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Thomas Harvey Jan 2021
What if life stopped tomorrow
The sky's were no longer blue
And you never felt no more sorrow

Would you still feel sadness
Or cling to your anger
Though a great mystery lurks in the bliss

The day the seas give rise
And the nights where you feel empty
There where you wasted your time spreading lies

A greater place awaits
Where your actions of today, are washed away
No matter the cost, because in the end it's all left up to fate

Perhaps living is the hardest part
But at least we still get tomorrow
To try again and stay true to our heart
Thomas Harvey Dec 2020
While walking through the tress one day
I stopped and wondered of life before
How little and close everything was to the core
And how precious words were to the say

Now it's lies that prevail
Truth is buried down below
Dreams die, just as rivers flow
But perhaps the worst is the ones we lose along the trail

Yes, I find many lost souls
My discoveries let them live, how they should be: FREE
For the old cliché, even the blind see
While the ones who stay, search for the loopholes

In reality we're all just trying to buy time
The ones who can't, say life's not fair
The others, well they don't really care
And me, Well I just do anything to make me feel fine
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
My friend fly's through the sky
He wears a coat of brown
Sometimes he's gone for awhile, but I never question why
Other times I'll see him right in the middle of town

I do admit I am jealous
For no creature of ours have felt such freedom
He does teach a lesson, that all life is precious
But I'd bet anyone would still pay to be him

Soaring through the skies not a care to think
Drifting to wherever and whenever
Flying so fast you don't have time to blink
And moving away when the leaves turn a golden heather

Maybe the lesson to be learned is the ones he leaves behind
Or on the way back getting lost
Or maybe it's that we don't have much time
I guess the lesson is to live free no matter the cost
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
I write this today, with the knowledge of yesterday
Look past yourself and see the bigger picture
Think of all the ones before who never got a say
And the ones who came out as the false victors

Years of violence and years of war
We choose to ignore for it's already past
But what about the ones who can't because their family's been torn
What about the ones who couldn't make it to the door

A world full of hate
When I look outside I only see the night
For many believe the lies told and take the bait
But what about those who choose to still shine bright

I write this not as a plea but as a calling
For those of you who fell more and are sick of sorrow
To those who stand up and are tired of falling
We are the future, we can choose our fates, more importantly we can build a new tomorrow.
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
Hope can cheer you up and Hope can bring you down
Hope can take you all over town
The main question of hope is if it is helpful or harmful
If I hoped to be a judge I would never be appointed
Often times when we hope we find ourselves disappointed

A friend once told me Hope is like a downward *****
Having Hope alone does not bring a  new day
Just like not having it doesn't mean you don't get your way
So the question changes to: is Hope a blessing or a curse

A farmer hopes for a good season
But he doesn't plant his crops and say goodbye
He works as hard as eh can with good reason
And when a good or bad harvest comes around, he doesn't have to question why

Hope without the work is an effort lost, like fools gold
It can ease your mind and please your soul
But it can also turn you into a living ghoul
Hope is for the strong, Hope is for the weak, Hope is for those who dare to be bold.
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
I see your leaves on the ground
I feel the chilly wind upon my back
The birds sing their songs
As if they don't know the destruction of this town

A time or two ago the streets were busy
The people were happy, life was good, until the seal started to crack
No one can recall where the old courthouse cam from
But they sure knew the seal that stood on the floor

The seal broke mid of Autumn, when the festival was to start
The town panicked at first and then carried on
For the rumors couldn't be true, surly no man would lose his heart
So the festival began and soon enough that one man was not having fun

His wife died, she began to choke in the middle of a stroke
He tried his best to save her but he was too late
Since that day the town had been in disarray
Many moved on and others sought for a clean slate

I decided to stay so I could be close to her grave
I don't come very often, only to relive my failure every start of Autumn

To Autumn:

I see your leaves on the ground
And feel your chilly winds upon my back.
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
On a train bound for Kentucky Bourbon
Sat a preacher, a ******, and a business man
The ****** on his way to see the sand
The preacher prepares for his next sermon

The young ****** approached the man in the suit
He said this may sound crazy, but you look just like my dad
The man asked him to take a seat and talk about his roots
Young ****** told his story, he wound up in many places he believed were good, but ended up bad

As the night progressed the two shard a coherent bond
While in the back the preacher continued praying
Hours later the ****** woke up to the business man, who was unable to respond
They soon arrived to the town and it began to pour down raining

The preacher walked past the business man and the ****** said "father aren't you going to bless this man"
The preacher took a step back as if the ****** had lost his mind
The ****** still confused as to why the preacher wanted to leave the man behind
The preacher said "Son, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but no one else was in the van"

The ****** saw the sign Sunnyside Rehabilitation Center and he knew the preacher was never a preacher, and the business man was never in the van
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