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There was a time, I felt these feelings before
Words can’t describe it
A train with no tack, the earth with no core
Like an old man’s wisdom and wit

I freeze you know
Stuck in movement, praying my eye’s will see
For one look and they’re blinded by her glow
Although the risk is worth it to me

She’s not the first and she may not be last
She’s a warm summer day, out on the bay
A sailboat with sails that need no cast
Or a clear conscious with no past

I’ve felt these feelings before
Some with and without her
The kind of feeling that makes eagles soar
The kind of love that comes in goes in a blur

I dedicate this: to her
Why am I here?
Why are you not?
Is that answer sincere?
It is and isn’t, just a thought

You may ask who is who, in this scenario
Well, I’m you and you’re me
Like audio on a stereo
I’m someone you’ll never see

I’m the answer to all
But the question to none
A slip in the crack as you may recall
Although my words weigh a ton

A question may appear for you to answer
Remember the right words
Or are you more of a free lancer
Don’t forget to catch every herd

Why am I here?
Why are you?
Was the answer sincere?
Or was it not true
Each day a letter comes
Each night it goes unread
Sometimes they stack up like moldy bread
But each week they’re burned in a drum

The weather says clear, but the sky’s need to cry
Poison in the air has taken many lives
Even us here have to learn to survive
On planes the bodies are sent back of the ones who died

I try for a walk and see his shadow
I don’t get far but down the street
To an old coffee shop where we would meet
I order a drink and watch the crows

On my walk home, the trees look bare
The concrete is growing strong on the grass
And the flags are all set to half mass
In the mailbox, is a letter from Vietnam; with a slight tear
I pickup a pen to write
She comes in to listen
These days it’s hard to know what’s right
Except for when her eyes glisten

Long ago I would have left
But time has its way
It’s way of theft, that is
Now I sit here and romanticize my day

Though she is not to blame
Life just in the way of living
Somethings can never stay the same
Others are worth giving

Regrets come and go
Memories stay forever
The ones you love, are what you know
Always remember, nothing lasts forever
Thomas Harvey Oct 2021
A red crow came to visit today
He asked for which treasure I seek
I told him Walton's Gold, buried a few clicks past the creek
His eyes were void and he spoke real low: be careful for which you say

I scurried him away and proceeded down the worn out mountain path
An eagle landed on a tree stump and told me to turn back
While I appreciated the laugh, I continued along with his feathers on my back
When I reached the creek, only then did I understand the eagles wrath

A man stood tall with a suit of white
He said "I'll give you all the gold in this clay, if you can answer one question for me today"
I asked for what he had to say
he said "how many times have you seen a crow and an eagle fight?"

A blue crow came to visit today
He asked for which treasure I seek
I told him Rudford's Gold, buried a few clicks past the creek
His eyes were void and he spoke real low: be careful for which you say
Thomas Harvey Jan 2021
I would like to take a moment to think about the present
To not look forward nor behind
But to enjoy the sunrise and the moons crescent
To see my life's shadow on those who are blind

In this world people make the past present
They scorn with hatred, please with evil
They move any way the choose, treating those of the world as peasants
Those who strike out against, are also strike down until they are weak and feeble

At the same time, there are imaginaries who wish to leave their problems behind
To step on a new earth, where nothing but greatness awaits
They ignore those around them in search of a new find
Through all the loneliness, all they discover is that they fell for the bait

When the two worlds collide, division is created
Yes far more than right or wrong and left or right
What is left is a society without purpose, one that's tainted
While the winner continues ruling with might

The ones they can't touch, are the one who live for today
Those who make the most out of day to night
Who focus on who they are, rather than what they have to say
For they are theones who keep the world shining bright
Thomas Harvey Jan 2021
I was late buying gifts this year
So I put on my coat faced the chilly wind throughout the busy street
Shops on every corner were stocked with sales, but I couldn't help notice the smaller family who held nothing but a tear
This year has been ******* everyone, but for them they looked tore down a bit

Yet through all this it was their little one who would say Merry Christmas to those passing by with a bright smile
For the little one did not see the sadness in his parents eyes, but only the joy in their hearts
At the same time there were still those who came by and judged them, treated them like they were on trial
I stood back and stared, how could we truly be this far in despair, my warm spirt left with nowhere left to start

Further down the cold road, I saw a man stealing food outside the shop a child sat
Clueless to the world around, just happy to spend Christmas with his dad
On the way home, a woman walked barefooted as other passed she seemed so pitiful and sad
Though not one person stopped, she kept walking and still held a smile of gratitude

When I reached home, I sat in my chair and thought of what to say
For I do wish my wife could have a pair of shoes on Christmas day
I wish the kids could see a bright tree with presents and toys
This year may be heard, but it's a little better knowing we can still celbrtate the lord and all his joy
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