oct 2017 Cam
Pagan Paul
A shepherd gently tends his flocks,
on the night of the Autumn equinox.
Patiently guarding his wayward sheep,
as the Oak King prepares for sleep.

And the Holly King from slumber wakes,
with solemnity his tired head he shakes.
Then joyous laughter he openly roars,
his half year reign once more restored.

Guiding all Nature to a bed of rest,
to energise, regrow, is his duty quest.
Bringing his peace and tranquility serene,
for the comfort of his bridal Queen.

For She is Nature, there all year long,
loved and celebrated in many a song.
No greater love could She invoke,
her two wild husbands, Holly and Oak.

So Oak pens his warm Summer verse,
and Holly writes of cold Winters' worst.
Her heart draped upon their royal thrones,
bringing joy to this eternal Game of Poems.

© Pagan Paul (03/10/17)
Cam Oct 2017
Cant let go
To the sky
To the stars

Wont let go
Of the bright meadow
filled with spring flowers

Never letting go
Of the long open road
Weaving through the field

Just hanging on
To the world

Until I have to
Let it go
  Sep 2017 Cam
My soul is silent
It hardly makes a peep
It is out there in the shadows
With the darkness that it keeps

Forward motion
This inertia of time
One more gravity field
Holding me inside

Touch and go
My emotional flow
I look to the stars
To find my way home

You wonder why
I look to the sky
There's something
Way more beautiful
   On the other side...
Traveler Tim
HP 14
Walking down a wooded path
tall flowing trees all around,
I came upon the river’s edge
and sat down on the ground.

Sitting at the edge of the river
I stare at its ongoing flow,
I start to give it all my pain
a release with each little throw.

My hardest pain is fear
that I’ve had from so long ago,
of never feeling good enough
that’s dulled my inner glow.

It eats at me like a cancer
each and every day,
the fear of never being good enough
and again being thrown away.

Years of disappointment and abuse
only being property, nothing to love,
but always trying to make things right
so everyone else could rise above.

I throw this fear out into the river
sit back and watch it pass slowly by,
I wrap my arms around myself
feel the release, let myself cry.

I throw out all the other pains
betrayal, heartache, loneliness and more,
I watch them drift gently way
these last tears will be left on this river shore.

Noticing as each and every pain
slowly floats down the river away,
I observe at a distance
as they fade into the suns sparkling rays.

Walking down a wooded path
tall flowing trees all around,
I came upon the river’s edge
and was surprised at what I found.*
© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
This goes out to AnolikeAkau
Never give up, what you feel now will pass. Life holds so much beauty, so many amazing things and people, so much love. Just look at the love shouting out to you right here on HP. There are so many that have known the same pain and they are reaching out to you. Just take a hand, any hand. Throw your pain out into the river, let it be washed away.
  Sep 2017 Cam
Pagan Paul


He who hesitates is lost

then why

Look before you leap?

© Pagan Paul (19/09/17)
I realise these are British proverbs, so some poets
may not have heard them before,
However, they do contradict each other.
  Sep 2017 Cam

“It was fun while it lasted” they said

“It was painful when it ended” was my reply.
I know right...
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